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Badania ostatnich lat nie tylko wzbogaciły naszą wiedzę o mechanizmach słodkiego smaku, ale też o jego inhibitorach. Słodziki i inhibitory odkryte przez Polaków zostały opatentowane.
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Piotr Krajewski
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In this paper, two new sinusoidal signal frequency estimators calculated on the basis of four equally spaced signal samples are presented. These estimators are called four-point estimators. Simulation and experimental research consisting in signal frequency estimation using the invented estimators have been carried out. Simulation has also been performed for frequency tracking. The simulation research was carried out applying the MathCAD computer program that determined samples of a sinusoidal signal disturbed by Gaussian noise. In the experimental research, sinusoidal signal samples were obtained by means of a National Instruments PCI-6024E data acquisition card and an Agilent 33220A function generator. On the basis of the collected samples, the values of four-point estimators invented by the authors and, for comparison, the values of three- and four-point estimators proposed by Vizireanu were determined. Next, estimation errors of the signal frequency were determined. It has been shown that the invented estimators can estimate a signal frequency with greater accuracy.
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Sergiusz Sienkowski
Mariusz Krajewski
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The paper presents results of measuring attenuation coefficient of the Al-20 wt.% Zn alloy (AlZn20) inoculated with different grain

refiners. During experiments the melted alloys were doped with Al-Ti3-C0.15 refining master alloy. Basing on measurements performed

by Krautkramer USLT2000 device with 1MHz ultrasound wave frequency it was stated that grain refinement reduces the attenuation

coefficient by about 20-25%. However, the examined alloys can be still classified as the high-damping ones of attenuation greater than 150


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Authors and Affiliations

P.K. Krajewski
W.K. Krajewski
J. Buraś
G. Piwowarski
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The paper is devoted to grain-refinement of the medium-aluminium zinc based alloys (MAl-Zn). The system examined was sand cast Zn10

wt. %. Al binary alloy (Zn-10Al) doped with commercial Al-3 wt. % Ti – 0.15 wt. % C grain refiner (Al-3Ti-0.15C GR). Basing on the

measured attenuation coefficient of ultrasonic wave it was stated that together with significantly increased structure fineness damping

decreases only by about 10 – 20%. The following examinations should establish the influence of the mentioned grain-refinement on

strength and ductility of MAl-Zn cast alloys.

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Authors and Affiliations

P.K. Krajewski
G. Piwowarski
W.K. Krajewski
J. Buraś
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The paper presents relationships between the degree of structure fineness and feeding quality of the Al – 20 wt.% Zn (Al-20 Zn) alloy cast into a mould made from sand containing silica quartz as a matrix and bentonite as a binder, and its damping coefficient of the ultrasound wave at frequency of 1 MHz. The structure of the examined alloy was grain refined by the addition of the refining Al-3 wt.% Ti – 0.15 wt.%C (TiCAl) master alloy. The macrostructure analysis of the initial alloy without the addition of Ti and the alloy doped with 50-100 ppm Ti as well as results of damping experiments showed that the structure of the modified alloy is significantly refined. At the same time, its damping coefficient decreases by about 20-25%; however, it still belongs to the so called high-damping alloys. Additionally, it was found that despite of using high purity metals Al and Zn (minimum 99,99% purity), differences in the damping coefficient for samples cut from upper and bottom parts of the vertically cast rolls were observed. These differences are connected with the insufficient feeding process leading to shrinkage porosity as well as gases present in metal charges which are responsible for bubbles of gas-porosity.
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Authors and Affiliations

W.K. Krajewski
Faerber K.
P.K. Krajewski
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The subject of the paper is structural stability of the Zn-26 wt.% Al binary alloys doped with 2.2 wt.% Cu or 1.6 wt.% Ti addition. The structural stability of Zn-Al alloys with increased Al content is connected with stability of solid solution of zinc in aluminium α', which is the main component of these alloys microstructure. Such a solution undergoes phase transformations which are accompanied, among others, by changes in dimensions and strength properties. The structural stability of the ZnAL26Cu2.2 and ZnAl26Ti1.6 alloys was investigated using XRD examinations during long term natural ageing after casting, as well as during long term natural ageing after super-saturation and quenching. On the basis of the performed examinations it was stated that small Ti addition to the binary ZnAl25 alloy, apart from structure refinement, accelerates decomposition of the primary α' phase giving stable structure in a shorter period of time in comparison with the alloy without Ti addition. Addition of Ti in amount of 1.6 wt.%, totally replacing Cu, allows obtaining stable structure and dimensions and allows avoiding structural instability caused by the metastable ε−CuZn4 phase present in the ZnAl26Cu2.2 alloy.

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Authors and Affiliations

W. Krajewski
P. Zak
J. Orava
A. Greer
P. Krajewski
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2. Bukowski, Andrzej, Marianna Nóżka, Marta Smagacz-Poziemska, Karol Kurnicki. 2018. Parkowanie i troska. Teoria praktyki w badaniach nad osiedlami wielkomiejskimi. Przegląd Socjologiczny, 1: 139–164.
3. Couldry, Nick. 2004. Theorising media as practice. Social Semiotics, 14: 2, 115–132. DOI: 10.1080/1035033042000238295. 4. Drozdowski, Rafał. 2019. Wokół społecznych badań nad codziennością. Socjologia codzienności jako krytyka socjologiczna. W: M. Zawodna-Stephan, red. Życie codzienne (w) Archiwum. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 65–85.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marek Krajewski

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza
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According to Kurt Gödel, Bertrand Russell misinterpreted the incompleteness theorem, but did it in ʻa very interesting manner’. To understand what he meant we need to consider their attitudes to defining truth. Even more revealing is the discussion of two fundamental approaches to logic: one is universalistic, and assumed by both Russell and Gödel, and the other is model‑theoretical, Alfred Tarski’s style. It turns out that a misleading or erroneous interpretation can be interesting, as it reveals something fundamental. William Byers claims that truly great ideas in mathematics and about mathematics are in a way false, as they lead to errors, but at the same time they can help to make advances in math. Logicism provides a good example. In addition it may be mentioned that when Russell argued in its favor, he committed a logical fallacy.
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Authors and Affiliations

Stanisław Krajewski

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieś-cie 3, 00-047 Warszawa
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Henryk Elzenberg ewoluował od racjonalizmu i zachwytu logiką do radykalnej opozycji wobec scjentyzmu i „biurokratów ścisłości” ze szkoły lwowsko-warszawskiej. W obecnej filozofii akademickiej istnieje nieszczęśliwy ostry podział na filozofię analityczną i tzw. kontynentalną. Czy tę filozofię nieanalityczną da się określić w sposób pozytywny? Zasugerowanych jest kilka pomysłów, ale żaden nie wydaje się dostatecznie dobry. Czy ten podział da się przezwyciężyć? Niektórzy usiłują, np. Hilary Putnam i Alain Badiou, chociaż Putnam nie próbuje syntezy, a Badiou próbuje, ale rezultat jego działań rozczarowuje i nie jest wolny od błędów, gdy filozof powołuje się na zaawansowaną logikę matematyczną. W każdym razie filozofia musi funkcjonować pomiędzy dwoma biegunami: naukowym, logicznym i humanistycznym, literackim. W naszych czasach nowym źródłem doświadczeń powinny być dla filozofii komputery. Możliwość cyfrowej symulacji każe na nowo rozważyć pytanie o specyfikę człowieka. W tej dziedzinie oba podejścia do filozofii stają się niezbędne. Przykładem uwzględnienia zarówno logiki, jak i filozofii dialogu jest zaproponowane wcześniej przez autora ostateczne wzmocnienie Testu Turinga, czyli eksperyment myślowy, w którym dziecko jest od urodzenia wychowywane przez roboty i ma się okazać, czy tak ukształtowany człowiek okaże się w miarę „normalny”.
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Authors and Affiliations

Stanisław Krajewski

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