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The purpose of this paper is to describe the translation of religious lexis, especially Orthodox vocabulary, in audiovisual translations. The research focuses solely on the Polish subtitles for Russian movies. The Island by Pavel Lungin and The Monk and the Demon by Nikolay Dostal were used as exemplification material. The aim of the study is an attempt to answer the question of what translation procedures, strategies and methods prevail in the case of translations of texts of this type.
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Adamowicz‑Grzyb G., Tłumaczenie filmowe w praktyce, Warszawa 2013.
Bajerowa I., Swoistość języka religijnego i niektóre problemy jego skuteczności, „Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne” 1994, nr 3, Łódź.
Citko L., Mnich, schimnich, hieromnich… o nazwach stopni i tytułów monastycznych w polskiej terminologii prawosławnej, [w:] Chrześcijańskie dziedzictwo duchowe narodów słowiańskich. Literatura. Język. Kultura. Historia. Seria V: Monastycyzm i mistycyzm w literaturze, kulturze i języku Słowian, red. L. Citko, J. Ławski, K. Rutkowski, Białystok 2021.
Główny Urząd Statystyczny, Wyznania religijne w Polsce w latach 2019‑2021, Warszawa 2022.
Kostiuczuk J., Tofiluk J., Ławreszuk M., Misijuk W., Charkiewicz J., Specyfika polskiej terminologii prawosławnej. Koncepcja normatywizacji pisowni, Białystok 2016.
Lewicki R., Chrześcijaństwo. Słownik rosyjsko‑polski, Warszawa 2002.
Lewicki R., Zagadnienia lingwistyki przekładu, Lublin 2017.
Lubocha‑Kruglik J., Co nam przeszkadza w tłumaczeniu, [w:] Przestrzenie przekładu, red. J. Lubocha‑Kruglik, O. Małysa, Katowice 2016.
Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova I.Yu., Tolkovyy slovarʹ russkogo yazyka, Moskva 2010.
Pankiewicz R., Sztuka rozmawiania z Bogiem. Modlitwa a teoria komunikacji, Kraków 2009.
Pismo Święte Starego i Nowego Testamentu w przekładzie z języków oryginalnych, Poznań 2008.
Słownik polskiej terminologii prawosławnej, red. W. Przyczyna, K. Czarnecka, M. Ławreszuk, Białystok 2022.
Smykowska E., Liturgia prawosławna. Mały słownik, Warszawa 2008.
Tomaszkiewicz T., Przekład audiowizualny, Warszawa 2006.
Wideł‑Ignaszczak M., Przekaz leksyki religijnej z języka polskiego na język rosyjski, Lublin 2012.
Wideł‑Ignaszczak M., О границах понятия «религиозная лексика», [w:] Przekraczanie granic. Rosyjska, ukraińska i białoruska przestrzeń literacka, kulturowa i językowa z perspektywy XXI w., red. M. Kawęcka, M. Mocarz‑Kleindienst, B. Siwek, M. Wideł‑Ignaszczak, Lublin 2020.
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Joanna Kozieł

  1. Lublin, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
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The article highlights the actualization specificity of the notion of epistle in lexicographical and academic sources. The study reveals the semantic structure peculiar features of this notion. The focus of attention consists of two main issues: the history of the origin of the genre in the Ukrainian tradition and the functional‑style differentiation of the epistle as a literary genre. The literary studies approach to determining the genre status of an epistle is limited to its interpretation as a genre of artistic and journalistic styles. An analysis of the texts under study reveals the epistle’s dominant typological features and the peculiarities of their explication within official and artistic styles. There is convincing evidence that religious epistles have one of the most ancient manifestations in the functional‑stylistic system of the Ukrainian language and that they arose both within the specific Ukrainian linguistic context and in the form of the translated texts of the Holy Scripture. The findings of the study give reasons to determine the epistle as a historically established speech genre, which has a functional‑style specificity and stereotypical compositional content organization. The typology of the epistle genre features is most clearly represented at the level of the textual and structural‑stylistic organization.
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Світлана Богдан
Тетяна Тарасюк

  1. Луцьк, Волинський національний університет імені Лесі Українки
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Contrary to a widespread thesis about the non-cognitive character of religious beliefs, I argue that it is beneficial to highlight and not marginalize the place of religion in the epistemic sphere. At least some religious beliefs (especially theism) can be qualified as true or false. Holding them as true is usually based on the evidence which is not widely accepted. This, however, does not entail that these beliefs are not true. If they are true, then holding them to be true should be seen as rational, despite of the fact, that the supporting evidence does not seem to be strong in the light of current epistemic standards of justification. It does not mean, however, that such beliefs can be hold with the highest assertion if they evoke serious doubts. Changes in religious doctrines and religious pluralism do not constitute a sufficient reason for excluding religion from the epistemic sphere, as a similar situation concerns many academic disciplines, such as philosophy, or psychology.

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Piotr Gutowski
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This work attempts to reconstruct the culture that contributed to the philosophical way of thinking. My goal is to extract two important factors: religion carrying individual experience and the importance of certain ideas which are present in that culture. Sources of philosophical thinking can be found in the structure of polis. Only on its basis could the idea of the wise man and citizen as well as religion-oriented individual experience be raised. Greek polis paves the way for a new style of thinking by creating the conditions for its citizens to follow the ideal, regardless of the position they occupy in society. Sustainability, which should be a feature of a good citizen, is also the essence of society. Highly positioned wisdom as moral reflection tinged with religiosity allows thinking according to the laws of logos. Finally, the experience offered by the mystery cults leads to the transformation of their own existence and the emergence of a way of recognition of reality different than before. Undeniably, all the elements related to structure policies with its ideals contribute to the emergence of a new way of thinking in the form of philosophy. One could say that the philosophical objectivity is preceded by the subjectivity and rationality of its roots dating back to irrationality.

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Jadwiga Skrzypek-Faluszczak
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The names of stations in the Way of the Cross may be used as titles of pictures and sculptures, each corresponding to a particular event in the Passion of Christ, or as titles of meditations. The article focuses on the second meaning, but the trends of the development of both kinds of names are similar. The study is based on material consisting of about 200 texts of the service that have been published from the beginning of the 20th century to the present (2020). The purpose of the article is to describe the changes that have taken place in the 20th century, a period of particularly turbulent changes in religious discourse. The article deals with the function, syntactic structure and features of style, such as the use of archaic or colloquial vocabulary. These properties are considered in connection with social and cultural changes. At the beginning of the analyzed period, it was customary to use relatively long titles, which informed the participant or reader about a particular event using expressive and evaluative lexis. Those titles gradually gave way to short, schematic names. Since the Second Vatican Council, titles of a new type have appeared. Their purpose is to attract the attention of the recipient. They are based on a riddle, a contrast, allusions, etc. Therefore, the recipient derives satisfaction from deciphering the puzzle or finding the source of the quote or allusion. These phenomena are known from research on the language of press or fiction, but they can also be linked to current trends in the so-called new evangelization.

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Agnieszka Sieradzka-Mruk
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The Holocaust constitutes one of the most powerful symbols in the history of humankind. Its memory, and in particular its irrefutable relationship with anti-Semitism, should trigger strict scrutiny every time anti-Semitic attitudes re-emerge, even if disguised as seemingly harmless words or actions. This applies also to legal measures, neutral on their face but which, in their consequences, may have an adverse effect on Jews, and thus raise the suspicion of anti-Semitic implications. Such implications are visible in the recent phenomena that serve as the two case studies for the present article: boycotts of Israel and bans on ritual slaughter (Shechita). While in the case of anti- Israeli boycotts, the core arguments relate to international anti-discrimination law and policies, in relations to the Shechita bans claims about violation of the religious freedom of observant Jews prevail. At the same time, in both cases strong references to the Holocaust and the memory of its victims are being invoked, allowing one to raise objections as to the status of the relevant legal developments. Here again history and memory enter into the public and legal discussions, legislative processes, and courtrooms.
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Aleksandra Gliszczyńska-Grabias

  1. Assistant professor, Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw)
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In analyzing selected aspects of the debate over offending religious feelings, the author discusses Saby Mahmood’s argument that religiousness in public discourses of the Western world is basically perceived as a speculative phenomenon concerning the sphere of abstract beliefs. It is assumed therefore that the harm that can be produced by the publication of a blasphemous illustration is lesser and less palpable than in the case of hate speech directed toward a race or sexual orientation. The author’s analysis, which is undertaken from a Durkheim perspective, shows that, for example, the caricaturized presentation of a religious symbol constitutes not so much an act of undermining the abstract image as—in the affective perspective of the religious—an act violating the sense of ontological security of a given moral community which that symbol represents. At the same time, the Durkheim perspective facilitates an understanding of why religious symbolic resources can be ambivalently used in processes of legitimating social actions, beginning with constructive forms of civil public religions to extreme fundamentalist movements making use of violence and the discourses of political extremism.

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Rafał Smoczyński
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A common feature of ancient Near Eastern written tradition is the curse formula, i.e. a threat issued against an individual or group of individuals who might commit some infraction, be it the violation of a treaty, an armed rebellion against an overlord, or the removal and/ or destruction of an inscription or other monument. Typically, curse formulae invoke a divine force or forces as the agent(s) that would, if need be, carry out the punishment of anyone guilty of committing any of the aforementioned infractions. Although curse formulae from various ancient civilizations have been the subject of multiple studies over the years, one civilization that has been overlooked is the kingdom of Aksum that dominated northern Ethiopia from around the turn of the Common Era to the seventh century. This article seeks to rectify this situation by systematically presenting and analysing all known curse formulae in Aksumite inscriptions and pointing out analogies with other ancient societies in which curse formulae are attested, as well as, where relevant, ethnographic analogies with modern societies. Aksumite curse formulae are limited to royal inscriptions and are concerned exclusively with the destruction of monuments erected by kings. Their thematic content, however, sheds light on concepts of crime and collective guilt in Aksumite society more broadly.
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George Hatke

  1. University of Vienna, Austria
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The article is the first presentation of Professor Gabriele De Rosa and his view of Italian socio-religious history. As it is the very first article about De Rosa to appear in Poland, it contains basic biographic information and an overview of the most important of his ideas.
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Paweł Postawski
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This paper is dedicated to a study of the religious layer in I. Ilf and E. Petrov’s novel The Twelve Chairs. The analysis provided leads to a deeper understanding of the novel as a travesty. First of all, the few existing works devoted to the problem of biblical referencing in The Twelve Chairs are listed and summarised. Secondly, these existing works will be supplemented with previously unmentioned and unstudied allusions. Following on from the religious aspects considered are: the novel’s title, the parallel between Jesus and Ostap Bender, the character of Fedor Vostrikov, the story of the ‘hussar‑monk’ and several biblical allusions contained in The Twelve Chairs. Finally, in the last part of our research, all the religious motifs are classified in order to further an understanding of the authors’ attitude towards the Bible. In conclusion, we determine the nature of the perception of the Bible in The Twelve Chairs.
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Маргарита Шанурина

  1. Московский Государственный университет им. М. Ломоносова
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In the article an attempt is made to analyze the aspects of non-dogmatic spirituality of characters in the prose works of Ukrainian postm odernists (including Yuriy Andrukhovych, Oksana Zabuzhko, Yuriy Izdryk, Natalia Sniadanko). The theoretical aspects of problem are considered in the context of analytical psychology of Carl Gustav Jung. The following concepts play an important role in the study: religious position, father complex, conflict and some others.

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Irena Betko
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The article aims to show literary images of skomorokh in the Russian versions of Christian‑Jewish disputes over faith. A textological analysis of 13 manuscript copies of Тhe Tale of the Christian and Jewish faith from the 17th‑19th centuries allows us to show how the image of the skomorokh changed in manuscripts of the Short redaction, the Extensive redaction, and the Unique redaction.
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Eliza Małek

  1. Uniwersytet Łódzki
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This article focuses on an extremely urgent problem of today’s Christian dialogue with China, i.e. the culture (and politics) of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and asks whether a Christian dialogue with China – which understand herself as an atheist and Communist state, which, however, is a country of many religious traditions, is possible, and if so in what form? What are its prospects and challenges?

The starting point of the article, after some historical remarks, is a kind of heterotopy of the dialogue in Chinese context, involving (III.1.) the historical and political context, then (III.2) its partners, and fnally (III.3) its forms and contents. in this framework, this article is (IV) refection on the challenges, opportunities and prospects of the Christian dialogue with Chinese culture. This refection is not taken here from the standpoint of theology, but is rather a phenomenological description of the status quo. At the end of the article (V) some statements of pope John Paul II with regard to the dialogue of Christianity with Chinese culture are quoted as a kind of summary.

The article states a great asymmetry of partners of the dialogue in China caused by the restrictive religious policy. There are some forms of dialogue which, however, are realized outside of the institutionalized Christianity, i.e. the Christian Churches. The Churches themselves, due to their historical background, are not very interested in or prepared for an inter-religious dialogue.

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Ks. Roman Malek SVD
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The article shows, on the example of the accounts of the journey of John James Blunt and Auguste de Forbin, how the folk religiosity of Sicilians, especially patron saints, was perceived. The analysis of the texts showed that the newcomers who come into contact with the Sicilian culture notice that patron saints are a very characteristic phenomenon for this area and play an important role in social and political life.

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Ewelina Walendziak-Genco
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In the early modern period, there were around 40 religious confraternities in the agglomeration of Cracow, one of the oldest and most important being the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary at the Dominican Church of the Holy Trinity. It is not known when it was founded, but it was probably already operating in the late Middle Ages. In 1600, this confraternity, existing “ab immemorabilis tempore”, was reformed by Fr. Abraham Bzowski, who on this occasion prepared and published an extensive dissertation, having the character of its “statutes”. From 4 February 1601 the seat of the renewed confraternity was in the Chapel of the Three Kings, at the far end of the northern nave of the church. It contained the Brotherhood’s altar which was transferred, probably after 1688, to the church of St. Giles and placed on the altar’s stone in the apse of the presbytery. The altar contained the holy picture of the Virgin Mary of the Salus Populi Romani type, connected by tradition established in the first half of the 17th century with Pope Clement VIII, who was to grant it indulgences. Bernard Maciejowski, then Bishop of Łuck, later Bishop of Cracow and finally Primate, is considered as the donor of the painting. Every first Sunday in October, the Cracow copy of the Roman image was carried out by the brothers out of the chapel and in a solemn procession around the Main Square. This custom was linked to the victory of the Christian fleet over the Turkish one near Lepanto in 1571, after which Pope Pius V established its liturgical memory (7 October). In Poland, this tradition gained a new dimension after to the successful defence of the Chocim fortress against the Turks in 1621. The devotion to the Rosary was cultivated not only in the Brotherhood’s chapel, but also in the Conventual Church, where the altar of the Holy Rosary stood to the left of the choir entrance. Symmetrically to it, on the right side of the rainbow arcade stood the altar of the Confraternity of the Holy Name of Jesus, founded in 1585 by Fr. Bartłomiej of Przemyśl. Its aim was to eradicate the sinful custom of swearing oaths, and because of the connections with the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary it was called the Archconfraternity of the Rosary of the Most Holy Name of Jesus. The spreading of the rosary prayer by the Order went beyond the Conventual Church. A special role in this work was played by the Gothic Church of St. Giles, which the Dominicans took under their protection in 1588. An important caesura in the history of the Archconfraternity of the Holy Rosary was the move to a new spacious oratory, which was erected on the site of the medieval Chapel of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, at the far end of the southern nave of the church. One of the reasons for undertaking this new work is considered to be the desire to commemorate the victory of John III Sobieski over the Turks at Vienna on 12 September 1683. The opulent decor and interesting ideological programme have only partially survived, but they can be reconstructed on the basis of preserved written sources, as can be the character of the Brotherhood’s celebrations. Particularly interesting monuments include those connected with the so-called Century of the Rosary, established with the consent of Pope Innocent XII (1694). It was a congregation of 100 brothers and 100 sisters, whose task was to pray continuously for the souls suffering in Purgatory. Among other things, a book of this association has been preserved, which contains illuminations showing the salutary effects of the prayer of the Rosary.
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Krzysztof J. Czyżewski
Marek Walczak

  1. Zamek Królewski na Wawelu
  2. Uniwersytet Jagielloński
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I address the question of Marx’s understanding of the role and function of religion in social life. Marx’s pronouncements on this topic are few and far between. Yet relying on them I undertake to examine the proposal ostensibly made by Marx that it was possible, or even necessary, to purge religious institutions and religious attitudes from social life. I point to a number of inconsistencies and errors that Marx committed in making such proposals.

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Marek Łagosz
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The crisis of the Catholic Church due to the Reformation marked a profound shift in European religious dynamics during the 16th century. This transformation led to confessional conflicts previous-ly unseen in Europe’s history. Within this context, the Warsaw Confederation 1573 stands out as an extraordinary event. Unlike traditional peace settlements following religious wars or edicts is-sued by rulers, it was a political and pragmatic measure introduced by the Sejm and aimed at maintaining peace during the Interre-gnum period, and preventing bloody conflicts. The path to this uni-que solution lay in the multiculturalism of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth on which territories Roman Catholics already in the late Middle Ages coexisted with Orthodox Christians. Besides, through Poland’s diplomatic efforts, the protestant Duchy of Prussia was established in 1525 following the secularization of the Teu-tonic Order. The Warsaw Confederation remains an exceptional example of resolving internal religious conflicts in the early modern period, as the Western countries, with their conflict-oriented mind-set, were less inclined to pursue such a path.
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Michael G. Müller
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The article presents a pragmatic analysis of precedent units in Ukrainian religious media discourse based on the publications from websites “RISU”, “Religion in Ukraine”, “The Catholic Observer” for the period 2014 to 2016. The sample comprises analytical articles and interviews focused on inter‑confessional relations, Catholic-‑Orthodox dialogue and interfaith dialogue in general. It has been found that precedent units, as verbal equivalents of precedent phenomena, play a crucial role in exerting a persuasive influence upon one’s audience, particularly in terms of verbal aggression within the communicative discrediting strategy. This type of verbal aggression is implemented via the verbal tactics of taunting, mocking, accusation, indirect insult, criticism, defamation through negatively‑marked comparison, and irony. Based on our data, references to precedent phenomena correlate with an author’s intentions of swaying the readers’ opinion on controversial issues in interfaith relations along with undermining the authority of representatives of other confessions by associating their deeds and words with negatively marked precedent names, phrases, texts and situations. It is argued that precedent units subjected to structural transformations in the text (such as truncation and extension) represent a particularly potent way of discrediting one’s opponent in the context of religious media discourse.
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Олександр Левко

  1. Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка
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Pilgrimages to the Holy Land have been an old tradition in the Russian culture. For believers, places related to the life and passion of Christ have been an important element of history and geography of salvation since the beginnings of Christianity in Ruthenia. The paper is an attempt to present the fi rst pilgrimage of Andrey Muraviev (1806–1874), a religious writer, theologian, poet, playwright, church and state activist, to Palestine as a personal religious experience and its refl ection in a literary work of art. The pilgrimage to the East became a breakthrough moment in Muraviev’s life and resulted in the writing of "A journey to Holy places in 1830" (Путешествие ко Святым местам в 1830 году), which initiated the religious stage of his writings and became a great success. Although the poet did not call his journey a pilgrimage, such was indeed its nature. Visiting places important to the history of salvation, he participated in services and sacramental life of the Church.

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Anna Kościołek
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Pope Francis often speaks about the new evangelization. He notices areas that need a special care of the Church. One of them is the problem of poverty. The Pope encou-rages all the faithful to engage in the transformation of this situation . It can be called a “throwaway culture” and a sign of real poverty of the whole society when people remain indifferent to the cause of the poor. It is one of the negative consequences of the culture of prosperity. The Pope also calls it a “globalisation of indifference” and calls on all people of the three states in the Church to care for those who are poor and abandoned and to act against poverty. In a particular way Francis addresses his appeal to the consecrated persons, encouraging them to contemplate the poor Jesus, to the consecration of their lives through a faithful fulfilment of their vow of poverty and to the apostolate among the poor and the marginalized . By means of such an attitude of men and women religious they would contribute to their own sanctification, to bearing witness to love to the poor before the world and at least partly they will help those in need among whom they live and serve.

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Ks. Adam Sobczyk MSF
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The county of Spiš, consisting of enclaves within the territory of the Kingdom of Hungary, ethnically and religiously diverse, frequently administered by eminent personalities and situated on an important trade route, has played an important political and economic role over the centuries. The pawned towns of Spiš, which were never bought back, were the subject of claims by the southern neighbours of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth until they were cut off from it in 1769 by a sanitary cordon imposed by the Imperial army. The return of the thirteen Spiš towns and the dominion of the Lubelsko-Podolinieckie province to the Kingdom of Hungary is a well-known occurrence, but tracing the detailed course of this process requires further research, in particular archival research.
Bearing testament to this turbulent period are the documents preserved in Vienna’s Österreichisches Staatsarchiv related to żupan Jan Csáky de Keresztseg. The article discusses a letter from Jan Nepomucen Kirschner, parish priest in Żakowce, which describes the church decorations in major towns in the former starosty on the occasion of its incorporation into Hungary in November 1772. According to the brief account of Father Kirschner, the altars in the churches were adorned with Hungarian crowns and inscriptions citing biblical verses. Also mentioned is other archival material from the collection, which may enrich our knowledge of the course of these celebrations, such as the texts of the żupan’s speech and the townspeople’s oaths, as well as of those pieces composed in honour of Csáky, Maria Theresa and Joseph II.
The discussed documents are a rare example of Spiš archival material containing descriptions of the decorations for a state ceremony in this area. According to the narrative of the ceremonial programme, the moment of incorporation of the thirteen towns and Lubowelski dominion into the Hungarian county is a triumph of justice – the lost parts of Spiš return to their rightful rulers, whose good governance will ensure peace and stability for the inhabitants of the region. The form and ideological message of the various elements of the ceremonial setting (both visual and literary) was relatively simple, probably in order to adapt it to the needs of the mass audience taking the oath of allegiance to the new authorities.
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Maria Kazimiera Staniszewska

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński
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Although he was only recognized as the patron saint of Poland by the Vatican in 2002, St. Andrzej Bobola was accorded a cult following much earlier than this, and venerated as the saint protector of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. He was seen as a special defender against the threat from first Tsarist Russia, then Orthodox Russia, then the Soviet Union – the Blessed’s intercession was associated with the victory of the Battle of Warsaw in 1920. For this reason, his beatification and canonization were part of political discourse.
Andrzej Bobola’s relics were originally stored in the Jesuit church in Pińsk, moved to Połock after its closure, and were taken to the Hygienic Exhibition in Moscow in 1922. Recovered thanks to the Pope’s intervention in 1924, they were taken to the Il Gesù Church in Rome. By the 1920s, Polish church authorities were already making efforts to canonize Andrzej Bobola and return his relics to Poland. Several Polish cities tried to obtain the saint’s remains, including Vilnius, Warsaw, Pińsk and even Janów Poleski.
The canonization, which took place on 17 April 1938, in particular the ceremonial return of the relics of St. Andrzej Bobola to Warsaw in June 1938, took the form of a great religious and patriotic demonstration. It was accompanied by numerous ceremonies in which the highest church and state authorities participated, with extensive paratheatrical scripts, as well as specially designed decorations and music composed for the occasion. The press reported these in great detail, constituting a fascinating case of an event of both great religious significance and broad political context.
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Katarzyna Kolendo-Korczak

  1. Instytut Sztuki PAN
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The article deals with two issues: (1) the research method of father Georges Florovsky used in his study entitled The Ways of Russian Theology (1937), which is regarded a classic in its genre, and (2) the practice of scientific research conducted with the use of this method. The article is supplemented with Florovsky’s opinions, expressed in letters to his brother Anton, a professor at the Charles University in Prague, concerning the scientific achievements of the authors and scholars whom he met with or whom he came to work with after his departure to the USA (1948). The content of this correspondence has remained hitherto unpublished.

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Lilianna Kiejzik
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The subject area of the cult of images regarded as miraculous during the Old Polish period has long enjoyed the interest of scholars, who analysed it in historical, theological, religious, artistic or social terms. This applies to both single images (usually paintings) as well as to syntheses including selected groups of cult objects. The crowned pictures are of greatest interest, of course, but relatively little space has been devoted to local Marian centres. The aim of this article is to draw attention to eighteenth-century ceremonies involving miraculous paintings in the former Bełsk Province, especially in the local sanctuaries. Three ceremonies have been analysed: the coronation of the miraculous painting of Our Lady of Sokal, and ceremonies with the participation of the miraculous paintings of Our Lady of Łopatyn and Our Lady of Tartaków. The lack in the literature of a precise description of the course of the coronation of the miraculous Our Lady of Sokal picture has so far made general conclusions difficult.
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Agata Dworzak

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński

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