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Postmodern society is a society in the process of changing value systems and norms, increasing diversity, and individualisation, also in the area of intimate relationships. Contemporary consensual non-monogamy seems to be one example of this changing outlook. The article seeks to answer the questions as to how non-monogamous people identify themselves, what the motivations for entering such relationships they have, and what features of a new approach to relationships this type of relationship demonstrates. The theoretical framework of the article is based, among others, on Giddens’ and Prandini’s theoretical proposals as well as on Luhmann’s ‘semantics of love’. The text presents the results of the qualitative research consisting of 15 in-depth interviews. Its key findings are that in motivating their commitment to such relationships, respondents very often refer to self-discovery and to the choice to be consciously ‘non-normative’. They also demonstrate many features of a new approach to relationships, specifically, relational anarchy.
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1. Anapol, Deborah. 2013. Poliamoria. Warszawa: Czarna Owca.
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3. Balzarini, Rhonda N., Christoffer Dharma, Amy Muise, Taylor Kohut. 2019. Eroticism Versus Nurturance How Eroticism and Nurturance Differs in Polyamorous and Monogamous Relationships. Social Psychology, 50, 3: 185–200. DOI: 10.1027/1864-9335/a000378.
4. Barker, Meg, Darren Langdrige. 2010. Whatever happened to non-monogamies? Critical reflections on recent research and theory. Sexualities, 13, 6: 748–772. DOI: 10.1177/1363460710384645.
5. Barker, Meg. 2011. Monogamies and non-monogamies – A response to: ‘The challenge of monogamy: Bringing it out of the closet and into the treatment room’ by Marianne Brandon. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 26: 281–287.
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8. Cardoso, Daniel, Patricia M. Pascoal, Francisco Hertel Maiochi, 2021. Defining Polyamory: A Thematic Analysis of Lay People’s Definitions. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 50: 1239–1252.
9. Conley, Terri D., Amy Moors, Jes Matsick, Ali Ziegler. 2013. The fewer the merrier? Assessing stigma surrounding consensually nonmonogamous romantic relationships. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 13: 1–30. DOI: 10.1111/j.1530-2415.2012.01286.x.
10. Fairbrother, Nichole, Trevor Hart, Malcolm Fairbrother. 2019. Open relationship prevalence, characteristics, and correlates in a nationally representative sample of Canadian adults. J. Sex Res., 56: 695–704.
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15. Gobbi, Paula. 2013. A model of voluntary childlessness. Journal of Population Economics, 26, 3: 963–982.
16. Grunt-Mejer, Katarzyna. 2014. Od monogamii do poliamorii: społeczny odbiór związków niemononormatywnych. Studia Socjologiczne, 4, 215: 159–181.
17. Härkönen, Juho. 2014. Divorce: Trends, Patterns, Causes and Consequences. In: J. Treas, J. Scott, M. Richards, eds. The Wiley Blackwell Companion to the Sociology of Families. West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 303–22.
18. Haupert, Margaret L., Amy Moors, Amanda Gesselman, Justin Garcia. 2017. Estimates and correlates of engagement in consensually non-monogamous relationships. Curr. Sex. Health Rep., 9: 155–165.
19. Horsten, Joost, Pluk de Liefde. 2017. Hoeveel polyamoristenzijn er In Nederland en Vlaanderen? (25.10.2022).
20. Rubin, Jennifer D. et al. 2022. On the Margins: Considering Diversity Among Consensually Non-Monogamous Relationships. Journal für Psychologie, 1: 7–8.
21. Jordan, Lorien S., Cathy Grogan, Bertranna Muruthi, Maria Bermúdez. 2016. Polyamory: Experiences of Power from Without, from Within, and in Between. Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy, 16, 1: 1–19.
22. Klesse, Christian 2011. Notions of love in polyamory—elements in a discourse on multiple loving. Laboratorium, 3, 2: 4–25.
23. Levine, Ethan C., Debby Herbenick, Omar Martinez, Tsung-Chieh Fu, Brian Dodge. 2018. Open relationships, nonconsensual nonmonogamy, and monogamy among US adults: Findings from the 2012 National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 47, 5: 1439–1450.
24. Liefbroer, Aart C., Anne-Rigt Poortman, Judith A. Seltzer. 2015. Why do intimate partners live apart? Evidence on LAT relationships across Europe. Demographic Research, 32: 251–286.
25. Luhmann, Niklas. 2003. Semantyka miłości. O kodowaniu intymności. Przekład Jerzy Łoziński. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar.
26. Lynn, Jamieson 1999. Intimacy transformer? A critical look at the ‘pure relationship’. Sociology, 33, 3: 477–494.
27. Malinowski, Bronisław 2001. The Sexual Lives of Savages in North Western Malanesia. Taylor & Francis.
28. Manley, Melissa H., Lisa M. Diamond, Sari M. van Anders. 2015. Polyamory, monoamory, and sexual fluidity: A longitudinal study of identity and sexual trajectories. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 2, 2: 168–180. DOI: 10.1037/sgd0000098.
29. Michalczak, Katarzyna. 2014. Związki intymne i rodzinne konstruowane poza normą monogamii. Praca doktorska. Warszawa 2014. (18.10.2022).
30. Mitchell, Melissa E., Kim Bartholomew, Rebecca J. Cobb. 2014. Need Fulfillment in Polyamorous Relationships. The Journal of Sex Research, 51, 3: 329–339. DOI : 10.1080/00224499.2012.742998.
31. Moors, Amy C., Amanda Gesselman, Justin Garcia. 2021. Desire, Familiarity, and Engagement in Polyamory: Results From a National Sample of Single Adults in the United States. Front. Psychol, 12: 619–640. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.619640.
32. Moors, Amy C., Jes Matsick, Heath Schechinger. 2017. Unique and shared relationship benefits of consensually non-monogamous and monogamous relationships. European Psychologist, 22: 55–71.
33. Morrison, Todd Graham, Dylan Beaulieu, Melanie Brockman, Cormac Ó Beaglaoich. 2013. A comparison of polyamorous and monoamorous persons: are there differences in indices of relationship well-being and sociosexuality? Psychology & Sexuality, 4, 1: 75–91. DOI: 10.1080/19419899.2011.631571.
34. Paprzycka, Emilia, Edyta Mianowska. 2019. Płeć i związki intymne – strukturalne uwarunkowania trwałości pary intymnej. Dyskursy Młodych Andragogów, 20: 441–455.
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36. Prandini, Riccardo. 2019. Experimental love, or love as the sum total of deviations from its modern principles, Sociologia e Politiche Sociali, 22, 30: 25–54.
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Magdalena Lipnicka

  1. Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
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The article deals with the Russian and Polish phraseologisms including some proverbs and sayings describing madness and the lack of mind. The material has been presented with regard to dominating imaginations of madness and stupidity being displayed in the semantics of examined units. These units include – hitting, aside movement, the lack of sensitivity to outer stimuli, the fragmentation of entirety, lack of components, etc.
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Maciej Walczak
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This investigation focuses on the modern Ukrainian surnames derived from a person’s appearance. The author analyzed different approaches to the systematization of such surnames that were applied in onomastic research, finding some differences in these classifications. For example, there is some controversy as to the scope (content) of this group. For example, some investigators do not include surnames derived from proper names of persons on the basis of their strength, health, clothing and so on as a part of this group surnames. On the other hand, some other researchers believe that it is necessary. Doubts have also been expressed as to the appropriacy of including some surnames which are derived from the names that described the gait of the person or their gender. Developing our approach to the classification of surnames derived from the proper names of persons on the basis of appearance, the author used the achievements of gabitology that uses characteristics of human appearance for the identification of the person. Fixed surnames were distributed according to the semantics of lexemes in the following subgroups: general physical (they can characterize the appearance of the person in general), anatomical (they can characterize body type, organs of the human body) and functional (characteristics of human appearance that are seen in motion). Surnames were also differentiated within each subgroup. For example, the author identified the surnames derived from the proper names whose meaning are connected with the features of human growth, body type (skinny build, slim build, chunky, fat), unusual shape, size, and color of organs of the human body. The important thing to note is that the namegivers focused on those characteristics of human appearance that were original, relatively constant, and helped to identify a person.

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Оксана Чорноус
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Learning resources are massive, heterogeneous, and constantly changing. How to find the required resources quickly and accurately has become a very challenging work in the management and sharing of learning resources. According to the characteristics of learning resources, this paper proposes a progressive learning resource description model, which can describe dynamic heterogeneous resource information on a fine-grained level by using information extraction technology, then a semantic annotation algorithm is defined to calculate the semantic of learning resource and add these semantic to the description model. Moreover, a semantic search method is proposed to find the required resources, which calculate the content with the highest similarity to the user query, and then return the results in descending order of similarity. The simulation results show that the method is feasible and effective.
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Xiaocong Lai
Ying Pan
Xueling Jiang

  1. Guangxi Key Lab of Human-machine Interaction and Intelligent Decision, Nanning Normal University, Nanning 530001, People’s Republic of China
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The author presents the thesis that the referent of the dative noun phrase is ‘a second human participant’ of the event ‒ referent of the proposition in question. The same applies to the referent of the genitive noun phrase. The two constructions differ only in their syntactic distribution ‒ dative is an adverbal case, while genetive is adnominal, which is the result of their semantic roles ‒ ‘recipient’ for dative and ‘possessor’ for genetive.

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Zuzanna Topolińska
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The “top‑bottom” opposition is a binary spatial opposition. It describes the orientation of objects in space as well as identifies the spatial qualification of an object and models the coordinate system of the linguistic (resp. dialectal) worldview. This article deals with the problem of the semantic structure of derivatives, i.e. fragments of the derivative clusters of the base words of this opposition: верх, гора (“top”) and низ, гора, (с)під (“bottom”). The author scrutinizes the semantics of the adjectives вéрхній (верховúй, верхóвний), горíшній (гóрний) / ни́ жній (низови́ й), дóлíшній (дóльний), спíдній (сподо- вúй). These semantic features are analyzed within three semantic subcomplexes: ‘the top / bottom of the object’; ‘high / low limit’; ‘surface (exterior / interior)’. The subcomplexes unite the meanings of the adjectives which are structured hierarchically. These meanings represent different aspects of Ukrainian life. This study applied the traditional onomasiological descriptive model, moving the focus from the meaning to the word. The analysed units represent semantic and derivational features which are typical for the dialects of the Ukrainian language. The sources of the study are historical and regional dictionaries and texts, as well as linguistic atlases. As the study is based on an analysis of historical sources and manuscripts of the Ukrainian language from the 11th century onwards, semantic changes were recorded at different historical stages.
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Тетяна Ястремська

  1. Львів, Інститут українознавства ім. І. Крип’якевича НАН України
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W artykule konfrontuję koncepcję osoby Petera Strawsona z koncepcją osoby Paula Ricoeura, traktując je jako reprezentatywne ilustracje podejścia semantyczno-ontologicznego i pragmatyczno-egzystencjalnego (lub hermeneutycznego) zarazem do problemu języka i do problemu bytu zwanego osobą. Zaznaczam różnice między tymi podejściami, ale wskazuję także na ich punkty wspólne. Zgodnie z przedstawioną interpretacją, Ricoeur w swojej próbie przezwyciężenia ograniczeń semantycznej teorii osoby rozwija i uwypukla wątki, które w sposób marginalny były obecne już w teorii Strawsona, a skądinąd docenia znaczenie tych, które w tej teorii były pierwszoplanowe, chociaż je relatywizuje. Stosunek Ricoeura do Strawsona pokazuje złożoną relację między tzw. filozofią kontynentalną i tzw. filozofią analityczną.

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Małgorzata Kowalska
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The aim of my paper is to distinguish groups of semantic motivations that have become the basis for the formation of words or word associations expressing obviousness. The study covered various European languages with particular emphasis on the Slavic languages. On the basis of the research, the following groups were distinguished: 1) knowledge and understanding; 2) sight, perception and clearness; 3) talking and adjudication; 4) nature; norm and custom; 5) consequence; 6) confidence, trust and security.
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Mariola Jakubowicz

  1. The Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa, Poland
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The aim of the discussed and reviewed books is to describe repetitions in Polish. Different classifications of repetitions are given and described in detail in the monography. The Lexicon is devoted to concrete repetitive units: 1) lex-icalized repetitions, 2) operations, 3) universal repetitions for different languages. The research was based on the material of National Corpus of Polish. Both reviewed books are unique contributions to Polish syntax, semantics, lexicography and pragmatics.
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Bílková J., 2013, Tautologie a kontradikce v češtině, Praha: Filip Tomáš - Akropolis.
PZTS = Dobaczewski A., 2018, Powtórzenie jako zjawisko tekstowe i systemowe. Repetycje, reduplikacje i quasi‑tautologie w języku polskim, Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika.
SRiPP = Dobaczewski A., Sobotka P., Żurowski S., 2018, Słownik reduplikacji i powtórzeń polskich. Od zleksykalizowanych podwojeń do regularnych układów repetycyjnych, Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika.
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Karolína Skwarska

  1. Slovanský ústav Akademie věd České republiky, Praha
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The paper focuses on the semantic derivation models of irrational vocabulary – a semantic class of words that denote the situation of experience that is not based on logical reasons or rational thinking. The study elaborates on the semantic derivation strategies of irrational verbs, adjectives and nouns in the Ukrainian, English and German languages. The modelling of semantic derivation strategies provided in the paper proceeds from the assumption that the development of an irrational vocabulary paradigm is realised based on a prototypical situation model – a construct that characterizes not only the nature of the source and target meanings but also the ways those meanings are connected. We posit two constituents to underlie the prototypical model of irrational situation – the features of irrational situation participants and those of irrational situation itself. Both characteristics determine the nature of semantics shift strategies, among those are argument, componential, implicative and metaphorical ones. The argument strategy provides for promoting and demoting arguments within the same actantial structure set by a predicate. The componential strategy deals with the semantic transformations, resulting in a new concept of situation (whereas a target meaning borrows some components from a source one). The implicative strategy occurs based on a contiguous connection of different situations or different fragments of the same situation. The metaphoric strategy provides for the similarities revealed between the situations. The study concludes that irrational vocabulary in Ukrainian, English and German applies more to the componential, implicative and metaphorical strategies which provide for the priority of the inter-concept relations in these languages.
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Анастасія Кінащук

  1. Рівненський державний гуманітарний університет
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The article presents a part of the research on the Russian and Polish lexical units containing the глуп-/głup- root. The noun, verb and adverb forms have been analysed from the point of view of their meanings and the functional, stylistic and derivational properties. That is why the research material includes the contemporary units such as colloquialisms and lexemes of the restricted usage (archaisms and linguistic variants) which occur in both languages. The lexical units have been selected from the contemporary and historical explanatory and etymological dictionaries as well as from the former and dialectal lexis.
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Maciej Walczak

  1. University of Silesia
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In the article I present and criticize the view of classical compatibilism on freedom, i.e. the view according to which free subjects and free actions can exist in the world ruled by universal, exceptionless causality. I claim that compatibilism does not solve the problem of freedom and determinism, but avoids and disregards it. Compatibilism pretends to accomplish the task by playing with semantic tricks that create a misleading impression of ‛compatibility’.

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Andrzej Nowakowski
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The review covers Ruselina Nicolova’s The Bulgarian Grammar. This is a revised version of Bǔlgarska gramatika. Morfologiia (Sofiia 2008) edited in English by Frank & Timme (Berlin 2017). This outstanding achievement is appraised highly by the review author. The review compares the new work with an earlier academic morphology of Bulgarian (Gramatika na sǔvremenniia bǔlgarski knižoven ezik, t. 2: Morfologiia, Sofiia 1983). It concludes that the Grammar of R. Nicolova makes important progress in semantically and functionally oriented type of Bulgarian linguistic description as well as that publication of this study translated to English is important because it provides a widened reception of the work.

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Małgorzata Korytkowska
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The article deals with West Slavonic words on cud represented by verbs such as Old Czech cúditi, Polish cudzić or adjectives such as Czech cudný, Polish cudny, czudny. These words are not etymologically clear, and the etymological dictionaries suggest different solutions, either considering these words as cognates or looking for other etymological connections. More light on the issue could be thrown by Old Church Slavonic študь ‘custom, manners, morals’ which has not been taken into account so far while reflecting the etymologies of the abovementioned words. Old Church Slavonic word corresponds to older Czech cud ‘discipline, good manners’ and this noun (in its late Proto Slavonic form) can be taken as a basis for the verb (Old Czech cúditi etc.) in the meaning ‘to clean, brush, remove’ and the adjective (Czech cudný etc.) in the meaning ‘chaste, modest, moral’. The Proto Slavonic root of the word can be reconstructed as * tjud from Pre Slavonic * teud which can be traced back to Indo European * teuH ‘to protect, friendly give one’s mind to sb.’. Nominal derivatives of this root offer striking semantic parallels in Germanic: Old English geđiede ‘good, decent, chaste’, đēaw ‘custom, manners, morals’, Old High German, Old Saxon thau ‘discipline’.
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Jiří Rejzek

  1. Charles University, Institute of Czech Language and Theory of Communication, Prague, Czech Republic
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The aim of this article is a semantic and formal analysis of the name wrotycz and related names in Polish dialects against the Slavic background. The history and etymology of these names as well as their semantic motivation are presented. All names are based on the Proto‑Slavic causativum * vortiti ‘to make something spin, to turn’ due to assigning tansy a magical power that was generally meant to reverse bad things and restore good things. Everything indicates that the form * vortyčь is Proto‑Slavic, and this proves that the Slavs from ancient times treated tansy as an apotropaic plant.
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Jadwiga Waniakowa

  1. Institute of the Polish Language of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
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The author discusses the importance of Wiesław Boryś' etymological dictionary of the Polish language for research on the semantic derivation in Polish and Macedonian conducted at the Research Center of Areal Linguistics at the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Skopje.
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Zuzanna Topolińska

  1. Macedońska Akademia Nauk i Sztuk, Centrum Badawcze Lingwistyki Arealnej im. Božidara Vidoeskiego, Skopje
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The author states that there are in our vocabulary three, and only three, classes of semantic units: a) predicates, i.e. generic concepts – the result of our conceptualization of the world; they represent more than 90% of the vocabulary; b) operators of reference – a small, almost closed set bounding predicates to their concrete denotates; c) proper names, which are by defi nition referentially bound and are object of research of a specialized linguistic discipline. Thus, the main tasks of our grammar are (1) to defi ne and to describe the scope of the grammaticalization in the language in question and (2) to present the semantic classification of predicates, the description of their – bound and/or free – functioning in the text included.

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Zuzanna Topolińska
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The purpose of the study is to reconstruct the cognitive semantics of the verbal predicates “чудиться”, “почудиться”, taking into account their inner form, and also to suggest a linguo‑cognitive model for explaining polysemy. The object of the study is the different contextual meanings of the verbal predicates “чудиться”, “почудиться” in the contexts of fictional discourse, the subject is cognitive semantics as a repeated structure of cognitive processes reflecting the patterns of understanding and thinking. The article presents a typology of contexts for the functioning of verbal predicates, their different contextual meanings are defined, the semantic dependence of the contextual meaning of the verb word on the semantics of the broader context analyzed, the role of the inner form in the creation of polysemy determined, while a linguo‑cognitive model for explaining polysemy in terms of “gestalt”, “focus”, “background – figure”, “focusing – defocusing” is suggested.
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Elena Cherntsova
Lyudmila Pedchenko

  1. V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
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This paper is an attempt to devise a conceptual paradigm for the semantic relations in the meaning of words in various Slavonic languages and in some of their dialects. The source material are the data contained in The Etymological Dictionary of the Slavonic Languages. The Pre‐Slavonic Lexical Source – 20<sup>th</sup> edition by O.N. Trubachov, Moscow: Nauka, 1994. These data are the starting point to present the two basic features in the form of the meaning dyad of the common root mьrz‐ > * morz‐. The first element of this dyad assumes the meaning of ‘cold, cool, frost’ as the outer conditions of its weather, nature character (the A feature) while the second element assumes the disgust, rejection as the relation (the B feature). Both these features and their mutual relations are described here with regard to the division of their levels and sublevels of meaning as well as with regard to the various shades of these meanings in creating a system. This system is the base of the nomination correlation presented in the paper. Gradually the signs arise, and they take part in the creation of the projections mentioned in the paper’s title. These signs refer to subject, object, object‐person, object‐thing, space, action, feature‐properties (attributive), features‐quality (characteristics) observed outside and felt inside.
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Piotr Czerwiński

  1. Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
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The lich‑ root as well as its marginal semantic lines are described here. The description is based upon folk and mythological images and also upon etymologic data, including the meaning of this root and its derivatives in Slavonic languages (chiefly in Russian and Ruthenian). The semantics is labelled as excess (superfluity), insufficiency (lack), harmfulness (damage), dash (Dutch courage) as well as being presented with the semantic signs and forms reflected in words. Presented is the possible semantic mechanism for the development and transition from the initial meanings to newer ones. We explain the logic of the association root in question with the old images of lot and moderation. Future research prospects for the lich‑ root as well as its semantic and morphological derivation are shown. This includes not only literary variants but equally dialectal and regional ones.
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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Czerwiński

  1. Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
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A famous Russian folk song, proverbs and sayings about a mother‑in‑law and son‑in‑law are the key elements of the analysis of the relations between a son‑in‑law (a younger member of the male family) and a mother‑in‑law (an older member of the female family). This analysis is also based on the etymological data and the author tries to answer the question: what is the hidden relation between the two families the members of whom are married? Many papers have been written on that matter. This article describes this relation as a gradual process of building the indirect connection between the mother‑in‑law and son‑in‑law. This is a symmetric/asymmetric relations which only seems to be mutually linked and tied. The emerged and shaped relation attitude direction – from mother‑in‑law to son‑in‑law – is presented here as the act of attracting and repelling. By means of fulfilment and satisfaction it implies the necessity of the adaption but not subordination as well as the hidden favour of the unlimited reproductive power. On the other hand i.e. the direction from the son‑in‑law to mother‑in‑law, the attitude is completely different which means the partial rivalry and repelling attraction. The daughter (from the mother‑in‑law side) and the fiancée/wife (from the son‑in‑law side) is completely out of these relations.
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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Czerwiński

  1. Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach

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