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The small artificial surface defects in the coarse-grain steel are studied. The size of the used defects is smaller than the most relevant microstructural unit of steel, i.e. the average grain size. The samples of coarse-grain steel are prepared using a welding thermal-cycle simulator and a laboratory furnace. The defects are made by indenting with a Vickers pyramid. One of the final results of the defect making is the existence of local residual stresses. The influence of residual stresses on the crack initiation from those artificial defects is discussed in the article.

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Vladimir Gliha
Volodymyr Hutsaylyuk
Lucjan Śnieżek
Tomaz Vuherer
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One of the worst accidents that can take place in industrial presses is related to the risk of generating cracks in the columns. In order to avoid press columns from being subjected to tensile stress in the loading phase, the columns are sometimes assembled precompressed, so that nominal stress maintains negative values throughout the work cycle. Previous researches have considered cracks propagating under cyclic compressive loads in notched specimens. In these cases, the fatigue cracks are initiated at the notch root due to residual tensile stresses and grew at a progressively decreasing speed before arresting. The subject of the present paper is to give a paradigmatic example of crack initiation and propagation also in a general compressive field.
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Giorgio Olrni
Alessandro Freddi
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The article presents a forgotten initiation novel The adventures and travels of Nikodim The Elder written by one of the representative of the Silver Age period, Aleksey Skaldin. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the symbolic images of earth included in terms of their esoteric philosophy. Symbols and key elements show that the earth theme is a starting point of initiation for the main protagonist.
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Authors and Affiliations

Kinga Okroj

  1. Uniwersytet Gdański, Gdańsk
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The poor energy situation in most African countries manifests itself in very low access to energy and high energy poverty. To address these problems, and drive towards achieving universal energy access, African nations have, in recent time, directed attention to governance issues in energy resource development through building relevant institutions, strengthening legal frameworks, designing policies, ensuring cooperation, and harnessing investments. The concern for a governance approach to energy development is partly due to the submission that the core reason for poor energy delivery is ineffective energy governance. This study is based on Southern Africa and intends to examine the current energy access situation and explore the existing energy governance initiatives. The study used three measures of energy access (national, rural and urban) and energy consumption in order to examine the existing energy situation. The governance actions were examined by looking at national energy policies, energy partnerships (private sector, development partners), and sub-regional power pools. The study observes that the generally poor energy situation in Africa is evident in the Southern African countries. Governance actions are found to be multisource and multilevel. While these actions confirm the seriousness of the stakeholders in addressing the poor energy situation; results have been minimal. Thus, there is a need for more vigorous efforts in implementing the energy policies, engaging the private sector and creating productive cooperation among energy delivery stakeholders.
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Yekeen Adeeyo Sanusi
Chukwudi Bernhard Ohadugha
Valda Itunu Martins
Sheriffdeen Akande Olaide

  1. Urban and Regional Planning, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria
  2. Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria
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The subject of this article is the analysis of the relationship between G 0/ M DMT and K D, where G 0 is the small strain shear modulus, while M DMT and K D are respectively the constrained modulus and the horizontal stress index determined from DMT tests. This relationship allows to determine a profile with depth of G 0 from standard DMT test results, useful when data from nonseismic DMT investigations are available. The analysis was based on a large amount of data for a wide range of soils of different origins in Poland. The dataset included OC and NC loams, silts, medium sands, silty sands and fine sands. The overconsolidation ratio (OCR) was estimated using data from CPTU and DMT tests. The obtained empirical G 0/ M DMT vs. K D relationships were compared with the correlations established by Marchetti et al. [1] for different soil types. To account for the significant influence of overconsolidation, an original empirical relationship between G 0/�� p and K D, where �� p is the preconsolidation stress, was defined based on data from all investigated fine-grained soils.
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Zbigniew Młynarek
Jędrzej Wierzbicki
Paola Monaco
Katarzyna Stefaniak

  1. University of Life Sciences, Poznan, Poland
  2. Institute of Geology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland
  3. University of L’Aquila, L’Aquila, Italy
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The title of the article, formulated by the Editors, requires a few clarifcations of terms. Both phenomena – Christianity and the African culture – are de facto plural and have to be regarded and treated as such. The title also juxtaposes a term that describes a religious reality with a cultural one (this also touches on the understanding of the relation between religion and culture). This can only be done on the assumption that “Christianity” means “a culture permeated by the Gospel message”.

The author argues that Christians have never presented a unifed attitude towards the African culture. As in the Christian antiquity, as in later times (including the present) Christians showed ambivalent attitudes towards the African culture. Some strongly opposed it, some allowed a restricted borrowing, some engaged actively with the African culture. One cannot see these attitudes in terms of development or regress because they have been synchronically present at all times. The attitudes towards African culture also changed at times within the particular strands of Christianity. What was rejected of hardly acceptable at one time becomes the order of the day at other. However, these attitudes have not been synchronized in all christian churches and communities.

After stating the article’s argument and making the terminological reservations, the author substantiate the argument presenting three types of interaction between Christianity and African culture giving examples from different times and regions.

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Ks. Stanisław Grodź SVD
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JESSICA initiative as a financial engineering instrument was introduced to enhance and accelerate investments in disadvantaged urban areas. The novel aspect of JESSICA is that this instrument should not only support and promote sustainable urban development but also provide incentives that lower risk capital investments and consequently allow to overcome existing market failures. Thus, the paper aims to identify whether JESSICA projects have contributed to generating positive market effects, as well as to indicate the factors that were most responsible for the occurrence of these phenomena. The results show that 75% out of all projects generated positive market effects in form of new jobs, services or products. The generation of revenues by particular project was the most influential factor determining the capacity of a given project to create positive markets effects.

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Piotr Idczak
Ida Musiałkowska
Karol Mrozik
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The method of evaluating the resonant frequencies of multilayered resonator containing demagnetized ferrites is presented. The detailed solution of Maxwell's equations for such a structure by means of the radial modes matching method for TE0mn modes is given. The results of calculations using developed and launched computer program are given. Results of calculations are compared with those obtained by other method using CST simulator. These results are in close agreement, which proves the correctness of the method. The developed solution, and the software program can be used to measure the initial permeability of ferrites.
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Krzysztof Derzakowski

  1. Institute of Radiolectronics and MultimediaTechnology, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
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The numerical solutions of stress and strain components on the critical plane of tungsten carbide coating were solved based on the critical plane method in three-dimensional coordinate system, and accordingly three strain energy density parameters (Smith-Watson-Topper, Nita-Ogatta-Kuwabara and Chen parameters) were determined to reveal the fretting fatigue characteristics of tungsten carbide coating. In order to predict the fretting fatigue life based on the strain energy density criterion, the expressions between the strain energy density parameter and the fretting fatigue life was obtained experimentally. After the comparison of the three strain energy parameters, it was found that all three parameters could accurately predict the crack initiation position, but only the Smith-Watson-Topper parameters could accurately predict the crack initiation angle. The effects of cyclic load, normal load and friction coefficient on fretting fatigue damage behaviors were discussed by using the Smith-Watson-Topper criterion. The results show that the fretting fatigue life decreases with the increase of cyclic load; an increase in the normal contact load will cause the Smith-Watson-Topper damage parameters more concentrated at the outer edge of the bridge foot; a decrease in the friction coefficient will increase the Smith-Watson-Topper damage parameters in the middle of the contact surface.
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Xin Zeng
1 2
Xiaoxiao Wang
1 2
Xuecheng Ping
1 2
Renjie Wang
1 2
Tao Hu

  1. Tianjin University of Science and Technology, School of Mechanical Engineering, Tianjin 300222, China
  2. Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Tianjin Key Laboratory of Integrated Design and Online Monitoring of Light Industry and Food Engineering Machinery and Equipment, Tianjin 300222, China
  3. Shanghai Xifa Business Consult ing Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200232, China
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Steel loss related to the formation of scale is a parameter that is of great importance in the charge heating process. The value of steel loss determined by the thickness of the scale layer affects the intensity of the heat transfer process in the heating furnace, but also constitutes a significant element in the heat-material balance. Reducing the loss of steel during charge heating has a positive effect on heat consumption and material losses, which is extremely important in the context of energy and resource savings, the main elements of sustainable development processes. The methodology of determining the loss of steel to scale in an industrial heating furnace is presented in the paper. The results of calculations for various charge temperatures at the entrance to the furnace are presented. The influence of furnace operating conditions on steel loss is discussed.
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J. Boryca
T. Wyleciał
D. Urbaniak

  1. Czestochowa University of Technology, 19 Armii Krajowej Av., 42-200 Czestochowa, Poland
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Ladle plays an important role in the metallurgical industry whose maintenance directly affects the production efficiency of enterprises. In view of the problems such as low maintenance efficiency and untimely maintenance in the current ladle passive maintenance scheme, the life prediction mechanism for ladle composite structures is established which bases on the stress analysis of steel shell and ladle lining in the production process, combining conventional fatigue analysis and extended fracture theory. The mechanism is accurate and effective according to the simulation results. Through which, the useful life of steel shell can be accurately predicted by detecting the crack length of it. Due to the large number of factors affecting the life of the lining of the ladle, it is difficult to accurately predict the life of the ladle lining, so a forecasting mean based on the thermal shock method is proposed to predict the service life of the ladle lining in this paper. The life prediction mechanism can provide data support and theoretical guidance for the active maintenance of the ladle, which is the prerequisite for scientifically formulating ladle initiative maintenance program.

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Authors and Affiliations

Gongfa Li
Du Jiang
Ying Sun
Guozhang Jiang
Bo Tao
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Although the explicit commutativitiy conditions for second-order linear time-varying systems have been appeared in some literature, these are all for initially relaxed systems. This paper presents explicit necessary and sufficient commutativity conditions for commutativity of second-order linear time-varying systems with non-zero initial conditions. It has appeared interesting that the second requirement for the commutativity of non-relaxed systems plays an important role on the commutativity conditions when non-zero initial conditions exist. Another highlight is that the commutativity of switched systems is considered and spoiling of commutativity at the switching instants is illustrated for the first time. The simulation results support the theory developed in the paper.

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Mehmet Emir Koksal
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Inspired by the recent avenues for longitudinal research in second language acquisition (SLA), in this study we aimed to trace changes in language mindsets over time via a curve of factors model. The data were collected from 437 adult English as a foreign language learners’ response to the Language Mindsets Index in four time points. The model fit was accepted and the invariance of the latent factor was attested over time. The findings indicated a negative covariance between the initial level language mindsets and the growth level of the construct. This finding implies that learners with a highly initial level of language mindsets experienced less change in the construct over time and those with a lower level of the construct changed their mindsets more over time. Pedagogical implications of the findings such as language teachers’ consideration of growth language mindsets interventions are discussed.
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Authors and Affiliations

Majid Elahi Shirvan
Tahereh Taherian
Elham Yazdanmehr
Esmaeel Saeedy Robat

  1. University of Bojnord, Iran
  2. Yazd University, Iran
  3. Attar Institute of Higher Education, Iran
  4. Department of Education, Taybad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Taybad, Iran
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This article discusses the professional careers of foreign scholars in Krakow, one of the leading academic centres in Poland and a regional ‘silicon valley’ (toutes proportions gardées). Central and Eastern Europe is understudied as an immigration region for highly skilled migrants (HSMs). To bridge this gap, we concentrate on three interrelated topics: (a) the perception of Polish science and its infrastruc-ture; (b) careers of international staff employed in Polish academia; and (c) their perception of their achievements in Poland. Foreign scholars come to Poland for various reasons. Two of the most important are the cultural proximity between Poland and their country of origin, and research interests focused directly in Poland. Our findings show that Poland attracts first and foremost scholars with average scientific achievements. We discuss major problems they encounter (e.g., shortage of funds, uncomfortable office space, restricted access to books and papers) and their expectations of life in a semi-periphery country. The paper is mainly based on in-depth interviews with 23 foreign scholars working full time at four universities in Krakow and, as a secondary source, on the analysis of websites of these universities.

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Janusz Mucha
Kamil Łuczaj
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Rotation modulation can significantly improve the navigation accuracies of an inertial navigation system (INS) and a strap-down configuration dominating in this type of INS. However, this style of construction is not a good scheme since it has no servo loop to counteract a vehicle manoeuvre. This paper proposes a rotary upgrading method for a rotational INS based on an inertially stabilized platform. The servo control loop is reconstructed on a four-gimbal platform, and it has the functions of providing both a level stability relative to the navigation frame and an azimuth rotation at a speed of 1:2◦/s. With the platform’s rotation, the observability and the convergence speed of the estimation for the initial alignment can be improved, as well as the biases of the gyroscopes and accelerometers be modulated into zero-mean periodic values. An open-loop initial alignment method is designed, and its detailed algorithms are delivered. The experiment result shows that the newly designed rotational INS has reached an accuracy of 0.38 n mile/h (CEP, circular error probable). The feasibility and engineering applicability of the designed scheme have been validated.

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Rong Guo
Xueyun Wang
Jingjuan Zhang
Tianxiao Song
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The iterative learning fault-tolerant control strategies with non-strict repetitive initial state disturbances are studied for the linear discrete networked control systems (NCSs) and the nonlinear discrete NCSs. In order to reduce the influence of the initial state disturbance in iteration, for the linear NCSs, considering the external disturbance and actuator failure, the iterative learning fault-tolerant control strategy with impulse function is proposed. For the nonlinear NCSs, the external disturbance, packet loss and actuator failure are considered, the iterative learning fault-tolerant control strategy with random Bernoulli sequence is provided. Finally, the proposed control strategies are used for simulation research for the linear NCSs and the nonlinear NCSs. The results show that both strategies can reduce the influence of the initial state disturbance on the tracking effect, which verifies the effectiveness of the given method.
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Authors and Affiliations

Fu Xingjian
Zhao Qianjun

  1. School of Automation, Beijing Information Science and Technology University, Beijing 100192, China
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The paper considers parametric optimization problems for the steel bar structures formulated as nonlinear programming ones with variable unknown cross-sectional sizes of the structural members, as well as initial prestressing forces introduced into the specified redundant members of the structure. The system of constraints covers load-bearing capacity constraints for all the design sections of the structural members subjected to all the design load combinations at ultimate limit state, as well as displacement constraints for the specified nodes of the bar system, subjected to all design load combinations at serviceability limit state. The method of the objective function gradient projection onto the active constraints surface with simultaneous correction of the constraints violations has been used to solve the parametric optimization problem. A numerical technique to determine the optimal number of the redundant members to introduce the initial prestressing forces has been offered for high-order statically indeterminate bar structures. It reduces the dimension for the design variable vector of unknown initial prestressing forces for considered optimization problems.

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Vitalina Yurchenko
Ivan Peleshko
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Joints in cold-formed steel framing structures are usually designed as bolted lap type ones with a gusset plate. Unlike the end-plate joints in hot-rolled structures, the load in such joints is transferred through shearing of the bolts and bearing of the material. The prediction of their structural properties may be problematic in viewof unfavourable influence of the hole clearance and hole ovalization resulting from low bearing resistance of thin walls. A few experimental programmes showed that these issues lead to a different behaviour of the whole joint comparing to common end plate type. These concerns may be particularly important for joints under variable loading, which are prone to deterioration of structural properties. The testing programme conducted by the authors was focused on their behaviour under monotonic and cyclic loading with attention to a potential drop of resistance and stiffness. Monotonic tests revealed quite similar course of the joints’ response. In view of high deformability of the specimens at the intermediate stage of each monotonic test, plastic moment resistances of joints were associated with the initial part of the moment-rotation curves and were multiple times lower than maximum moments obtained in the experiments. The quantities of deterioration of structural properties were determined based on cyclic tests. Drop of resistance and stiffness was observed for several levels of loading range, but the trend of decrease varied for each property. Application of the DIC technique allowed one to identify qualitatively and quantitatively the sources of joint deformability.
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Authors and Affiliations

Rafał Budzinski
Lucjan Ślęczka

  1. RzeszowUniversity of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture, Al. Powstanców Warszawy 12, 35-959 Rzeszów, Poland
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The present paper examines the textual evidence, mainly the late Vedic codifications of the domestic rituals Gṛhya sūtras and Hindu religious and legal duties Dharma śāstras, related to the name giving tradition in ancient India. Issues are addressed: why according to tradition a brāhmaṇa should have two names, and why one of these names should be the nakṣatra (lunar constellation) name? How the secret ( guhya) stellar name was chosen? How name giving practices are related to the concept of the sacred speech in Indian religious culture? The historical and textual analysis of the Sanskrit sources, besides of the historical approach to religious studies shall be applied as the principal methodological tools. Conclusion is made that the Indian name derived from the nakṣatra was vitally connected with the of the individual and his super-personal power lying behind, and kept secret less enemies may do mischief to the man through it. The adoption of a second, secret name was assumed also for success and distinction in life.
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Audrius Beinorius

  1. Vilnius University, Lithuania
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In 2016–2018 Google ran a special fund to support innovation in European journalism. This article is based on the analysis of over 600 descriptions of successful projects from the Google Digital News Initiative website. The aim of the survey was to get the picture of the digital innovations implemented in the framework of competing projects and to find out whether the language of the descriptions reveals how the participants define their vision of digital innovations in journalism.
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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Andrusiewicz

  1. Instytut Nauk o Informacji, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN, ul. Podchorążych 2, PL 30-084 Kraków
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Gas explosions are major disasters in coal mining, and they typically cause a large number of deaths, injuries and property losses. An appropriate understanding of the effects of combustible gases on the characteristics of methane explosions is essential to prevent and control methane explosions. FLACS software was used to simulate an explosion of a mixture of CH4 and combustible gases (C2H4, C2H6, H2, and CO) at various mixing concentrations and different temperatures (25, 60, 100, 140 and 180℃). After adding combustible gases to methane at a constant volume and atmospheric pressure, the adiabatic flame temperature linearly increases as the initial temperature increases. Under stoichiometric conditions (9.5% CH4-air mixture), the addition of C2H4 and C2H6 has a greater effect on the adiabatic flame temperature of methane than H2 and CO at different initial temperatures. Under the fuel-lean CH4-air mixture (7% CH4-air mixture) and fuel-rich mixture (11% CH4-air mixture), the addition of H2 and CO has a greater effect on the adiabatic flame temperature of methane. In contrast, the addition of combustible gases negatively affected the maximum explosion pressure of the CH4-air mixture, exhibiting a linearly decreasing trend with increasing initial temperature. As the volume fraction of the mixed gas increases, the adiabatic flame temperature and maximum explosion pressure of the stoichiometric conditions increase. In contrast, under the fuel-rich mixture, the combustible gas slightly lowered the adiabatic flame temperature and the maximum explosion pressure. When the initial temperature was 140℃, the fuel consumption time was approximately 8-10 ms earlier than that at the initial temperature of 25℃. When the volume fraction of the combustible gas was 2.0%, the consumption time of fuel reduced by approximately 10 ms compared with that observed when the volume fraction of flammable gas was 0.4%.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zhenmin Luo
1 2
Litao Liu
1 2
Shuaishuai Gao
1 2
Tao Wang
1 2 3
Bin Su
1 2
Lei Wang
1 2
Yong Yang
4 2
Xiufang Li

  1. Xi’an University of Science and Technology, School of Safety Science & Engineering, 58, Yanta Mid. Rd., Xi’an, 710054, Shaanxi, PR China
  2. Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Prevention and Control of Coal Fire, 58, Yanta Mid. Rd, Xi’an, 710054, Shaanxi, PR China
  3. Xi’an University of Science and Technology, Postdoctoral Program, 58, Yanta Mid. Rd., Xi’an 710054, Shaanxi, PR China
  4. Xi’an University of Science and Technology, School of Safety Science & Engineering, 58, Yanta Mid. Rd., Xi’an, 710054, Shaanxi, PR
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Time-dependent behavior of rock mass is important for long-term stability analysis in rock engineering. Extensive studies have been carried out on the creep properties and rheological models for variable kinds of rocks, however, the effects of initial damage state on the time-dependent behavior of rock has not yet been taken into consideration. In the present study, the authors proposed a creep test scheme with controlled initial damage to investigate the influence of initial damage on the time-dependent behavior of sandstone. In the test scheme, the initial states of damage were first determined via unloading the specimen from various stresses. Then, the creep test was conducted under different stress levels with specific initial damage. The experimental results show that there is a stress threshold for the initial damage to influence the behavior of the rock in the uniaxial compressive creep tests, which is the stress threshold of dilatancy of rock. When the creep stress is less than the stress threshold, the effect of the initial damage seems to be insignificant. However, if the creep stress is higher than the stress threshold, the initial damage has an important influence on the time-dependent deformation, especially the lateral and volumetric deformation. Moreover, the initial damage also has great influence on the creep failure stress and long-term strength, i.e., higher initial damage leading to lower creep failure stress and long-term strength. The experimental results can provide valuable data for the construction of a creep damage model and long-term stability analysis for rock engineering.

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Authors and Affiliations

Rongbin Hou
Kai Zhang
Jing Tao
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The aim of the paper is to formulate physically well founded yield condition for initially anisotropic solids revealing the asymmetry of elastic range. The initial anisotropy occurs in material primarily due to thermo-mechanical pre-processing and plastic deformation during the manufacturing processes. Therefore, materials in the “as-received” state become usually anisotropic. After short account of the known limit criteria for anisotropic solids and discussion of mathematical preliminaries the energy-based criterion for orthotropic materials was formulated and confronted with experimental data and numerical predictions of other theories. Finally, possible simplifications are discussed and certain model of isotropic material with yield condition accounting for a correction of shear strength due to initial anisotropy is presented. The experimental verification is provided and the comparison with existing approach based on the transformed-tensor method is discussed.

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Authors and Affiliations

R.B. Pęcherski
A. Rusinek
T. Fras
M. Nowak
Z. Nowak

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