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W ostatnich latach nasiliło się wśród badaczy społecznych zainteresowanie problemem wiedzy eksperckiej. Jednym z tematów częściej poruszanych w tym kontekście jest kwestia relacji między ekspertami i laikami. W niniejszym artykule analizuję to zagadnienie przez pryzmat koncepcji zależności epistemicznej sformułowanej przez Johna Hardwiga. Twierdzę, że koncepcja ta stanowi poważne wyzwanie nie tylko dla dominującej w literaturze naukowej wizji prowadzenia badań naukowych, ale też dla demokratycznej wizji polityki. Analizuję trzy spotykane w literaturze przedmiotu strategie odpowiedzi na to wyzwanie: indywidualistyczną, instytucjonalną oraz epistokratyczną. Pierwszą reprezentuje Alvin Goldman, prezentujący strategie pozostające do dyspozycji laika stającego w obliczu wyboru spośród dwóch sprzecznych opinii eksperckich. Drugą jest wiara w potencjał instytucji i norm nauki do rozstrzygnięcia wszystkich kontrowersji zanim skonfrontowani z nimi zostaną laicy. Trzecia nakazuje eliminację problemu zależności epistemicznej poprzez włączanie do dyskusji z ekspertami wyłącznie osób z wystarczającym doświadczeniem praktycznym. W konkluzji twierdzę, że problem zależności epistemicznej nie znajduje przekonującego rozwiązania. Jedyne nadzieje stwarzają strategie jego ominięcia, a nie konfrontacji z nim.
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Janusz Grygieńć

  1. Instytut Filozofii, Wydział Filozofii i Nauk Społecznych, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, ul. Fosa Staromiejska 1a, Toruń


The text is dedicated to the outstanding Polish researcher of proper names — prof. Aleksandra Cieślikowa, author and co-author of many significant monographs and onomasticons, which went beyond the limits of previous onomastic studies. The most important, selected her scientific achievements and expert activities at the Polish Language Council and the Commission on Names of Localities and Physiographic Objects were presented.

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Ewa Wolnicz-Pawłowska


The article presents the results of research carried out in construction companies among employees involved in the organisation and management of construction projects. The research concerned factors and their impact on decisions regarding the planning of quantitative employment workforce at a construction site. Based on individual assessments of individual factors, average assessments were calculated and hierarchies of the factors examined were made. In the second part of the article, the dispersion coefficient of relative classification was used to assess the reliability of the opinions collected. The content presented is a continuation of the work of the authors on the subject of employment planning at the construction site.

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Edyta Plebankiewicz
Agnieszka Leśniak
Patrycja Karcińska


In these considerations, I undertake a polemic with thinking based on the assumption that the value of scientific achievements can be measured with almost mathematical accuracy and give fully reliable point indicators for them. It is not only part of those who introduce the current reform of higher education and science in Poland, but also experts who support them, as well as some representatives of science and natural sciences. This thinking was called point syndrome and expert syndrome. Although it was diagnosed as a manifestation of academic disease a few years ago, it still not only finds its supporters, but also translates into activities, which in some scholars cause astonishment, in others indignation, and still strong opposition in others.

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Zbigniew Drozdowicz


W artykule przedstawione są koncepcje i teorie wiedzy eksperckiej, a także dyskusje nad epistemologicznym statusem wiedzy eksperckiej, kompetencji poznawczych wchodzących w zakres eksperckości oraz autorytetu eksperta. Są one traktowane jako rodzaj wiedzy pozainstytucjonalnej, tylko w niewielkim stopniu nawiązującej do wiedzy naukowej i akademickich środowisk. Zreferowane zostają stanowiska A. Goldmana, H. Collinsa i R. Evansa, Z. Majdika i W. Keitha, T. Burge’a oraz J. Shanteau w kwestii prawomocności wiedzy eksperckiej oraz sposobów jej uzasadniania. Wskazuje się na problematyczność i pewne ograniczenia tradycyjnych stanowisk w sprawie wiarygodności wiedzy eksperckiej i autorytetu eksperta. Na przykładzie zjawiska spektrum autyzmu i tradycyjnych sądów na jego temat – w szczególności ekspertyz wydawanych o osobach nim objętych oraz potocznych opinii i stereotypów – przedstawiona zostaje dyskusja nad zmianami zachodzącymi w tej dziedzinie wiedzy i społecznej praktyki. Omawiane są koncepcje eksperckości przez doświadczenie w temacie autyzmu, w tym również tzw. samorzecznictwa i samorzecznictwa- naukowców. Te nowe postawy poznawcze i społeczne funkcje ekspertów ds. spektrum autyzmu analizowane są również od strony epistemologicznej wiarygodności tego rodzaju wiedzy i kompetencji.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Maciej Wodziński
Marek Hetmański

  1. Szkoła Doktorska Nauk Humanistycznych UMCS, Pl. M.Curie-Skłodowskiej 4, 20-031 Lublin
  2. Instytut Filozofii UMCS, Pl. M. Curie-Skłodowskiej 4, 20-031 Lublin
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The article deals with the features and characteristics of intelligent systems for modelling business processes. Their classification was made and criteria for comparison were developed. According to the comparative analysis of existing expert systems for intelligent analysis, a reasonable choice of system for modelling business processes of a particular enterprise has been carried out. In general, it was found that the introduction of intelligent systems for modelling business processes of the enterprise and forecasting its activities for future allows management of the company to obtain relevant and necessary information for the adoption of effective management decisions and the development of a strategic plan.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Svetlana A. Yaremko
Elena M. Kuzmina
Nataliia B. Savina
Konrad Gromaszek
Bakhyt Yeraliyeva
Gauhar Borankulova

  1. Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Ukraine
  2. National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne, Ukraine
  3. Lublin University of Technology, Lublin, Poland
  4. Taraz State University after M.Kh.Dulaty, Taraz, Kazakhstan


At the beginning of the year 2024, 65 years will have passed since the establishment of the Chamber of Experts of the Association of Polish Electrical Engineers (SEP). During this period, SEP underwent significant changes. Particularly serious changes in the conditions for practicing association expertises have occurred in recent years, along with dynamic economic and political changes in Poland. Expertise is strongly based on economic conditions and the ways in which scientific, technical and industrial competences are expanded and available in the society. In the past, these highest competencies were quite strictly limited to well-organized professional communities related to scientific and technical associations such as SEP, and federal bodies such as NOT. Competencies were also generated in the best industrial centres associated with academic polytechnic centres. Today the role of expertises in electrical, electronics and ICT engineering is undergoing significant changes.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Maria Zastawny
Andrzej Skorupski
Ryszard S. Romaniuk

  1. SEP
  2. WUT, Poland


As one of the key techniques in the fully mechanized mining process, equipment selection and matching has a great effect on security, production and efficiency. The selection and matching of fully mechanized mining equipment in thin coal seam are restricted by many factors. In fully mechanized mining (FMM) faced in thin coal seams (TCS), to counter the problems existing in equipment selection, such as many the parameters concerned and low automation, an expert system (ES) of equipment selection for fully mechanized mining longwall face was established. A database for the equipment selection and matching expert system in thin coal seam, fully mechanized mining face has been established. Meanwhile, a decision-making software matching the ES was developed. Based on several real world examples, the reliability and technical risks of the results from the ES was discussed. Compared with the field applications, the shearer selection from the ES is reliable. However, some small deviations existed in the hydraulic support and scraper conveyor selection. Then, the ES was further improved. As a result, equipment selection in fully mechanized mining longwall face called 4301 in the Liangshuijing coal mine was carried out by the improved ES. Equipment selection results of the interface in the improved ES is consistent with the design proposal of the 4301 FMM working face. The reliability of the improved ES can meet the requirements of the engineering. It promotes the intelligent and efficient mining of coal resources in China.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Chen Wang
Jie Chen
Cheng Liu
Chengyu Jiang


We aimed to investigate whether educational activities in the form of guided tours through an exhibition change the appreciation of art when young experts (i.e. first-years students of artistic faculties) view contemporary art in a gallery. Participants viewed and assessed the artworks presented at the gallery twice – before and after taking part in a guided tour led by a gallery educator. The guide-led tour increased both understanding and ratings (the hedonic value) of the artworks, which is consistent with the “effort after meaning” hypothesis and also with the model of aesthetic appreciation and aesthetic judgments. Our results suggest that the reception of works of art by young experts is changed when they are under the influence of extensive contextual information.

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Magdalena Szubielska
Agata Sztorc


Construction contracts are susceptible to disputes as they regulate very complex multi-party relationships. Previous studies not only fail to aptly outline the distinction between “conflict” and “dispute”, but also fail to adequately study the causes of construction disputes in-light of project delivery systems. The present research aims at assessing the causes and settlement mechanisms of construction disputes in Design-Bid-Build (DBB) and Design-Build (DB) delivery systems with a view to add evidence to the existing knowledge. Accordingly, four most relevant causes of construction disputes identified from previous works of literature were incorporated in a questionnaire survey to determine their frequency of occurrence in the two delivery systems. The Relative Important Index (RII) of the four direct causes of construction disputes computed by SPSS software revealed that, in DBB contracts, the frequency of occurrence of disputable claims (unsettled claims for money/extension of time) has RII = 0.794969/0.777358, project delay has RII = 0.708176, and poor quality of work has RII = 0.469182. In DB contracts, the frequency of occurrence of disputable claims has RII = 0.533333/0.515723, project delay has RII = 0.495597, and poor quality of work has RII = 0.465409. The RII values proved that, DBB projects are significantly prone to disputes than DB projects. Furthermore, qualitative data obtained from road and building project reports exposed that DBB projects are exceedingly prone to disputes because they are frequently vulnerable to an increase in the volume of work due to frequent change orders and design deficiencies. The research further found out that, despite a clear proscription in the laws of the land, there is a routine out of court settlement of public construction disputes in Ethiopia.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Sintayehu Kebede

  1. Heilongjiang University, College of Law, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin City, People’s Republic of China


Eye tracking recordings could reveal the visual behavior for different cartographic visualization techniques, such as hill-shading, while at the same time eye tracking metrics (ETMs) can summarize the associated complexity levels in a concise and quantitative manner. In the present study, three different hill-shading methods, including: (i) the standard method based on ideal diffuse reflection, (ii) the Multidirectional Oblique- Weighted method – MDOW and (iii) the combination of a MDOW’s variation with standard hill-shading, are evaluated and ranked in terms of their perceived visual complexity. The performed examination is based on both eye tracking techniques and expert judgement procedures. A weighted combination of basic ETMs has been used, implemented by the Landscape Rating Index – LRI. The weights resulted from an experts’ judgement process where the opinions of experts in geoinformatics, cartography, geovisualization, experimental psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience and eye tracking were analyzed. Fifteen (15) individuals participated in an eye tracking experiment with hill-shading images produced by the three methods under evaluation, while 41 experts participated in an online questionnaire in order to collect all the analysis data. The final evaluation was based on the computation of three LRI models. The outcomes indicate that implementing hill-shading with more than one light sources results in similar perceptual behaviors, allowing for a seamless exploitation of the advantages of using multidirectional illumination.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Nikolaos Tzelepis
Alexandra Kaliakouda
1 2
Vassilios Krassanakis
Loukas-Moysis Misthos
1 3
Byron Nakos

  1. National Technical University of Athens, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Athens, Greece
  2. KTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Built Environment, Stocholm, Sweden
  3. University of West Attica, Department of Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering, Athens, Greece


W artykule omawiam najnowsze dyskusje na temat metodologicznego statusu wiedzy naukowej w obrębie akademii i poza akademią. Dyskutuję kwestie spadku zaufania społecznego do nauki (społeczeństwo ryzyka i strachu) oraz post-prawdy. Przedstawiam trzy stanowiska, określające relacje pomiędzy oficjalną nauką akademicką a innymi formami wiedzy (wiedzy laików) oraz formami użycia wiedzy poza akademią (w polityce). Pierwsze stanowisko to modernizm wyboru Harry’ego Collinsa i Roberta Evansa ujmujące trzecią falę sporów o naukę. Modernizm wyboru określa sposób podejmowania decyzji politycznych z rekomendacji uczonych, którzy mają samoświadomość metodologiczną możliwości i ograniczeń wiedzy naukowej. Drugim stanowiskiem jest propozycja Steve’a Fullera nauki protestanckiej jako formy wiedzy na własny użytek uwarunkowanej post-prawdą. W tym ujęciu wiedzę może wytwarzać każdy, ale musi ona spełniać specyficzne kryteria. Trzecim stanowiskiem jest zaproponowane przez Marka R. Browna ujęcie wiedzy eksperckiej jako reprezentacji rozmaitych opcji światopoglądowych czy kulturowych; ich reprezentanci zlecają ekspertom stosowne przedstawienie rekomendacji do podjęcia określonych decyzji politycznych.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Rafał Paweł Wierzchosławski

  1. Liberal Arts and Sciences, Collegium Historicum UAM, Poznań

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