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The author presents Norman Davies' conception of a "Nation" which is based on multicultural assumptions. This idea is next contrasted with the nationalistic notions, which still dominate in national historiographies.
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Agieszka Polak
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Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badania poświęconego ilościowej eksploracji odmian tożsamości narodowej Polaków oraz analizuje, jak wyróżnione rodzaje tożsamości narodowej przekładają się na postawy wobec różnych mniejszości i innych narodów. W tym celu wykorzystuje dane z ilościowego badania kwestionariuszowego przeprowadzonego na próbie dorosłych Polaków (15 lat i starszych) losowanej z operatu adresowego (N=1005). Na podstawie analizy skupień metodą k-średnich wyróżnia trzy kategorie tożsamości narodowej: narodowych apatrydów, dążących do obywatelskości oraz kredencjonalistów. Wyniki badania pokazują również, że wyróżnione odmiany polskiej tożsamości narodowej w sposób istotny statystycznie różnicują i przewidują postawy wobec mniejszości etnicznych, religijnych i seksualnych oraz wobec innych narodów. Badanie potwierdza istnienie pewnych uniwersalnych wzorów definiowania tożsamości narodowej oraz zależności pokazujących wpływ kryteriów etnicznych, jak i posługiwania się większą liczbą kryteriów w definiowaniu tożsamości narodowej na bardziej wykluczające postawy. Bazując na reprezentatywnej próbie oraz polegając na metodzie analizy umożliwiającej zidentyfikowanie rozłącznych kategorii artykuł weryfikuje istniejące typologizacje polskiej tożsamości narodowej.
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Mateusz Grodecki

  1. Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej

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Grażyna Szumera

  1. Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach, Instytut Filozofii, ul. Bankowa 11, 40-007 Katowice
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The purpose of this paper is to reconstruct Roger Scruton’s views on patriotism and the attitudes of nationalism and oikophobia that endanger proper love of homeland. According to Scruton, patriotism is identical with loyalty to the people who inhabited a certain territory and share common culture, customs and history. The feeling of national loyalty so understood is peaceful by its nature and stabilizes the democratic system. Besides patriotism, Scruton distinguishes two attitudes, of worship of one’s nation and of hostility towards it. The first attitude may transform into nationalism, and then deifies nation and leads to wars and conflicts in history. Unlike the former, the attitude of hostility towards own nation (oikophobia) justifies development of transnational institutions that limited sovereignty of the democratic nation-states and – indirectly – undermine the sovereignty of one’s people. In the final part of the paper I paraphrase the concepts of nation presupposed in the attitudes of patriotism, nationalism and oikophobia, as they are discussed in the theoretical apparatus used by Leszek Nowak in his deformative conception of culture.

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Krzysztof Brzechczyn
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In the article I present a concise view of the conservative image of the world, inspired by the works of Roger Scruton. His vision starts as a moral and political project, but then goes on to turn into a theory of culture, education and aesthetic experience. Although the project was originally intended as devoid of any religious justification, it is possible to see religion as a complement or an equivalent to the conservative attitude, as it is expressed in private life. Religious language can be understood as a useful, personal, symbolic expression of the conservative attitude to life. Scruton also undertook to defend the humane face of philosophy, by which I mean his conviction that philosophy should resist reductive tendencies of natural science, and instead should strive to develop better understanding of the essential works of art and literature known in the Western canon.

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Łukasz Kowalik
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The article compares and evaluates the conceptions of two American historical sociologists in reference to the historical change which took place in the XVI-XIX-century England.
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Łukasz Wojakowski
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In the last period of her professional career, Antonina Kłoskowska focused on issues related to national culture and nation itself, which is evident e.g. in her publication National Cultures at the Grass-Root Level. The article presents Kłoskowska’s main agruments concerning the notion of “national culture”. The author regarded this specific type of culture as one that could be characterized as symbolic, compound and coherent in the syntagmatic sense. Kłoskowska points out that, in order to be recognized as a member of a national community, it is necessary to acquire and refer to the canonical resources of its culture.

In the second part of the article some of the findings of contemporary Polish researchers are laid out, which correspond or directly relate to some of Kłoskowska’s ideas. A comparison and analysis of their views leads to a conclusion that their diversification does not generally mean that they are completely distant in their judgments but rather that various aspects are stressed in different ways. This attests, however, to the fact that the authors belonged to diverse intellectual formations.

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Leszek Baran
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Mesjanizm jako ogólna idea wywodzi się z religii. Idea ta może jednak w różny sposób przekładać się na poszczególne swoje elementy składowe. Nie wszystkie te elementy muszą zawsze występować razem w poglądach danego myśliciela czy artysty, którego jesteśmy skłonni uznawać za mesjanistę. Dla przykładu, mesjanizmowi narodowemu nie musi towarzyszyć wiara religijna, a jeśli towarzyszy, nie musi być ortodoksyjna. Dlatego niektóre z koncepcji polskich mesjanistów mogą być nawet ze sobą sprzeczne pod względem szczegółowych konsekwencji, wydobywanych z ogólnej idei mesjanizmu. Dla zobrazowania wielości stanowisk zostają przypomniane i skomentowane wybrane koncepcje „mesjanizmu poetów” (A. Mickiewicz, J. Słowacki, Z. Krasiński, C. Norwid) i „mesjanizmu filozofów” (J. Hoene-Wroński, A. Cieszkowski, K. Libelt, B. Trentowski).
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Paulina Litka
Łukasz Kowalik
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The present text is the first attempt in historiography to evaluate the scientific output of Józef Andrzej Gierowski from the perspective of research into the parliamentarism of the Polish-‑Lithuanian Commonwealth. Out of the 482 publications written by him between 1946 and 2006, 20 were selected which were directly or significantly devoted to parliamentarism. The influence of Gierowski's on the study of parliamentarism was not limited to publications, but included the shaping of successive generations of historians of political history and political systems (including parliamentarism), through the promotion of master's and doctoral theses and numerous reviews in promotion proceedings and publishing procedures. A key role in promoting the results of his own research, as well as his profound reflections on the function-ing of parliamentarism, its role in the former Republic, and its significance on against the backdropground of the processes of change of the political systems of Europe at that time, is occupied by the extremely widely read syntheses of Polish history by Gierowski. He should therefore be regarded as one of the key figures in the field of research into Polish‑Lithuanian parliamentarism.
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Michał Zwierzykowski

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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The Enlightenment occupied an important place in the oeuvre of Professor Józef Andrzej Gierowski. This piece presents his evolving views on the Enlightenment in three syntheses of the history of early modern Poland and the Polish‑Lithuanian Commonwealth: two university textbooks first published in 1967 and 1978 respectively, and a book addressed to a wider, non‑academic readership first published in 2001, much of which was presented to Anglophone readers in 1996. J. A. Gierowski’s views are presented against the background of the sardonic references to “the enlightened age” and “enlightened Europe” in the synthesis published by his supervisor, Władysław Konopczyński in 1936, as well as the Marxist‑Leninist scheme of the Enlightenment forced on historiography and the humanities in postwar Poland, especially by Celina Bobińska. J. A. Gierowski’s view of “the ideology of the Enlightenment” gradually shifted from the primacy of rationalist and materialist thinking to the aim of the pursuit of happi-ness within human society. While still emphasising economic and social factors, including the role of the bourgeoisie in the Dutch Republic, England and France, he increasingly distanced himself from the model of the Enlightenment as the ideology of the rising bourgeoisie, forced on him in the early stages of his academic career. After long reflection on the question of the reception and originality of the Enlightenment in the Commonwealth, he came to appreciate the contributions of Royal Prussian burghers, the Catholic clergy and the Polish‑Lithuanian nobility. He also jettisoned the postwar dogma that the beginning of the capitalist order in Poland should be dated to 1764.
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Richard Butterwick

  1. University College London
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“A school of virtues, kindness, love”: Salani series of romances as modelling text for “New Italy” women – The woman, seen as a children /citizens educator, in United Italy’s nation-building becomes target of an educational action entrusted to publishing industry. The Salani Collection, which is here pragmatically and linguistically analyzed, represents an emblematic example of serial narrative: the author hides himself in the texts as well that the publishing house is the addresser; the novel becomes a model with a unique moral and behavioral message, spread by an accessible language shaped on Tuscan.

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Gabriella Alfieri
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Western Ukraine arouses a high emotional charge of historical origin. There are a number of buildings and complexes in this area created since the 14th century, that are the witnesses of the Polish presence and our contribution to the culture of these lands. The monuments of sacred architecture and numerous military ones occupy a special place. In the short interwar period a number of structures and complexes that demonstrate a high level of design technique were created. Their current technical state is usually very bad. Our participation in restoring splendour to the witnesses of our, historical centuries-old presence, would be beneficial.

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Wojciech Jan Chmielewski
Katarzyna Zawada-Pęgiel
Maciej Złowodzki
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Among the several crises that occurred in the 16th century, the famine crisis and high prices in the years 1569–1574 had exceptional significance, as its intensity, scope and duration far out-weighed other economic collapses of the century. Despite this, the course of events and the consequences have been of virtually no interest to historians over the years, which begs the question: why? As it seems, the events connected with the crises in question were overshadowed in Western historiography by other numerous and significant political events at the time, such as the Battle of Lepanto (1571) and the Night of St. Bartholomew in France (1572). In the Polish-‑Lithuanian state, in contrast, between 1569 and 1574, the famine and high prices coincided with a crisis of royal power and the state. This, indeed, drew the attention of historians, but only to political issues, among them the Polish‑Lithuanian union of 1569, the succession to the throne after the heirless Sigismund Augustus died, the first free election, religious disputes, the flight of King Henryk Walezy (Henry III), and the neighbouring wars, rather than to the social problems connected with the mass death of the poorest in the state, and the resulting economic problems. Therefore, in this article, the author synthesises the course of the famine crisis of 1569–1574 in the Polish‑Lithuanian state and hypothesises that the events and implications of this crisis largely preserved the mentality of the nobility in the following centuries and their dominance in the economic and political life of the Commonwealth. This crisis also influenced a choice of different path for development of the Commonwealth compared to other European countries. To clarify, the author does not claim to have exhausted the subject, and the article is intended to spur a discussion and further detailed research.
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Jacek Wijaczka

  1. Wydział Nauk Historycznych UMK w Toruniu

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