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Searching and exploring the motives of continuing in the profession may be an important objective of efforts undertaken by researchers and people directly responsible for the organization and quality of work. Identifying the needs and expectations of the employee is an important element of her/his adaptation in the work environment. Because the age of life is one of the factors affecting the perception of the world and work, in this article motives of continuing professional activity in group of special educators are described in the age of life context.

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Sławomir Olszewski
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This article introduces the Polish art historian, Zofia Ameisenowa (1897–1967). Her excellent working methodology became the model study of illuminated manuscripts for many contemporary art historians. The priority of Ameisenowa’s research was to create a library understood not as a catalogue, not as an actual institution, but as an environment proper to the circulation of images and ideas. Her publications can be viewed as part of the method for realizing this global project. The mainstream work of the Polish scholar had a ‘positivist’ dimension, and her research system grew from traditional connoisseurship supported by the then most up–to–date knowledge in the field of book studies. Ameisenowa was inspired by scholars such as Giovanni Morelli and Richard Öffner, exponents of the first Vienna School of Art History, and Polish bibliologists like Kazimierz Piekarski and Aleksander Birkenmajer. The nature of Ameisenowa’s research suggests that she not so much practised the history of ideas, but the social history of art. directed at the question of the function of the work of art and the historical ususof dissemination, copying, and image reconstruction in culture. Because of these interests, she had more in common with the matter–of–fact iconography practised by Emile Mâle than with the spectacular iconology of Erwin Panofsky, and any elements of iconological interpretation, if they occur, were for her an intellectual adventure, the prize for the free use of carefully extracted facts. Whether she was examining the tree of life motif, the Hebrew bestiaries, or the deities with animal heads, she did so in order to bridge the gap in knowledge on the transmission of visual motifs from the ancient world to Christian Europe, which she did through finding the forgotten Semitic component. It is worth noting that a separate area of interest for the scholar was Jewish art.
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Anna Olszewska
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The text is written on the occasion of the centenary of the Faculty of Law of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. The author describes the history of the Jubilarian, discusses the achievements of the Faculty’s community and reveals some of its imperfections. The review presents the changes which the Faculty has undergone. The authors commentary is pervaded with the pride of he Faculty‘ s successes from the articular periods of the history. The author also expresses concern about the effects of the Polish higher education reform which is now in its initial stage.

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Henryk Olszewski
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In this paper, the properties of AE signals originating from phenomena occurring during magnetization of ferromagnetic materials which are used to construct power transformer cores are presented. The AE signals in a selected power oil transformer were recorded and analyzed. The analysis included, i.e., time, frequency, and time-frequency analyses, calculations of amplitude distributions of the signals and defined AE descriptors, determination of the descriptor map on the side walls of transformers, as well as a detailed analysis of selected part of the signals.

The maps of descriptors were analyzed in the frequency bands of 20–70 kHz, 70–100 kHz, and 100–200 kHz. The analysis of the properties of the signals was performed in time and frequency domains. Based on the analysis, there were identified the AE signals originating from the phenomena occurring during the core magnetization of a power oil transformer. To identify those phenomena, the maps of the ADC descriptor calculated in the band of 20–70 kHz when selecting the measurement points in which there were no AE sources from partial discharges were used.

An analysis of magnetoacoustic emission signals in the bands of 70–100 kHz and 100–200 kHz was also performed. The analysis of the signal properties in such an extended frequency range allowed determining the properties of the magnetoacoustic signals coming from core sheets of power oil transformers.

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Franciszek Witos
Aneta Olszewska
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More than thirty years of the reign of the last king of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was marked by many official events linked to lavish occasional presentations. Among the most important were the so-called Gala Days. The anniversaries of the ‘miraculous’ rescue of the king from the hands of the Bar Confederates, the Victory of Vienna, or the adoption of the Constitution of the 3rd of May were also celebrated. The ruler also made several dozen journeys of national, economic and political or sociable nature, during which he had the opportunity to visit various places connected with the history and development of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and to meet his subjects. His triumphal entries to the visited cities and his stays were organized in a ceremonial manner and were usually carried out according to a predetermined plan. Providing attractions for the king, the court and the guests generated costs and engaged a large group of people specialized in various fields. In addition to the artists and their projects, it was necessary to build machinelike structures, mount the appropriate lighting, install pyrotechnic materials, and provide accommodation and food for several hundred people. Most often, to mark the ceremony, triumphal gates (arches), obelisks (colossi and pyramids), fountains, pavilions and various buildings were erected, complemented by spectacular illuminations and fireworks. Gatherings were also enriched with occasional theatre and music performances, occasional poetry, songs and speeches. Usually, the artistic means were combined with a rich symbolic and ideological programme.

The present article includes descriptions of a few such celebrations. Among other things, the drawings by Wincenty Lesseur are mentioned, showing a tent (exhibited in Zapol) and its plan, the images of the personification of rivers as well as the hunting gazebo in Bialowieza, etc. The author describes some of the schemes of those ceremonies, the most popular gifts offered and the most frequently used symbols in the decorations, which served as a glorification of the royal power and added splendour to the ceremony.

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Magdalena M. Olszewska
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Rekonstruktorzy to nie tylko pozytywni wariaci, lecz także miłośnicy historii chcący się z niej uczyć, mówi dr hab. Kamila Baraniecka-Olszewska z Instytutu Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Warszawie.
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Kamila Baraniecka-Olszewska

  1. Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Warszawie
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Najnowsze wyniki badań wskazują, że przyczyn niepłodności często należy szukać po stronie mężczyzny. Na szczęście przypadłość ta jest chorobą, którą dziś umiemy leczyć.
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Marta Olszewska
Maciej Kurpisz
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Management and Production Engineering Review (MPER) is a peer-refereed, international, multidisciplinary journal covering a broad spectrum of topics in production engineering and management. Production engineering is a currently developing stream of science encompassing planning, design, implementation and management of production and logistic systems. Orientation towards human resources factor differentiates production engineering from other technical disciplines. The journal aims to advance the theoretical and applied knowledge of this rapidly evolving field, with a special focus on production management, organisation of production processes, management of production knowledge, computer integrated management of production flow, enterprise effectiveness, maintainability and sustainable manufacturing, productivity and organisation, forecasting, modelling and simulation, decision making systems, project management, innovation management and technology transfer, quality engineering and safety at work, supply chain optimization and logistics. Management and Production Engineering Review is published under the auspices of the Polish Academy of Sciences Committee on Production Engineering and Polish Association for Production Management. The main purpose of Management and Production Engineering Review is to publish the results of cutting-edge research advancing the concepts, theories and implementation of novel solutions in modern manufacturing. Papers presenting original research results related to production engineering and management education are also welcomed. We welcome original papers written in English. The Journal also publishes technical briefs, discussions of previously published papers, book reviews, and editorials. Letters to the Editor-in-Chief are highly encouraged.
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Bartłomiej Olszewska
Estera Piwoni-Krzeszowska
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Popularyzacja i rozwój odnawialnych źródła energii są głównymi celami realizowanej obecnie europejskiej oraz polskiej polityki energetycznej. Wzrost liczby niskoemisyjnych instalacji, korzystających z alternatywnych nośników energii ma nie tylko zagwarantować zwiększenie poziomu dywersyfikacji źródeł energii, lecz również zapewnić wysoki poziom bezpieczeństwa energetycznego. Dzięki temu możliwe będzie również zwiększenie konkurencyjności na rynku energii oraz efektywności energetycznej, a dodatkowo – ograniczenie szkodliwego oddziaływania sektora energetyki na stan środowiska przyrodniczego. Coraz większy popyt na energię elektryczną, jak i wzrastająca świadomość ekologiczna społeczeństwa przyczyniają się do rozwoju instalacji wykorzystujących odnawialne źródła energii (OZE), w tym systemów fotowoltaicznych i siłowni wiatrowych. Jednakże przyłączanie alternatywnych jednostek wytwórczych do krajowego systemu elektroenergetycznego jest często procesem skomplikowanym, długotrwałym, narażonym na wiele utrudnień. Jedną z najczęściej spotykanych barier są niejasne zapisy prawne i administracyjne, które, także ze względu na swoją niestabilność, stawiają inwestorów z branży OZE w niepewnym położeniu. Brak odpowiednich instrumentów finansowych powoduje, że właściciele, zwłaszcza tych większych instalacji, muszą realizować swoje projekty wykorzystując własne nakłady pieniężne, co jest często czynnikiem zniechęcającym do inwestowania w tego rodzaju instalacje. Ponadto nienajlepszy stan techniczny majątku sieciowego oraz bariery urbanistyczne uniemożliwiają zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa przesyłu energii elektrycznej zwłaszcza na duże odległości od Głównego Punktu Zasilającego (GPZ). W niniejszym artykule przybliżono problemy, z jakimi zmagają się polscy inwestorzy, chcący przyłączyć instalację OZE do systemu elektroenergetycznego. Analizę przeprowadzono na podstawie przyłączeń instalacji fotowoltaicznych oraz elektrowni wiatrowych do sieci energetycznej.
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Sylwia Bartnikowska
Anna Olszewska
Wojciech Czekała
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Foreign direct investment (FDI) and foreign portfolio investment (FPI) have been long considered as independent forms of international capital flows. This paper analyzes the mutual relationship between FDI and FPI and attempts to answer the question whether they complement or substitute for each other from a foreign investor’s point of view. The paper describes the main characteristics of FDI and FPI in terms of their volatility and profitability. We analyze the long-run and short-run relationships between FDI and FPI using vector error correction (VEC) regressions on data for Poland as it is the largest country in Central and Eastern Europe and receives the lion’s share of these two forms of capital in the region. Our investigation suggests that FDI and FPI may be regarded as substitutes. In economically stable periods FDI tends to dominate over FPI but during insecurity and economic distress FPI starts to gain importance.

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Marcin Humanicki
Robert Kelm
Krzysztof Olszewski
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This study was aimed at evaluating the effect of sublethal doses of glyphosate on physiological parameters of a common ornamental plant Mexican marigold (Tagetes erecta). The herbicide was applied in the following doses: 720 g ⋅ ha–1 (standard field dose), 144 g ⋅ ha–1, 28.8 g ⋅ ha–1, and 14.4 g ⋅ ha–1, in the form of a spraying treatment of plants in a specialist spraying chamber. The net assimilation rate and leaf greenness index were then determined. Herbicide application in the sublethal doses, i.e. below 720 g ⋅ ha–1, caused disorders in both analyzed physiological parameters of plants. The glyphosate dose of 144 g ⋅ ha–1 elicited transient disorders in the leaf greenness index. In turn, the use of the lower doses (28.8 g ⋅ ha–1 and 14.4 g ⋅ ha–1) caused a short-term increase in the net photosynthesis rate in the plants which was accompanied by a decreased value of the leaf greenness index. Study results demonstrated the effect of sublethal doses of glyphosate as a stress factor in parameters associated with the process of photosynthesis in plants.

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Karol Wysocki
Tadeusz Banaszkiewicz
Jacek Olszewski
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Abstract Hydrolyzable tannins and products of their hydrolysis, ellagic acid (EA) and gallic acid (GA), are important con-stituents of many medicinal plants and exhibit various biological activities. Geum rivale and G. urbanum are traditional herbal remedies rich in tannin compounds. The aim of the study was to quantitate free and total EA and GA in aerial and underground parts of G. rivale and G. urbanum. After optimization of extraction, both compounds were quantitated by reversed phase HPLC (RP-HPLC). EA was more abundant than GA in the inves-tigated material, and underground parts of G. rivale were the richest source of total EA and GA.
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Aleksandra Owczarek
Monika Anna Olszewska
Jan Gudej

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