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This paper deals with the philological issues arisen in Italy in the case of Beckett’s drama in relation to his status as a self-translator, a fact still unclear when the first Italian translations were composed. This produced some inaccuracies as to the status of the original text: Fruttero usually translated from French, but several modifications were later introduced based on the English version. It was not revealed in the paratext that a modified translation combines both authorial texts.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Rossana Sebellin

  1. Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata"


The article analyses Brygida Helbig’s novel Niebko (2013) and its German translation (Kleine Himmel, 2019). The author of the paper discovers numerous inconsistencies in the two language versions. The adopted perspective is of an interdisciplinary nature, it combines linguistic and literary elements. The conclusions of the analysis contribute to reflections regarding the translation of intercultural literature, the phenomenon of self-translation, and the redefinition of the term “translation”.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Małgorzata Jokiel
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Over the past 15 years, a tendency to restore the forgotten or little‑known names of scholars and translators of the Executed Renaissance period has clearly been seen in modern Ukrainian translation studies. One such scholar was Oleksander Finkel, the first author in Ukraine and the USSR of a systematic academic work entitled The Theory and Practice of Translation (Kharkiv, 1929). The conditions for a proper appraisal of the work of this theorist, teacher and translator were to appear only a decade ago, after the reprint of the above‑mentioned pioneering work. Therefore, the aim of the article is to acquaint the reader with the most important theoretical postulates of this and other works by Finkel, placing the main emphasis on innovations in his views – both from the perspective of his time and nowadays. The methods used during the analysis, in particular the synchronic and diachronic, allow one to reflect on the general translation discussion of the early twentieth century that Oleksander Finkel participated in. As it turned out as a result of the research, the scholar and translator was one of the first in Ukrainian translation studies to formulate the linguistic theory of translation and was a consistent supporter of quantitative accuracy in the evaluation of translated works.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Julia Rysicz‑Szafraniec

  1. Wrocław, Uniwersytet Wrocławski

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