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The aim of this article is a critical revision of the dominant philosophical conceptualization of plants. The author deconstructs the tradition of describing plants in metaphysical and anthropocentric categories by deploying a set of tropes and strategies from the toolkit of deconstruction and phenomenology. While considering the 'plant-being', he formulates an alternative concept of 'plant-thinking', whose distinctive features are non-identity, voicelessness, non-essentionality and existence outside any symbol system. Conceptualized in these categories the plant not only defies the received discourse of metaphysics but also becomes a stepping stone and a most important figure of post-metaphysical thought.

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Michael Marder
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In the paper presented have been the results of the analysis of effectiveness of operation of binary power plant consisting of combined two Clausius-Rankine cycles, namely the binary cycle with water as a working fluid in the upper cycle and organic substance as a working fluid in the lower cycle, as well as a single fluid component power plant operating also in line with the C-R cycle for superheated steam, with water as a working fluid. The influence of the parameters of superheated steam in the upper cycle has been assessed as well as the type of working fluid in the lower cycle. The results of calculations have been referred to the single-cycle classical steam power plant operating at the same parameters of superheated steam and the same mass flow rate of water circulating in both cycles. On the basis of accomplished analysis it has been shown that the binary power plant shows a greater power with respect to the reference power plant.
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Aleksander A. Stachel
Sławomir Wiśniewski
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The deterrent effect of limonene enentiomers and limonene derivative: ( + )-(1S,4S,6S)-4-(1-methylethenyl)-9-oxabicyclo[ 4.3.0]nonan-8-one, on Myzus persicae was investigated. Only S-enantiomers of limonene and its derivative showed feeding deterrent properties. S-limonene inhibited phloem sap ingestion and reduced the number of phloem sap ingestion phases during aphid stylet penetration of plant tissues. Aphids spent twice less time on leaves painted with ( + )-1S,4S,6S-4-(1-methylethenyl)-9-oxabicyclo[ 4.3.0]nonan-8-one than on control and S-limonene-treated leaves and the probes were shorter than 2 minutes on these leaves. Our studies confirmed that the chiral centre configuration of the lactones was important in expression of feeding deterrent activity.
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Aleksandra Halarewicz-Pacan
Beata Gabryś
Katarzyna Dancewicz
Czesław Wawrzeńczyk
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The paper is devoted to the problems of exergetic cost determination. A brief description of theoretical fundamentals of exergetic cost determination and its application are presented. The applied method of calculations is based on the rules of determination of cumulative exergy consumption. The additional possibilities ensured by the exergetic cost analysis in comparison to the direct exergy consumption analysis are discussed. The presented methodology was applied for the analysis of influence of operational parameters on exergetic cost indices of steam power plant. Results of calculations concern one of the modern Polish power plant unit. Basing on the obtained results several conclusions have been formulated that show advantages of application of exergetic cost analyses.

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Michał Budnik
Wojciech Stanek
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This paper presents a method for assessing the degree of approaching the paper output of the Clausius-Rankine cycle to the Carnot cycle. The computations to illustrate its use were performed for parameters characteristic of the current state of development of condensing power plants as well as in accordance with predicted trends for their further enhancing. Moreover there are presented computations of energy dissipation in the machines and devices working in such a cycle.

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Henryk Łukowicz
Tadeusz Chmielniak
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The primary objective of the present study was to determine the seasonal dynamics of ciliates in activated sludge. Studies were carried out in order to verify the hypothesis that fertility of a habitat may significantly influence the seasonal dynamics of the abundance of ciliates, as well as the number and intensity of correlations between physic-chemical parameters and ciliates. It seems that the values of numbers of ciliates were seasonally changeable. The highest numbers of ciliates were found in spring and summer, however the lowest numbers of ciliate communities were noted in winter. The studies showed that protozoa community is determined by ammonia mainly in summer. In spring and winter additional factors may be important. Probably suspended solid, total organic carbon and concentration of appropriate food (bacteria and flagellates) are the major regulator of abundance of ciliates.
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Monika Tarkowska-Kukuryk
Tomasz Mieczan
Wojciech Pęczuła
Jacek Rechulicz
Wojciech Płaska
Katarzyna Radomska
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The article analyses selected aspects of the technology and logistics used to modernise a coal-fired heating plant to switch to woodchips, which is illustrated with a specific investment. The study presents characteristics of the investment’s heat economy before the modernisation, as well as the assumptions and program of the project. Finally, selected effects of the modernisation have been described
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Karol Tucki
Michał Sikora
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This study investigates cadmium (Cd) accumulation in the plant leaves of juglans regia (walnut) and cydonia oblanga (quince) trees related to traffic emissions on the highway roadside. The plant leaf samples were collected from 20 sites on the D-100 Highway roadside and washed with deionized water before analyzed. Determination of Cd was carried out using an inductively-coupled plasma-mass spectrometer after microwave digestion of the samples. Cd concentration on the plant leaves was found to be between 0.04–0.11 mg/kg. In order to determine the traffic-based emissions, vehicles were counted and an emission inventory was prepared. 0.18 tons of Cd was found to be delivered into the atmosphere every day. Cd accumulation depends on traffic density because there were no residential area and industrial plants. The distribution of Cd accumulation caused by traffic emissions was mapped by using a geographic information system (GIS). The maps showed that the Cd accumulation was high in the areas near the highway and then gradually decreased by moving away from the highway.

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Merve Çolak
Mahnaz Gümrükçüoğlu
Füsun Boysan
Erkan Baysal
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In this work microbiological air pollution at several commune sewage treatment plants (capacity up to 15,000 PE) was investigated. The bioreactors in all plants had a covered construction. The air samples were taken indoors as well as outdoors (both on the windward and leeward side) during different seasons. The samples were collected using the collision method. The presence of indicator organisms in the samples was determined according to the Polish Standards. Identification of individual indicators was performed on solid selective-differentiating substrates. To verify the presence of bacteria from Salmonella, Shigella, coliforms and enterococci species, the colonies observed on the MacConkey substrate were then sifted onto SS and Endo substrates. At all facilities (with one exception) the average CFU for the total number of bacteria and fungi did not exceed 1000/m3, which is the limit set by the Polish Standards for a pollution-free atmospheric air. Bacteria and fungi concentrations, observed at windward and leeward sides of all plants, were relatively low (<100 CFU/m3 and <1000 CFU/m3, respectively) and comparable. A sewage collection point had only a slight impact on the bioaerosol emission. The concentration of microorganisms in the immediate vicinity of covered reactors (aeration chambers) was rather low and remained below the limits sets by the Polish Standards at three facilities. The CFU of individual indicators, measured in rooms accessible for the personnel, was comparable to the CFU in technological rooms. However some indicators, e.g. a number of Actinomycetes, were significantly higher and reached >100 CFU/m3, which means significant air pollution. Similarly, the CFU of hemolytic bacteria had nonzero values. The only place where higher concentrations of bioaerosol were found was the centrifuge room, where digested sludge was dewatered. The number of fungi stayed below the limits there, but the amount of heterotrophic and hemolytic bacteria exceeded the limits and reached the values of ~10000 CFU/m3 and 800 CFU/m3, respectively; it means that the personnel working in this area is exposed to microbiological agents.

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Michał Polus
Zbigniew Mucha
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Water extractsfrom selected Geraniaceae plants, to which paraffin oil was added as adjuvant, were tested. It was observed that the plant extracts researched limited Colorado potato beetle feeding and development and adding adjuvant increased the effects. The highest antifeedant activity towards Colorado potato beetlesand their larvae wasobs erved in extractsobtained from Pelargonium × hortorum Bailey and Geranium pusillum L. The extract from Pelargonium × hortorum Bailey added to food showed a negative effect on the development of female reproductive organs and embryo development and showed the highest effectiveness in field conditions.

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Robert Lamparski
Maria Wawrzyniak
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New host-plants of ergot pathogen Claviceps purpura (Fr.) Tul. were identified in Poaceae (R. Brown) Barnharth family in Lithuania during the surveys arranged over the period 2001–2006. There were identified 8 new Poaceae family plant species affected by C. purpurea: Melica altissima L., Bromus secalinus L., Deshampsia flexuosa (L.) Trin., Festuca pseudalmatica K., Helictotrichon sempervirens (Vill.) Pilg., Phalaris paradoxa L., Secale montana L., Stipa turkestanica K. The results of previous research as well our findings indicate that 87 Poaceae family plant species are known to be affected by ergot in Lithuania.

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Authors and Affiliations

Rita Mikaliūnaitė
Zenonas Dabkevičius
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The insecticidal and antifeedant activity of extracts derived from different plants of the Liguidamber orientalis Mill. (Hamamelidaceae), Tanacetum vulgare L. (Compositae), Achillea coarctata Willd. (Compositae), Buxus sempervirens L. (Buxaceae), Diospyros kaki L. (Ebenaceae), Arum italicum Mill. (Araceae), Achilea biebersteinii Willd. (Compositae), Origanum vulgare L. (Labiatae), Hypericum androsaemum L. (Hypericaceae) and Ocimum basilicum L. (Labiatae). are reported. The 70% alcohol extracts of plants were tested for toxicity against the 3–4th instar larvae of the Yponomeuta malinellus Zell. (Lepidoptera.: Yponomeutidae). Antifeedant activity of the extracts was assessed through tests conducted on the larvae of Y. malinellus by the feeding protection bioassay. In tests carried out on the larvae of Y. malinellus, L. orientalis, O. basilicum and A. coarctata extracts showed high toxicity within 48 hour LC50’s of 75, 75 and 65% respectively. The toxicity effects of the other extracts were determined as 60, 50, 50, 50, 45, 45 and 40% within the same period, respectively. No mortality was noticed in control groups. Alcohol extract from L. orientalis, T. vulgare and B. sempervirens showed high antifeedant activity (80.90, 46.12) on the larvae of Y. malinellus. In addition to both T. vulgare and L. orientalis extracts caused decrease consumption of food per 1 mg of larvae body weight decrease showed high –8.465, –0.845, mg respectively. The highest consumption (557.6 mg) was observed with alcohol extract from, D. kaki whereas the minimum one was using alcohol extract from L. orientali. The other tested extracts showed similar activity.

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Ömer Ertürk
Vedat Şekeroğlu
Ahmet Koç Yavuz Kalkan
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Phytosociological research was carried out in the town of Kłobuck, Silesian voivodeship. During the years 1998 and 1999 35 releves were taken using Braun-Blanquet method. In the study area 14 plant herb communities were distinguished, 10 of which were classified as associations. These are: community with Lenina minor, Nupharo-Nymphaeetum albae, Sparganietum erecti, Phragmitetum australis, Typhetum latifoliae, Glycerietum maximae, Phalaridetum arundinaceae, community with Jasione mon/ana, community with Deschampsia caespitosa, community with Holcus lana/us, Filipendulo-Geranietum, Scirpetum silvatici, Epilobio-Juncetum effusi, Arrhenatheretum eleatioris.
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Magdalena Kurkowska
Stanisław Cabała
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The study was aimed at evaluating microbial contamination on the premises of the sewage treatment plant by determining the concentrations of selected groups of airborne microorganisms. Another objective was to determine the antibiotic sensitivity patterns of isolated strains of staphylococci. The research was conducted in a seasonal cycle, by the impaction method using Merck MAS-100 air sampler. Samples were collected at six sites, each representing a different stage of sewage treatment. The susceptibility of isolated staphylococci was assessed with the disc-diffusion method, following the recommendations of the EUCAST. The results indicate that the microbial population in the air of the investigated area was dominated by mold fungi, whose highest average concentration was recorded at site IV located near the final clarifier (7672 CFU•m-3). Heterotrophic bacteria and mannitol-positive staphylococci were the most numerous at locations where sewage undergoes primary treatment. In each subseuqent stage the number of microorganisms emitted into the air from the sewage was lower. Antibiograms show that more than 50% of Staphylococcus spp. exhibited resistance to penicillin and 20% to rifampicin. In addition, 90% of the analyzed strains were sensitive to other antibiotics. The fungal community included the following genera: Cladosporium, Fusarium, Alternaria, Penicillium, Aspergillus, Aureobasidium, and Acremonium.The highest air contamination with all studied groups of microorganisms was recorded at the locations where mechanical sewage treatment was performed. During the subsequent stages lower numbers of heterotrophic bacteria were emitted into the air. The air in the investigated sewage treatment plant did not contain multidrug-resistant staphylococci.

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Authors and Affiliations

Marta Małecka-Adamowicz
Łukasz Kubera
Wojciech Donderski
Katarzyna Kolet
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FA discharged from the wastewater treatment plant were extracted from purifi ed effl uents for the quantitative

and qualitative analysis. The treated sewage from municipal treatment plants was acidifi ed to pH <2 and extracted

with ion exchange resins in a laboratory column. After desorption with NH4

OH, the fulvic acids were condensed

under vacuum and tested for mass performance, UV-VIS light spectra, IR absorption spectra, elementary composition

and other elements. Their structure was analysed and compared to FA present in surface waters and in sewage treated

in other sewage treatment plants based on the authors’ own research and the literature data. The concentration of

FA in the treated sewage was 5.2 mg/L. There is a high interdependence between the IR spectrum analysis in the

visible light and the elementary composition of FA extracted from different environments, confi rming the conclusions

pertaining to the structure and properties of the acids being tested. The longer sewage is subjected to a biological

treatment process, the greater the degree of aromatic condensation and humus maturity of the FA contained within it.

FA contained in the sewage treated in the three biological sewage treatment plants have the ratio A2


(the ratio of the

absorbance of light with the wavelength of 250 and 300 nm) equal to the value 1.7. There is a high interdependence

between the IR spectrum analysis in the visible light and the elementary composition of FA extracted from different

environments, confi rming the conclusions pertaining to the structure and properties of the acids being tested.

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Anna Maria Anielak
Małgorzata Kryłów
Dominika Łomińska-Płatek
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The antifungal effect of twenty powdered spice plants and their extracts at concentrations of 2, 4, 8 and 1, 3, 6%, respectively was evaluated in relation to the radial mycelial growth of various soilborne fungi causing damping-off disease. The spice powder or extract were added to the culture medium PDA to obtain the proposed concentrations. Concentration of 8% of powdered spices and 6% of their extracts were able to cause complete growth inhibition of major tested fungi. High significant inhibitory effect on radial fungal growth was observed for different concentrations of carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus), cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmannil), garlic (Allium sativum) and thyme (Thymus vulgaris). Meanwhile, fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), marjoram (Origanum majorana) and chamomile (Matricaria hamomilla) showed a low inhibitory effect on tested fungi. Moderate inhibitory effect was observed with the other tested spices. In the greenhouse, efficacy of spice plants as powder or their extracts in addition to the fungicide Rizolex-T used as seed dressings against faba bean damping-off incidence was evaluated in pot experiment using soil artificially infested with the disease agents (Fusarium solani and Rhizoctonia solani). Spice extracts showed superior reducing effect on damping-off disease incidence at pre-emergence growth stage to that of powder treatments and Rizolex-T as well, while an opposite effect was observed at post-emergence growth stage. Carnation and cinnamon spices showed the highest protecting effect against disease incidence when applied as powder or extracts. It is interesting to note that spice plants as powder or extracts gave a similar effect to the fungicide Rhizolex-T in reducing damping-off incidence either at pre- or post-emergence stages of faba bean growth. Promising applicable technique could be suggested in the light of the results obtained. The use of spice plants as powder or extract for seed dressing might be considered as safe, cheep and easily applied method for controlling soilborne plant pathogens considering the avoidance of environmental pollution and the side effect of pesticide application.

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Nehal S. El-Mougy
Mokhtar M. Abdel-Kader
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Silicon (Si) is the second most abundant element present in the lithosphere, and it constitutes one of the major inorganic nutrient elements of many plants. Although Si is a nonessential nutrient element, its beneficial role in stimulating the growth and development of many plant species has been generally recognized. Silicon is known to effectively reduce disease severity in many plant pathosystems. The key mechanisms of Si-mediated increased plant disease resistance involve improving mechanical properties of cell walls, activating multiple signaling pathways leading to the expression of defense responsive genes and producing antimicrobial compounds. This article highlights the importance and applicability of Si fertilizers in integrated disease management for crops.

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Maryam Shahrtash
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Bollworms comprise the most harmful and economically relevant species of lepidopteran. Helicoverpa gelotopoeon (D.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is native to America and affects many crops. Tobacco is an industrial crop in which methods of pest control rely mainly on the application of insecticides. To develop new eco-friendly strategies against insect pests it is very important to overcome the side effects of insecticides. The utilization of fungal entomopathogens as endophytes is a new perspective that may accomplish good results. The present study aimed to evaluate the ability of endophytic Beauveria bassiana (Bals.-Criv.) Vuill. to affect H. gelotopoeon life parameters and feeding behavior on tobacco plants. Beauveria bassiana LPSC 1215 as an endophyte did not reduce the amount of vegetal material consumed by H. gelotopoeon larvae but affected the life cycle period of the plague, particularly the larval and adult stages. Also, egg fertility was affected since adults laid eggs that were not able to hatch. The results of this investigation provide new information on endophytic entomopathogen potential to be incorporated in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs.

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Florencia Vianna
Sebastian Pelizza
Leticia Russo
Natalia Allegrucci
Ana Scorsetti
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The effect of crude extracts of neem (Azadirachta indica) leaf, neem seed and garlic (Allium sativum) at concentrations ranging from 5% to 30% of the material in 100 ml of Potato Dextrose Agar on mycelial growth of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici was assessed. All the extracts inhibited mycellial growth at various levels. Dry neem seed extract gavel 100% inhibition of mycelial growth. Fresh neem leaf extract reduced mycelial growth with increasing concentration while in garlic there were no differences in growth inhibition among the various concentrations used. However garlic extracts decreased sporulation with increasing concentration and cultures grown on extract amended agar plates remained viable.

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Ogechi N. Agbenin
P.S. Marley
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Metallothioneins are low-molecular-weight proteins capable of covalently binding heavy metal ions due to the presence of many cysteine residues in their sequences. We analyzed the predicted amino acid sequences of 19 metallothionein (7 from Arabidopsis thaliana and 12 from Oryza sativa) and their promoter sequences in silico in order to determine the potential regulatory cis-elements present in the promoters of metallothionein genes, from which it is possible to determine the putative functions of these genes. The PlantCARE and PLACE databases provided information about the putative regulatory elements in the metallothionein promoters. Metal response element sequences were found in the promoters of eleven O. sativa and two Arabidopsis metallothionein genes. Copper response elements were identified in both model plants, usually in many copies, particularly in O. sativa. Both the high cysteine content and the presence of metal response motifs in the promoters support the suggestion that metallothioneins play a key role in metal detoxification. The most common putative element in the analyzed promoters was CIRCADIAN, which was present in five A. thaliana and eight O. sativa sequences. The methyl jasmonate response sequence, root-specific expression element and drought response element were found only in O. sativa metallothioneins. Light and low temperature response elements, biotic and abiotic stress elements, an abscisic acid-responsive element and an ethylene-responsive element occur in selected metallothionein promoters of both species. A few promoters have putative organ- and cell-specific regulatory elements. The presence of many different motifs in the promoters of the Arabidopsis and O. sativa genes implies that metallothioneins are general stress response proteins with many important functions in plants, including regulation of their normal development and adaptation to changing environmental conditions.

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Grażyna Dąbrowska
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The paper presents a literature review on the topic of vapour power plants working according to the two-phase thermodynamic cycle with supercritical parameters. The main attention was focused on a review of articles and papers on the vapour power plants working using organic circulation fluids powered with low- and medium-temperature heat sources. Power plants with water-steam cycle supplied with a high-temperature sources have also been shown, however, it has been done mainly to show fundamental differences in the efficiency of the power plant and applications of organic and water-steam cycles. Based on a review of available literature references a comparative analysis of the parameters generated by power plants was conducted, depending on the working fluid used, the type and parameters of the heat source, with particular attention to the needs of power plant internal load.
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Szymon Mocarski
Aleksandra Borsukiewicz-Gozdur
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High-temperature solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are considered as suitable components of future large-scale clean and efficient power generation systems. However, at its current stage of development some technical barriers exists which limit SOFC’s potential for rapid large-scale deployment. The present article aims at providing solutions to key technical barriers in SOFC technology. The focus is on the solutions addressing thermal resistance, fuel reforming, energy conversion efficiency, materials, design, and fuel utilisation issues.

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Jarosław Milewski
Wojciech Budzianowski
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The paper presents a thermodynamic optimization of supercritical coal fired power plant. The aim of the study was to optimize part of the thermal cycle consisted of high-pressure turbine and two chosen highpressure feed water heaters. Calculations were carried out using IPSEpro software combined with MATLAB, where thermal efficiency and gross power generation efficiency were chosen as objective functions. It was shown that the optimization with newly developed framework is sufficiently precise and its main advantage is the reduction of computation time on comparison to the classical method. The calculations have shown the tendency of the increase in efficiency, with the rise of a number of function variables.
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Witold Elsner
Łukasz Kowalczyk
Maciej Marek

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