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At the Kielce University of Technology a new concept of accurate measurements of sphericity deviations of machine parts has been developed. The concept is based upon measurement of roundness profiles in many clearly defined cross-sections of the workpiece. Measurements are performed with the use of typical radial measuring instrument equipped with a unit allowing accurate positioning of the ball. The developed concept required finding a solution to numerous problems relating to the principle of the radial measurement. One of the problems to be solved was matching of measured roundness profiles. The paper presents an outline of the developed concept of sphericity measurement, a mathematical model of profile matching and results of the verification of the model.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Krzysztof Stępień
Dariusz Janecki
Stanisław Adamczak


Expressing head-related transfer functions (HRTFs) in the spherical harmonic (SH) domain has been thoroughly studied as a method of obtaining continuity over space. However, HRTFs are functions not only of direction but also of frequency. This paper presents an extension of the SH-based method, utilizing hyperspherical harmonics (HSHs) to obtain an HRTF representation that is continuous over both space and frequency. The application of the HSH approximation results in a relatively small set of coefficients which can be decoded into HRTF values at any direction and frequency. The paper discusses results obtained by applying the method to magnitude spectra extracted from exemplary HRTF measurements. The HRTF representations based on SHs and HSHs exhibit similar reproduction accuracy, with the latter one featuring continuity over both space and frequency and requiring much lower number of coefficients. The developed HSH-based continuous functional model can serve multiple purposes, such as interpolation, compression or parametrization for machine-learning applications.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Adam Szwajcowski

  1. Department of Robotics and Mechatronics, AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland
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Various types of passive sonar systems are used to detect submarines. These activities are complex and demanding. Therefore, computer simulations are most often used at the design stage of these systems. For this reason, it is also necessary to simulate the acoustic ambient noise of the sea. The article proposes a new numerical model of surface and quasi-spherical sea noise and presents its statistical parameters. The results of the application of the developed noise model to analyse the received signals of the DIFAR sonobuoy are also presented.
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1. Barclay D.R., Buckingham M.J. (2014), On the spatial properties of ambient noise in the Tonga Trench, including effects of bathymetric shadowing, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 136(5): 2497–2511, doi: 10.1121/1.4896742.
2. Buckingham M.J. (2012), Cross-correlation in bandlimited ocean ambient noise fields, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 131(4): 2643–2657, doi: 10.1121/1.3688506.
3. Burdick W.S. (1984), Underwater Acoustic System Analysis, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
4. Cohen J. (1988), Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences, 2nd ed., Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.
5. Crocker M.J. (1998), Handbook of Acoustics, John Wiley & Sons.
6. Cron B.F., Sherman C.H. (1962), Spatial-correlation functions for various noise models, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 34(11): 1732–1736, doi: 10.1121/1.1909110.
7. Cron B.F., Sherman C.H. (1965), Addendum: Spatial correlation functions for various noise models [J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 34: 1732–1736 (1962)], The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 38(4): 885, doi: 10.1121/1.1909826.
8. Franks L.E. (1981), Signal Theory. Revised Edition, Dowden & Culver, Inc.: Stroudsburg, PA.
9. Grelowska G., Kozaczka E., Kozaczka S., Szymczak W. (2013), Underwater noise generated by small ships in the shallow sea, Archives of Acoustics, 38(3): 351–356, doi: 10.2478/aoa-2013-0041.
10. Jagodzinski Z. (1961), Radionavigation Systems [in Polish], Wydawnictwo MON, Warszawa.
11. Klusek Z., Lisimenka A. (2004), Characteristics of underwater noise generated by single breaking wave, Hydroacoustics, 7: 107–114.
12. Klusek Z., Lisimenka A. (2016), Seasonal and diel variability of the underwater noise in the Baltic Sea, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 139(4): 1537–1547, doi: 10.1121/1.4944875.
13. Kochanska I., Nissen I., Marszal J. (2018), A method for testing the wide-sense stationary uncorrelated scattering assumption fulfillment for an underwater acoustic channel, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 143(2): EL116–EL120, doi: 10.1121/1.5023834.
14. Kozaczka E., Grelowska G. (2011), Shipping low frequency noise and its propagation in shallow water, Acta Physica Polonica A, 119(6A): 1009–1012, doi: 10.12693/APhysPolA.119.1009.
15. Lyons R.G. (2004), Understanding Digital Signal Processing, 2nd ed., Prentice Hall, Inc. 16. Mallet A.L. (1975), Underwater Direction Signal Processing System, US Patent No 3,870,989.
17. Ren C., Huang Y. (2020), A spatial correlation model for broadband surface noise, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 147(2): EL99–EL105, doi: 10.1121/10.0000710.
18. Rudnicki M., Marszal J., Salamon R. (2020), Impact of spatial noise correlation on bearing accuracy in DIFAR systems, Archives of Acoustics, 45(4): 709–720, doi: 10.24425/aoa.2020.135277.
19. Salamon R. (2006), Sonar systems [in Polish], Gdanskie Towarzystwo Naukowe, Gdansk, Poland.
20. Schmidt J.H., Schmidt A., Kochanska I. (2018), Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Technique for Underwater Acoustic Communication System, [In:] Proceedings of 2018 Joint Conference – Acoustics, Ustka, Poland, 2018, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, pp. 280– 283, doi: 10.1109/acoustics.2018.8502439.
21. Urick R.J. (1983), Principles of Underwater Sound, 3rd ed., Peninsula Pub.
22. Urick R.J. (1986), Ambient Noise in the Sea, 2nd ed., Peninsula Pub.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Mariusz Rudnicki
Roman Salamon
Jacek Marszal

  1. Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Department of Sonar Systems, Gdansk, Poland


Precise measurement of the sound source directivity not only requires special equipment, but also is time-consuming. Alternatively, one can reduce the number of measurement points and apply spatial interpolation to retrieve a high-resolution approximation of directivity function. This paper discusses the interpolation error for different algorithms with emphasis on the one based on spherical harmonics. The analysis is performed on raw directivity data for two loudspeaker systems. The directivity was measured using sampling schemes of different densities and point distributions (equiangular and equiareal). Then, the results were interpolated and compared with these obtained on the standard 5° regular grid. The application of the spherical harmonic approximation to sparse measurement data yields a mean error of less than 1 dB with the number of measurement points being reduced by 89%. The impact of the sparse grid type on the retrieval error is also discussed. The presented results facilitate optimal sampling grid choice for low-resolution directivity measurements.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Adam Szwajcowski
Daniel Krause
Anna Snakowska

  1. Department of Robotics and Mechatronics, AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland
  2. Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences, Tampere University, Tampere, Finland


This paper investigates the effect of friction on the buckling behavior of a thin, shallow, elastic spherical shell under uniform external pressure based on an axisymmetric model of the finite element method. The study examines a combination of different geometric parameters with three different types of boundary conditions: clamped, hinged, and frictional ends with a wide range of friction coefficients. Friction has a significant influence on the buckling response of the spherical shell for all geometric parameters. In general, the critical pressure decreases as the friction coefficient or geometric parameter decreases. The buckling behavior of the frictional end with small friction coefficients presents an obvious difference compared to the results of high coefficients. For certain geometric parameters, the buckling mode of the spherical shell is transited because of changing the friction coefficient. A buckling map that describes the dependence of critical pressure on both friction coefficient and geometric parameter combined with buckling mode is generated. This map can be applied to the design of the spherical shell against buckling.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

XuanCuong Nguyen
1 2
Yoshio Arai
Wakako Araki

  1. Saitama University, Saitama, Japan
  2. Hanoi University of Civil Engineering, Hanoi, Vietnam
  3. Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan


Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission data is widely used in various fields of science. GRACE explored changes of the gravity field regularly from April 2002 to June 2017. In the following research, we examine variance of signal contained in two different formats of GRACE data: standard spherical harmonics and mass concentration blocks (so-called “mascons”) solutions, both provided in the most recent releases. For spherical harmonics-based solution, we use monthly gravity field solutions provided up to degree and order (d/o) 96 by three different computing centers, i.e. the NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) and the Center for Space Research (CSR). For the mass concentration blocks, we use values of total water storage provided by the CSR, JPL and the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) computing centers, which we convert to spherical harmonic coefficients up to d/o 96. We show that using the anisotropic DDK3 filter to smooth the north-south stripes present in total wate storage obtained from standard spherical harmonics solution leaves more information than common isotropic Gaussian filter. In the case of mascons, GSFC solution contains much more information than the CSR and JPL releases, relevant for corresponding d/o. Differences in variance of signal arise from different background models as well as various shape and size of mascons used during processing of GRACE observations.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Artur Lenczuk
Grzegorz Leszczuk
Anna Klos
Janusz Bogusz


Architectural structures’ nodal coordinates are significant to shape appearance; vertical overloading causes displacement of the joints resulting in shape distortion. This research aims to reshape the distorted shape of a double-layer spherical numerical model under vertical loadings; meanwhile, the stress in members is kept within the elastic range. Furthermore, an algorithm is designed using the fmincon function to implement as few possible actuators as possible to alter the length of the most active bars. Fmincon function relies on four optimization algorithms: trust-region reflective, active set, Sequential quadratic progra mming (SQP), and interior-point. The fmincon function is subjected to the adjustment technique to search for the minimum number of actuators and optimum actuation. The algorithm excludes inactive actuators in several iterations. In this research, the 21st iteration gave optimum results, using 802 actuators and a total actuation of 1493 mm.MATLAB analyzes the structure before and after adjustment and finds the optimum actuator set. In addition, the optimal actuation found in MATLAB is applied to the modeled structure in MATLAB and SAP2000 to verify MATLAB results.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ahmed Manguri
1 2
Najmadeen Saeed
2 3
Aram Mahmood
Javad Katebi
Robert Jankowski

  1. Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gdańsk University of Technology, 80-223 Gdańsk, Poland
  2. Civil Engineering Department, University of Raparin, Rania, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  3. Civil Engineering Department, Tishk International University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  4. Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran


Spherical fuzzy sets (SFSs) provide more free space for decision makers (DMs) to express preference information from four aspects: approval, objection, abstention and refusal. The partitioned Maclaurin symmetric mean (PMSM) operator is an effective information fusion tool, which can fully capture the interrelationships among any multiple attributes in the same block whereas attributes in different block are unrelated. Therefore, in this paper,we first extendPMSM operator to spherical fuzzy environment and develop spherical fuzzy PMSM (SFPMSM) operator as well as spherical fuzzy weighted PMSM (SFWPMSM) operator. Meanwhile, we discuss some properties and special cases of these two operators. To diminish the impact of extreme evaluation values on decision-making results, then we integrate power average (PA) operator and PMSM operator to further develop spherical fuzzy power PMSM (SFPPMSM) operator and spherical fuzzy weighted power PMSM (SFWPPMSM) operator and also investigate their desirable properties. Subsequently, a new multiple attribute group decision making (MAGDM) method is established based on SFWPPMSM operator under spherical fuzzy environment. Finally, two numerical examples are used to illustrate the proposed method, and comparative analysis with the existing methods to further testy the validity and superiority of the proposed method.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Huiyuan Zhang
1 2
Qiang Cai
Guiwu Wei
4 3

  1. School of Mathematics and Statistics, Liupanshui Normal University, Liupanshui 553004, Guizhou, P.R. China
  2. School of Mathematical Sciences, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu, 610101, P.R. China
  3. School of Business, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu, 610101, P.R. China
  4. School of Mathematical Sciences, Sichuan NormalUniversity, Chengdu, 610101, P.R. China


In the paper we compare the geometric descriptions of the deformed sphere (i.e., the so-called λ-sphere) and the standard spheroid (namely, World Geodetic System 1984’s reference ellipsoid of revolution). Among the main geometric characteristics of those two surfaces of revolution embedded into the three-dimensional Euclidean space we consider the semi-major (equatorial) and semi-minor (polar) axes, quartermeridian length, surface area, volume, sphericity index, and tipping (bifurcation) point for geodesics. Next, the RMS (Root Mean Square) error is defined as the square-rooted arithmetic mean of the squared relative errors for the individual pairs of the discussed six main geometric characteristics. As a result of the process of minimization of the RMS error, we have obtained the proposition of the optimized value of the deformation parameter of the λ-sphere, for which we have calculated the absolute and relative errors for the individual pairs of the discussed main geometric characteristics of λ-sphere and standard spheroid (the relative errors are of the order of 10−6 – 10−9). Among others, it turns out that the value of the,sup> flattening factor of the spheroid is quite a good approximation for the corresponding value of the deformation parameter of the λ-sphere (the relative error is of the order of 10−4).
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Vasyl Kovalchuk
Ivaïlo M. Mladenov
2 3

  1. Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Pawinskiego 5B, 02-106 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Institute of Mechanics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. G. Bonchev Str., Bl. 4, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
  3. Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Tsarigradsko Chaussee 72, 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria
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This article provides an optimized solution to the problem of passive shielding against static magnetic fields with any number of spherical shells. It is known, that the shielding factor of a layered structure increases in contrast to a single shell with the same overall thickness. For the reduction of weight and cost by given material parameters and available space the best system for the layer positions has to be found. Because classic magnetically shielded rooms are very heavy, this system will be used to develop a transportable Zero-Gauss-Chamber. To handle this problem, a new way was developed, in which for the first time the solution with regard to shielding and weight was optimized. Therefore, a solution for the most general case of spherical shells was chosen with an adapted boundary condition. This solution was expanded to an arbitrary number of layers and permeabilities. With this analytic solution a differential evolution algorithm is able to find the best partition of the shells. These optimized solutions are verified by numerical solutions made by the Finite Element Method (FEM). After that the solutions of different raw data are determined and investigated.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Patrick Alexander Ralf
Christian Kreischer

  1. Helmut Schmidt University, University of the Federal Armed Forced Hamburg, Germany


The normal mode solution for the form function and target strength (TS) of a solid-filled spherical shell is derived. The calculation results of the spherical shell’s acoustic TS are in good agreement with the results of the finite element method (FEM). Based on these normal mode solutions, the influences of parameters such as the material, radius, and thickness of the inner and outer shells on the TS of a solid-filled spherical shell are analyzed. An underwater spherical shell scatterer is designed, which uses room temperature vulcanized (RTV) silicone rubber as a solid filling material and does not contain a suspension structure inside. The scatterer has a good TS enhancement effect.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Bing Jia
1 2
Jun Fan
Gui-Juan Li
Bin Wang
Yun-Fei Chen

  1. Key Laboratory of Marine Intelligent Equipment and System Ministry of Education Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  2. Science and Technology on Underwater Test and Control Laboratory Dalian, Liaoning, China


Spherical fuzzy sets are more powerful in modelling the uncertain situations than picture fuzzy sets, fermatean fuzzy sets, Pythagorean fuzzy sets, intuitionistic fuzzy sets, and fuzzy sets. In this paper, we first define the variance and covariance of spherical fuzzy sets. Then, using variance and covariance, we define the unique spherical fuzzy set correlation metric in line with the statistical coefficient of correlation. Two spherical fuzzy sets are correlated in both direction and strength using the provided measure of correlation. We discussed its many characteristics. We compared the measure of correlation with the current ones through linguistic variables. We established its validity by showing its application in bidirectional approximate reasoning. We also resolve a pattern identification issue in the spherical fuzzy environment using the provided correlation function, and we compare the results with several current measurements.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Abdul Haseeb Ganie
Debashis Dutta

  1. Department of Mathematics, National Institute of Technology, Warangal506004, Telangana, India


In this study, a SUS316L membrane having double layered pore structures was fabricated, and the pore characteristics were analyzed after coating with a spherical powder and a flake-shaped powder on a disk-shaped SUS316L support using a wet powder spraying process. The thickness of the coated layer was checked using an optical microscope, and air permeability was measured using a capillary flow porometer. When the coating amount was similar, the fine porous layer prepared using flake powder was thicker and showed higher porosity. In the case of a similar thickness, the case of using flake powder was half of the amount of spherical powder used. Therefore, it was confirmed that it is possible to manufacture a metal membrane having a high filter efficiency even with a small coating amount when using the flake powder.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Min-Jeong Lee
1 2
Hyeon-Ju Kim
Manho Park
Jung-Yeul Yun

  1. Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS), Metal Powder Department, Changwon 51508, Republic of Korea
  2. Pusan National University Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Republic of Korea
  3. R&D Center, ASFLOW Co. Ltd, Suwon, Republic of Korea


As the spherical hinge in the bridge swivel structure bears huge vertical pressure, the material and its structural load-bearing capacity are therefore highly-required. In the latest research, the ultrahigh performance concrete material is applied to the spherical hinge structure and the author of this article has conducted a detailed study on the mechanical properties and failure mechanism of this structure; however, there is still no real bridge application at present. In order to ensure the stability of the structure, based on an actual project, this research proposes a monitoring method for the stability of the UHPC spherical hinge horizontal rotation system, i.e., using theoretical calculations and numerical analysis methods. Besides, the mechanical characteristics of the bridge during the process of rotation are predicted, and the monitoring data of the stress of the UHPC spherical hinge, the bending moment of the pier bottom, as well as the acceleration time history of the cantilever beam end are made a comparison to judge whether the rotating posture of the structure is stable. The results show that UHPC spherical hinge features high strength and will not cause axial damage; also, the horizontal rotation system will not cause the unstability due to wind-induced vibration and structural self-excited vibration. Briefly concluded, the theoretical model is basically consistent with the measured data, i.e., the mechanical properties of the structure can be accurately predicted.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jiawei Wang
Bing Cao
Bo Huang

  1. Anhui Polytechnic University, School of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Wuhu City, Beijing Middle Road, China


Flow mechanism under roughened solar air heater is quite complex. This paper is an effort towards determining the governing equations for heat transfer and friction factor for inclined spherical balls roughened ducts. With the availability of these equations, it is easier to predict the thermal and thermohydraulic performance of such roughened solar air heaters. The governing equations are derived based on the experimental data generated under actual outdoor condition at the test rig designed and fabricated at the terrace of the Mechanical Engineering Department, the National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur in India, in terms of roughness and flow parameters. Maximum augmentation in Nusselt number and friction factor for varying relative roughness pitch, relative roughness height, spherical ball height to diameter ratio, and angle of attack was respectively found to be of the order of 2.1 to 3.54 times, 1.87 to 3.21 times, 2.89 to 3.27 times and 1.74 to 3.56 times for Nusselt number and 0.84 to 1.79 times, 1.46 to 1.91 times, 1.67 to 2.34 times and 1.21 to 2.67 times for friction factor in comparison to non-roughened duct. The optimum roughness parameters under present investigation have been found.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ramesh Murmu
Parmanand Kumar
Hari N. Singh


Motivated by the concepts of low carbon and environmental protection, electric vehicles have received much attention and become more and more popular all around the world. The expanding demand for electric vehicles has driven the rapid development of the charging pile industry. One of the prominent issues in charging pile industry is to determine their sites, which is a complex decision-making problem. As a matter of factor, the process of charging piles sites selection can be regarded as multi-attribute group decision-making (MAGDM), which is the main topic of this paper. The recently proposed linguistic spherical fuzzy sets (LSFSs) composed of the linguistic membership degree, linguistic abstinence degree and linguistic non-membership degree are powerful tools to express the evaluation information of decision makers (DMs). Based on the concept of LSFSs, we introduce probabilistic multi-valued linguistic spherical fuzzy sets (PMVLSFSs), which can describe DMs’ fuzzy evaluation information in a more refined and accurate way. The operation rules of PMVLSFSs are also developed in this article. To effectively aggregate PMVLSFSs, the probabilistic multi-valued linguistic spherical fuzzy power generalized Maclaurin symmetric mean operator and the probabilistic multi-valued linguistic spherical fuzzy power weighted generalized Maclaurin symmetric mean are put forward. Based on the above aggregation operators, a new method for MAGDM problem with PMVLSFSs is established. Further, a practical case of suitable site selection of charging pile is used to verify the practicability of this method. Lastly, comparative analysis with other methods is performed to illustrate the advantages and stability of proposed method.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Xue Feng
1 2
Shifeng Liu
Wuhuan Xu

  1. School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China
  2. Beijing Logistics Informatics Research Base, Beijing, China
  3. School of Economics and Management, BeihangUniversity, Beijing, China

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