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A Polish translation, with facing Greek text, of two variants of an anonymous Byzantine poem on a certain old man’s astonishing feats of wisdom at the imperial court.
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Małgorzata Borowska

  1. Wydział „Artes Liberales”, Uniwersytet Warszawski
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czyli o dyplomacji kulturalnej Wisławy Szymborskiej
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Michał Rusinek

  1. Katedra Teorii Komunikacji, Wydział Polonistyki Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
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A review of the commentary on the Batrachomyomachia by Joel Christensen and Erik Robinson.
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Jakub Zbądzki

  1. Instytut Studiów Klasycznych, Śródziemnomorskich i Orientalnych, Instytut Filologii Polskiej, Uniwersytet Wrocławski
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A translation into Polish of Catullus’ poem 70.
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Wiktoria Krawczyk

  1. Wydział Polonistyki, Uniwersytet Jagielloński
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This article deals with Fryderyk Chopin's juvenilia and the occasional verse dedicated to him by his his relatives and friends. Extraordinarily diverse in tone and nature (versified happy birthday and nameday messages, friendship book entries, humorous and partying verse), they offer unexpected insights into various aspects of the composer's biography and his participation in the literary culture of his epoch, especially the more private occasions and celebrations.
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● [Chopin L., Chopin I.], Ludwik i Emilka, powieść moralna dla dzieci z pism Salzmana wytłumaczona i do polskich obyczajów zastosowana, Warszawa 1828.
● Clavier A., Dans l’entourage de Chopin, Lens 1984.
● Clavier A., Emilia Chopin, Lens, 1975.
● Hoesick F., Fryderyk Chopin w przededniu sławy europejskiej, „Bluszcz”, 18 sierpnia 1902.
● Jachowicz S., Nowe śpiewy dla dzieci czyli oddział drugi wydanych w roku 1855 z dodaniem śpiewów różnych autorów, śpiewów Betlejemskich i sceny lirycznej pod tytułem Jasełka, Warszawa 1856.
● Jędrzejewczowa L., Barcińska I., Pan Wojciech, czyli wzór pracy i oszczędności, Warszawa 1836.
● Korespondencja Fryderyka Chopina, tom 1: 1816-1831, oprac. Z. Helman, Z. Skowron, H. Wróblewska-Straus, Warszawa 2009.
● Korespondencja Fryderyka Chopina, tom 2, cz. I: 1831-1838, oprac. Z. Helman, Z. Skowron, H. Wróblewska-Straus, Warszawa 2017, s. 665.
● Korespondencja Fryderyka Chopina, tom 2, cz. II: 1838-1839, oprac. Z. Helman, Z. Skowron, H. Wróblewska-Straus, Warszawa 2017, s. 823-826.
● Maślanka J., Twórczość ludowa w polskiej krytyce literackiej w latach 1831-1854, „Pamiętnik Literacki”, nr 56/2, 1965.
● Niecks F., Fryderyk Chopin jako człowiek i muzyk, tłum. A. Buchner, Warszawa 2011.
● Skarbek F., Emilia Chopin, „Rozrywki dla Dzieci” 1 maja 1827, s. 236-240.
● Słowacki J., Dzieła wybrane, t. 6: Listy do matki, Wrocław 1990.
● Tomaszewski M., Chopin. Człowiek, dzieło, rezonans, Poznań 2005.
● Tomaszewski M., cykl: Fryderyka Chopina Dzieła Wszystkie (Polskie Radio II); tekst dostępny na stronie: (dostęp: 12.09.2021).
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Iwona Puchalska

  1. Wydział Polonistyki Uniwerystetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków
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Regarded primarily as a scandalist, Bruno Jasieński is also an innovator and ‘theoretician’ of the avant-garde. Then, so the argument, he converted to Communism and put his pen in the service of that ideology. He paid for it with the price of debasing his talent to the level of a socialist realist hack and, eventually, the price of his life when the regime he so avidly supported turned on him in the great purges of 1937–38. This article takes issue with the claim – which is part of the generally accepted narrative – that Jasieński ‘swerved gently to the left’ in 1923–1925. This article analyses the politics of young Bruno Jasieński's verse, i.e. the texts produced before 1921, the year of the publication of the first collection of his poems. In so far as his early poetic work contains nothing but praise of the Russian revolution and its ethos, his ideological evolution in the nineteen twenties should termed radicalization rather than a shift to the left.
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Kasper Pfeifer

  1. Uniwersytet Śląski
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The article is a reappraisal of the work of Tymoteusz Karpowicz, one of the landmarks of the Polish poetic Neo-avant-garde, in terms of the quixotic model (principle). This approach brings into focus the following building blocks of Karpowicz’s autocreative poetics: the private library project, the idea of the book of books, the concept of holistic interconnectedness and the poet’s programmatic detachment (isolationism). In his verse they form sylleptic configurations in which language-games collide with the existential concrete and, in effect, transform the poetry into a performance acted out by the author both in his text and his highly mythicized geographic space. The superposing of his autothematic statements on his autocreative performative actions shows their remark-able congruence, and hence t the incontestable applicability of the quixotic model to describe the nature of Karpowicz’s creative project. In sum, he was a poet bent on finding his own place between the totalizing power of language and the harsh realities beyond the pale of literature.
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Karolina Górniak-Prasnal

  1. Wydział Polonistyki UJ
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How exactly did Adam Zagajewski, the Cracovian exile from postwar Lvov, become the “Poet of 9/11”, as Newsweek hailed him on the tenth anniversary of the infamous terrorist attack? And why has the poem lingered on in the years that follow, comforting readers in the aftermath of all kinds of disasters, private and public, natural and manmade? This essay traces the history behind the poem’s debit in English translation on the final page of the New Yorker magazine’s first issue after the attack. It follows its subsequent afterlife as one of the best-known contemporary poems in the English language, as witnessed by its countless appearances in everything from anthologies to sermons, pop songs, and personal websites in the last eighteen years.
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Clare Cavanagh

  1. prof., profesor literatur słowiańskich i komparatystyki (Frances Hooper Professor in the Arts and Humanities) na Uniwersytecie Northwestern
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While presenting a wide range of cultural, historical and political factors which have influen-ced the Polish and the American reception of Miron Białoszewski’s A Memoir of the Warsaw Uprising, this article tries to assess the role played in its reception abroad by the fact that the original text existed in several versions (censored and uncensored) and, on its way to print, got fitted out with multiple paratexts (introductions, prefaces and afterwords). Interestingly, there seems to be a connection between these fringe texts, the shaping of the translation as shown by choices made by the translators and editors, the evolving model of what is believed to be the right and proper handling of historical traumas, and the politics of remembrance in diverse historical settings and cultural imaginaries. An in-depth analysis of the details of translation and editorship opens up a series of broader questions about the status of a literary text functioning as evidence of traumatic historic events and the mechanisms of its reception by those directly affected (the family circle) and the people outside (with special attention being paid to the tension between the private and the public, and the normative versus the non-normative).
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Joanna Niżyńska
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The article examines the relationship between the lyrics and prose of Mieczysław Romanowski, the most talented poet of the last generation of the Romantics, and the work of other contributors of the weekly magazine Dziennik Literacki, published in Lwów between 1852 and 1870. Although their concerns and poetics have a lot in common, the high tone of Romanowski’s patriotic art is distinctly his own. In this article the analysis of his poetry is complemented by an examination of his essays and other writings which contain his views on contemporary social issues.

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Magdalena Chołojczyk
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This article focuses on paralogical figures (amphibology, equivocation, hypallage and syllepsis) in the poems of Jan Zych. Paralogicisms are phrases in which the combination of logical and syntactical form produces an irresolvable semantic conundrum. The article is divided into three parts, each dealing with one aspect of Zych’s handling of the opposition of distance and proximity: air metaphors expressive of the channel of poetic speech; communication by post (letters); and images of the labyrinth. The paralogical figures are discussed in terms of their function as textual building-blocks, a mark of the author’s subjectivity, and an invitation for performative reading. In this way, Zych’s poems, in particular Labirynty (The Labyrinths) are reconstituted as literary performances, analogous to the labyrinthine prose of J. L. Borges and Octavio Paz.

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Dorota Wojda
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In his lecture on Adam Asnyk’s poetry delivered in 1896 Jan Kasprowicz came up with the term endymionism to refer to a relatively small portion of the poet’s work characterized by a tone of extravagant egotism and narcissism. Exemplary for this extravaganza was, according to Kasprowicz, the poem ‘Endymion’. It belongs to a sequence of poems voicing the poet’s trauma after the suppression of the 1863–1864 January Uprising, and is closely connected with the ‘A Dream of the Tombs’, his most opaque and depressive poem. In the Polish literary tradition – from Słowacki’s calling Krasiński the Endymion of poetry, through Norwid and Faleński to a number of Young Poland’s poets (Rydel, Wyspiański, and Lange to mention but a few) – the figure of Endymion marked a situation of the poet being misunderstood or flouted by critics and readers. But with Asnyk’s ‘Endymion’, who, despite the appearance of a lonely dreamer is in fact a guardian of the tombs of heroes who fell in an unequal fight, this mythological figure acquired a new meaning. It became a symbol of loyalty and a noble idealism making no concessions to mundane pragmatism. In the following decades endymionism of that kind would often blend into Parnassianism, a poetic movement committed to the idea of art independent of all practical concerns and obligations.

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Małgorzata Okulicz-Kozaryn
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This article takes as its starting point the Greek term μεταξύ, a preposition meaning ‘between’, first turned into a noun in Plato’s Symposium, and in that substantivized form adapted for their own ends by a number of 20th-century philosophers, most notably by Simone Weil. In her Gravity and Grace (French: La Pesanteur et la grâce) she defines le metaxu as in-betweenness, a social and metaphysical category which embraces all that connects and divides (as, for example, a wall that both separates two prisoners and can be used by them to tap messages). In this article Weil’s concept of metaxu is applied to the language and then to various readings of two of Wisława Szymborska’s poems, ‘Funeral’ and ‘Elegiac Calculation’. Pragmalinguistics and semantics, too, play a role in the interpretation of these poems.

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Dorota Korwin-Piotrowska
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Most of what we know about Mikołaj Sęp Szarzyński (? – c. 1580) and his work is plausible conjecture that cannot be fully verified. The small volume published twenty years after his death, Rytmy – a single extant copy was found accidentally in the early 1800s – represents his uncertain legacy. Yet not only is Sęp Szarzyński the second greatest pre-modern Polish poet after Kochanowski, but, owing to his sonnets and other compositions of his early maturity, he can be considered the creator of a new style that, under the influence of late Italian Petrarchism, brings Polish poetry closer to mannerism and, for some commentators, to the Baroque. This article will focus in particular on Sonnet III (‘To the Holy Virgin’). While drawing on Dante and Petrarca, the sonnet resonates with the themes and styles of contemporary Spanish Marian literature. Sonnet III is the cornerstone of Sęp Szarzyński’s sonnet cycle (the first in Polish literature) that marks the artistic culmination of a ‘passage’ to modernity, in which an attitude of doubt and the attendant “grammar of uncertainty” (cf. Jan Błoński) constitutes the writer’s main stylistic and existential signature.
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Literatura podmiotowa:

● Sęp Szarzyński Mikołaj, Mikołaja Sępa Szarzyńskiego Rytmy abo Wiersze Polskie, po iego śmierci zebrane y wydane, Roku Pańskiego 1601, wydanie foto-offsetowe, Czytelnik, Warszawa 1978.
● Sęp Szarzyński Mikołaj, Rytmy oraz anonimowe pieśni i listy miłosne z XVI w., oprac. Tadeusz Sinko, BN, Nakładem Krakowskiej Spółki Wydawniczej, Kraków 1928.
● Sęp Szarzyński Mikołaj, Rytmy abo wiersze polskie oraz cykl erotyków, oprac. i wstępem poprzedził Julian Krzyżanowski, BN – wyd. II zmienione, Ossolineum, Wrocław 1973.
● Sęp Szarzyński Mikołaj, Poezje, wstęp i oprac. Janusz S. Gruchała, BP, Universitas, Kraków 1997.
● Sęp Szarzyński Mikołaj, Poezje zebrane, wydali Radosław Grześkowiak, Adam Karpiński, przy współpracy Krzysztofa Mrowcewicza, BPS, IBL, Warszawa 2001.

Literatura przedmiotowa:

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Luigi Marinelli

  1. Sapienza, Università di Roma, Włochy
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At the core of Kazimierz Tetmajer’s lyricism is the perception of transcendental absence, which provokes a range of unsettling reactions like fear, horror, or scorn (irony), and, in turn, the need to regain some sort of balance. This article analyzes all elements of this paradigmatic situation, especially the poet’s owing up to those reactions, his attempts to come to terms with them, and, if possible, to work out a way of converting their negativity into something that he actually wanted. At all times, it seems, he looks hard for the adequate means to express his emotional states. Struggling to express the inexpressible, he performs acts of creation which, however, do not produce anything (i.e. ‘nothing’ or ‘lack’). This outcome sets in motion, largely beyond conscious control, an emotional reaction, the affect of emptiness and lack ( l’affect de vide et de manque). That emptiness constitutes a certain whole, or, more precisely, a negative figuration of lack. Attempts to make sense of it endow it with a new, spatial quality – it is a site where lack becomes nothing ( le néant), but at the same time is reconstituted as a space which can engulf the human subject. This precarious situation defines in a way the human condition. The poet, as Tetmajer’s poetry shows, is stuck in a loop. The creative act is elicited by a lack which he tries to control, fill in, and master, yet all the attempts to find an adequate expression or figuration are in vain. They merely recreate the original absence (lack).
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Urszula Pilch

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków
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This article examines the occasional verse published by the daily Czas [Time] in 1864–1879, i.e. over a decade and a half after the suppression of the January Rising. These texts, which feature both solemn occasions and local ephemera, present us with a unique chronicle of life of Cracow and its environs. In addition to listing all the relevant texts, the article attempts to identify their authors, i.e. unlock their initials or pseudonyms, to outline the conventions and genological peculiarities of that verse, and to gauge the attitudes of the Cracovians towards the question of Poland’s independence, Romanticism, patriotism as well as some well-known authority figures.

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Dorota Samborska-Kukuć
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This article addresses the issue of the interpretation of proper names in poetry. The state of research on the functions of proper names in literature is well described, but it is possible to note the lack of a fixed interpretation strategy in poetry which means that, despite little interest in poetry, its researchers often try to propose their own methods of analysis. The authors of the article, who tackle onyms in the poetry of Bruno Jasieński, present their own methodological approach to the matter, based on B. Waldenfels’ concept of the “phenomenology of the alien”.

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Magdalena Graf
Paweł Graf
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Émile Verhaeren was one of the most important poets of the Leopoldine generation in Belgium, and a committed art critic. His career started in 1881 with his apprenticeship with Edmond Picard in Brussels, the leader of the group of artists, writers and activists who sought to liberate Belgian public life from the undue influence of Paris. His articles published in many Belgian journals were collected and published by Paul Aron in 1997 in the volume titled Écrits sur l’art (1881–1916). Their analysis carried out in comparison with his poetic texts allows us to see him as an artist open to new aesthetic ideas and an activist fighting for freedom of expression in art. The key aspect of Verhaeren’s approach towards painting and literature is the recognition and better appreciation of the Early Flemish painting tradition as the basis to create the identity of the Belgians. His views on art inseparable from the construction of a national identity can be interpreted as a part of the Norse mythology developed by another important Belgian writer, Maurice Maeterlinck in the manuscript from 1888 called Cahier Bleu.
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Émile Verhaeren, red. Peter-Eckhard Knabe, Raymond Trousson, Bruxelles 1984.

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Nachtergaele Vic, La réception d’Émile Verhaeren en Flandre, „Revue belge de philologie et d’histoire”, 77, 1999, 3, s. 713–732.

Starkie Enid, Les sources du lyrisme dans la poésie d’Émile Verhaeren, Paris 1927.

Theis O.F., Émile Verhaeren, „The North American Review”, 198, 1913, 694, s. 354–364, (dostęp: 25 V 2021).

Verhaeren Émile, Écrits sur l’art (1881–1892), wyd. Paul Aron, Bruxelles 1997.

Zbierska-Mościcka Judyta, L’esthetique symboliste selon Charles Van Lerberghe, „Écho des études romanes”, 2, 2006, 1, s. 67–78.

Zweig Stefan, Émile Verhaeren, London 1914, (dostęp: 15 VII 2020).
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Marta Ścisło

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski
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A Polish translation of Book 10 of Quintus of Smyrna’s Posthomerica, whose climactic part treats the deaths of Paris and Oenone. This foreshadows the first Polish translation of the whole of Quintus’ poem since the rendering by Jacek Idzi Przybylski published in Cracow in 1815.
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Włodzimierz Appel

  1. Katedra Filologii Klasycznej, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika
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A translation into Greek and Latin of four poems by Adam Mickiewicz, three from his Lausanne Cycle, composed in 1839–1840, and one slightly earlier (“Gęby za lud krzyczące…”).
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Jerzy Danielewicz

  1. Instytut Filologii Klasycznej, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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Without question Tadeusz Nowak reached the height of his poetic powers in a series of poems he called psalms (Psalms for Home Use, 1959; Psalms, 1971; and New Psalms, 1978). Although they form a distinctive group with common characteristics, it is hard to see what could possibly connect them with the lofty verses of the Book of Psalms. Having said that it can be argued that they belong to a Polish tradition of psalms developed by Kochanowski, Kochowski and Krasiński. The Polish psalms come in two varieties, those with sweeping visions of national history and identity, and the homely, or more personal, in focus and tone. Nowak rarely mentions the grand themes, yet when he does so his utterances are pregnant with meaning (though with no touch of the messianic fervour typical of the Polish psalms). His Psalms for Home Use are decidedly ‘homely’ in the sense of being personal and private (even autobiographical), and because they exhibit a mind of the common people from the country. If there is any connection between Nowak’s Psalms and their Biblical prototype it is maintained not so much by the occasional literary allusion as by the casting of the characters in the poems in the role of modern psalmists. Like King David, they know they are sinners, and that knowledge imparts to their ‘psalms’ the candidness of a cry from the depth.
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Maciej Szargot
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This is an analysis of the literary expressions of fear in the poetry of Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmajer. Intense fear is not only one of the dominant emotions depicted in his work but it also underpins his poetic technique. The article examines the manner in which he communicates the somatic experience of dread, his use of bodily metaphors in descriptions of nature, his poetic landscapes of fear, the records of his nightmares, the modernist phobophobia as well the sources of the high anxiety (to do with the mysteries of life, death and man’s inner life) that dogged him at all times. In its readings the article draws on the studies in affect theory, somatopoetics and psychoanalytic criticism.
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Lidia Kamińska

  1. Szkoła Doktorska Nauk Humanistycznych, Wydział Polonistyki UJ
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This article discusses the unknown circumstances of Stanisław Rembek’s debut as a poet. Stanisław Rembek is the author of highly acclaimed novels about the Polish--Soviet War of 1919–1920 and short stories about the January 1863 Uprising. But practi-cally nobody knows that he made his debut as a with ‘O polski Żołnierzu!’ [‘O Polish Soldier!’], published in the college magazine Razem [ Together] in Piotrków. The poem displays a strong influence of Romanticism; the Romantic attitudes and intellectual legacy would later be discussed and infrequently scoffed at by the characters of his novels.
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Maciej Urbanowski

  1. Wydział Polonistyki UJ
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This article examines two collections of manuscripts (previously unanalyzed) with poems which make up Leopold Staff’s debut volume The Dreams of Power. The poet offered them as a gift to Maryla Wolska who deposited them in the Michał Pawlikowski Archives at Medyka. With access to the fi rst, nearly complete, collection we can get an insight into the process of selecting poems for the version that was to go to print (1899–1901). As most of the poems are dated, we are able to establish their sequence and reconstruct the changing concept of their selection. Of special value are twelve poems which had been dropped in the process, and for most part remained unpublished. Each of them is presented briefl y in the article. Apart from making this discovery, the article demonstrates that Leopold Staff’s debut volume as we know it had an earlier version with a set of poems, different from the one that was earmarked for publication under that title.

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Krystyna Zabawa

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