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Prawa człowieka są uzasadnieniem funkcjonowania państwa i to one są zarazem określeniem granic jego działania. Jak konstytucja broni praw jednostki i jak w rzeczywistości funkcjonują relacje państwo – obywatel?
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Mirosław Wyrzykowski
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The author claims that Marx’s ideas have succeeded, the proletariat has been victorious in the class conflict but the victory is completely different from what Marx has expected. The vision of the proletariat state ended up in a total failure. The vestiges of Marx’s proposal testify to complete inapplicability of his main ideas to the circumstances of the contemporary world. The concept of a state managed by the proletariat class turned out to be defective. The ownership of the means of production has failed. The concept of private property defended itself and has even been strengthened. And where a public ownership won the upper hand, as in State Treasury, it turned out to be institutional and not collective. Moreover, the state interferes more and more vigorously in private businesses and their activities. On the other hand, however, the proletariat succeeded in the area of employment law where it won some durable legal guarantees. Thus Marx correctly perceived certain needs of the proletariat but proposed inapt solutions to them.

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Bartosz Rakoczy
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Zmiany w wymiarze sprawiedliwości wobec nieletnich zachodzące w cieniu brazylijskiej dyktatury wojskowej składają się na ponurą opowieść, w której sztukę wykluczenia doprowadzono do perfekcji.
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Alexander Rodrigues de Castro

  1. Wydział Stosowanych Nauk Społecznych i Resocjalizacji, Uniwersytet Warszawski
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The content of the study focuses on the issue of the right to work of persons with disabilities from the point of view of the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities adopted by the General Assembly of United Nations in 2006. The article discusses the formal elements of the national system supporting the professional activity of this group of people. The author also presents opinions of various entities, independent of state authorities, on the compatibility of solutions adopted in our country with the philosophy of the Convention.

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Adam Mikrut
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Ustawy o planowaniu przestrzennym z lat 1994 i 2003 zniosły obowiązek sporządzania planów miejscowych, więc 3/4 terytorium Polski zabudowywane jest bez planu. Zastępują go ułomne i korupcjogenne „Decyzje o warunkach zabudowy”. W roku 2014 zlikwidowane zostały uprawnienia urbanistyczne i samorząd zawodowy Izba Urbanistów. Środowiska profesjonalistów pozbawione zostały podstawowych narzędzi. Od roku 2015 indywidualne budownictwo mieszkaniowe i rekreacyjne może powstawać bez pozwolenia na budowę. Ta liberalizacja objawia się intensyfikacją zabudowy wokół „magnesów” krajobrazowych. Jakość krajobrazu stała się ofiarą politycznego populizmu. Co takiego wydarzyło się w transformacji rozpoczętej w roku 1989, że społeczeństwo nie podąża za głosem profesjonalistów i elit intelektualnych, a władza bezkrytycznie schlebia upodobaniom wyborców? Czy ceną demokracji i gospodarki wolnorynkowej musi być psucie jakości estetycznej wspólnego dobra? Bez odpowiedzi na to nie potrafimy podjąć skutecznej ochrony i poprawy krajobrazu, jako narodowego dziedzictwa.

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Aleksander Bӧhm
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The wheel seems to be an invention which – created at the dawn of human civilisation – does not require any changes. Its implicit perfection is a derivative of the definition of the wheel given in mathematics. However, this simplified point of view needs to be confronted with the conditions of land transport, complete with the uneven surfaces hampering the movement of the wheel.
This work presents the subsequent steps, which – during an attempt at a reform of knowledge on land transport – could have led to Józef Hoene-Wroński’s invention of a new type of the wheel. The applied analysis was based on the law of creation developed by the philosopher. The invention is so revolutionary that it still cannot be accepted by constructors of land vehicles.
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Józef Okulewicz

  1. Politechnika Warszawska (emer.)
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The author is an employee of the City Spatial Planning Office of Kraków and describes the process of adopting Local Spatial Management Plans of the area in Krakow, which was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The description begins in 2003 with no Local Spatial Managements Plans in valid, and ends in 2020, when the UNESCO area is completely protected by local spatial plans, however 50% of the buffer zone stays without any spatial law protection. The article focused on the authors of Local Plans, who — on behalf of the Mayor of the City of Krakow — drawn up the spatial documents. The documentation of this aspect is tremendously important, after deregulation of the profession of urban planners.
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Marceli Łasocha

  1. Spatial Planning Office of Krakow
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Galicia’s autonomous status was in fact a doubletrack affair. On the one hand Galicia became a shining example of freedom and autonomy, embedded in the new constitutional order of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, while on the other hand it was tied down to a monarchical absolutism which offered only limited protection of individual rights. The press in particular was caught in the dilemmas produced by this situation, especially in the sensitive areas of political loyalty and religion.

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Elżbieta A. Maj
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Różne grupy społeczne i zawodowe prezentują odmienne poglądy dotyczące przestrzeni i planowania przestrzennego. Ma to odbicie w rozumieniu przepisów i podejściu do kształtowania prawa, które wpływa na ład przestrzenny.
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Maciej J. Nowak

  1. Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie
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Energia elektryczna jest produktem przeznaczonym na sprzedaż. Ma jednak specyficzne znaczenie, które skutkuje nadaniem jej przymiotu dobra publicznego. Przyczyną takiego stanu jest konieczność zagwarantowania ciągłości jej dostaw. Niezbędna jest nie tylko dla prawidłowego funkcjonowania gospodarstw domowych, lecz w szczególności konieczna dla zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa kraju. W obowiązującym systemie gospodarczym, posługując się terminem konstytucyjnym: społeczną gospodarką rynkową, to konkurencja, uważana jest za najlepszą metodę kształtowania rynku i występujących w jego ramach stosunków. Niewątpliwie nie we wszystkich podsektorach energetyki niewidzialna ręka rynku pozwala na realizację swoich celów i funkcji w sposób wystarczający. Zatem niezbędne staje się wprowadzenie odpowiednich, aktywnych mechanizmów regulacji stanowiących skuteczny substytut dla konkurencji. Regulatorowi – czyli prezesowi Urzędu Regulacji Energetyki przypisano szereg zadań i kompetencji. Ma on obowiązek dbania o interes państwa w zakresie rozwoju przedsiębiorstw energetycznych. Równocześnie wykonuje on zadanie ochrony odbiorcy końcowego przed nakładaniem nieuzasadnionych opłat za dostarczaną energię. Jednakże regulator nie może być rzecznikiem wyselekcjonowanej grupy uczestników rynku. Jego funkcją jest zastępowanie mechanizmów konkurencji rynkowej przy wykorzystaniu dostępnych narzędzi prawnych i ekonomicznych. Rolę regulatora należy określić, jako zamiennika rynku konkurencyjnego. Połączenie wskazanych powyżej zadań jest trudne, ale możliwe, przy zachowaniu niezależności regulatora oraz nadaniu i zagwarantowaniu mu uprawnień umożliwiających, kontrolę nad gospodarką finansową spółek jednoosobowych Skarbu Państwa lub podmiotów państwowych działających w branży dystrybucji energetycznej. Niniejszy tekst ma na celu przedstawienie zależności między rozmaitymi formami aktywności organów regulacyjnych a podmiotami uczestniczącymi w rynku energii, w szczególności spółek zajmujących się dystrybucją energii elektrycznej. Autorzy wskazują, czym jest sama regulacja oraz kto wprowadza normy wiążące strony. Ponadto podejmują staranie przedstawienia czytelnikowi w przystępny sposób zagadnienia przychodu regulowanego oraz uwypuklenia w nim roli regulacji jakościowej. Istotą artykułu jest wykazanie formy i stopnia oddziaływania Regulatora na wyniki finansowe OSD.
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Michał Andrzej Przybył
Rafał Śpiewak
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This article aims to present the issues related to the legal framework for conducting economic activity in the form of marine aquaculture, consisting of farming marine organisms. The work analyses mainly selected the regulations of international law because it is these regulations that shape the rights and obligations of states, producers, farmers and society in the field of ocean farming, as well as in the context of marine resources, which are undoubtedly a common good for all mankind. The author also discusses the legal status of maritime areas in which aquaculture is cultivated.

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Jakub Puszkarski
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The article provides a detailed characteristics of the concept of marine scientific research on the grounds of the existing norms of the international law of the sea, normative acts of the Republic of Poland and in terms based on the most recent and significant scientific publications constituting the literature on the subject. One of the core studies being conducted by the Committee on the International Legal Status of Submarine Cables and Pipelines established in 2018 under the International Law Association is the field of application of UNCLOS standards to hydrographic surveys carried out as part of the process preceding the laying of submarine cables and pipelines. This paper presents a hypothesis on the separate treatment of the concept of marine scientific research and hydrographic surveys, and presents the legal impediments that the State or the laying company may face.
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Tomasz Kamiński
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Rafał Szewczyk

  1. Zakład Międzynarodowego Prawa Publicznego, Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
  2. Zakład Prawa i Ekonomii, Wydział Bezpieczeństwa, Logistyki i Zarządzania Wojskowej Akademii Technicznej
  3. Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
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Artykuł poświęcony jest problemowi legitymizacji obecnych w dyskursie Kościoła rzymskokatolickiego w Polsce wypowiedzi na temat gender i praw reprodukcyjnych z lat 2012–2017. Jego celem jest rekonstrukcja sposobów, w jakie przedstawiciele Kościoła uprawomocniają swoje stanowisko we wspomnianych polach dyskursywnych oraz odpowiedź na pytanie o rolę, jaką pełni wykorzystanie zróżnicowanych legitymizacji o charakterze religijnym i świeckim w kontekście obecności Kościoła w sferze publicznej. Prezentowane dane są wynikiem jakościowej analizy treści dokumentów Konferencji Episkopatu Polski oraz publicznych wypowiedzi polskich biskupów, takich jak: wywiady w mediach, kazania, wystąpienia konferencyjne. W warstwie teoretycznej i metodologicznej artykuł odwołuje się do założeń perspektywy społecznego tworzenia rzeczywistości (Berger i Luckmann), koncepcji dyskursywnego konstruowania legitymizacji (van Leeuwen) oraz założeń SKAD (the Sociology of Knowledge Approach to Discourse).

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Anna Szwed
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The article presents a critical analysis of Yeshayahu Leibowitz’s thesis that Judaism and Kant’s practical philosophy represent antagonistic tendencies of thought. This opposition, according to Leibowitz, consists in the claim that Kantian ethics sees the supreme value in human being, while in Judaism such a view can amount only to a usurpation of God’s sovereignty by man. The aim of the article is to show that after an investigation into its substance, Kant’s moral theory turns out to resemble in the essential respects Leibowitz’s view concerning Judaism.

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Wojciech Kozyra
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The motif of the so-called “critique of writing” in the Phaedrus has received much attention from contemporary commentators of Plato. Less attention has been paid to the explicit praise of writing and the project of making all citizens literate presented in the Laws. Because in the Phaedrus there is talk of writing of every sort (including legal documents), the question arises whether Plato changed his attitude to writing in the Laws. The present discussion places the Platonic reflection on writing and speech in the broader context of the ambivalent attitude of fourth-century BC Athenians to writing and written laws. It is demonstrated, first, that Plato criticizes writing to the same extent to which he praises it; second, that if his criticism includes writing, it also includes verbal teachings and all oral compositions.
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Dorota Zygmuntowicz

  1. Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii, Polska Akademia Nauk
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This article discusses activities of the Main Council of Science and Higher Education in 2022.
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Grażyna Borkowska
Stanisław Kistryn
Marcin Pałys

  1. Instytut Badań Literackich PAN
  2. Uniwersytet Jagielloński
  3. Uniwersytet Warszawski
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Joseph Ratzinger, both as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and, above all, as Pope, contributed greatly to the legislative development and the implementation of Canon Law. His invitation has been especially important, as Supreme Pontiff, to the seminarians to love Canon Law. In this article we study his contribution to the canonical doctrine with the subjects developed in the speeches before the Ro-man Rota, in which He offers certain criteria to advance in the knowledge and praxis of Canon Law and rejects the errors that can create deviations. Particularly notewor-thy is the insistence on showing the pastoral value of Canon Law and the need to hold its close link both to charity and to truth. On the other hand, the Pope also pays attention to marriage, both in preparation for it and in the defence of its essential properties

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Juan Manuel Cabezas Cañavate
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The concept of ecosystem services becomes more and more popular in regulation of the environmental protection. One of the premises of that concept is treatment of a human and human activity as an integral part of an ecosystem. Interrelations between human activity and ecosystem can be described through the concept of ecosystem services. A certain degree of commodification of natural environment which is immanently connected with the concept of ecosystem services can become useful as a tool of assessing the impact of human activities on ecosystem as well as regulating that impact. Marine protection law is a good example of attempts to introduce the interrelated concepts of ecosystem approach and ecosystem services into functioning of the regulatory schemes.

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Maciej Nyka
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The demand for REE was the background to include them to those consisting of the property of the State Treasury in Poland, enumerated in the Geological and Mining Law (Article 10). The PLN 500/kg REE payment for exploitation of REE (exploitation tax) was introduced. Both proposals will restrain the REE recovery from exploited domestic mineral commodities. The term REE is imprecise. Their deposits are rare and may be classified as “REE ore deposits”. The REE are often the accompanying constituents in varied mineral commodities and are recoverable during their processing, outside the mine. The application of an exploitation tax in such a case is inapplicable. The established value of the exploitation tax is incomparably high in respect to the value of the REE contained in mined mineral commodities. The analysis of introduced changes of mining and geological law allow to suggest the reevaluation of ownership based subdivision of mineral commodities: name the mineral commodities belonging to the land property owners and leave the list of mineral commodities consisting property of the State Treasury open. The more careful approach is also necessary in the formulation of Geological and Mining Law. It should be preliminary formulated by persons competent in geology and mining and subsequently adjusted to juridical exigencies.

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Marek Nieć
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The problem of deposit protection and the process of liquidation of mining plants does not find effective solutions in the national law. Nevertheless, this is a very up-to-date issue. This situation prompted the authors of the article to once again analyze these issues. The number of abandoned exploitation sites which were published in the Polish Geological Institute reports should affect the entire licensing system and the state’s raw material policy. As a good host of raw materials, which we have been given by Earth Mother, we cannot allow that the mining licensing system, the liquidation procedures of mining plants without due diligence, result in the lack of protection of these deposits. The rational raw material economy and the ability to exploit it for the future generations, while failing to effectively enforce the site liquidation process makes it necessary to take actions leading to not blocking the mineral deposits in this way. The analysis shows what appropriate actions should be taken. The authors have thoroughly investigated the legal regulations over the past century, compiling them with the current legislation, and pointing out the weaknesses of the system in the field of deposits protection, particularly in the part of the unexploited deposits. Criticism covered both the statutory regulations – Geological and mining law as well as executive acts in the field of deposit protection. A separate analysis was subjected to the procedure of liquidation of the mining plants in the aspect of deposits protection, for mining plants operating on the basis of the Province Marshal’s licenses. The process presented in the flowchart layout clearly shows the weak points of the currently operating system.

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Miranda Ptak
Zbigniew Kasztelewicz
Mateusz Sikora
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The paper considers a particular case of onomastic motivation, providing examples of the use of the adjective tani ‘cheap’ in the creation of pharmacy names in Poland (e.g. Tanie Leki ‘cheap medicines’, Tania Apteka ‘cheap pharmacy’). This Polish word is frequently used in marketing, both as an element of company names and marketing slogans. In many instances tani constitutes part of a complex pharmacy name, e.g.: Całotygodniowa Apteka Familijna — Tylko Tanie Leki, Super Tania Apteka im. Zawiszy Czarnego, Centrum Tanich Leków — Apteka św. Barbary. On the basis of judgments from Polish administrative courts, the article discusses the question of the distinction or lack of one between advertisements and proper names. The significant fact is that the Pharmaceutical Law has prohibited the advertising of the operations of pharmacies since 2012 and, as a result, the use of names with the component tani was found to be in violation of the provision. In response to this, the owners of stores have argued that the proper name refers to the object alone, having no literal meaning. The controversial phrases were used to create legal names which are placed on signboards and in announcements. The paper focuses on a more general problem: chrematonyms and appellative lexis can hardly be distinguished due to their persuasive and marketing value.

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Mirosława Sagan-Bielawa
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The author shows the activity of the inhabitants in the process of revitalization which took place in Poznan at the turn of the 20. and 21. century. Overview of actions demonstrates the transformation of instruments and methods of conduct, but also is a presentation process of self-education of all participants: the associations, municipal authorities and residents. Relevant are also the examples of intentional educational and cultural initiatives addressed to the residents and held with residents in the framework of the Urban Renewal Program. Accumulation of these activities led to stimulate of civic awareness, neighborly relationship and local identification, but also initiated the transformation of individual mental. As a result, they developed a multi-threaded relationship: realization by the people of the right to co-decision and shared responsibility influences the attitudes of representatives of the local authorities and a kind of reciprocal social education, leaning to the subjective treatment of all participants of social processes.

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Hanna Grzeszczuk-Brendel
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The author analyses the identity strategies appearing in women’s social movements in contemporary Poland. She considers the importance of gender in the process of constructing collective identity and how specific gender identity strategies influence their social reception and, in consequence, the success or failure of women’s initiatives as well. The aim of her considerations is to deepen critical reflection on the category of gender in the intersectional perspective, particularly in the context of research into social movements. The analysis includes two examples of women’s mass movements in the last decade: the movement to restore the Child Support Fund and the Women’s Congress. Her conclusions are based on a qualitative analysis of the media discussion, the self-representations of proponents of both initiatives (in publications and online), as well as interviews with their representatives and participants conducted in the years 2009–2013.

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Elżbieta Korolczuk

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