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During the first fourteen years of transformation, 1989-2003, according to surveys by the author of the paper hereby, there have been erected in Kraków the twelve new churches. Author already published the result of survey depending the first six of therm. So herewith there are last six shrines described. The way of creating them is significant and characteristic for contemporary Polish architecture in general, and particular typical for the trend of a new ecclesiastic architecture. Itr is a special mixture of the tradition, hence completed with aesthetic of Late Modernism, Post-Modernism, and the newest incorporation of Modernism – of the XXI C.

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Józef Szymon Wroński
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Self-government districts in the minds of the city residents on the example of selected districts of Cracow, The article demonstrates the problem of perception of auxiliary units of the city by its residents. The history of the creation of self-government districts in Cracow was presented, the results of the survey conducted among the residents of three districts were shown (n=1433) and they were referred to the observations of other authors outlined in the subject literature. The study revealed that the self-government districts, which have been functioning for more than a quarter of a century, are poorly embedded in the consciousness of residents and do not play a significant role in their lives. Most of the respondents were not able to give the name of their own district correctly and did not know its spatial extent. The former administrative divisions and historical settlement units (former villages) were still deeply rooted in their consciousness. Most of the respondents did not take part in public life of the districts, nor did they participate in the initiatives taken at their level.

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Marcin Semczuk
Piotr Serafin
Bernadetta Zawilińska
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The subject of the article is the manner in which cultural values in post-1980 spatial development plans for Kazimierz in Krakow are to be considered and protected. Moreover, the publication mentions documents stimulating the development of this area, which, in combination with the above-mentioned plans, have synergistically created a contemporary picture of the district.
The article also illustrates changes in the tools and methodology of urban planning over the past 40 years and cites the authors of particular documents which, after coming into force, have become an ‘anonymous common good’ serving as the basis for spatial development.
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Bogdanowski, J. (1985), Problemy metodologiczne rewaloryzacji urbanistyczno-krajobrazowej miasta zabytkowego na przykładzie Kazimierza Krakowskiego, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo PKZ.
Böhm, A. (1981), O budowie i synergii wnętrz urbanistycznych, Kraków: Politechnika Krakowska.
Cameron, D. i in. (1993–1994), Kazimierz – Plan Działań, ISBN 83-902972-2-1.
Chwalba, A. (2004), Dzieje Krakowa, Kraków w latach 1945–1989, Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie.
Kopeć, M. (2018), Rozwój miasta poprzez pryzmat procesów rewitalizacji, Kraków: Wydawnictwo Księgarnia Akademicka.
Krasnowolski, B. (1992), Ulice i place krakowskiego Kazimierza: Z dziejów Chrześcijan i Żydów w Polsce, Kraków: Wydawnictwo Universitas.
Łasocha, M. ‘Ochrona walorów architektonicznych i krajobrazowych w miejscowych planach zagospodarowania przestrzennego na przykładzie Starego Podgórza w Krakowie, cz.1’, Przestrzeń i Forma, 21, 2014.
Łasocha, M. ‘Proces obejmowania planami miejscowymi obszaru UNESCO w Krakowie’, Teka Komisji Urbanistyki i Architektury, Kraków: Oddział PAN w Krakowie, vol. XLVIII/2020.
Murzyn, A.M. (2006), Kazimierz. Środkowoeuropejskie doświadczenie rewitalizacji, Międzynarodowe Centrum Kultury.
Purchla, J. (1979), Jak powstał nowoczesny Kraków, studia nad rozwojem budowlanym miasta w okresie autonomii Galicyjskiej, Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie.
Rożek, M. (2010), Przewodnik po zabytkach Krakowa. Urbs celeberrima, Kraków: Wydwanictwo WAM.
Zuziak, Z.K. ‘O synergii planu w urbanistyce’, Budownictwo i Architektura 16(1)2017.

Aktualizacja części konserwatorskiej studium waloryzacji przestrzeni publicznej dzielnicy Kazimierz pod kątem opracowania wytycznych dla wykonania miejscowego planu zagospodarowania przestrzennego, PKZ ARKONA, 2013, miejsce przechowywania: Miejski Konserwator Zabytków w Krakowie.
Łasocha, M. i in. (grudzień 2015), Ocena stanu istniejącego i synteza uwarunkowań, miejsce przechowywania: Wydział Planowania Przestrzennego UMK, ul. Mogilska 41, 31-545 Kraków.
Studium operacyjne rewitalizacji „Miasta Żydowskiego”, miejsce przechowywania: Wydział Planowania Przestrzennego UMK, ul. Mogilska 41, 31-545 Kraków.
Uzasadnienie do projektu miejscowego planu zagospodarowania przestrzennego obszaru Kazimierz, miejsce przechowywania: Wydział Planowania Przestrzennego, ul. Mogilska 41, 31-545 Kraków.

Miejscowy Plan Ogólny Zagospodarowania przestrzennego Miasta Krakowa, Uchwała Nr VII/58/94 Rady Miasta Krakowa z dnia 16 listopada 1994 roku.
Miejscowy plan zagospodarowania przestrzennego obszaru Kazimierz, zatwierdzony uchwałą LXXXVIII/2145/17 Rady Miasta Krakowa z dnia 8 listopada 2017 roku.
Plan szczegółowy zagospodarowania przestrzennego Kazimierza i Stradomia z 1987 zatwierdzony uchwałą Nr XXVII/157/87 Rady Narodowej Miasta Krakowa z dnia 25 marca 1987 roku.
Ustawa o ochronie zabytków i opiece nad zabytkami z dnia 23 lipca 2003 roku (Dz. U. 2003, nr 162, poz. 1568).
Ustawa o planowaniu i zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym z dnia 27 marca 2003 roku (Dz. U. 2003, nr 80, poz. 717).
Ustawa o planowaniu przestrzennym z dnia 12 lipca 1984 roku (Dz. U. 1984, nr 35, poz. 185).

ŹRÓDŁA INTERNETOWE:,29,komunikat,w_krakowie_powstanie_kwartal_klimatyczny.html, (dostępne: 30.04.2021)., (dostępne: 30.04.2021).
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Marceli Łasocha

  1. Towarzystwo Urbanistów Polskich / Biuro Planowania Przestrzennego Krakowa
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The aim of the article is to show the opportunities and threats for the center of Kraków generated by the design solutions developed by a team led by Stanisław Hager in 1964 in the General Masterplan of the City of Kraków and adopted for implementation in 1967. The article discusses a set of ideas for the redevelopment of the traffic and transport arrangements around the railway station and compare them with paradigms for the development of city centers.
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Paweł Kurtyka

  1. Vice-Chairman of the Board AMW Invest Sp. z o.o., Military Construction Project Office
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Reduced activity in all life areas due to the coronavirus pandemic is a good moment to reflect on the unfavorable trends in the redevelopment and expansion of Polish cities, especially Krakow. The article draws attention to the fact that the tourist and business attractiveness of Krakow is the cause of excessive densification of the urban fabric with new investments. The subordination of the historic downtown to the tourist function, in turn, violates some of the timeless values of Krakow and limits the participation of residents in the use of the historic downtown. In conclusion, attention was drawn to the need for correction of the current spatial activities in favor of sustainable principles of shaping the urban environment.
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Bartkowicz, B. (1974), Wypoczynek codzienny mieszkańców nowych osiedli — na przykładzie Krakowa, Warszawa: PWN.
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Bartkowicz, B. ‘Przyczyny braku kompozycji i piękna w przekształceniach i rozwoju miast’ Teka Komisji Urbanistyki i Architektury, Kraków: Wydawnictwo Oddziału PAN w Krakowie, T. XXXIII/2001, pp. 59–65.
Bartkowicz, B. (2004), ‘Obiekty biurowe w urbanistyce i planowaniu przestrzennym’ [w:] Złowodzki, M. i in. (red.) Ergonomia pracy biurowej, Kraków: Komitet Ergonomii Polskiej Akademii Nauk.
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Borkowski, K. (2018) ‘Identyfikacja segmentu turystyki religijnej na podstawie analizy danych z badań ankietowych ruchu turystycznego w latach 2008–2017 w Krakowie’ [w:] Bogacz-Wojtanowska E., Góral A. (red) Fenomen turystyki religijnej i pielgrzymek w Krakowie i Małopolsce, Kraków: Stowarzyszenie Gmin i Powiatów Małopolski.
La Défense, a dictionary — architecture/politics, history/territory (2013), Chabard, P., Picon Lefebvre, V. (editorship), Marseille: Editions Parenthèses.
Raport o stanie Miasta 2019 (2020), Kraków: UM Kraków.
Rocznik statystyczny Krakowa 2000 (2000), Kraków: Urząd Statystyczny w Krakowie.
Rocznik statystyczny Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej 2020 (2020), Warszawa: GUS.
Studium Uwarunkowań i Kierunków Zagospodarowania Przestrzennego Miasta Krakowa (2009), Kraków: UM Kraków.
Ustawa o samorządzie terytorialnym z dnia 8 marca 1990 roku.
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Barbara Bartkowicz

  1. Katowice School of Technology
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This paper discusses spatial integration in an urban environment that consists of dispersed fragments of various development forms and origins. The discussion is presented on a specific example — the vicinity of Dworzec Towarowy in Kraków. The specificity of this type of place was determined so as to present the processes that formed its current state of development throughout history, and to identify current problems and spatial barriers. Then, a proposal of the development of the area was prepared, including the improvement of its spatial coherence and the creation of a new, user-friendly space. Examples of design measures that can be taken in a difficult space affected by disintegration were considered to improve the quality of the area’s development.
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Krzysztof Bijakowski
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The article follows on an earlier publication by the author devoted to the urban development of Małopolska under Boleslaus the Modest (Krasnowolski, 2004–2005, pp. 36–37, 38–39). At the same time, it expands the subject discussed by the author in another work several years ago (Krasnowolski, 2004). The period in question was actually a quarter of a century from 1279 to 1306. The first of these dates marks the start of the reign of Leszek the Black (Leszek Czarny), successor to Boleslaus the Modest (Bolesław Wstydliwy), and the latter — capture of Kraków by Ladislaus the Elbow–High (Władysława Łokietka), efficiently competing with the rulers of Bohemia and exploiting the death of Wenceslaus III of Bohemia (Wyrozumski, 1992, pp. 200–201). Urban development from the time can be considered continuation of the urban development policy of Boleslaus the Modest, yet at a lower dynamic, due to political instability.
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Bogusław Krasnowolski

  1. Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow
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This is a report on the work of the Commission of Press Studies of the Cracow Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences in 1973–2022. Based on archive materials, it presents the Commission's origins, profile, function-ing, membership statistics and members' affiliations, and its coverage of an evolving research scene.
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Jolanta Chwastyk-Kowalczyk

  1. Instytut Mediów, Dziennikarstwa i Komunikacji Społecznej, Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach ul. Uniwersytecka 17 PL 25-406 Kielce
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2020 marked the 75th anniversary of the publication of the first issue of Przekrój [ Cross section], one of the most popular illustrated magazines in post-war Poland. Its founder Marian Eile was not only an outstanding editor but also a talented theater designer, draughtsman, painter, photographer and promoter of literature and the arts. The aim of this article is to highlight some less known episodes from his artistic biography and to explore the ways in which his passion for photography and his other interests influenced his work as editor-inchief of Cracow's most prestigious weekly magazine.
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Archiwum prywatne Katarzyny Kwaśniewskiej (w posiadaniu Ewy Wyszyńskiej)
Archiwum Akademii Sztuk Pięknych w Krakowie
Muzeum Sztuki Współczesnej w Krakowie MOCAK

Relacje, wspomnienia i dzienniki

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Tyrmand L., Dziennik 1954, Warszawa 1989.
Uniechowska K., Antoni Uniechowski o sobie i innych, Warszawa 1961.


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Jaworska J., Cywilizacja „Przekroju”. Misja obyczajowa w magazynie ilustrowanym, Warszawa 2008.
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Kwiatkowski J., Daniel Mróz, Kraków 1961.
Mielczarek T., Tygodniki opinii w zmieniającej się rzeczywistości, Kraków 2018.
Ossowska M., Moralność mieszczańska, Warszawa 1956.
Ossowska M., Podstawy nauki o moralności, Warszawa 1947.
Potkaj T., „Przekrój” Eilego. Biografia całego tego zamieszania z uwzględnieniem psa Fafika, Kraków 2019.
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„Przekrój”, 1290 numerów z lat 1945–1969.

Artykuły prasowe

Cichy M., Eile wróć!, „Gazeta Wyborcza” 1995, nr 103, s. 13.
Cyganik H., Magazyn jakich przedtem ani potem, „Gazeta Krakowska” 1975, nr 84, s. 3.
Galeria czterdziestolecia „Przekroju”, „Przekrój” 1985, nr 2079, s. 9.
Matras‑Mastalerz W., Marian Eile (1910–1984). Biografia. Anegdota. Legenda, „Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia ad Bibliothecarum Scentiam Pertinentia III”, 2005, s. 156–171.
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Nie jestem przeciw szpinakowi. Z Marianem Eile rozmawia L.J. Kern, „Przekrój” 1984, nr 2062–2064, s. 19–21.
Pawlik E., Lekko! Pismo robi się lekko! Opowieść o człowieku, który stworzył „Przekrój”, „Przekrój” 2017, nr 3556, s. 14–19.
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Authors and Affiliations

Wanda Matras-Mastalerz
Jacek Ladorucki

  1. Instytut Nauk o Informacji, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN, ul. Podchorążych 2, 30-084 Kraków
  2. Katedra Informatologii i Bibliologii, Wydział Filologiczny Uniwersytet Łódzki, ul. Pomorska 171/173, 90-236 Łódź
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Artykuł poświęcony jest opisowi dziejów oraz wyzna-czeniu miejsca na mapie polskich czasopism nau-kowych rocznika naukowego Muzeum Historycznego Miasta Krakowa (od 2019 Muzeum Krakowa) „Krzy-sztofory”. Autor omawia długi proces powstania czasopisma, w tym niezrealizowanej, choć ciekawej idei rocznika „Kronika Miasta Krakowa”, który ukazał się tylko jednorazowo w 1962 r. Rocznik „Krzysztofory” to efekt rewizji tej nieudanej inicjatywy wydawniczej. Ukazuje się od 1974 r., a do 2024 r. wydanych zostało 41 numerów czasopisma.
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Michał Niezabitowski

  1. Instytut Historii i Archiwistyki Uniwersytet Komisji Edukacji Narodowej
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Boulevards of Vistula, which are valuable assets in the urban planning of Kraków, constitute a key cultural development of the city. The author addresses the subject of functional activation of the Vistula river valley in Kraków, in the context of citygenic processes of the district of Zabłocie. Raising the issue of synthesis of contemporary museum and architecture, presents the Master Thesis Museum of photography at Zabłocie Street in Kraków.

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Anna Mędrala
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The National Lottery was established in the Free City of Kraków (1815–1846) by the Representative Assembly in 1821. It was the source of revenue for the treasury and was leased to a private entrepreneur, Florian Straszewski, known for having contributed to the creation of the Planty Park in Kraków. The lottery was divided class and numerical lotteries, each of which was organised according to different regulations, but with the same lottery administrator (Directorate of the Lottery). It was supervised by the city Senate. The latter issued several laws which regulated the organisation and functioning of the Directory of the Lottery, the sale points, and State Commissioners who were involved in the lottery drawings. The article also discusses the conditions of a typical contract signed with F. Straszewski and the “Plan loterii klasowej” (Plan of the Class Lottery) of 1840. The National Lottery functioned between 1822–1844.
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Mateusz Mataniak
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Floristical studies on dumps of metallurgical complex (T. Sendzimir steelwork in Cracow) were carried out in the years I 982-1998. Several rare alien plant species: Bracliyactis ciliata Ledeb. - not recorded earlier in Poland, Gypsophila perfoliata L. - recorded in 2 localities only, Corispermum leptopterum (Asch.) lljin, Hordeum jubatum L., Kochia scoparia (L.) Schrader, and Salso/a kali L. subsp. ruthenica (lljin) Soó were found. They have been growing numerously and permanently on dumps for several years. Original and secondary geographical distribution, habitats in Poland and on dumps of metallurgical complex have been presented.
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Janusz Guzik
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An interview with professor Maciej Salamon, a historian, medievalist, and Byzantinist, renowned expert in numismatics, about his childhood home and studies in Cracow, academic career at the University of Silesia and Jagiellonian University, as well as study trips.
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Maciej Salamon
Marek Wilczyński
Adrian Szopa

  1. Instytut Historii, Uniwersytet Jagielloński
  2. Instytut Historii i Archiwistyki, Uniwersytet Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
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The ‘incriminated (suppressed) text’ and its removal remains the key object on the conceptual map of censorship studies. In this approach to censor ship the analysis focuses on demonstrable facts of official intervention in the media, the documentation of the process as well as the reconstruction of the effects of individual gagging orders for the author, the publisher and the editor in charge. An alternative, historical approach to censorship takes a much broader view of the subject. It looks at the institutions involved, their competences, procedures and aims (ranging from prevention to repression) as well as the tools at their disposal. The latter approach, systemic and comparative in scope, requires ‘digging up’ considerably more information than establishing the fact of a censor’s intervention.

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Grażyna Wrona
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The article discusses the monks’ names mentioned in the village register books of Kasina Wielka in the 17th and 18th century. The majority of them are the names of the priors of the Dominican monastery in Krakow and monks performing particular duties, for example stewards. There are 65 names of these kinds from a total of 89 male monastic names. All of them “had” a patron saint (except for Alan and Przecław). Only a few of them were also given to peasants. The names come from various languages and are interesting to study from the onomastic point of view.

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Józefa Kobylińska
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The paper presents the results of hydrogeological parameters determination carried out in the area of the Muschelkalk outcrop (Middle Triassic) near Tarnów Opolski. The studies consisted of a short pumping test in 16 piezometers and then their flooding and observation of water table recovery after the stopping of the pumping. The test allowed the values of hydraulic conductivity and specific capacity of Muschelkalk layers ranging from 8.56 · 10–8 m/s to 3.63 · 10–3 m/s and from 0.0075 to 128 m3/h/1mS, respectively, to be calculated. The wide range of values is related to the fact of studying the layers characterized by high permeability and water-bearing capacity (Karchowice Beds, Diplopora Beds and Górażdże Beds) as well as layers with low permeability (Gogolin Beds). The dense network of the research points made it possible to demonstrate the surface variability of rocks permeability and water- bearing capacity, determined mostly by the direction of outcrops of individual layers. The results of the conducted studies show that the most water-bearing zone of the area is related to the carbonate rocks of the Karchowice, Diplopora and Górażdże Beds, characterized by the highest values of hydraulic conductivity k (above 2 · 10–4 m/s) and specific capacity q (above 15 m3/h/1mS), in the belt stretching latitudinally through Kosorowice–Otmice. The studied area can be considered a Polish limestone-concrete field where several mines exploiting Muschelkalk carbonate rocks operate. The results of the conducted studies may be useful for the correct prognosis of the groundwater inflow either to already existing quarries or newly designed mines within the Major Groundwater Basins.

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Mirosław Wąsik
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The Italian issues, especially in relation to the modern era in the context of historical research, poses an extremely interdisciplinary character. Therefore, the outline of these issues must include research related not only to the political or military history of the countries located on the Apennine Peninsula but also to the concerns of the history of culture and science as well as the history of legal and political doctrines or historiographic reflection.
These examinations should be also conducted in the areas of history of culture, legal and political history, and the history of the Church, and to a much lesser extent in the area of socio‑economic history and the history of wars. In the research carried out in all these fields, one also finds issues concerning Italy and Poland’s relations with the Italian states with parti-cular emphasis put on the Holy See and the Republic of Venice.
Józef Andrzej Gierowski was the author of the only Polish synthesis of Italian history. This scholar and his academic output discussing the Italian issues (including the issue of an “early Enlightenment”) held a high position in the traditions of the research on the general history of the Apennine Peninsula in the modern era. The conclusions presented in his writings indicate research perspectives which still remain valid.
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Stefan Bielański

  1. Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN w Krakowie
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The start of Wolska Street, overlooking Błonia Park with the Kościuszko Mound towering over it, was an important place in the city’s structure as indicated in the competition plans for Greater Kraków from 1910. This led to the erection of formal buildings along the eastern boundary of Błonia, with the National Museum building at the forefront. In 1950, an urban-planning competition was held in relation to the planned construction of important buildings in this area. This paper presents unpublished works and the effects of decisions taken in this already forgotten competition on today’s development of the area around the square in front of the National Museum.
The goal of this paper is to present unknown competition designs dating back to mid-20th century and to indicate their impact on spatial solutions of the area at the end of Piłsudskiego Street, near the National Museum.
A comparative analysis of preserved pictorial materials and designs known to the author was used in this study. The analyses concluded that the opportunities to turn the start of Piłsudskiego Street into a nodal point in the urban plan of the city, a spot that would integrate space at both sides of Trzech Wieszczów Avenues, were not fully used. Urban analysis that also covered the area at the eastern side of the Trzech Wieszczów Avenues is a key to producing correct spatial solution for the square in front of the National Museum.
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Jerzy Wowczak

  1. Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University Faculty of Architecture and Fine Arts
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The daily Czas ( Time) daily is an important source of the social and cultural history of Cracow in the period of Galician autonomy, including the White Carnival events at the turn of 1899 and 1900. This article discusses the Carnival's most spectacular events — the End of the Century festivities, the special Christmas and New Year's Eve celebrations as well as the White Carnival dance parties. The analysis of selected issues of Czas with relevant content is focused on the editorial choice of topics as well as the manner of their presentation.
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Joanna Adamczyk

  1. Szkoła Doktorska (dyscyplina historia) Wydział Historii i Dziedzictwa Kulturowego Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie ul. Kanonicza 25 PL 31-022 Kraków
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The weekly Przekrój [Cross-section] was the oldest, most prestigious high-circulation illustrated weekly published in Poland after the war. In this content analysis of its 1290 issues produced in Cracow between 1945 and 1969, under the editorship of Marian Eile, the focus is on the magazine's coverage of literature and the arts. The article analyzes the ways in which the Przekrój sought to inform its readers about current literary and artistic life, its book reviews and its handling of themes and figures of Polish literary history.

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Authors and Affiliations

Wanda Matras-Mastalerz
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This article examines the occasional verse published by the daily Czas [Time] in 1864–1879, i.e. over a decade and a half after the suppression of the January Rising. These texts, which feature both solemn occasions and local ephemera, present us with a unique chronicle of life of Cracow and its environs. In addition to listing all the relevant texts, the article attempts to identify their authors, i.e. unlock their initials or pseudonyms, to outline the conventions and genological peculiarities of that verse, and to gauge the attitudes of the Cracovians towards the question of Poland’s independence, Romanticism, patriotism as well as some well-known authority figures.

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Dorota Samborska-Kukuć
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On the first place, author presents the situation of theological faculties before the II World War. The Roman Catholic Church in Poland had five of them: in Cracow, Wilnius, Lwow, Warsaw and within the framework of Catholic University of Lublin. The four of them developed their educational activity in many various ways at the national universities.

After the II World War, due to the changing border lines of Polish country – the Roman Catholic Church lost theological faculties in Wilnius and Lwow. The Faculty of Theology at the Wrocław University, existing since the year of 1702 and which was active even during the time of II World War (within the border lines of the III Reich), could not exist after the end of the war. In the year of 1954 the authorities of People’s Republic of Poland – without the permission of the Holly See liquidated theological faculties from the Jagiellonian University (founded by Saint Queen Jadwiga in 1397) and from the Warsaw University–removing it arbitrary to the previously non-existent Academy of Catholic’s Theology in Warsaw. The academy was a national school, and Polish Episcopal Conference, under certain conditions, only acknowledged its foundation. Academic degrees and scholars titles of this academy were canonically invalid.

Card. Karol Wojtyla creating the Episcopal Conference of Catholic’s Science and Council of the Polish Episcopal Conference caused reaction of the Holly See. Vatican’s authorities renewed the activity of Faculty of Theology in Wrocław (the year of 1968) and erected new – non-existent till now – Faculty of Theology in Poznań. Moreover, the Holly See did not approve the closure of theological faculties in Cracow and Warsaw. Thank to that, in People’s Republic of Poland – there were five theological faculties, under Church’s jurisdiction, in a similar way to the pre-war territory of the country. In 1974, they received the noble title of “Pope’s faculties”. Certainly, academic degrees and scholars titles, gained at these faculties by their graduates and scholars were invalid to the state authorities. After long negotiations, the Deal (June 30th 1989) was accepted by the government of People’s Republic of Poland and Polish Episcopal Conference. The Deal stated the approval of all Pope’s faculties and the faculty of philosophy of Society of Jesus in Cracow. In return, the Holly See resumed Academy of Catholic’s Theology (ACT) and granted its canonical validation. Imposed Deal was a serious contribution to the normalization of Church-State relations in Poland. It is certain, that it was also a great achievement of the Roman Catholic Church, and was accomplished– as it is commonly considered – not without the influence of electing, on October 16th 1978, card. Karol Wojtyla for pope John Paul II.

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Ks. Adam Kubiś
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Internalization of external economic effects on urban sprawl affected areas. An example of the Krakow Metropolitan Area, The study is a discussion on economic externalities, with particular emphasis on technological effects. Attention is also paid to the problem of internalization of economic external effects caused by movement (transport) in areas affected by the urban sprawl process. The research was conducted for all communes of the Krakow Metropolitan Area (KOM), as a result of which the value of: directly incurred financial losses and the value of lost time generated by the necessity of commuting and return in the space of KOM were presented.

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Artur Hołuj

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