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In the article the question about the issue of beauty and energy in Polish architecture is considered in the context of experience in the design of buildings and housing estates collected in the last twenty years by the Warsaw studio Grupa 5 Architekci. The conceptual, urban and architectural assumptions are illustrated by three examples representative of different, key problem issues.

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Michał Leszczyński
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The Distinctness of the Workers Settlement as a Housing Estate of the City – Ruda Śląska Case Study. The paper shows the issue of the workers settlements autonomy as a housing estate. The study was conducted in Ruda Śląska town, because this town is a typical example of the multicenter town developed in the era of workers settlements industrialization. A significant number of patronage settlements allowed to try to determine their distinctiveness in respect of their neighborhood or related to town district. Researched issue was presented by three aspects: indicating the urban and architectural contrasts, studying of the internal urban pattern of settlements and by indicating the specific nature of backyards in the workers settlements complexes. Detailed studies were related to urban interiors and their infrastructure and organization in the context of social relations. Contemporary the workers settlements are an important heritage of the industrial period in Ruda Śląska town and in others Upper Silesian towns, and they are often characterized by interesting urban-architectural values. Unfortunately, the most of the researched settlements have never been modernized, and therefore they are systematic degrade, both in housing substance and public spaces.
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Weronika Dragan
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The article concerns problems with shaping contemporary housing estates. By analyzing housing structures designed in recent years, the aim was to demonstrate the importance of creating the continuity of public spaces in order to achieve places seen as attractive and presenting features of high quality urban space. Essential for the research is the question about the conditions which should be fulfi lled when creating the ideal residential place which then leads to a series of answers. These included indicating a good location with functional and aesthetic urban/architectural solutions. Environmental issues are important as well. Regardless of whether it is a multi-family dwelling or a single family house, a good neighborhood and its location in a well-connected place with necessary basic services within walking range are important. It is also signifi cant how the public space was shaped and whether a natural network was created. Due to factors such as the specifi city of the structure’s location in the city and diff erent surfaces of designed estates, as well as the variety of residential buildings being constructed, it is often diffi cult to assess them unambiguously. Importantly, this assessment also includes social and economic aspects as well as technical issues. However, by using multi-directional research it can be noted that the forms of public spaces within housing complexes play an important role in the creation of high-quality structures, perceived as attractive not only by the residents.

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Izabela M. Burda
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Formation of cities was always dependent on water. Location over the water areas gave the opportunity for develop-ment and increase of prosperity. And although water was also a threat and cause of damage, the benefits of its neighbour-hood prevailed. Today, the challenge for developing cities is a climate change observed in recent decades, which results in violent natural phenomena, e.g. floods and hurricanes. One of the main problems faced by residents of housing estates lo-cated on the water is the increasing risk of flooding. Actions are taken to adapt the functioning of the urban structure and buildings to new water conditions. Currently, the process of floodplain development is progressing on a larger scale. This phenomenon is intensifying and as a result many housing estates are created in areas exposed to flooding. The approach to flood issues in the context of architecture and spatial planning has evolved in recent decades. The new water paradigm is expressed in striving to keep it in place.

How did the settlement in the floodplains look once and today in Warsaw? The research study was preceded by a his-torical feature and then the article drew attention to the ways of shaping new housing estates in flood areas in Warsaw. Us-ing the case study method, new housing estates developed in the flood plains have been analysed, with a listing of their strengths and weaknesses and the assessment of solutions. Issues were discussed on how to protect the buildings from the harmful effects of water. On the basis of the conclusions from the Warsaw case study, project guidelines for floodplains in Warsaw were developed, the aim of which was to identify the most important priorities in the development of floodplains and increase the security of investment arising in these areas.

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Eliza Maciejewska
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Housing estates from the second half of the twentieth century carry a significant potential resulting from their comprehensive urban layout, the foundation of which was constituted by the modernist thought. The urban layout along with the principles of composition to a great extent constitute their character and identity, as well as decide about the way they function. The objective of this paper is to discuss the conditions of transformations of such housing estates and threats of devastation of their urban layouts such transformations entail. This goal was reached by focusing on selected housing estates in Krakow. The paper also presents good practices upon the example of German housing estates, where such transformations constitute an effect of a comprehensive and holistic approach leading to bringing out and enhancing the values of housing estates on one hand and eliminating elements which constituted their weakness on the other. The study applies a critical and comparative method, leading to the results which constitute the subject matter of this paper.
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Eliza Szczerek

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
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The article describes the design principles, the course of work on the project and the implementation of the Nowe Żerniki district, in the context of the theory of sustainable housing complexes. By comparing the settlement to the Aspern Seestadt, which is considered to be the leading European example of new district development, the author tries to find out, if Nowe Żerniki meets the latest European urban standards and can be called innovative on a European scale. Not only the final shape of the settlement was assessed, but also the design process and functional assumptions of the estate.

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Agata Twardoch

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