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The present article studies the properties of the phrase Como si no hubiera (un) mañana (‘As if there were no tomorrow’), which more frequently occurs in European Spanish than in other diatopic varieties of that language. As it is shown in the article, the phrase modifies verbs and verbal predicates, being able to perform intensifying quantification.
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Monika Lisowska

  1. Universidad de Szczecin
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In modern football discourse, speakers often verbalize actions, phenomena, signs and processes associated with the team leader, which creates the image of an idol, a star. This leads to the creation of neologisms that can enter different languages and be codified in lexicographic works. The article analyzes the history of the neologisms мессізалежний ( Messidependent) and мессізалежність ( Messidependence) in the football internet discourse of European languages. It is proved that the components ‑ залежний (‑ dependent) and ‑ залежність (‑ dependence) are suffixoids. It was found that the innovations мессізалежний ( Messidependent) and мессізалежність ( Messidependence), which derive from the surname of the Argentinian football player Lionel Messi, were coined on the basis of Spanish at the end of the 2000s. Spanish‑language variants were actively used by the football linguistic community, which led to their calquing in other European languages, including Ukrainian, and their lexicographic fixation in online dictionaries. The history of the formation and development of these neologisms is determined by extralinguistic factors related to Lionel Messi’s football career, first of all, his inspirational play for the Catalan team “Barcelona” and the Argentine national side. The availability of calqued equivalents in more than 20 European languages confirms the internationalization of football language, the tendency towards its monosemantic character, its common mutual understanding and demonstrates the interaction of different lexical systems.
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Guerrero S.S., La formación de neologismos mediante elementos compositivosen los titulares deportivos de la prensa española, “Hispania” 2018, vol. 101, № 1.
Karpilovsʹka Ye., Aktyvni resursy suchasnoho ukrayins'koho slovotvorennya, [v:] Tvorba rechy y њeny resursy u slovenskym jezytsyma, Beohrad 2012.
Klymenko N., Kal'ka, [v:] Ukrayins'ka mova: entsyklopediya, Kyyiv 2007.
Lionel Messi, [in:]
Lionel Messi, [in:]
Luiz Pereira Lima P., Neologismos no domínio discursivo jornalístico esportivo, Brasília 2017, f. 19, [in:]
Maksymchuk V., Neozapozychennya v ukrayins'komu futbol'nomu internet‑dyskursi, “Slavia Centralis” Maribor 2019, številka 2, letnik XII.
Maksymchuk V., Prefiksoyidy super‑ i meha‑ yak zasoby onovlennya futbol'noho leksykonu: ukrayins'ko‑pol's'ki paraleli, „Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej”, Warszawa 2018, vol. 53.
Maksymchuk V., Vidonimna afiksoyidatsiya yak sposib tvorennya neolohizmiv u futbol'nomu dyskursi, [v:] X. Internationale virtuelle Konferenz der Ukrainistik „Dialog der Sprachen – Dialog der Kulturen. Die Ukraine aus globaler Sicht”, München 2020.
Messidependencia, [in:]
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Rysicz J., Futbol'na terminolohiya v riznykh slov’yans'kykh movakh z pohlyadu strukturnoho i konfrontatyvnoho vyvchennya, „Slavia Orientalis” 2011, nr 2.
Semchynsʹkyy S., Typolohichna klasyfikatsiya mov, [v:] Ukrayins'ka mova: entsyklopediya, Kyyiv 2007.
Slovnyk ukrayins'koyi movy online. Tomy 1‑13 (A‑POKIRNO), [v:]
Struhanetsʹ Yu., Futbol u vymiri slova, Beau Bassin 2018.
Styshov O., Sportyvni zharhonizmy v ukrayins'kiy movi kintsya ХХ – pochatku ХХI stolittya, «Linhvistychni studiyi» 2017, vyp. 34.
Unbegaun B., Le calque dans les langues slaves littéraires, “Revue des études slaves” 1932, t. 12, fascicule 1‑2.
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Yasynetsʹka N., Napivkal'ky anhlomovnykh neolohizmiv v ukrayins'kiy movi, «Filolohichni traktaty» 2011, t. 3, № 2.
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Vitalii V. Maksymchuk

  1. The National University of Ostroh Academy
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The translation of onomatopoeic verbs is one of the most difficult and insufficiently examined questions in translation studies. Many authors have tried to establish different translation strategies for onomatopoeias (units closely related to language and culture). While translating this kind of linguistic phenomena, we must study the linguistic mechanisms of the source language too. Actants of onomatopoeic verbs play an important role in the correct choice of an equivalent in the target language. This article analyzes the onomatopoeic verb “плескать” in the Russian language. The purpose of the article is: 1) to describe the meanings of the verb “плескать” in the Russian language and its actants; 2) translation of actions denoted by the verb “плескать” into Spanish. In order to realize this analysis, the examples of contexts employing the verb “плескать” from Russian literature were translated. This analysis permitted us to systematize the parameters necessary to translate the verb “плескать”. Besides it confirmed that the meaning of the verb and its actants are important elements in choosing correctly the translation equivalent.
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Enrique Federico Quero Gervilla
Pavlo Marynenko

  1. University of Granada (Spain)
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The aim of this paper is to examine the phenomenon of infixation in the Spanish language. This study has been divided into five parts, with the exception of the introduction. The first one presents ways of classifying various affixes according to their position within words. In the next two parts, two different types of infixation in Spanish are presented. The first of them concerns diminutive forms and has an expressive function in them. The second one appears in vesreisms (Sp. vesreísmos), where it indicates the grammatical gender of nouns and adjectives. The first infixes occur in all varieties of the Spanish language, while the latter are dialectal. In the fourth part, an attempt is made to propose further arguments in favor of recognizing the existence of infixed forms in Spanish. In the last part of the article, some conclusions are drawn on the basis of the examples and observations presented in the previous parts of the study.
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Piotr Sorbet

  1. Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin
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The vesre is a linguistic phenomenon that until recently had been scarcely explored. This fact is due, among others, that very often the forms created in the framework of the vesre belong to the spoken modality and, for this reason, they are hardly registered in the lexicographical sources. In addition, with a certain frequency, this mechanism of lexical creation is identified only with Argentinean Spanish, leaving aside the other zones where it is a very productive mechanism. Hence, in this work we wish to focus our attention on another region, the Peruvian, in which, apparently, the use of vesreisms shows some vitality. For this purpose, we try to gather the scattered data in multiple dictionaries and fragmentary information found in other sources about the Peruvian vesre. Therefore, all the data we submit to the formal analysis supporting us, on the one hand, in the premises that we have used in the works on the Argentinian vesre, and, on the other, however fragmentary they may be, in the information that dictionaries provide us.

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Piotr Sorbet
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This article analyses the representation of the Spanish Civil War addressed to the readers of the Polish local press in Siedlce, then in the Voivodship of Lublin. In the period 1936–1939 Siedlce could boast of having three newspapers — the weekly Głos Podlaski published by the Diocesan Curia Siedlce, and two trimensuals, Ziemia Siedlecka and Życie Podlasia, both affiliated with the ruling Sanacja. Each of them showed an unflagging interest in the Spanish war, treated as a violent clash of the opposed forces of left-wing Republicanism and nationalism.
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Jarosław Cabaj

  1. Instytut Historii, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny, w Siedlcach, ul. Żytnia 39, PL 08-110 Siedlce
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The article aims to discuss the state of research on the history of two compound verbal tenses of the subjunctive mood: antepresente and antefuturo in Latin American Spanish. According to our analysis presented in the text, both forms have so far been superficially investigated from a diachronic perspective, which is caused, to some extent, by their rare usage and by their replacement with other verbal forms. However, in our opinion, a series of historical studies of these tenses should be carried out so that we could understand better the processes which take place in the subjunctive mood in contemporary varieties of Latin American Spanish.
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Witold Sobczak

  1. Uniwersytet Łódzki
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The paper aims to analyse the frequency of replacing the verb form «cantara~-se» with «cante» in 18th- century Latin American Spanish based on the data excerpted from the CORDE and CORDIAM corpora. This phenomenon will be examined on the example of subordinate adverbial clauses of purpose with the conjunction “para que”.
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Witold Sobczak

  1. Uniwersytet Łódzki
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This article is in tended to provide a legally sound explanation of why and how the contemporary International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law legal frameworks offer tools to address the uncertain ty, lack of in formation, and the consequences thereof in relation to missin g persons and victims of enforced disappearances in the context of armed conflicts which predated the adoption of such frameworks. To this end, three scenarios will be examin ed: the contemporary claims of the families of those who were killed in the Katyń massacre in 1940; the claims for in formation and justice of the families of thousands who were subjected to enforced disappearances durin g the Spanish Civil War between 1936 and 1939; and the identification efforts concernin g those reported missin g while in volved in military operations in the context of the 1944 Kaprolat/Hasselmann in cident which took place durin g the Second World War. The analysis of these scenarios is conducive to the development of more general reflections that would feed in to the debate over the legal relevance of the distant past in light of today’s in ternational legal framework.

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Alessandra La Vaccara
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This paper is the first part of Alonso Pascua (in press). Both address the question as to why Jespersen’s Cycle (JC) evolved differently in Romance, focusing on the analysis of negation patterns in two West Iberian languages: Spanish and Asturleonese. The hypothesis that JC gets blocked when speakers are provided with evidence that negation is complex, but activated when this evidence is unavailable, will be tested. It will be contended that the alternation of two forms for negation in Old Spanish, triggered by adjacency with object clitics (OCs), provided speakers with evidence of the complex nature of negation and contributed to the blocking of JC. Conversely, it will be argued that the lack of such an alternation in Asturleonese hampered the speaker’s awareness of this complexity and favoured the activation of JC. This evidence will be used to support the hypothesis tested and thus contribute to a better understanding of the long-standing question of JC triggers.
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Abraham, W. 1999. “Jespersen’s Cycle”: The evidence from Germanic. In G.F. Carr, W. Harbert and L. Zhang (eds.), Interdigitations: Essays for Irmengard Rauch, 63-70. New York: Peter Lang.
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Borja Alonso Pascua

  1. Department of Spanish Linguistics, University of Salamanca, Spain
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The article corresponds to the 400th death annniversary of two famous European writers – Cervantes and Shakespeare – celebrated all around the world. The author tells about their lifes and takes into consideration the possiblility of their meeting together in Vailladolid. Besides, the author emphasizes on the qualities that are in common for Shakespeare’s and Cervantes’ works – among others the universality (their readers were both educated as well as simple), the ability to create symbolic figures and the application of colloquial language.

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Krzysztof Mrowcewicz
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At the end of the Golden Age, how did a prose writer from Madrid use comedy to achieve the didactic, moralizing and religious project of his fiction works? When the Spanish novel was in crisis, Francisco Santos pleased a devout readership by using some of the clichés of popular and literary satire.
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Alain Tourneur

  1. Universidad de Lille
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The article presents the analysis of the rules of punctuation concentrated on the use of a comma in Spanish language. Nevertheless, in the introduction the author cite several exemples to show the differences and similarities between the use of a comma in Spanish, Polish, Russian, Czech, French, English and German languages in order to emphasize the conventional nature of the comma. The main part of the work presents the use of a comma in Spanish in five syntactic contexts. The article ends with conclusions that reveal the obligatory, distinctive and optional nature of the comma in the Spanish orthography.

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Aneta Pawlak
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In this article, first, we analyse the opposition of two linguistic models in dubbing in Spanish language – Latin American Spanish vs. Castilian Spanish – and consider the issue of Spanish lexical variation related to audiovisual translation. Next, we carry out a comparative analysis of the lexical characteristics of the two dubbing versions in Spanish language of the film Beauty and the Beast (1992). The analysis focuses on lexical density, marked and standard lexicon and the differential lexicon of both versions.
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Antonio María López González

  1. Uniwersytet Łódzki
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This article is historical and philosophical in nature. Its purpose is to outline the most important trends and problems in the 19th-century Spanish philosophy. This philosophy has not yet been the subject of deeper analyses, especially in Polish literature on the subject. This is a major oversight, because the nineteenth century is the time of the impressive growth of modern social, political, legal, moral and intelectual structures in Spain. An important role in their development was played by Spanish philosophers and their reception of modern European philosophy and science. The reception was accompanied by numerous disputes and discussions about the condition of the Spanish culture and its possible development directions.

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Dorota Leszczyna
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Academic terminology is not a widely studied area in the field of translation. The aim of this paper is to highlight the difficulties in translating such terminology by analysing denominations for university teaching categories between Poland and Spain. Then, we focus on the techniques used to solve translation problems with other academic concepts. Finally, we present our translation proposal.
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Verónica Del Valle Cacela

  1. Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
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Álex de la Iglesia’s film, Balada triste de trompeta (2010) explores historical trauma and collective memory of the Spanish Civil war through clown figures adapted to the grotesque aesthetic of esperpento. Besides the use of popular culture motifs, this article focuses on how notions of the mythical trickster and classical philosophy and melancholy combine in a dark humor subversive work.
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Alberto Villamandos

  1. University of Missouri-Kansas City
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This article is a critical reappraisal of Juliusz Słowacki’s translation of Calderón’s El príncipe constant (1843), which acquired a place of its own in Słowacki’s oeuvre and continued to attract a lot of interest throughout the 20th century. Its lasting appeal is due to its extraordinary unity of tone, dramatic construction and stylized language, which in effect, as some critics have said, out-Baroques Calderón’s Baroque original. This article analyzes this contention in detail and tries to answer the question what were the sources and reasons of Słowacki’s fascination with the 17-th century Spanish poet and playwright. The second part of the article deals with two of the 20th-century stage productions of the drama and the adapters’ handling of Słowacki’s text. The summary includes a brief survey of the treatment Calderón’s heirs accorded to his key trope perigrinatio vitae (‘life is pilgrimage’).

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Mirella Kryś

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