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The aim of the paper is to assess the feminist potential of political liberalism, as the latter was defined by Charles Larmore and John Rawls. The analysis focuses on liberal feminism to determine whether it would be more convincing if it became politico-liberal feminism. This problem is addressed with reference to two authors – Martha C. Nussbaum and Susan Moller Okin – the former being an advocate and the latter a critic of the liberal feminism and political liberalism merger. It is argued that Okin’s worries about this combination are justified. However, the conclusion is that Okin’s criticism emphasises the necessity and possibility of the revision of political liberalism – as a possible background of liberal feminism and a general orientation in political philosophy.

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Urszula Lisowska
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The author presents Norman Davies' conception of a "Nation" which is based on multicultural assumptions. This idea is next contrasted with the nationalistic notions, which still dominate in national historiographies.
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Agieszka Polak
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The author supports the claim that attempts to formulate a universal definition of the term “populism” are not worthwhile, because the sense of the term is usually determined by a specific social context. Understanding the utopian nature of populism provides a better understanding of the utopian nature of democracy and allows for a humble departure from dreams of a perfect social order, because, as has been shown in numerous survey studies, the contemporary shift of social mood, attitudes, and opinions toward some version of populism is a relatively simple consequence of the deficiencies of democracy in its neoliberal version.

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Kazimierz W. Frieske
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Roger Scruton repudiates the idea that civil liberty is a natural and unconditionally desirable state of citizenry, while subjection is something degrading and unnatural. He characterizes the conservative political system as a ‘rule by institutions’ supported by a theory of nature and a theory describing the functioning of institutions. National politics results from operations of social and political institutions which have grown out of traditional arrangements, respect raison d’État, and are governed by offices. The author argues that this is a sound interpretation of essential political arrangements, if it can solve the problem of political reconstruction after a period of decline or disintegration. As a matter of fact Scruton offers such a solution in his analysis of various forms of liberalism, one of which he seems to identify with conservatism.

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Jacek Hołówka
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The aim of the article is to present the views of Andrzej Walicki on the heritage of the Russian and Polish intelligentsia. His interest in the history of this social group resulted not only from the need for empathic understanding of its worldview(s), but above all from his pursuit of his own self‑definition and the desire to outline his life program. He believed that the main merit of the Russian intelligentsia was the ethos of sacrifice for the lower classes and the experienced imperative to ‘redeem’ the historical blame of the privileged classes. The main contribution of the Polish intelligentsia was the desire to include the lower classes in the modern political community – with the view to creating a civil nation. According to Walicki, the political breakthrough after 1989, along with the ‘shock therapy’, regrettably supported by a majority of the Polish intelligentsia, resulted for many people from the working class in a real pauperization and a major loss of life stability. The necessity to return to the traditional ethos of intelligentsia was (and is) the only way to restore in the social upper strata a sense of responsibility for the lower classes and a willingness to empower them to shape future social relationships.
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Maria M. Przeciszewska

  1. Fundacja Augusta hr. Cieszkowskiego, ul. Mianowskiego 15/65, 02-044 Warszawa
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John Rawls’s theory is blamed by political realism for adopting the position of political moralism, i.e. for subordinating politics to morality and understanding political phi-losophy as applied ethics. This article addresses these charges. It addresses a number of issues: How does Rawls understand politics? Does he understand it at all? Does the theory of liberalism realistically describe democracies? What is its normative character? In what sense is it a ‘realist utopia’? By posing these questions this paper analyzes the self‑limiting, restrained character of political liberalism, which is a result of the realistic recognition of the fact of pluralism of reasonable doctrines in modern liberal societies. It is pointed out, however, that liberalism is not conceived as a self‑limiting political liberalism of Rawls, but as a ‘comprehensive doctrine’ that constitutes a unified ideological foundation for modern ‘liberal democracy’. The self‑limitation of liberalism cannot be sustained in this way, however, as is evidenced by the fact that Rawls’s theory attempting to separate the political sphere from the ‘background culture’ has clearly failed.
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Zdzisław Krasnodębski
1 2

  1. Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie, Instytut Nauk o Polityce i Administracji, ul. Kopernika 26, 31‑501 Kraków
  2. Universität Bremen, FB 8 Sozialwissenschaften, Bibliothekstraße 1, 28359 Bremen, Niemcy
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In the early 21st century, the USD 64,000 Question has been whether China is actually integrating into the liberal world order. In this paper I concentrate on one segment of that order: the oil market order. I question the argument that in the present century the oil market order has moved away from being “liberal capitalist” towards becoming “state-capitalist” as a consequence of the rise of China and Chinese preferences. I argue that China has neither changed nor has had the power to change the international oil market order. To demonstrate this, I evaluate China’s behavior towards the three pillars of the liberal oil market order. The first pillar is the United States’ role as the underwriter of the global oil supply. The US guarantees oil security mainly through its military presence in the Persian Gulf, the most important region for oil exports. The US also guarantees the security of sea lines of communication. The second pillar is the ownership structure of the oil industry, where state-owned and privately-owned companies coexist. The third pillar is the currency of the oil trade (the US dollar) and its market-driven pricing system. It replaced the system of OPEC-administered prices that existed between 1973 and 1988. Pricing power moved away from OPEC to the so-called “market”. In the period 2000–2020, China did not challenge any of those three pillars. China may be a mercantilist power, but in the first two decades of the 21st century it remained within the liberal oil market order.
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Rafał Ulatowski

  1. Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, University of Warsaw, Poland
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Energy is a basic industry for any economy and ensures the country’s security, including economic

security. The purpose of the article is to analyze the reform of the energy sector in Ukraine

for successful integration into the energy sector of the European Union. The state of the energy

industry from 2003 to 2018 is analyzed. The following main reasons for the decrease in electricity

generation in Ukraine are identified – a decrease in production volumes, the annexation of Crimea

and the anti-terrorist operation in the east of Ukraine, a decrease in the volume of energy output

from Thermal Power Plants due to aging capacities, difficulties with raw materials, low efficiency,

which, however, has a good effect on the environment due to a decrease carbon dioxide emissions.

The directions of reforming the electric power industry of Ukraine are considered in the context of

“industry-market-company”. Four electricity market models are analyzed and the new model of the

competitor’s market for electricity in Ukraine with contract market, spot market, the balancing market

is substantiated. The structure of the segments of the new electricity market and the participants

are proposed. More than half of the electricity market is provided by nuclear power, which ranks

the 5th in the world in terms of installed capacity. The analysis of the performance indicators of the

nuclear company for 2007–2019 showed significant reserves for the company’s growth, which are

being successfully implemented through strategic development projects and phased corporatization

of the company as a tool of unbundling. The main challenges of implementation a new market

model are analyzed and solutions are proposed.

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Hanna Doroshuk
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Liberal and communitarian orientation refers to different concepts of the relationships linking citizens with the political community. A significant proportion of Poles combine their various elements, but both orientations are antagonistic in the prototype form. Earlier studies have shown that the distinction between liberalism vs. communitarianism was one of the critical dimensions of the Polish socio-political polarization. These two different concepts of the community imply two sets of hypotheses concerning their moral justifications and specific patterns of civic engagement. The hypotheses were verified in two survey studies conducted on large nationwide samples (N = 710 and N = 1477). Study 1 has shown that the hypothesized liberal orientation's embedding in individualizing moral values found empirical support only for the code of Liberty/Oppression. On the other hand, communitarian orientation turned out to be positively related not only to all components of binding moral values (Ingroup loyalty, Authority, Sanctity) but also to some individualizing moral values (Care, Fairness). Pattern of relationships with moral values largely explains the differences observed in study 2. In this study liberals are better at unconventional activity, which consists in exerting direct pressure on various groups of decision-makers. Communitarianism is more often expressed in helping and cooperation at the local or neighborhood community level. People with a liberal mindset want to be active when they perceive a threat to personal freedoms, human rights, tolerance, and socio-cultural diversity. Communitarians want to protect/cultivate traditional values and the welfare of the local and national community. For both orientations, competing values - liberal or communitarian - seem not even minimally worthy of public involvement.
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Piotr Radkiewicz

  1. Institute of Psychology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
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In this article, I am trying to enquire briefly into a certain issue that was, in a way, the hallmark of Andrzej Walicki’s worldview. The issue concerns his interpretation of freedom, and above all, his preference for negative freedom („freedom from”), which epitomized liberalism, against the concept of positive freedom („freedom to”), which for Walicki was a systemic and pernicious encumbrance in Marxism. However, in his later works, Walicki nuanced his opinions and paid more attention to the weaknesses of liberalism arising from its inability to absorb some aspects of positive freedom associated with contemporary ideas inspired by Marxism.
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Janusz Dobieszewski

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00‑047 Warszawa
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The idea that everyone should accept the terms of a contract, provided that others do so, is the core normative idea of John Rawls’s doctrine of social justice, presented in his major books: A Theory of Justice and Political Liberalism. In the present paper I argue that the principle of reciprocity makes it possible for Rawls to intertwine coherently two competing thought streams in the liberal tradition – the first one focusing on economic equality and the second one rooted in liberty. The idea of reciprocity adopted with the intention of satisfying the ideal of reasonableness in a well‑ordered society is the foundation of a genuine acceptance of the political conception of justice and of the civic ties and civic friendship. However, the historical and cultural analysis supports the conclusion that the Rawls’s project is buttressed by multigenerational experience of the discipline and ethos of the free market economy, which has not been openly endorsed by Rawls. Without support from such experience social solidarity within ethically neutral institutions would be hard to achieve unless it is expressed in terms of communitarian, patriotic or religious values.
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Authors and Affiliations

Dariusz Dańkowski SJ

  1. Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie, ul. Kopernika 26, 31‑501 Kraków
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In this article I present an outline of selected feminist critiques of John Rawls’s theory. I limit myself to four problems: the concept of the social contract and the individual (C. Pateman), the concept of moral development (C. Gilligan) and the critique of the concept of justice (M. Nussbaum, N. Fraser). I offer an opinion on the undiminished relevance of the problems posed by these feminists.
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Authors and Affiliations

Magdalena Środa

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00‑927 Warszawa
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SEM Automated Mineralogy (SEM-AM) is an analytical system based on a scanning electron microscope (SEM) with backscattered electron detector and an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS). This automated tool enables to quantify mineralogy, size and geometry of solid matter components. The paper presents a SEM-AM application in detection of mineralogical and textural sediment sorting on the example of a submarine gravity flow record from the Cergowa sandstones (Lower Oligocene) in the Polish Outer Carpathians. Analysis of high quality backscattered electron (BSE) imagery in combination with EDX spectra discriminates mineral phases in polished samples. These data are then processed by the mineral liberation analysis (MLA) software in order to extract size and shape information, and combine, compare and group components for further examination. Automated data extraction provides highly representative measurement statistics devoid of manual work bias. The Cergowa sandstones were prepared for the analysis as non-granular samples in coated thin sections and granular samples in epoxy mounts. The former samples provide mineralogical data whereas the latter additionally generate textural parameters, both essential in interpretation of variability of flow competence. Comparisons between samples from an individual bed and between different beds of the measured sections give insights into the spatial and temporal flow development at a given locality. On the other hand, a comparison of different sections and regions of the formation will provide basis for the reconstruction of submarine flow events throughout the sedimentary basin and contribute to the characterisation of the provenance areas. Highly detailed quantitative data generated by this procedure have great potential in helping to recognise complex relationships between mineralogical and textural sorting by depositional processes.
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Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Pszonka
Bernhard Schulz

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
  2. Freiberg University of Mining and Technology, Department of Economic Geology and Petrology, Germany
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The issue of rationality and the term itself appear in the works of John Rawls, for instance in his famous volume A Theory of Justice. At the same time, in another of his books, Political Liberalism, we can find not only the correlated terms ‘rational’, but also the term ‘reasonable’. In that volume Rawls enlightens their meaning. In this article, the author analyses the terms mentioned more closely and reflects on their use in various contexts. The explanatory hypothesis adopted by the author is that the use of these two terms, not just one of them, may enrich our conceptual network and increase the possibilities of analysing the sphere of human action. The aim of the analyses is to confirm this hypothesis and to extract the specific sense of the term ‘reasonable’, and of its use, especially in Rawls’s Political Liberalism.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ryszard Kleszcz

  1. Uniwersytet Łódzki, Instytut Filozofii, ul. Lindleya 3/5, 90-131 Łódź
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My current considerations concern the way in which the category of animals is present in contemporary philosophy, especially if it occurs in the context of moral philosophy and the theory of cognition and mind. These are, I suppose, the areas of inquiry inspiring wide interest, even if we focus on the narrow question of the place of animals in the domains of morality, cognition, and consciousness. Although John Rawls himself approaches these issues with caution, and his interest in these types of problems is marginal, they deserve some philosophical attention. There is a close relationship between the belief that non‑personal living entities such as animals are capable of feeling pain and pleasure on the one hand, and the human sensitivity or social sentience, on the other. We should face the question of what kind of society we want to live in: effective or sensitive. Ethical utilitarianism is in favor of an effective society. It may seem that there is no place for social sensitivity in it, and consequently that public interest is postulated in its place instead. However, I believe that an effective society is more sensitive to the harm done to or the plight suffered by non‑personal subjects than a sensitive society, if the latter is understood as Rawls frames it. Thus, we come to a specific paradox – which I shall refer to as the blunted sentience paradox – that the utilitarian, efficient society criticized by Rawls is in fact more morally sensitive than the egalitarian society he postulates. The paradox of the blunted sentience has its source in Rawls’s egalitarianism, for this egalitarianism is offered only to the chosen. It does not extend to those members of society who extend their care to those creatures whom Rawls denies subjectivity, but whose unhappiness constitutes an important factor in the social life of humanity. I propose to look at the fate of animals in modern society, and if we do so, we will notice some flaws in Rawls’s theory of justice that can perhaps be amended by espousing some aspects of emotivism. This proposed approach avoids what I have called the blunted sentience paradox.
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Authors and Affiliations

Adriana Schetz

  1. Uniwersytet Szczeciński, Instytut Filozofii i Kognitywistyki, ul. Krakowska 71–79, 71-017 Szczecin
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John Rawls’s idea of the ‘veil of ignorance’ offers an opportunity to reflect on liberal‑democratic freedom of speech. Rawls’s method is to make political rules a priori, i.e. to give them the status of general principles hopefully applicable in most cases of real life. The rules of liberal‑democratic justice are formal in a way that makes them comparable to rules of formal logic. Encouraged by this similarity, we may ask: What logical form should be given to publicly discussed opinions allowed in a liberal democracy – when ‘allowed’ is meant in its legal or moral sense? The opinions expressed in the form of the particular judgment („Some S’s are P’s”) should obviously be always allowed in a public debate. But we must note that liberal democracies of our time tend to be more and more essentialist in the matter of ‘political correctness’. However, it is dangerous for law and political decisions to follow this new form of social prejudice. Liberal democracy turns in such circumstances into ‘ideological democracy’, and therefore becomes one that is no longer ‘liberal’. The opinions expressed in the form of general judgments („All S’s are P’s”) should always be permitted in public debate but only as a rhetorical (or emphatic) way of presenting personal beliefs. We should not try to make a political use of the logical ‘principle of double negation’. In logic, it is natural to assume that „Every S is P” implies that „No S is not‑P”. But in politics every citizen should be allowed to say instead that „Some S’s are not‑P’s”. The rules of law and political correctness must not restrict our freedom in this respect.
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Authors and Affiliations

Łukasz Kowalik

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, Redakcja „Przeglądu Filozoficznego”, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00-927 Warszawa
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Professor Juliusz Domański, a renowned classical scholar and neo‑Latinist, has published Wykłady o humanizmie („Lectures on humanism”, 2020). He starts from Plato and makes Erasmus of Rotterdam the terminal point of his intellectual voyage. This itinerary comprises the story of the conflict between philosophy and liberal arts concerning the question how poetry is to be taught. Platonic objections against poets met with eager welcome in Christianity. Yet even in the Middle Ages scholars remained devoted to the study of the ancient literature, although the dominant model of education was at that time more and more resolutely ‘scientific’. The goal of education was defined as developing astute abilities in specific ‘arts’ ( artes) rather than studying classical ‘authors’ ( auctores). In order to understand different views on the relation between philosophy and poetry I recall Bogusław Wolniewicz’s remark that human activities can be developed in four different fields: naturalistic rationalism, metaphysical rationalism, naturalistic irrationalism and metaphysical irrationalism.
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Authors and Affiliations

Łukasz Kowalik

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, Redakcja „Przeglądu Filozoficznego”, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00-927 Warszawa
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One of the most common and dangerous conflicts in contemporary democracies is related to cultural differences in understanding of the basic principles of social organization. Such conflict is developing also in Poland. Its most recent manifestation is the serious confrontation between the new appointed Minister of Education and Science of the Polish government and the large part of the Polish scientific community. In the first part of the paper, I analyze on the basis of his publication the minister’s socio-political worldview. I am implying that it may explain his conflict arousing policy. I am focusing on his concept of the natural law and his use of this concept, on his understandings of democracy and secular state, and on his interpretation of minority rights in democracy. I am concluding that he represents the ultraconservative (right-wing) version of the Roman Catholic worldview and is trying to impose its implications on the Polish education as well as scientific institutions. In the second part of the paper, I am analyzing sociopsychological preconditions of cultural conflicts and factors that may determine the radicalization of these conflicts.
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Janusz Reykowski
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The paper attempts to place John Rawls’s social theory in an ontological frame of ideas. Józef M. Bocheński’s theory of systems was chosen to describe social reality without prejudging its role in the adequate theory. By adopting this approach the author presents several issues one by one: the characteristics of political philosophy and its relation to the ontology of social reality, Bocheński’s systems theory, the analysis of the industrial enterprise as a model example of a heterogeneous, dynamic and organic system, and Rawls’s structure of society. All this is done in terms of systems theory. The resulting outcome provides, among other things, a formal definition of Rawls’s basic social structure expressed in the language of systems theory, and it supports the thesis that the synthetic entity responsible for social functioning, such as the state, is correlated with the principles of justice as proposed by Rawls.
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Janusz Kaczmarek

  1. Uniwersytet Łódzki, Instytut Filozofii, ul. Lindleya 3/5, 90-131 Łódź
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Intellectual and spiritual formation of Joseph Ratzinger - Pope Benedict XVI - requires talk about the process of his development. The article refers to the most overlooked phase of the young Ratzinger, who moves from the position of a progres-sive and sometimes irresponsible theorizing academic theologian to the position of a thinker grounded in the community of faith, becoming the guardian and teacher of Christian doctrine in line with the spirit and tradition of the Church. A lot of light on the change in the attitude of the German professor sheds the preparatory phase to the Second Vatican Council and its debates, as well as the unpleasant experience of the student revolt in 1968, which finds our professor in Tübingen. And in this way the liberal German theologian grows into to an outstanding Catholic theologian of the universal Church.

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O. Andrzej Napiórkowski Osppe
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The reconstruction of Francis’ gestures, behaviors, and words in terms of his understanding of the Church is fraught with considerable difficulties. On the one hand, the ecclesiological concept he introduced attracts crowds of followers, but on the other, it provokes many individuals to criticize and to adopt the attitude of rejection. In order to understand his teaching on the Church without any distortions, one needs to refer to the Aparecida Document of Latin American Bishops (2007) and to his papal exhortation Evangelii gaudium (2014). The battered Church of Jorge Mario Bergoglio is located primarily on the outskirts of Christianity and grows out of the Argentinian option that encompasses various types of excluded people. Hence, such a community imprudently exposes itself to the accusations, which are not groundless, of promoting religious syncretism, weakening the uniqueness and oneness of Jesus Christ, and questioning ecclesiastical sacramentality.
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O. Andrzej Adam Napiórkowski

  1. Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
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Public education is educating influence of wide range media on political beliefs, worldviews and patterns of the everyday life of the audience, and of the potential electorate. The public intellectuals (the Henry A. Giroux concept), significant and respected experts (academics, journalists, politicians) play a special role. The article contains the presentation and analysis of the reaction of American public intellectuals to the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States – from the perspective of critical-emancipatory pedagogy. These are extremely critical to the consequences of D. Trump's choice: Ken Wilber's, Henry A. Giroux’s, Noam Chomsky’s, and several authors in the Berkeley Review of Education 2017/1 publications and speeches are recalled. The author concludes that Poland no longer has to imitate America, because in authoritarian drift (turn) it is ahead of it.

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Zbigniew Kwieciński
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Recent years have witnessed the publication of a number of research papers and books seeking to assess threats of electoral victories of anti-establishment politicians and political parties, described as authoritarian populists. This essay focuses on three books directly addressing the origins and threats of authoritarian populism to democracy. It consists of six sections and the conclusion. The first section presents findings (Norris and Inglehart) based on surveys of values of voters of various age cohorts concluding that authoritarian populism is a temporary backlash provoked by the post-materialist perspective. The second section examines the contention, spelled out in Levitsky and Ziblatt, that increase in openness of American political system produced, unintentionally, a degradation of the American political system. The third section continues brief presentations focusing on to the causes and implications of “illiberal democracy,” and “undemocratic liberalism” (Mounk). The fourth section examines developments in the quality of democracy in the world showing that despite the decline in Democracy Indices, overall there was no slide towards non-democratic forms of government in 2006–2019. The next two sections deal with dimensions missing in reviewed books; the notion of nation-state, international environment, civic culture and, in particular, dangers of radical egalitarianism to democracy. The last section concludes with regrets that the authors ignored rich literature on fragility of democracy and failed to incorporate in their analyses deeper structural factors eroding democracy: by the same token, return to the pre-populist shock trajectory is unlikely to assure survival of liberal democracy.

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Authors and Affiliations

Antoni Z. Kamiński
Bartłomiej K. Kamiński

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