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Identity in a housing environment is one of its resources as valuable as its water, air, flora and fauna. The readability of identity should be the basic factor of the quality of architecture and landscape architecture recognizable as a significant resource. It is an important factor which influences the living standard of people who inhabit a given space from a psychological, social and cultural point of view. In order to care for identity, we must be aware of it, of its role and significance in our lives and residence in a given environment. Man must understand the phenomenon of the meaning of life with respect to its space as his place in the world. When we understand the all-embracing rhythm and taste of the life of a place of residence, we will comprehend life itself.

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Krystyna Paprzyca
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This paper brings up elementary problems related to the creation of friendly public spaces in residential complexes as the main places of social integration. Contemporary social transformations are reflected in a new, intensified usage of public spaces which – offering more and more possibilities of satisfying human needs in the field of social contact, knowledge, recreation, stimulation etc. – provoke people and their activities to transfer “life” from a private space to a public space.

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Danuta Kupiec-Hyła
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This paper is intended as a contribution to broader considerations and discussions on the still overlooked issues of garrison landscape architecture, its canon – the essence of the place, its identity. Thus far, the issues of garrison space, its attributes – architecture, elements of development and organised greenery – have been beyond the mainstream of scientific deliberations and constituted a peculiar taboo for various reasons and due to specific transition points in history. Being both closed areas and, after the end of their military functions, post-military ones, they are particularly suitable for playing a significant role in urban relations of inner-city areas and their contemporary conservation creations. In the referenced designs and executions, they can provide examples of development directions that take into account their previous military identity – the spirit of the place.
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Wojciech Rymsza-Mazur
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The problem of Hungarian identity is one of the themes of Stanisław Vincenz’s essays written at the time of the Second World War. Inspired by Wincenty Pol’s thinking about relationship between the sense of geographical place and literature, he decided to explore the ‘general impact of landscape’ and in particular identify the place that would convey the essence of ‘Hungarianness’. The article looks at various aspects of this problem in Vincenz’s essay ‘Landscape – the background of history’ in the context of his other essays in which the idea of place is discussed. In effect, the article lays down a theoretical formula of indeterminate spots in modern literature. The indeterminate spot possesses six constitutive features: changeability and transmutability; fuzzy borders; shifty positioning between utopia and atopia; great semantic potential; the experience of place is involved in irreducible inconsistencies but rests on a solid ideological foundation.

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Andrzej Niewiadomski
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The concept of city has got broad analytical perspectives, one of them are: the structural perspective, sociological, psychological, political, cultural, industrial and also the pedagogical perspective. In opposition to the concept of city is the concept of countryside, within which the concept of nature is regarded as an idyllic place, it is the place of childhood, the place of longing, it is the lost place that has been starting to go under the knife of time since the 20s of the last century. The apotheosis of the concept of city, that is being practiced by many artists, embracing the symbolics of the concept of city by mass culture and later by popular culture, causes the necessity to take the initiative of conducting the research that would attempt to establish the identity of the concept of city in modern culture. The article attempts to specify how the concept of city functions in popular culture through the analysis of chosen texts in popular music, starting from the 50s of the XX century until the XXI century.

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Marek Ejsmont
Beata Kosmalska
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The article presents the concept of a non‑site of memory ( non lieux de la mémoire) in relation to the materials created as the result of the First Alert of the Polish Scouting Association, the country‑wide scouting reconnaissance that took place in 1965. Following Roma Sendyka, the concept of a non‑site of memory should be understood as referring to sites directly related to genocide or mass murders that have not received the status of memorial sites. Although they have not been sanctioned by the powers (government, authorities, museums), the memory of them is present in local communities. Vernacular ways of describing non‑sites of memory are crucial for their understanding as a concept of historical and anthropological thinking. An important element of the description of non‑memorial sites is the way of conceptualising and naming body disposal pits that have not been turned into burial places. The article contains a description of the scouting action and an analysis of how in 1965, 20 years after the war, the scouts described and marked such places. Considerations on the topographically defined notion of a non‑place of remembrance are based on the research material of reports prepared by the teams that took part in the action.
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Agamben, Giorgio. Co zostaje z Auschwitz. Archiwum i świadek. Warszawa: Sic!, 2008.
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Źródła archiwalne dotyczące pierwszego alertu ZHP:

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Archiwum Akt Nowych (AAN), 747. Ministerstwo Oświaty w Warszawie. Gabinet Ministra. ZHP – rozwój i zadania propagandowo‑wychowawcze w roku szk. 1965/66. Notatka służbowa dla ministra. 1966.
Archiwum Muzeum Harcerstwa (AMH), CI8.1. Akta centralne 1956–1989. I Alert „Harcerski wiosenny alert zwycięstwa”.
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Katarzyna Grzybowska

  1. Wydział Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Ośrodek Badań nad Kulturami Pamięci, Kraków
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The trip towards a magic Cathar Country, our UIA Program “Places of Worship”. On the way Amsterdam. As the City, as Stock by Hendrik Berlage, as Nemo by Renzo Piano are impressive as always. Then Touluse, surptising are not only Saint Sernin basilica and Couvent des Jacobins, but also the Modern Metro. Then scientific session - didcussion. At last, awaited castles. Rocky mountains topped with great ruined edifices. Climbing with Wojtek in a terrible southern sunshine. Magnificent landscapes, and a dramatic history behind. Then Carcassonne, and culminating emotions, sanctuary Lourdes.

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Konrad Kucza-Kuczyński
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Sacrum incorporating in spatial composition configuration of Silesian, catholic cemeteries was presented in this article. Cemeteries classification as Holy Places, protection of their sacral character as well as their spatial demands was highlighted. Analysis of problems connected with occurrence, legibility and realization of sacrum content within composed space was conducted for chosen Silesian necropolis.
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Grażyna Lasek
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Stairways are one of the built elements of landscape architecture that shape the character of a space. Our research takes a closer look at the stairways of historical value in the environment of Buda Castle World Heritage Site. Firstly, through the production of sketches, the dominant spatial effects, views, focal points and motifs perceived during the use of the chosen stairways, were analysed. Secondly, an assessment matrix was formulated from criteria such as scale, materials, size, quality of adjacent green spaces, etc. Our aim is to underline and give evidence of the potential of stairways in influencing the open spaces and the views in historical urban environments.
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Máté Sárospataki
Brigitta Christian-Oláh
Patrícia Szabó

  1. Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Science— MATE, Institute of Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning and Garden Art, Department of Garden Art and Landscape Design
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Commemorative sites, as special works of architecture, have their symbolic form and metaphor. The history of the project Everything to Eternity by Kristinn E. Hrafnsson and Studio Granda is a reflection on the process of designing a monument to a girl who died tragically. It presents the process by which a private commission led to a place that combines Iceland’s heritage with contemporaneity, giving a new social dimension to the resulting space. The monument is an honour, but is also a guiding sign to and background for the commemorative site on the Álftanes Peninsula in Iceland. The artistic, architectural, urban and ecological significance of the project is an indicator to designers as to how to interpret place-based context when creating a new form.
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Katarzyna Banasik-Petri

  1. Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, Faculty of Architecture and Fine Arts
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The article presents reflections on the intergenerational educational-research project entitled “Restoring the Memory of the City”. This project was carried out by the University of the Third Age in Toruń in partnership with the Faculty of Education of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń within the “Patriotism of Tomorrow” framework announced by the Polish History Museum and financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. This project was based on Pierre Nora’s concept of memorial sites and modern vision of patriotism. In didactic and methodological layer it was embedded within the framework of action research, thereby allowing to combine historical contents with pedagogical method of their modern transfer. The text shows the objectives and results of the project. Also, it describes its course and activities undertaken throughout its duration. Presenting the results of this project focused on the multidimensionality of related with them intergenerational process of learning

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Kinga Majchrzak
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The article is an attempt to analyze the spatio-pedagogical discourse of the German social pedagogy. It represents only a fragment of reflection on the turns in paradigm of place/ space (spatial turn), as pedagogical terms. & e authors seek to answer the question what is the space and place, and what concepts in the field of reflection on the place/space run in the German social pedagogy. The text introduces, inter alia, the relational concept of space developed by Martina Löw, duality of space and the concept of spacing. Active creation of urban space, the spatial dimension of the relationship and its dynamics are subjected to discussion. The article presents critical approach to the notion of transdisciplinary space, and space-oriented social work. Finally, it provides the incentive for in-depth, international analyzes of spatio-pedagogical theories.

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Jacqueline Puchert
Aleksandra Kurowska-Susdorf
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The aim of this paper is to analyze the concept of the digital Leviathan as it appears in literature in the middle field between philosophy of technology and social philosophy. The digital Leviathan, beyond the obvious reference to the classic Hobbesian concept, is a continuation of what Antonio Negri and Michael Hardt called ‘the Empire’ and Benjamin Bratton named ‘the Stack’. The key insight, as I argue in this paper, is to look at this digital Leviathan as an ongoing construction process, and therefore in a processual way that allows us to extract important characteristics of this global techno‑political construct. In this text, I point out that the development of the digital Leviathan is centrifugal and devoid of a top‑down plan indicating the target effects or its final shape, which results from its subordination to J.F. Lyotard’s performativity criterion, as well as its totalizing feature. It is also manifested by the fact that its expansion involves us all. I also point out how the digital Leviathan can be a deadly final achievement on the way from Reason, through rationality, to the madness of rationalization. I discuss the consequences that the development of Leviathan has on our ability to think in general, and in particular on the conceptualization of Leviathan itself. I also associate it with an attempt to criticize the utopian mode of thinking, accepting the conditions of ‘non‑place’ (in accordance with the thought of Negri and Hardt), which, following M. Heidegger, detaches us from the place and location that should be the basis of thinking.
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Maciej Bednarski

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Szkoła Doktorska Nauk Humanistycznych, ul. Dobra 56/66, 00-312 Warszawa
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W artykule zaprezentowano różne wzory projektowania sacrum w zielonych przestrzeniach publicznych, jak również Uniwersalny wzorzec parku o właściwościach terapeutycznych. Jako przykład omówiono kompleks zielonych przestrzeni publicznych w Wejherowie, utworzony przez Kalwarię Wejherowską i Park im. A. Majkowskiego.
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Monika Trojanowska
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Applying the commonly accepted definitions of identity to landscape as our field of research, in particular landscape in protected areas, we assume that identity is the deepest relationship with the landscape (surroundings) perceived by man, with its historical layers of content (the culture and tradition of a place) and form (the canon of a place). An evaluation of change in time should be the keynote of deliberations on place identity. Basing on the current status of research, a review of specialist literature and the author’s experience to date, the above definitions and terms may be referenced to talk about “former” and “new” place identity, especially if we acquiesce to what is termed “the culture of a place” that originates in love for it and willingness to participate in the act of creation that has been launched upon the site. Author tries to explain this fenomenom on example of revitalization, on scale of conntry or even the Europe – the cultural – strategic landscape od Zamość Fortress.

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Zbigniew Myczkowski
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Architecture created in Poland of 21st C. is somewhere a mode of selfpresentation, in another cases is a method of shouting down the others. It is also aomwhere talking without any thesis, instead with a large dose of a badly understood assertiveness. Whe should to built a clear architectural activity, more objectified, and tied with a contemporaneity. We should begin from the most basic rules, from the certain architectural grammar. The identity can be understood as a set of features, which e.g. let to distinguish architecture growing out in Poland, in contrary to architecture rooted somewhere elsewhere. Those are not always any formal features. In order to understand what a spirit of the place really is, e.g. in ancient Rome there was an idea of the watchman spirit. This spirit gives life to the people and to the places, accompany them since they a born until they are dead. It determines their character or the content.

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Ewa Kuryłowicz
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The article presents Lublin through the analysis of two literary texts that show the existence of the Jewish population of the city and the destruction and absence of Jews from Lublin. Döblin describes in his travelogue Journey to Poland (1925) the parallel existence of the Jewish and Polish city of Lublin in the 1920’s. Krall documents in her literary reportage Exceptionally long line the extermination of the Jewish community and the suppression of the memory of it in Polish collective memory.

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Anna Pastuszka
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Each work of literature creates its own world of fiction and presents a series of events that bring that world to life. Such a world is initially evoked by its author, but subsequently continues to exist supported by collective memory and imagination of the readers and critics. Altogether Roman Ingarden admits four metaphysical categories: the real, the ideal, the mental and the intentional world. A puzzling question arises if we inquire how various objects are included into any of these categories. Is it necessary that they meet some qualitative criteria, or is it possible that they are placed in a suitable category by being freely ascribed to it? The author chooses the second option and argues that this is compatible with the eminent role that Ingarden assigned to works of literature.
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Jacek Hołówka

  1. prof. em., Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00-927 Warszawa
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Bogusław Wolniewicz created an original formal system based on his considerations on the ontology and semantics embedded in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus. His system – called by Wolniewicz ‘ontology of situations’ – can be complemented by a philosophical interpretation. In this article I identify the implicit and intuitive underpinnings of the system, its formal content and its philosophical implications. I also indicate a few applications of the system to axiology and logical hermeneutics.

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Mieczysław Omyła
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Many contemporary technical elements (such as railings, light switches, power sockets, security cameras, etc.) have a very different aesthetic from the historical interiors to which they are added. Their placement in historical architectural interiors raises the question of their visibility and their power to disrupt the visual unity of an indoor space. Using logical argumentation and knowledge from the psychology of perception, a phenomenon from the discipline of architecture — the phenomenon of the perception of these elements — was analysed. Logical analysis showed that these additions do not disturb the harmony of the interior and that it does not lose its historical character. The conclusion is that their presence in the field of vision is not a radical interference with the monument.
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Tomasz Omieciński

  1. Lodz University of Technology Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering
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This paper presents contemporary tendencies in the shaping of public spaces and urban green areas in Budapest. It is a review of built designs of plazas, boulevards and city squares that have been completed in the span of the last few years and which implement contemporary trends in landscape architecture and city design. All of the presented sites are located in the historical city centre, entering into direct and often controversial relations with the historical built environment and monuments. The presented structures are distinguished by modern forms and aesthetics as well as a high quality of design solutions. They have been shaped with the use of modern, ahistoric materials and technologies, with creative plant and water arrangements. They create attractive recreation and contemplation spaces surrounded by greenery, conducive to social integration, and at the same time exposing monuments and bringing them closer to contemporary recipients.
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Authors and Affiliations

Izabela Sykta
Michał Grzybowski

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Chair of Landscape Architecture

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