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The idea of revelation is closely related in theology to the concept of mediation. This article analyzes the meaning of the concept of revelation and its relation to the category of mediation in the theological thought of Paul Tillich, one of the great Protestant theologians and philosophers of the twentieth century. Tillich’s doctrine of God assumes inconceivable closeness and, at the same time, transcendence of the Ultimate Reality. However, it also assumes that God reveals Himself to man through the elements of temporal reality. The first part of the article therefore deals with Tillich’s understanding of revelation. In the next part, the question of the final form of God’s revelation, which, according to Tillich, is Jesus Christ is analyzed. Finally, in the concluding third part, the concept of revelation will be presented in the key of mediation. Through revelation, the incomprehensible God mediates in the world so that man can recognize His [God’s] closeness and presence. The revelatory mediation in this optics does not mean that the immediate closeness of God is denied but both leads to, and discloses, it.
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Marcin Walczak

  1. Lublin
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This interview with Paul Roth was conducted after a symposium dedicated to his latest book The Philosophical Structure of Historical Explanation, which took place at the European Network for Philosophy of Social Sciences conference on August 30, 2019. This interview is authorised. Translation from English and all footnotes – Piotr Kowalewski Jahromi.

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Piotr Kowalewski Jahromi
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The main goal of this paper is to present a fully developed concept of Paul A. Roth’s philosophy of history to the Polish reader. Of course, it is just an introduction, but with the interview it should be a good starting point for further analysis. These seem desirable given Roth’s very ambitious programme, which in addition is based on “old facts”; that is, an analytical philosophy of history and science. The rapprochement between the two “visions” is not only a philosophical consideration, but also responds to the often-raised voices of practitioners. This introduction refers primarily to Roth’s latest book, indicating a possible interpretation. This “reading” is conducted by indicating the historical context, recalling philosophical analyses and determining the validity of the proposed solutions in order to decide how much science there is in history and vice versa.

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Piotr Kowalewski Jahromi
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In the paper I try to demonstrate that interactive concept of metaphor, in particular, that proposed by Ricoeur – contrary to what Wrzosek preaches – has a very limited use in the study of thought processes leading to the formulation of the metaphors used by the science.
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Artur Dobosz

  1. Politechnika Poznańska (emeritus)
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This paper is the first presentation of the diary of Paul Friedrich Knaack from 1811 – Tagebuch vom Jahre 1811 – a previously unknown historical source, which is currently privately owned. The author of the diary was a watchmaker, tuner of the bells of the carillon of the Main Town Hall in Gdańsk, as well as a copyist of a manuscript containing arrangements of Protestant songs for the Town Hall’s automaton. In his diary, he recorded what he did every day of 1811 and somehow incidentally wrote what happened around him. We have thus received a multicolour picture of the daily life in the Napoleonic Free City of Gdańsk at the threshold of the subsequent changes in its political life.
The content of Knaack’s diary allows us to complement his biography and correct some facts on him given in relevant literature. However, this does not mean that the entire curriculum vitae of the Gdańsk watchmaker and bell tuner has already been explained.
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Adress-Buch der Stadt Danzig und dazu gehörigen Vorstädte, Danzig 1836.
Adress-Buch der Stadt Danzig und der dazu gehörigen Vorstädte, Danzig 1839.
Adreß-Buch für das Königliche Danziger Regierungs-Departement mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Stadt Danzig und ihres Polizei-Bezirks, Danzig 1817.
Allgemeiner Wohnungs-Anzeiger für Danzig und dessen Vorstädten pro 1864/65 … Danizg 1864.
Barylewska-Szymańska E., Życie codzienne w okresie Wolnego Miasta Gdańska. Wybrane zagadnienia, [w:] Napoleon i Gdańsk …, s. 93–103.
Damps E., Historia teatru miejskiego w Gdańsku (1801–1841), Gdańsk 2015.
Danziger Stadt- und Adreβ-Almanach für das Jahr 1831, hrsg. v. Wilhelm Schumacher, Danzig 1831. Das jetzt-lebende Danzig Anno 1810…, Danzig 1810.
Duisburg F.G. v., Wolne Miasto Gdańsk 1809, przekł. i wyjaśnienia A. Masłowski, R. Kowald, Malbork 2016.
Hoburg K,, Geschichte und Beschreibung des Rathauses der Rechtstadt Danzig, Danzig 1857.
Januszajtis A., Gdańskie zegary, dzwony i karyliony, Pelplin 2003.
Kaczor D., Podstawy prawne polityki fiskalnej Wolnego Miasta Gdańska 1807–1813, [w:] Napoleon i Gdańsk…, s. 67–83.
Kizik E., Dekalog III. Niedziela w miastach hanzeatyckich w XVI–XVIII wieku, [w:] Między Zachodem a Wschodem. Studia z dziejów Rzeczypospolitej w epoce nowożytnej, red. J. Staszewski, K. Mikulski, J. Dumanowski, Toruń 2002, s. 160–171.
Kizik E., Finanse Gdańska w latach napoleońskiego Wolnego Miasta 1807–1813/14, [w:] Napoleon i Gdańsk…, s. 55–64.
Kizik E., Gute Policey, dyscyplinowanie zachowań społecznych w ewangelickim Gdańsku w XVI i w pierwszej połowie XVII wieku, [w:] Panorama lojalności. Prusy Królewskie i Prusy Książęce w XVI wieku, red. J. Axer, Warszawa 2001, s. 73–91.
Kizik E., Wesele, kilka chrztów i pogrzebów. Uroczystości rodzinne w mieście hanzeatyckim od XVI do XVIII wieku, Gdańsk 2001.
Kościelak S., Przejawy sekularyzacji i religijność w Gdańsku na przełomie XVIII i XIX w. w świetle relacji pamiętnikarskich i prasowych, „Studia Historica Gedanensia”, t. VII (2016), s. 75–103.
Kotarski E., Gdańska poezja okolicznościowa XVIII wieku, Gdańsk 1997.
Księga wpisów uczniów Gimnazjum Gdańskiego 1580–1814, opr. Z. Nowak, P. Szafran, Warszawa– Poznań 1974.
Michalak J.M., Siedem lat chudych. Życie muzyczne i teatralne Gdańska okresu napoleońskiego, [w:] Napoleon i Gdańsk…, s. 105–118.
Napoleon i Gdańsk. Pierwsze Wolne Miasto Gdańsk 1807–1813/14. Materiały z sympozjum i wystawy w 200. rocznicę utworzenia Wolnego Miasta Gdańska, Gdańsk 20 lipca – 30 grudnia 2007, red. naukowy T. Stegner, Gdańsk 2008.
Neuer Wohnungs-Anzeiger nebst Allgem. Geschäfts–Anzeiger von Danzig und den Vorstädten für 1869. Danzig, Danzig 1869.
Popinigis D., Carillony i muzyka carillonowa dawnego Gdańska, Gdańsk 2014.
Prószyńska Z., Słownik gdańskich zegarmistrzów i gnomoników, [w:] Zegary gdańskie..., s. 131–201.
Sz[ychliński] G., Zegar wieżowy kościoła Najświętszej Marii Panny w Gdańsku, [w:] Zegary gdańskie…, s. 230b–231b.
Verzeichniβ der Grundstücke in der Stadt, und zwar innerhalb der Rechtstadt, Altstadt, Vorstadt, Niederstadt und Auβenwerke, zusammengestellt nach den neuen und alten Servis= Nummern. Hinzugefügt sind die Hypothekenbuchs-Nummern und Namen der Besitzer nach den Kämmerei-Heberegistern, Danzig 1854.
Weichbrodt D., Patrizien, Bürger, Einwoher der Freien und Hansestadt Danzig im Stamm- und Namentafeln vom 14.–18. Jahrhundert, Klausdorf / Schwentine [1988–1992], Band 3.
Zajewski W., Stagnacja gospodarcza i eksploatacja finansowa Wolnego Miasta Gdańska, [w:] Historia Gdańska, red. Edmund Cieślak, t. 3 cz. 2, Gdańsk 1993, s. 150–167.
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Śliwiński B., Gęsia Karczma,
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Danuta Popinigis

  1. W latach 2015–2020 profesor w Katedrze Teorii Muzyki w Akademii Muzycznej im.Stanisława Moniuszki w Gdańsku, ul. Łąkowa 1-2, 80-743 Gdańsk
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The iconic discovery in 1912 of X-ray diffraction by crystals has revolutionized physics, chemistry, biology, and ultimately also life sciences, by providing a powerful method for structural characterization of drugs and drug targets used in molecular medicine. The first X-ray diffraction was recorded by an assistant (Walter Friedrich) and PhD student (Paul Knipping) under the instruction of a theoretician Max (later von) Laue, who two years later was the sole recipient of a Nobel Prize (with the award ceremony in 1920) awarded for this discovery. The experimental setup, now on display in Deutsches Museum München, is labeled “the original Laue apparatus”, which is doubly incorrect: Laue himself never experimented with it, and it has a number of reconstructed parts due to loss, or even theft in the Museum itself. Also, the “first X-ray diffraction photograph” is enshrouded in a mist of ambiguity. Laue’s Nobel medal was deliberately dissolved in aqua regia to evade identification and confiscation by the Nazis. A replica was minted but it has been lost without a trace. The distorted (embellished) account of this fundamental discovery makes one wonder: is it acceptable to repeat narrations about scientific achievements with some departure from the historical truth? We answer “reluctantly yes”, with the caveat that all possible effort should be expended to rectify the picture. And this article is trying to achieve exactly this, with respect to one discovery in physics.
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Kamil F. Dziubek
Mariusz Jaskólski
2 3
Andrzej B. Więckowski
4 5

  1. Europejskie Laboratorium Spektroskopii Nieliniowej LENS, Sesto Fiorentino (Florencja), Włochy
  2. Instytut Chemii Bioorganicznej PAN
  3. Wydział Chemii, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
  4. Wydział Fizyki i Astronomii, Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Zielona Góra
  5. Instytut Fizyki Molekularnej PAN, Poznań
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Paul Valéry (1871-1945) was considered in the 1930s one of the greatest French poet and essayist. He was the author of the famous poems: La Jeune Parque (The Young Fate) and Le Cimetiere marin (The Graveyard by the Sea). Many times in different situations he spoke very highly of Poland and Poles. Wednesday, October 28th 1936, Valéry arrived in Warsaw. He delivered two lectures during his brief stay. They met with great interest, they were in the papers, they have been mentioned by Polish writers: Wacław Grubiński, Zofia Nałkowska, Tadeusz Breza. Also, Czesław Miłosz and Ludwik Hieronim Morstin have written about meetings with Paul Valéry. Poet`s visit, although very short, was a significant event in Polish cultural life.

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Jan Tomkowski
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In 1979, Pope John Paul II spent just nine days in his home country, Poland. This historic pilgrimage lead to a ‘spiritual revolution’ that culminated in the peaceful collapse of the authoritarian regime in Poland, and eventually to the disintegration of the Soviet Union. Could leaders of the Christian churches today spark a similar ‘spiritual revolution’ to combat manmade climate change?

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Ottmar Edenhofer
Juliana Gärtner
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This study focuses on potential athletic language in Phil 3:12-16. The main focus is the question what the assumption of the presence of athletic language in this text contributes to understanding it and especially its theological meaning better. The study consists of three parts. In part 1, the author analyses the preceding and the subsequent context of Phil 3:12-16 joining the defenders of a concentric structure: 3:1-11 (A), 3:12-16 (B), 3:17-4:1 (A’). The two framing sections (A and A’) focus on the opposition between Paul and his opponents, but the main point is Paul’s command to the Philippian addressees to “stand firm in the Lord”. Part 2 contains a brief exegetical analysis of 3:12-16. Our analysis focuses on the most important words (gaining/attaining; movement; thinking) and the goal of heavenly perfection with which they are connected. In the third part we analyse the potential athletic images in 3:12-16 which finds its “anchor point” in the noun τὸ βραβεῖον in 3:14. Based on the acceptance of this noun as an agonistic terminus technicus, other verbs and nouns which are not in and of themselves referring to athletics are interpreted as having an athletic meaning in our context. The study concludes with the caution that Paul counterbalances the “effort-reward scheme” of athletic language with the “giving-receiving scheme” of his call language. In this way, Paul introduces an emphasis on the future-orientedness of the message which is characteristic of his preaching and living.

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Reimund Bieringer
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The issue of tenderness has never been the major topic of moral theology. It is enough to have a quick look at the most popular dictionaries of moral theology to see the total absence, or only a marginal presence, of this issue both in the doctrinal teaching and the catalogue of virtues. The article presents specific 20th-century philosophical and theological attempts to tackle the issue of tenderness that were introductory to the theology of tenderness suggested by Pope Francis. The article presents different approaches to tenderness in Pope’s theology and its existing examples. Pope Francis seems to understand tenderness as a mode of existence and relations with other people that correlates with the mode of being a Christian in the world, because this is the way of showing God to the world. This way of life is characterized by empathic closeness, life focused on the gift of self, a real participation in the life of other people with their joys and sufferings, and, last but not least, paternal and maternal care. If we assume that the goal of moral theology is to show authentic human existence in specific places of human life, it has to be said that, following Pope Francis’ teaching, it is impossible to contribute to moral theology and ignore tenderness as the central virtue vital for living the Christian calling.
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Ks. Wojciech Surmiak

  1. Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
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The primacy of the Bishop of Rome is the term for the highest office in the Church. It consists in carrying out a mission appointed to St. Peter and his successors by Christ. The truth about the primacy is a theoretical plane, dogmatically defined at the I Vatican Council in 1870. It also has a practical dimension, which depends on the individual popes and the particular historical context. A characteristic feature of the pontificate of John Paul II was the implementation of the reforms of the II Vatican Council and the Church’s preparation for the Great Jubilee of the third millennium. John Paul II realized the primacy function in accordance with the tradition of the Church, on the grounds of the biblical image of Peter the Apostle, and continuing the line of his predecessors – John XXIII and Paul VI. The leading element of his pontificate was the openness to the world, to man and his dignity, or sensitivity to the signs of the times. The priority at the level of ecclesial unity was a concern for the community at all levels, including the ecumenical field. John Paul II realized the primacy ministry as Servus servorum Dei, in the ancient formula – priority in love .

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Ks. Marek Żmudziński
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In 2020, in Poland, a national commemoration of two eminent religious philosophers was celebrated: it was dedicated to the memory of Friar J.M. Bocheński O.P. and Pope St. John Paul II. In the paper, I recapitulate fundamental ideas of The Logic of Religion (1965) by the former author and sum up the key issues of the doctoral thesis The Doctrine of Faith in St. John of the Cross (1948) by the latter. I also mention St. John Henry Cardinal Newman’s Grammar of Ascent (1870), because in Polish translation this book is entitled A Logic of Faith. In order to compare those heterogeneous conceptions of religious faith I reach out to logical semiotics, and using its tools I try to find a symbolic meaning of religious speech that could be accepted equally by religious thinkers and by non‑believers. I propose to understand religious speech as having not only literal sense, and not only a metaphysical meaning, but also, as I claim, the power to activate values that guide human behavior. I hope this is a conciliatory proposition because it places semiotics on a neutral footing among religious dogmas. In this perspective, mysticism can be described as a pragmatic aspect of language that emerges when a user refers to a transcendent reality.
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1. Alighieri D. (2004), Biesiada, przeł. M. Bartkowiak‑Lerch, Kęty: Antyk.
2. Bocheński J.M. (1988), Między logiką a wiarą. Z Józefem M. Bocheńskim rozmawia Jan Parys, Montricher: Les Editions Noir Sur Blanc.
3. Bocheński J.M. (1990), Logika religii, przeł. S. Magala, Warszawa: Instytut Wydawniczy Pax.
4. Bocheński J.M. (1993), Sens życia, Kraków: Philed.
5. Bocheński J.M. (1994), Sto zabobonów, Kraków: Philed.
6. Gronczewska A. (2009), Szyfrant, który sprawił cud, „Dziennik Łódzki”, https://
7. Jan od Krzyża św. (1975), Dzieła, t. I–II, przeł. o. Bernard od Matki Bożej, wyd. III, Kraków: Wydawnictwo oo. Karmelitów Bosych.
8. Newman J.H. (1989), Logika wiary, przeł. P. Boharczyk, Warszawa: Instytut Wydawniczy Pax.
9. Poe E.A. (1986), Złoty żuk, w: tenże, Opowiadania, t. 1, przeł. S. Wyrzykowski, Warszawa: Czytelnik.
10. Pseudo‑Dionizy Areopagita (1997), Teologia symboliczna, w: tenże, Pisma teologiczne, przeł. M. Dzielska, Kraków: Znak.
11. Wojtyła K. (1959), Ocena możliwości zbudowania etyki chrześcijańskiej przy założeniach systemu Maksa Schelera, Lublin: Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL.
12. Wojtyła K. (1990), Zagadnienie wiary w dziełach św. Jana od Krzyża, przeł. o. Leonard od Męki Pańskiej OCD, Kraków: Wydawnictwo oo. Karmelitów Bosych.
13. Zieliński T. (1999), Chrześcijaństwo antyczne, Religie Świata Antycznego, T. VI, Toruń: Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek.

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Łukasz Kowalik

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, Redakcja „Przeglądu Filozoficznego”, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00-927 Warszawa
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This paper takes into account questions formulated by the Holy Mother. Her thought and consideration on the revealed word serves as pattern of theological thinking and key to understanding of the relationship between theology and other sciences. This study is based on the Church’s magisterial documents, papal teaching, as well as theological and philosophical statements. The matter of theology determines its principles, start point and methods. Its criteria consider the universal requirements of reason but, unlike in other sciences, are deeply and indispensably enrooted in ecclesial community. The purpose also distinguishes theology in the scientific world and confers particular meaning concerning its pragmatism, benefits and importance.
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Izabella Smentek

  1. Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
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On the centenary of the birth of St. John Paul II, this article reflects on his legacy for moral theology by examining the enduring relevance of his 1993 Encyclical Veritatis Splendor. Against what some authors call the new morality, this papal document holds up the classical notion of morality as a realm in which we encounter the absolute, to the point that one may even be called upon to lay down one’s life in martyrdom. As a figure of classical morality, the essay presents Antigone, who risked her life to honor her dead brother’s body. A different woman serves as a figure of the new morality: Mrs. Bergmeier, who is praised by some of the proponents of this approach for having committed “sacrificial” adultery in order to be reunited with her family. Examining the differences between these two accounts, the paper recalls the classical distinction between choice and intention. It is argued that the new morality has forgotten about the moment of choice, subsuming it entirely under the intention. In its teaching on the moral object and intrinsically evil acts, Veritatis Splendor defends the basic moral experience that we have a choice and that our choices matter.
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Stephan Kampowski

  1. Pontifical John Paul II Theological Institute for Marriage and Family Sciences in Rome/Italy
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The Theology Department was opened in January 1918. It came into existence as one of the first four departments of the Catholic University of Lublin. Its activity became part of the university’s mission which is conducting research in harmony with science and faith, educating the catholic intelligentsia and contributing to christian culture.

The identity of the Department manifests itself in the high standard of scientific research and academic education as well as in deepening and promoting the christian concept of the world and man in the context of challenges of the present time.

This article presents an outline history, organization and the main trends in scientific research carried out in the Theology Department of John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin.

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Marta Lizut
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The Catholic image of Martin Luther in the course of the centuries evolved from the literally negative one during the time of the Reformation and the centuries that followed, through the theological attempts and historically in-depth analyses inspired by the ecumenical movement up to contemporary acceptance of several theological postulates. Contemporary movements of Roman-Catholic thinking of Luther well summarize historically vulnerable and dogmatically deepened opinions of the recent popes: John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis. Following the agreement texts of the Lutheran-Catholic Commission at the world forum, ecumenically open popes can find out in Martin Luther a profoundly religious man, the witness of the Gospel whose theological thought is still relevant and a challenge for the presently secularized world.

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Piotr Jaskóła
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This article was prompted by a joint declaration made on 28 September 2015 by the Archbishops of Cracow and Warsaw and the state authorities of the two cities that they would provide means for publishing project ‘A Critical Edition of the Literary Works of Karol Wojtyła – John Paul II’. This decision, marking the 100th anniversary of the birth of Karol Wojtyła in May 2020, signalizes the importance of the project which goes beyond a standard publication of an author’s complete works. The series was inaugurated by the publication in 2018 of Volume One (Juvenilia, 1938–1946), whose editors are expected to continue working on the following volumes. The author of this article takes a look at the first collected works edition of The Poetry and Dramas of Karol Wojtyła – John Paul II, published in 1979 (it actually went to press in 1980) under the directorship of Jacek Woźniakowski and authorized by John Paul II himself. It was in fact a complete edition as its editors succeeded in collecting all of Karol Wojtyła literary works from the moment he enrolled at the Seminary until his election as Pope in 1978. All the texts used for that edition were collected at source and in that respect can hardly be surpassed. For over forty years it offered a reliable store of Karol Wojtyła’s poems and plays to ordinary readers, translators, producers of plays and public ceremonies. In this article we can find a first-hand account of the story of that first edition from its inception, the role of the editors of the weekly Tygodnik Powszechny, the decisions taken at the Znak head office and the author’s own contribution as editor. It is at this point that he explains the decision to exclude from their edition Karol Wojtyła’s juvenila from his student years.

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Jan Okoń
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The author argues that the philosophical position of Karl Marx was primarily shaped by three determinants. The first was the traditional Jewish culture, with its high esteem for intellectual effort, for the genius reflected in intellectual discoveries, and for the ambition that influenced interesting life plans and culminated in some visions of an ultimate end in life. The second was neo- -Hegelianism, which Marx himself recognized as a dominant factor in his thought. Thirdly, Marx was affected by Martin Luther, and this influence is in the focus of this paper. The author clams that both Luther and Marx believed that the essential trait of specifically human existence arises from hard work of any kind except the dullest. Both were bewildered by ideological gullibility and blindness of the masses. Both were convinced that this boundless credulity was sustained by fear of eternal damnation spread by the official church and by slave mentality. Finally both claimed that this noxious influence could only be overcome by a revolution in life conditions and by new social ideas. Each, however, entertained a different conception of that desirable revolution.

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Jacek Hołówka
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This article presents little known facts sampled from the notes and personal records of Professor Stanis$aw Pigoń and Karol Wojtyła. The two met for the first time in 1938, when young Wojtyła began his studies at the Polish Department of the Jagiellonian University. A bond of mutual liking and respect, based on similar personalities and similar war experiences, morphed into an abiding friendship in the years after the war. The article chronicles that friendship on the basis of documents and private papers held in the Jagiellonian Library (Professor Pigoń’s Archives) and the Archives of the Metropolitan Curia in Cracow. Wojtyła, when he became Pope John Paul II always spoke warmly about his university teachers, especially about Professor Pigoń.

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Franciszek Ziejka
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The article attempts to outline Adam Mickiewicz’s concept of subjectivity. He introduces it in his visionary poetic drama Dziady (Forefathers’ Eve) where a radically ambivalent situation is presented through the duality of the main character Gustaw/Konrad. The article describes this duality in terms of Paul Ricoeur’s distinction between cogito exalté and cogito brisé. In Dziady Mickiewicz dramatizes the transition from exaltation to dejection, the condition of cogito brisé (living with a wound). His romantic subject cannot throw away his past, but because he is acutely aware of his failings and his inadequacy he is able to free himself from delusions of grandeur and self-centered pride. The condition of uncertainty, inadequacy and chronic insatiability is like a gaping wound or a lack which may lead the ‘I’ to open up and seek the Other. It is a vision of man who knows he is deeply flawed but capable of pursuing a noble desire; vulnerable and fallible, beset by ‘endless error’ and yet able to act and get his act together; self-centered and yet, because of the relational nature of the human identity, capable of redirecting his emancipatory energy to Others. It can be summed up the concept of homo capax (homme capable) which, as this article argues, provides the key to Mickiewicz’s anthropology.

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Agnieszka Bednarek-Bohdziewicz

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