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Arbitration serves to search for optimal methods of resolving disputes. The use of amicable methods of resolving disputes dates back to ancient times. Nowadays, arbitration courts face many challenges. The aim of the article is to present selected problems that arbitration courts have to deal with from a historical, current perspective and the prospects for their development, while also identifying threats and challenges for arbitration.
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Zbigniew Jaś

  1. Prezes Międzynarodowego Sądu Arbitrażowego przy Krajowej Izbie Gospo-darki Morskiej w Gdyni
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Arbitration is based on the autonomy of the parties. In international arbitration, within the scope of the autonomy of will granted to the parties, they have the opportunity to choose, first of all, the place of arbitration in a given country, they can determine the applicable law of arbitration and contracts, as well as the procedure according to which the proceedings will be conducted. This article presents selected issues regarding arbitration based on the autonomy of the parties.
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Maria Dragun-Gertner

  1. prof. Uniwersytetu WSB Merito
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The legal position of the arbitrator is based on his independence from the parties to the arbitration proceedings and his impartiality. The basis for appointing an arbitrator is the arbitration agreement concluded between the parties. This article presents selected issues related to the qualifications of arbitrators, the method of their appointment, the status of an arbitrator, civil liability of arbitrators aa well as arbitration secrecy.
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Bartosz Biechowski

  1. radca prawny, arbiter Międzynarodowego Sądu Arbitrażowego przy Krajowej Izbie Gospodarki Morskiej w Gdyni
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Artificial intelligence (AI) influences changes in arbitration by improving its effectiveness, including the decision-making process. One of the most significant applications of artificial intelligence in maritime arbitration is the use of machine learning algorithms to predict case outcomes. By analyzing vast amounts of historical data, AI provides actionable compilations and forecasts, enabling to make more informed decisions. Artificial intelligence systems (AI systems) used in arbitration can also be analyzed as high-risk systems. Automation and legal technology tools are characterized by the ability to learn and evolve with each implementation. In the future, advanced applications of automated AI systems in arbitration could involve the use of an ‘AI instructor’. This paper presents selected issues related to the use of AI in arbitration, including in maritime arbitration, with particular emphasis on ethics and social responsibility in terms of further development of AI.
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Dorota Pyć

  1. prof. UG, kierownik Katedry Prawa Morskiego, Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
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Niniejsze opracowanie ma na celu opisanie promocji polskiej gospodarki morskiej przez pryzmat współpracy podmiotów polskich z podmiotami z Czech, Słowacji i Węgier. Przedstawiono w nim zaangażowanie polskiej administracji publicznej i organizacji pozarządowych, w tym w szczególności Krajowej Izby Gospodarki Morskiej (KIGM) w tę współpracę. Opracowanie obejmuje okres od lat 90. ubiegłego wieku do czasów obecnych. W części poświęconej KIGM działania zostały ujęte w formie kalendarium. We wstępie przedstawiono zarys stosunków gospodarczych pomiędzy polskimi podmiotami, głównie portami morskimi a stroną czechosłowacką oraz Węgrami, natomiast po 1992 r. stroną czeską, słowacką oraz węgierską.
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Rafał Machowiak

  1. Sekretarz Generalny Krajowej Izby Gospodarki Morskiej, Sekretarz Międzynarodowego Sądu Arbitrażowego, prawnik
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Arbitration proceedings are usually characterized by greater freedom, informality and adoption of rules chosen by the parties. The rules of international arbitration institutions contain short, although comprehensive regulations, containing an average of 40 paragraphs of text. But what to do when war breaks into otherwise peaceful arbitration proceedings? The experience of war has been and has been spared our lawyers for approximately 80 years. But what should we do with international arbi-tration if we are an arbitrator in a dispute taking place in one of the belligerent states? The author will try to give some advice based on his own experience acquired since the outbreak of hostilities involving three of our neighbors: Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine.
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Piotr Nowaczyk

  1. międzynarodowy arbiter

Authors and Affiliations

Dorota Pyć

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