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This article deals with the final stage of the destruction of the cult Third Programme of the Polish Radio — popular primarily with the intelligentsia — in 2020– 2021. It was the last in a series of layoffs ordered by the PR management, appointed by Poland's ruling party. The dismissal of journalists whose professional skills and independence had built up the popularity of the station must be seen not only as arrogant disregard for the listeners' expectations but also a sign of decline of cultural standards in the mass media.
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Chwastyk-Kowalczyk J., To nie jest Trójka, którą kochaliśmy… Subiektywne spojrzenie, [w:] Piętno władzy. Studia nad cenzura i zakresem wolności słowa, pod red. W. Ciszewskiej, Toruń 2019, s. 197–217.
Dobek-Ostrowska B., Polish Media System in a Comparative Perspective. Media in Politicd, Politics in Media, Berlin – Bern – Bruxelles – New York – Oxford – Warszawa – Wien 2019.
Nygren G., Dobek-Ostrowska B., Journalism in Change. Journalistic Culture in Poland, Russia and Sweden, Berlin – Bern – Bruxelles – New York – Oxford – Warszawa – Wien 2015.

Artykuły prasowe:

Dłużewska E., Wytwórnia Mystic Production zawiesiła współpracę ze stacją, „Gazeta Wyborcza”, 18 V 2020, s. 2–3.
Dziennikarz Trójki komentuje swoje odejście. „Nikt nie namówi mnie, żeby im zaufać”, „Gazeta Wyborcza”, 23 III 2020, s. 2–3.
Jestem wściekły! Zbigniew Preisner o sytuacji w Trójce, „Gazeta Wyborcza”, 19 V 2020, s. 12.
Kamiński Ł., Piotr Kaczkowski po 57 latach odszedł z Trójki, „Gazeta Wyborcza”, 21 V 2020, s. 2.
Kublik A., Chaotyczne zarzynanie radiowej Trójki, „Gazeta Wyborcza”, 7 IX 2020, s. 4–5.
Kublik A., Coraz mniej Trójki w „Trujce”, „Gazeta Wyborcza”, 25 V 2020, s. 12.
Kublik A., Do kogo należy Wojciech Mann?, „Gazeta Wyborcza”, 3 XII 2020, s. 8.
Kublik A., Ernest Zozuń żegna się z Trójką, „Gazeta Wyborcza”, 7 XII 2020, s. 6.
Kublik A., Już nie „Zapraszamy do Trójki”, „Gazeta Wyborcza” 21 VIII 2020, s. 7.
Kublik A., Kto po Wojciechu Mannie, „Gazeta Wyborcza”, 13 III 2020, s. 13.
Kublik A., Kuba Strzyczkowski nowym szefem Trójki, „Gazeta Wyborcza”, 26 V, 2020, s. 7.
Kublik A., Nowe Radio 357, „Gazeta Wyborcza” 6 X 2020, s. 6.
Kublik A., Nowy Świat po Trójce, „Gazeta Wyborcza”, 21 V 2020, s. 3.
Kublik A., Prezes Polskiego Radia o kryzys w Trójce obwinia Trójkę, „Gazeta Wyborcza”, 1 IX 2020, s. 8.
Kublik A., Radio Nowy Świat, czyli wejście smoka, „Gazeta Wyborcza”, 29 VII 2020, s. 6.
Kublik A., Radio Nowy Świat obudzi was głosem Manna, „Gazeta Wyborcza”, 10 VII 2020, s. 13.
Kublik A., Radiowa Trójka się rozstroiła, „Gazeta Wyborcza”, 13 X 2020, s. 8.
Kublik A., Trójka=3,3 proc., „Gazeta Wyborcza”, 15 X 2020, s. 7.
Kublik A., Trójka bez Niedźwieckiego, „Gazeta Wyborcza”, 18 V 2020, s. 2–3.
Kublik A., Trójka ginie za Kazika, „Gazeta Wyborcza”, 20 V 2020, s. 3.
Kublik A. Trójka jak zakładowy radiowęzeł w PRL, „Gazeta Wyborcza” , 4 IX 2020, s. 6.
Kublik A., Trójka już nie zaprasza, „Gazeta Wyborcza”, 2 X 2020, s. 10.
Kublik A., Trójka, słuchalność pikuje, ramówki brak, „Gazeta Wyborcza”, 11 IX 2020, s. 10.
Kublik A., Trójka tonie bez artystów i reklam, „Gazeta Wyborcza”, 9 IX 2020, s. 6–7.
Kublik A., Trojka w chaosie, „Gazeta Wyborcza”, 28 VIII 2020, s. 8.
Kublik A., Znów iskrzy w Trójce, „Gazeta Wyborcza”, 16 VII 2020, s. 10.
Łukaszewski J., Trójka: słuchalność spada, kryzysu nie ma, „Gazeta Wyborcza”, 5–6 IX 2020, s. 6–7.
Mam w kieszeni dynamit, „Duży Format” — dodatek „Gazety Wyborczej”, 29 VI 2020, s. 10–11.
Nie zapraszam do Trójki, „Gazeta Wyborcza”, 24 VIII 2020, s. 6.
Nogaś M., Coście uczynili (nawet) z Listą Przebojów Trójki?, „Gazeta Wyborcza”, 18 V 2020, s. 3.
Olszański: Trójka już nie istnieje, „Gazeta Wyborcza”, 27 VIII 2020, s. 10.
Powrotów nie będzie. Z Markiem Niedźwieckim rozmawia Grzegorz Szymanik, „Duży Format” — dodatek „Gazeta Wyborcza”, 31 VIII 2020, s. 6–7.
Radkowski M., Słuchacze płaczą do słuchawek, „Gazeta Wyborcza”, 26 V 2020, s. 18–19.
Sukces Radia Nowy Świat. Pół miliona słuchaczy, „Gazeta Wyborcza”, 29 VII 2020, s. 1.
Środa M., Hodowla nihilistów, „Gazeta Wyborcza”, 6 VI 2018, s. 18.
Tęskniliśmy za Trójką więc będzie Radio 357, „Gazeta Wyborcza”, 8 X 2020, s. 7.
To już nie była Trójka. Z Wojciechem Mannem rozmawia Agnieszka Kublik, „Magazyn Świąteczny. Gazeta Wyborcza”, 14–15 III 2020, s. 18–19.
Trójka poniżej trójki, „Gazeta Wyborcza”, 12 XI 2020, s. 2.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jolanta Chwastyk-Kowalczyk

  1. Katedra Dziennikarstwa i Komunikacji Społecznej, Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego ul. Uniwersytecka 17, PL 25-406 Kielce
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This article re-examines the material collected by the RFE Audience Research Department between 1958 and 1961 among Polish refugees and temporary visitors from Poland in the West. The aim of this analysis is to gain fresh insight into the attitudes and opinions about the Polish Section of the Radio Free Europe expressed by its listeners

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Kamila Kamińska-Chełminiak
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This article surveys the relations between the Polish Radio and the German Broadcasting Corporation (Reichs-Rundfunk-Gesellschaft) in the interwar period. In its early phase the relationship was overshadowed by disputes over programmes on Upper Silesia and the takeover by a German company of the radio station in the Free City of Gdańsk (Danzig). After Hitler became chancellor in 1933 there was a marked improve- ment in relations: the two parties even made an agreement to relay each other's programmes. However, in September 1939 the German radio network (RRG) actively aided the German army in its invasion of Poland.

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Sebastian Fikus
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The aim of this paper is the methodology of measurements executed in a radio link for the realization of radiolocation services in radiocommunication networks, particularly in cellular networks. The main results of the measurements obtained in the physical layer of the universal mobile telecommunications system (UMTS) are introduced. A new method for the utilization of the multipath propagation phenomenon to improve the estimation of the distance between the mobile station (MS) and the base station (BS) is outlined. This method significantly increases the quality of location services in systems which use a radio interface with direct sequence code division multiple access (DS CDMA).

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Jacek Stefanski
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Velocity is one of the main navigation parameters of moving objects. However some systems of position estimation using radio wave measurements cannot provide velocity data due to limitation of their performance. In this paper a velocity measurement method for the DS-CDMA radio navigation system is proposed, which does not require full synchronization of reference stations carrier frequencies. The article presents basics of FDOA (frequency difference of arrival) velocity measurements together with application of this method to an experimental radio navigation system called AEGIR and with some suggestions about the possibility to implement such FDOA measurements in other kinds of asynchronous DS-CDMA radio networks. The main part of this paper present results of performance evaluation of the proposed method, based on laboratory measurements

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Jarosław Sadowski
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Astronomers are charting out a radio map of the sky, showing hundreds of thousands of previously unknown galaxies.

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Błażej Nikiel-Wroczyński
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With improved technological successions, wireless communication applications have been incessantly evolving. Owing to the challenges posed by the multipath wireless channel, radio design prototypes have become elemental in all wireless systems before deployment. Further, different signal processing requirements of the applications, demand a highly versatile and reconfigurable radio such as Software Defined Radio (SDR) as a crucial device in the design phase. In this paper, two such SDR modules are used to develop an Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) wireless link, the technology triumphant ever since 4G. In particular, a non-coherent end-to-end OFDM wireless link is developed in the Ultra High Frequency (UHF) band at a carrier frequency of 470 MHz. The transmitter includes Barker sequences as frame headers and pilot symbols for channel estimation. At the receiver, pulse alignment using Max energy method, frame synchronization using sliding correlator approach and carrier offset correction using Moose algorithm are incorporated. In addition, wireless channel is estimated using Least Square (LS) based pilot aided channel estimation approach with denoising threshold and link performance is analyzed using average Bit Error Rate (BER), in different pilot symbol scenarios. In a typical laboratory environment, the results of BER versus receiver gain show that with 4 pilot symbols out of 128 carriers, at a gain of 20 dB, BER is 0.160922, which is reduced to 0.136884 with 16 pilot symbols. The developed link helps OFDM researchers to mitigate different challenges posed by the wireless environment and thereby strengthen OFDM technology.
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Authors and Affiliations

Nandana Narayana
Pallaviram Sure

  1. Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, MS Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Bangalore, India
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The article is devoted to the development of a method for increasing the efficiency of communication channels of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in the conditions of electronic warfare (EW). The author analyses the threats that may be caused by the use of electronic warfare against autonomous UAVs. A review of some technologies that can be used to create original algorithms for countering electronic warfare and increasing the autonomy of UAVs on the battlefield is carried out. The structure of modern digital communication systems is considered. The requirements of unmanned aerial vehicle manufacturers for onboard electronic equipment are analyzed, and the choice of the hardware platform of the target radio system is justified. The main idea and novelty of the proposed method are highlighted. The creation of a model of a cognitive radio channel for UAVs is considered step by step. The main steps of modelling the spectral activity of electronic warfare equipment are proposed. The main criteria for choosing a free spectral range are determined. The type of neural network for use in the target cognitive radio system is substantiated. The idea of applying adaptive coding in UAV communication channels using multicomponent turbo codes in combination with neural networks, which are simultaneously used for cognitive radio, has been further developed.
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Authors and Affiliations

Serhii Semendiai
Yuliіa Tkach
Mykhailo Shelest
Oleksandr Korchenko
Ruslana Ziubina
Olga Veselska

  1. Chernihiv Polytechnic NationalUniversity, Chernihiv, Ukraine
  2. Department of Information Technology Security of National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine
  3. Department of Computer Science andAutomatics of the University of Bielsko-Biala, Bielsko-Biala, Poland
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Biography and scientific achievements of Professors Marianna Sankiewicz-Budzyński and Gustaw K.E. Budzyński - Founders of the Polish Audio Engineering.

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Andrzej Czyżewski
Bożena Kostek
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Energy and spectral efficiency are the main challenges in 5th generation of mobile cellular networks. In this paper, we propose an optimization algorithm to optimize the energy efficiency by maximizing the spectral efficiency. Our simulation results show a significant increase in terms of spectral efficiency as well as energy efficiency whenever the mobile user is connected to a low power indoor base station. By applying the proposed algorithm, we show the network performance improvements up to 9 bit/s/Hz in spectral efficiency and 20 Gbit/Joule increase in energy efficiency for the mobile user served by the indoor base station rather than by the outdoor base station.

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Bujar Krasniqi
Blerim Rexha
Betim Maloku
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Queuing regime is one outstanding approach in improving channel aggregation. If well designed and incorporated with carefully selected parameters, it enhances the smooth rollout of fifth/next generation wireless networks. While channel aggregation is the merging of scattered TV white space (spectrum holes) into one usable chunk for secondary users (SU). The queuing regime ensures that these unlicensed users (SUs) traffic/ services are not interrupted permanently (blocked/dropped or forced to terminate) in the event of the licensed users (primary user) arrival. However, SUs are not identical in terms of traffic class and bandwidth consumption hence, they are classified as real time and non-real time SU respectively. Several of these strategies have been studied considering queuing regime with a single feedback queuing discipline. In furtherance to previous proposed work with single feedback queuing regime, this paper proposes, develops and compares channel aggregation policies with two feedback queuing regimes for the different classes of SUs. The investigation aims at identifying the impacts of the twofeedback queuing regime on the performance of the secondary network such that any SU that has not completed its ongoing service are queued in their respective buffers. The performance is evaluated through a simulation framework. The results validate that with a well-designed queuing regime, capacity, access and other indices are improved with significant decrease in blocking and forced termination probabilities respectively.

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Authors and Affiliations

Ebenezer Esenogho
Elie N. Mambou
Hendrik C. Ferreira
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In this paper, a filtering stage based on employing a Savitzky-Golay (SG) filter is proposed to be used in the spectrum sensing phase of a Cognitive Radio (CR) communication paradigm for Vehicular Dynamic Spectrum Access (VDSA). It is used to smooth the acquired spectra, which constitute the input for a spectrum sensing algorithm. The sensing phase is necessary, since VDSA is based on an opportunistic approach to the spectral resource, and the opportunities are represented by the user-free spectrum zones, to be detected through the sensing phase. Each filter typology presents peculiarities in terms of its computational cost, de-noising ability and signal shape reconstruction. The SG filtering properties are compared with those of the linear Moving Average (MA) filter, widely used in the CR framework. Important improvements are proposed.

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Leopoldo Angrisani
Domenico Capriglione
Gianni Cerro
Luigi Ferrigno
Gianfranco Miele
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This paper presents a baseband model and an enhanced implementation of the wireless full duplex analog method introduced by [1].Unlike usual methods based on hardware and software self- interference cancelation, the proposed design relies on FSK modulation. The principle is when the transmitter of a local end is sending data by modulating the carrier with the appropriate frequency deviation, its own receiver is checking if the remote transmitter is using the opposite deviation. Instead of architectures often used by both non-coherent and coherent receivers that require one filter (matched filter for coherent detection) for each frequency deviation, our design uses one mixer and one single integrator-decimator filter. We test our design using Universal Software Radio Peripheral as radio frequency front end and computer that implements the signal processing methods under free and open source software. We validate our solution experimentally and we show that in-band full duplex is feasible and synthesizable for wireless communications.

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Authors and Affiliations

Jelloul Elmesbahi
Mohammed Khaldoun
Ahmed Errami
Mohammed El Khattabi
Omar Bouattane
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In paper we present a case study of the radio dispatching communications for providing the voice service during mass events of the “Lednica 2000” Youth Meetings. The presentation is supported by over 20-year experience in organization of this event every year. We also describe a FM radio system deployed during this meeting for broadcasting the English translation.

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Henryk Gierszal
Jacek Jarzina
Sławomir Fryska
Sylwia Fryska
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The paper addresses the issue of the Electromagnetic Environment Situational Awareness techniques. The main focus is put on sensing and the Radio Environment Map. These two dynamic techniques are described in detail. The Radio Environment Map is considered the essential part of the spectrum management system. It is described how the density and deployment of sensors affect the quality of maps and it is analyzed which methods are the most suitable for map construction. Additionally, the paper characterizes several sensing methods.

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M. Suchański
P. Kaniewski
K. Kosmowski
M. Kustra
J. Romanik
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An online survey was carried out to explore how respondents listen to music recordings. It was anticipated that the listener’s preferences would be influenced by various factors, such as age, music genre, the contexts in which they listen, and their favored methods of music consumption. Consequently, the data were collected to analyze these relationships. The survey, structured as a web application, encompassed 23 questions, with seven specifically aimed at defining the respondents and the remainder contributing to the dataset for analysis. The results reveal a prevailing preference for listening to music via streaming platforms. Respondents predominantly engage in passive listening, where music becomes a background presence without commanding their focused attention. Moreover, the data also highlight a noteworthy correlation between preferred music genres and the age of the listeners.
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Barbara Szyca
Bartosz Wejda
Marta Muchewicz
Bożena Kostek

  1. Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics
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A novel method to improve the performance of the frequency band is cognitive radio that was introduced in 1999. Due to a lot of advantages of the OFDM, adaptive OFDM method, this technique is used in cognitive radio (CR) systems, widely. In adaptive OFDM, transmission rate and power of subcarriers are allocated based on the channel variations to improve the system performance. This paper investigates adaptive resource allocation in the CR systems that are used OFDM technique to transmit data. The aim of this paper is to maximize the achievable transmission rate for the CR system by considering the interference constraint. Although secondary users can be aware form channel information between each other, but in some wireless standards, it is impossible for secondary user to be aware from channel information between itself and a primary user. Therefore, due to practical limitation, statistical interference channel is considered in this paper. This paper introduces a novel suboptimal power allocation algorithm. Also, this paper introduces a novel bit loading algorithm. In the numerical results sections, the performance of our algorithm is compared by optimal and conventional algorithms. Numerical results indicate our algorithm has better performance than conventional algorithms while its complexity is less than optimal algorithm.

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Shirin Razmi
Naser Parhizgar
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Faithfull detection of non-utilized spectrum hole in available channel is a crucial issue for cognitive radio network. Choosing the best available channel for a secondary user transmission includes settling on decision of accessible choices of free frequency spectrum based on multiple objectives. Thus channel judgment can be demonstrated as several objective decision making (MODM) problem. An ultimate goal of this exploration is to define and execute a technique for multiple objective optimizations of multiple alternative of channel decision in Adhoc cognitive radio network. After a coarse review of an articles related to the multiple objective decision making within a process of channel selection, Multiple Objective Optimization on the basis of the Ratio Analysis (MOORA) technique is taken into consideration. Some important objectives values of non-utilized spectrum collected by a fusion center are proposed as objectives for consideration in the decision of alternatives. MOORA method are applied to a matrix of replies of each channel alternatives to channel objectives which results in set ratios. Among the set of obtained dimensionless ratios, all the channel alternatives are ranked in descending order. In MOORA, channel choices with moderate objectives can top in ranking order, which is hardly conceivable with linearly weighted objectives of the different channel by using different decision making technique.

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Rahul V. Awathankar
M.S.S. Rukmini
Rajeshree D. Raut
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This article investigates and evaluates a handover exchange scheme between two secondary users (SUs) moving in different directions across the handover region of neighboring cell in a cognitive radio network. More specifically, this investigation compares the performance of SUs in a cellular cognitive radio network with and without channel exchange scheme. The investigation shows reduced handover failure, blocking, forced and access probabilities respectively, for handover exchange scheme with buffer as compared to exchange scheme without buffer. It also shows transaction within two cognitive nodes within a network region. The system setup is evaluated through system simulation.

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Authors and Affiliations

Ebenezer Esenogho
Elie N. Mambou
Hendrik C. Ferreira
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In the age of digital media, delivering broadcast content to customers at an acceptable level of quality is one of the most challenging tasks. The most important factor is the efficient use of available resources, including bandwidth. An appropriate way of managing the digital multiplex is essential for both the economic and technical issues. In this paper we describe transmission quality measurements in the DAB+ broadcast system. We provide a methodology for analysing parameters and factors related with the efficiency and reliability of a digital radio link. We describe a laboratory stand that can be used for transmission quality assessment on a regional and national level.

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Przemysław Gilski
Jacek Stefański

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