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Ludwik Bohdan Grzeniewski (1930–2008) was Polish essayist, poet, critic and novelist. He was born and died in Warsaw, where he spent all his life. Well known as varsavianist, he was also master of literary miniature. It is not a literary genre in the strict sense. “Literary miniature”, coherent artistic statement, as short as possible, combines elements of poem, essay, short narrative and others. Grzeniewski always highly valued precision, he preferred condensed form of expression. I therefore think, that the books of this writer (Igły w stogu siana, “Drobiazgów duch, wspaniały i powietrzny…”, Taniec z mufką and others) deserve attention.

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Jan Tomkowski


The given article is an analysis of Władysław Wężyk’s Travels to the ancient world taking into consideration the most important problems and components of the 19th century Romantic worldview. Particular attention will be paid to the great Romantic themes such as folklore, art, music, spontaneous literary works and concepts of new humanity. Wężyk’s memoir reveals his openness towards the Other and the understanding of foreign cultures which is by far the most important feature of a Romantic intellectual.

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Monika Janota


The aim of the article is an attempt to reconstruct a description of the image of Arab World on the basis of selected (yet representative) writings from the second half of the 18th century. In that period, due to the trending Enlightenment orientalism understood as a fascination with the Orient and references made to it in the culture, the Arab world appeared among Polish representatives of the Age of Reason. These trends were expressed in art, customs, literature and – in the form of various concepts and images – in social consciousness. These images differed between each other both in terms of content and form. Some of them aimed to depict the Arab world objectively and extensively, whereas the other, on the contrary, were merely delineations focused on particular elements of the Arab world, depicting only one or a few aspects. Some of them, such as the image of Arabia Felix or utopian reminiscences refer to the tradition and update it. Some of them were created for the time being. Nevertheless, each of them reflects the topics, problems and questions which concerned the minds in Enlightenment Poland. Moreover, relatively high correlation between European archetypes and the image of the Arab world which occurs in the writings of the Polish Enlightenment confirms that Poland belongs to the Old Continent cultural group, which was crucial for the promoters of Polish Enlightenment.

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Anna Kupiszewska


Paul Valéry (1871-1945) was considered in the 1930s one of the greatest French poet and essayist. He was the author of the famous poems: La Jeune Parque (The Young Fate) and Le Cimetiere marin (The Graveyard by the Sea). Many times in different situations he spoke very highly of Poland and Poles. Wednesday, October 28th 1936, Valéry arrived in Warsaw. He delivered two lectures during his brief stay. They met with great interest, they were in the papers, they have been mentioned by Polish writers: Wacław Grubiński, Zofia Nałkowska, Tadeusz Breza. Also, Czesław Miłosz and Ludwik Hieronim Morstin have written about meetings with Paul Valéry. Poet`s visit, although very short, was a significant event in Polish cultural life.

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Jan Tomkowski


Profesor Michał Głowiński zmarł 29 września 2023 r. Nauka polska straciła wielkiego humanistę i pisarza. Ten tekst daje krótkie przypomnienie jego biografii, twórczości i wpływu na środowisko naukowe.
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Grażyna Borkowska

  1. Instytut Badań Literackich PAN, Warszawa


In Old Polish texts as well as in later works written in the Old Polish style (e.g. in the Trilogy by H. Sienkiewicz), the name bachmat was used to describe a horse of the Tatar breed, characterized by its small size but incredible endurance. An analogous term ( бахматъ) can be found in the literature of Old Rus’. There is no doubt that it is an orientalism, which entered into both the Old Russsian language and – through it or independently – the Polish language and here from one of the Tatar dialects. Among the explanations for its etymology, the most interesting seems one connecting it with the term Бохмитъ, i.e., a variant of Muhammad’s name, characteristic for the literature of Old Rus’. The article aims to determine when the term бахматъ could have entered the literature of Old Rus’, how widespread it was, in what contexts it appeared, and whether it is possible to show a connection between the studied
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Zofia A. Brzozowska

  1. Łódź, Uniwersytet Łódzki
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The article considers Lesya Ukrainka’s analytical and review work (born Larysa Kosacz – 1871‑1913) Notes about the Latest Polish Literature, published in the Russian magazine “Life” (1901, № 1). The writer chose not an analytical, but an analytical‑ironic “tone”, emphasizing the merits of Polish romantic poets headed by Adam Mickiewicz, as well as poets of the “Ukrainian school” of Polish Romanticism along with outstanding positivist writers (Bolesław Prus, Eliza Orzeszkowa, Henryk Sienkiewicz), without limiting these writers to populism, and stating their aesthetic tastes and ideological positions. The author pays most attention to the new Polish poetry, which had awoken “after thirty years of half sleep” in the age of modernism, in which she saw echoes of various “pessimistic movements” of world literature. At the same time, Lesya Ukrainka believed that Polish modernism had also its own ground, its appearance was prepared by the tragic contradictions of the Romantics, the collapse of the Polish szlachta ‘noble‑gentry’ ideals, and the degeneracy of positivist‑populist literature. The author pays most attention to the new aesthetics of Stanisław Przybyszewski and his manifesto of Polish modernism with its slogan of “art for art’s sake”.
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Fik I., Rodowód społeczny literatury polskiej, Wydanie drugie, Kraków 1946.
Jakóbiec M., Łesia Ukrainka i polska literatura romantyczna, „Slavia Orientalis”, rocznik XX, nr 4, Warszawa 1971.
Khmelyuk M., Polʹsʹka literatura v retseptsiyi Lesi Ukrayinky, [v:] Lesya Ukrayinka i suchasnistʹ: Zb. nauk. pr., Lutsʹk 2007, t. 4, kn. 1.
Koloshuk N., Lesya Ukrayinka u roli krytyka polʹsʹkoyi literatury, „Volynʹ filolohichna: tekst i kontekst: Zb. nauk. pr.”, Lutsʹk 2016, vyp. 22.
Korbych H., Zakhid, Polʹshcha, Rosiya v literaturno‑krytychnomu dyskursi rannʹoho ukrayinsʹkoho modernizmu. Vybrani aspekty retseptsiyi, Poznań 2010.
Korbych H., Lesya Ukrayinka – literaturnyy krytyk: osoblyvosti «zhinochoho pysʹma», [v:] Lesya Ukrayinka i suchasnistʹ. Zbirnyk naukovykh pratsʹ, t. 4, kn. 1, Lutsʹk 2007.
Kubacki W., O dramatach Łesi Ukrainki, [w:] Łesia Ukrainka. Kasandra i inne dramaty, Kraków 1982.
Mishchenko L., Lesya Ukrayinka v literaturnomu zhytti, Kyyiv 1964.
Moklytsya M., Estetyka Lesi Ukrayinky. (Kontekst yevropeysʹkoho modernizmu). Monohrafiya, Lutsʹk 2011.
Radyshevsʹkyy R., Iskry yednannya: do pytannya pro internatsionalʹni motyvy tvorchosti Lesi Ukrayinky, Kyyiv 1983.
Ukrayinka Lesya, Zibrannya tvoriv u 12 t., Kyyiv 1975‑1979.
Yakovenko S., Romantyky, estety, nitssheantsi. Ukrayinsʹka ta polʹsʹka literaturna krytyka rannʹoho modernizmu, Kyyiv 2006.
Yakubsʹkyy B., Lesya Ukrayinka yak literaturnyy krytyk, [v:] Lesya Ukrayinka, Tvory u 12‑tomakh, Kyyiv 1930, t. 12.
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Rostysław Radyszewśkyi

  1. Kijowski Uniwersytet Narodowy im. Tarasa Szewczenki


The article examines Leopold Tyrmand's attitude towards the Poles and Polishness on the basis of, primarily, his journalism, interviews and correspondence. It picks up a broad range of themes, among them, the reasons of Tyrmand's leaving Poland in 1965, his relations with other exiles and expatriates, in particular the Polish community in the United States, his opinions on the virtues and vices of the Polish national character, his attitude towards the Polish language, his decision to write in English and his search for national identity. The article argues that Tyrmand's views on Poland and things Polish kept changing and this evolution was closely connected with various phases of his life. While acknowledging the heterogeneity of Tyrmand's sense of identity, the conclusion notes that the dominant element of his self-awareness was a sense of belonging to the Polish nation.

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Piotr Jaszczak


The author refers to Roland Barthes’s early concept of mythology in analyzing the films of Jerzy Kawalerowicz, one of the most outstanding Polish directors of the twentieth century. He interprets three of Kawalerowicz’s films, Pociąg [Night Train], Matka Joanna od Aniołów [Mother Joan of the Angels] and Faraon [Pharoah], which are read in the mythological register and in the political context. First the statements of the director in regard to each film are presented, then the judgments of film critics are provided, and finally the author gives his own interpretation. Night Train is shown as a film addressing the wrongs of the Stalinist era, and the problem of a totalitarian state. Mother Joanne of the Angels questions the sense of ideology in a totalitarian world, and is partially the director’s search for political identity, while Pharoah is a look at the post-October reformers and the reasons for their failure. Pharoah also provides a new vision of the state.

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Mateusz Nieć


Esej zestawia epigram Jana Kochanowskiego Do Anny zarazem ze słynnym fr. 31 Voigt Safony, zachowanym w piśmie Pseudo-Longinosa O wzniosłości, oraz utworem 51 Katullusa ( Ille mi par esse). Autor podejmuje próbę określenia, ile dokładnie Kochanowski czerpie z każdego z tych utworów.
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Juliusz Domański

  1. Instytut Filologii Klasycznej, Uniwersytet Warszawski


This article combines a general introduction to the crime fi ction of Walery Przyborowski with a study of the structure of the plot of his novels. The analyses of ten of his novels conclude with a typology of their narrative schemes, shown in the context of certain invariant patterns and the conventions of related literary genres. While the main objective of this study is to outline the structure of crime story and the social issues depicted in Przyborowski’s crime fi ction, it also pays some attention to the ways in which it refl ects his concerns about contemporary life and the condition of Poland under foreign rule. Basically, Przyborowski’s formula is to make use of the staples of the genre – mystery, adventure, romance – and the techniques of the popular novel. Moreover, his novels, like all of the 19th-century crime fi ctions, are clearly indebted to the conventions of the historical novel.

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Marta Ruszczyńska


This article takes up Adam Dziadek’s somatic approach to literature to explore the theme of erotic experience in two poems by Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz, ‘L’amour Cosaque’ and ‘Amore profane’. With the help of inputs from gender studies and the contemporary theories of the subject it has been possible to profi le the ‘I’ of the poems as a deeply fragmented and sexually ambiguous subject, and, upon the evidence of the elusive autobiographical details woven into the text, as a subject suspended in a liminal space, between the real and the fi ctive world. After analyzing the body represented in the text, both perfect and decrepit, as well as traces of the poet’s carnality that interfere with the text and the reader’s sense of his own soma the article arrives at the following conclusion: in Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz’s lyrics the body seems to project its impressions and experiences onto reality, thus blurring the border between the inside and the outside.

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Łukasz Kraj


Anna Janko’s latest novel Finalistka [ The Finalist] (2021) contains a catalogue of ill-nesses that the main character, the poet Hanka M., has to struggle with. The book, which in many ways resembles a patient’s diary, is a record of the battles Hanka, the author’s alter ego, has to fight with the enemy which happens to be her own body. The article considers the strategies she employs to hold her body in check as it repeatedly lets her down and, in effect, becomes her enemy. Its disconcerting strangeness strikes her every time she slips into a search for the signs and symptoms of ageing (her reflections at this point are compared with those of Simone de Beauvoir and some other writers). In Finalistka suffering from illnesses is inscribed into life’s transience which is not just human but universal, and at the same time particular, affecting both men and women. Nonetheless, it is the woman’s perspective that this article finds more interesting.
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Aleksandra E. Banot

  1. Uniwersytet Bielsko-Bialski


Regarded primarily as a scandalist, Bruno Jasieński is also an innovator and ‘theoretician’ of the avant-garde. Then, so the argument, he converted to Communism and put his pen in the service of that ideology. He paid for it with the price of debasing his talent to the level of a socialist realist hack and, eventually, the price of his life when the regime he so avidly supported turned on him in the great purges of 1937–38. This article takes issue with the claim – which is part of the generally accepted narrative – that Jasieński ‘swerved gently to the left’ in 1923–1925. This article analyses the politics of young Bruno Jasieński's verse, i.e. the texts produced before 1921, the year of the publication of the first collection of his poems. In so far as his early poetic work contains nothing but praise of the Russian revolution and its ethos, his ideological evolution in the nineteen twenties should termed radicalization rather than a shift to the left.
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Kasper Pfeifer

  1. Uniwersytet Śląski


This article considers the role of the sister figure in Bruno Jasieński's early verse. His poems as well as various facts from his biography leave little doubt that this highly significant role was filled by Irena Zysman, his sister. The key to the dialectic of her presence/absence in the poet's life and work is to be found in the concept of melancholy. Although Jasieński would hardly be credited with that kind of sensibility, the relationship with his sister does show that melancholy was part of his psychological makeup. Moreover, by bringing in psychoanalytical analysis, the article shows how his melancholy morphed into mania, a transformation which in a way fuelled his political engagement.
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Marcin Świątkowski

  1. Katedra Krytyki Literackiej Wydziału Polonistyki UJ


The article is a reappraisal of the work of Tymoteusz Karpowicz, one of the landmarks of the Polish poetic Neo-avant-garde, in terms of the quixotic model (principle). This approach brings into focus the following building blocks of Karpowicz’s autocreative poetics: the private library project, the idea of the book of books, the concept of holistic interconnectedness and the poet’s programmatic detachment (isolationism). In his verse they form sylleptic configurations in which language-games collide with the existential concrete and, in effect, transform the poetry into a performance acted out by the author both in his text and his highly mythicized geographic space. The superposing of his autothematic statements on his autocreative performative actions shows their remark-able congruence, and hence t the incontestable applicability of the quixotic model to describe the nature of Karpowicz’s creative project. In sum, he was a poet bent on finding his own place between the totalizing power of language and the harsh realities beyond the pale of literature.
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Karolina Górniak-Prasnal

  1. Wydział Polonistyki UJ


This article explores the darkened and rarely visited zones of Maria Dąbrowska’s Noce i dnie [ Nights and Days] (1932–1934), a tetralogy of novels usually read as a realist family saga. In its broad panorama children and childhood have a very important place, yet what seems to have largely been ignored is the enigmatic nature of childhood and child's role as a locus of mystery. With the help of tropes of the folk imaginarium (primarily the iconic Grimms’ Fairy Tales), and conceptual tools borrowed from Sigmund Freud, Bruno Bettelheim, Jacques Lacan and Julia Kristeva, the article analyzes Dąbrowska’s multi‑layered and elusive characters, caught up in an endless strife trying in vain to tame the chaos within themselves and to get to grips with the threatening uncanniness of the world outside.
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Karolina Chyła

  1. doktorantka, Uniwersytet Wrocławski


In this interpretation of Juliusz Słowacki's ‘Snycerz był zatrudniony Dyjanny lepieniem…’ [The carver was busy shaping Diana's statue] the discussion focuses on his attitude to matter, especially as the material of art. The article argues that Słowacki elevates and even sacralises mud, the most lowly of raw materials, and thus exposes the falseness of the popular view that he despises matter, the base opposite of the spirit. However, it would be more accurate to say that in his vision, which is part of his Genesis from the Spirit philosophy, the path to salvation leads through the reconciliation of spirit and matter rather than a triumph of one over the other.
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Anna Rzepniewska-Kosińska

  1. Zakład Literatury Romantyzmu Instytutu Literatury Polskiej, Uniwersytet Warszawski


In the last phase of Franciszek Karpiński's life as a writer (the first quarter of the 19th century), he practically gave up poetry and concentrated instead on writing memoirs. This article tries to find out to what extent his autobiographical work, especially his Historia mego wieku i ludzi, z którymi żyłem [A History of My Century and the People with Whom I Lived], is influenced by an attitude characteristic of the sentimentalism of the previous century. As this analysis shows Karpiński's narrative exhibits both a sensitivity much indebted to Rousseau's autobiographical method and skilful shifts of tone, from satire and irony to various shades of melancholy. For sentimentalist aesthetic and poetics the continual manipulation of tone is a means of alerting the reader to the world's complexity. As in the novels of Lawrence Sterne, that complexity is experienced by way of careful observation of fragments of reality, defined by the subjectivity of the observer and the truth of his emotions.

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Grzegorz Zając


On 31 July 1834 Juliusz Słowacki in the company of the Wodziński family set off from Geneva on a tour of Switzerland. He completed the first leg of journey on the same day in Bex, a village to the south‑east of Lac Leman. The following day the party visited Bex's famous salt mine and Słowacki wrote a laconic account of their excursion to the bowels of the earth in a letter to his mother. With the help of contemporary travel guides and the accounts of other travelers it is possible to fill the details of that trip. After exiting the mine, the party made their way south to Martigny.
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Wojciech Tomasik

  1. prof. dr hab., Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy


While presenting a wide range of cultural, historical and political factors which have influen-ced the Polish and the American reception of Miron Białoszewski’s A Memoir of the Warsaw Uprising, this article tries to assess the role played in its reception abroad by the fact that the original text existed in several versions (censored and uncensored) and, on its way to print, got fitted out with multiple paratexts (introductions, prefaces and afterwords). Interestingly, there seems to be a connection between these fringe texts, the shaping of the translation as shown by choices made by the translators and editors, the evolving model of what is believed to be the right and proper handling of historical traumas, and the politics of remembrance in diverse historical settings and cultural imaginaries. An in-depth analysis of the details of translation and editorship opens up a series of broader questions about the status of a literary text functioning as evidence of traumatic historic events and the mechanisms of its reception by those directly affected (the family circle) and the people outside (with special attention being paid to the tension between the private and the public, and the normative versus the non-normative).
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Joanna Niżyńska
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This reading of Jerzy Stempowski’s essay ‘Rubis d’Orient’ (published in 1954 under the pseudonym Paweł Hostowiec) is based on the assumption that his work can be divided into two phases, the Appolonian and the Dionysian. While the essay ‘In the Dniester river valley’, with its idealized world of a timeless idyll, seems to be the most salient manifestation of the Appolonian phase, ‘Rubis d’Orient’ marks Stempowski’s turn towards temporality and historical time. The intrusion of tragedy and Dionysian motifs is accompanied by a change of style and structure, increasingly complex and metaphoric. This transition, the article argues, is nowhere clearer than in ‘Rubis d’Orient’, which, moreover, reads like an art manifesto. This, in turn, puts Stempowski's subsequent essays and his catastrophist views in a new perspective.
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●Bollon P., Cioran, l’hérétique, Paris 1997.
●Braudel F., Morze Śródziemne i świat śródziemnomorski w epoce Filipa II, t. 1–2, przeł. t. 1: T. Mrówczyński i M. Ochab, t. 2: M. Król i M. Kwiecińska, Gdańsk, 1976–1977 (oryginał francuski La Méditerranée et le monde méditerranéen à l’époque de Philippe II ukazał się w r. 1949).
●Cioran E.M., Syllogismes de l‘amertume, Paris 1952.
●Cioran E.M., Sylogizmy goryczy, przeł. Kania, Warszawa 2009.
●Crilot J.E., Słownik symboli, przeł. I. Kania, Kraków 2000.
●Freise M., Epitafium Rzymowi, [w:] tenże, Czesław Miłosz i historyczność kultury, Kraków 2016, s. 233–274.
●Grochowska M., W czasach szaleństwa. Hertz – Fiłozofow — Stempowski — Moltke. Z posłowiem Anny Wolff-Powęskiej, Warszawa 2019.
●Hansen-Löve A.A., Eine Ästhetik der Kalyptik. Apollinische Motive bei Vladimir Nabokov, [w]: Gedächtnis und Phantasma. Festschrift für Renate Lachmann [Die Welt der Slaven. Sammelbände, Bd. 13], red. S. Frank, E. Greber i inni, München 2001.
●Hansen-Löve A.A., Der russische Symbolismus. System und Entfaltung der poetischen Motive, Band 3, Wien 2014.
●Hansen-Löve A.A., Entfaltungen der Gewebemetapher. Mandel’štam-Texturen, [w:] Anschaulichkeit (bildlich), O. Egger, Der Prokurist, 16/17, Wien–Lana 1999, s. 71–152.
●Iwaszkiewicz J., Spotkania z Szymanowskim, Kraków 1976.
●Karpiński W., Książki zbójeckie, Warszawa 1996, s. 49–58 (pierwsze wydanie ukazało się w 1988 r.).
●Kieniewicz J., „Intermarium” po latach, [w:] tenże, Spotkania Wschodu, Gdańsk 1999, s. 194–220.
●Korek J., Paradoksy paryskiej „Kultury”. Ewolucja myśli politycznej w latach 1947–1980, Stockholm 1998.
●Kotarska J., „On karbunkułem świetnym i ognistym”. W kręgu metaforyki szlachetnych kamieni, „Ruch Literacki” 4 (1997), s. 537–550.
●Krakowiak M., „Historia zerwana z łańcucha”, czyli katastrofizm Jerzego Stempowskiego, „Ruch Literacki” 1–2 (1994), s. 45–58.
●Lachmann R., Gedächtnis und Literatur. Intertextualitä in der russischen Moderne, Frankfurt am Main 1990.
●Lachmann R., Rhetorik und acumen-Lehre als Beschreibung poetischer Verfahren. Zu Sarbiewskis Traktat De acuto et arguto von 1627, [w:] Slavistische Studien zum VII. Internationalen Slavistenkongress in Warschau, München 1973, red. J. Holthusen i inni, s. 331–357.
●Mandelsztam O., Słowo i kultura. Szkice literackie, wybór i tłum. R. Przybylski, Warszawa 1972.
●Nasiłowska A., Klasycyzm [w:] Słownik literatury polskiej XX wieku, A. Brodzka i inni, Wrocław 1992, s. 453–460.
●Nietzsche F., Narodziny tragedii z ducha muzyki, [w:] tenże, Narodziny tragedii, czyli hellenizm i pesymizm, przeł. Leopold Staff, Warszawa 1907 (niem. oryginał Die Geburt der Tragödie aus dem Geiste der Musik ukazał się po raz pierwszy w r. 1871).
●Schumann W., Edelsteine und Schmucksteine. Alle Arten und Varietäen der Welt. 1600 Einzelstücke, München 2002.
●Sieroń-Galusek D., Moment osobisty: Stempowski, Czapski, Miłosz, Katowice 2013.
●Sedmidubský M., Das Idyllische im Spannungsfeld zwischen Kultur und Natur: Božena Němcovas Babička, [w:] A. Guski, Zur Poetik und Rezeption von Božena Němcovas Babička, Berlin 1991, s. 27–79.
●Starobinski J., Montaigne en Mouvement, Paris 1982.
●Vincenz A., Helikon sarmacki. Wątki i tematy polskiej poezji barokowej, Wrocław 1989.
●Wohlfart G., Narodziny tragedii Nietzschego, przeł. z języka angielskiego A. Przybysławski, „Sztuka i filozofia” 15 (1998), s. 45–57.
●Zemła M., Der ‘polnische Essay’ und seine kulturmodellierende Funktion. Jerzy Stempowski i Czesław Miłosz, München 2009.
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Małgorzata Zemła

  1. Ludwig–Maximilians–Universität, München


This article examines Bolesław Prus's use of futurology and utopia in his short story Phantoms (Widziadła). A closer look at the story's images and their sequence not only gives us an insight into the author's philosophy of history but also reveals a utopian vision which can hardly be squared with the realism of his previous work. Thus ‘Widziadła’, written in 1911, can be seen as an important piece of evidence of a change in the writer's beliefs and worldview. It was at that late stage of his life that Prus, a hard-nosed realist and critic of the Romantics, turned into an impassioned idealist who, disillusioned with the world around him, sought refuge in literature. It was to be, however, a fiction like ‘Widziadła’, looking beyond the conventions of realism, unashamedly eclectic and visionary.

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Kamil Barski
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This article presents the results of a search aimed at identifying the original publication details of Maria Konopnicka's reportages included in Ludzie i rzeczy ( People and Things), a book of her short stories and journalism published in 1898. It has been found that “Na kwiatowej giełdzie” (The Flower Festival [in Nice]) was published in Kurier Warszawski, 1893, No. 103–104; “Akwileja” (Aquileia [Italy]) in Kurier Warszawski, 1895, No. 103, pp. 5–6, while “Po drodze” (On the way [Admont Abbey, Austria]) was originally published in Wędrowiec, 1892 (No. 46–50), and “Chryzantemy” (Chrysanthe-mums) in Kurier Warszawski, 1894, No. 1. A discussion of the motif of flowers and flower shows is based on these and Konopnicka's other texts. In her work flowers functioned as a visual representation of thought, which enabled her to establish a connection between nature, human beings and culture (whose development was conditioned by the economy).
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● M. Konopnicka, Akwileja „Kurierze Warszawskim” 1895, nr 103.
● M. Konopnicka, Chryzantemy, „Kurier Warszawski” 1894, nr 1.
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Tadeusz Budrewicz

  1. Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN w Krakowie

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