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The purpose of this article is to show the contribution of fi lm in shaping of social imagination of Katyń crime in Poles’ minds. Author places described fi lms in the background of today’s knowledge.
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Tadeusz Lubelski
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In the first part, ‘Visions’, a pattern of interpreting Western philosophical thought, as an attempt to deal with the problem of axiological catastrophe, is outlined. In the second part, ‘Vastness’, the author tries to show how far human speculative thinking (metaphysical thinking) can be extended, regardless of whether the ‘vastness’ that human metaphysics aims at is realized one way or another. The third part, ‘God’, deals with the relationship between the concept of God and the concept of metaphysical vastness. The fourth part is called ‘Cradle’ and its intention is to show that in comparison with real or only possible metaphysical vastness, the world in which we live is a kind of beginning of an infinite life, and therefore serves as a cradle. In the last part, entitled ‘Fullness’, some ideas are proffered to show how the eternal life of such entities as human persons may appear against the background of metaphysical vastness.

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Stanisław Judycki
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The article discusses examples of concrete houses made in Poland after 2000. The aim of the article is to present the thesis on the increasing importance of concrete for the creation of architecture of single-family houses. After decades of rejecting concrete as a material to live and live in, concrete has once again become an intermediary material in the search for new elementary residential structures in the Polish landscape. An important element in this mental transformation is the belief in the essence of the importance of forms and technologies of concrete architectural details. A detail is a tool that shows the originality of the idea and the meaning of concrete formations.
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Charciarek, M. (2015), Detale architektury betonowej, Kraków: Stowarzyszenie Producentów Cementu.
Forty, A. (2012), Concrete and Culture: A Material History, Reaktion Books: London.
van Doesburg, T. (1971), ‘Towards a Plastic Architecture’ [in:] Jaffé, H.L.C., De Stijl, New York: H.N. Abrams.
Zabalbeascoa, A., Marcos J.R. (2000), Minimalism, Editorial Gustavo Gili: Barcelona.

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Marcin Charciarek

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
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I investigate Husserl’s long-term research on revealing/constructing a proper idea of science. For Husserl this idea was of tremendous importance: it had to be the basis of forming a (the) proper philosophy (phenomenology), that is, a philosophy which was to be an exact science, a new and higher form of science. According to Husserl, the idea of science is not a free project of individual researchers, scientific communities, but the very essence of science—changeless, universal, nontransformable, non-culturally and socially loaded, ahistorical, and non-relativized to scientific praxis. It was attempt to determine a new status of philosophy which led Husserl’s to the consideration of a universal idea of science.

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Małgorzata Czarnocka
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If the characterization of avant-garde proposed once by Henri Saint Simon, and later maintained by Daniel Bell as well as Lidia Burska in the book entitled Awangarda i inne złudzenia. O pokoleniu ‘68 w Polsce (“The avant-garde and other illusions. On the ’68 generation in Poland”) is adopted, the philosophical revisionism inside Polish Marxism (the Warsaw school of the history of ideas) may be considered a phenomenon analogous to the artistic avant-garde which gained prominence in the middle of the 1950s. In Burska’s understanding, the significant trait of avant-garde is effective impact on the state of consciousness, stances and choices of the public. This essential factor highlights the connection between avant-garde and revisionism, due to the fact that, as it was commonly believed in Poland, the Warsaw school played a major role in the formation of the Polish post-war humanities. The purpose of the paper is to propose an understanding of the impact exerted by the Warsaw school of the history of ideas. In relation to this problem, the author refers to the testimonies of people who constituted that milieu, and he focuses on some topics from the hermeneutics of H.-G. Gadamer (the concept of the efficacy of history; the concept of application) and from the philosophy of H.R. Jauss (the concept of the horizon of expectations).

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Mirosław Tyl
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The author examines ontological premises adopted in the Controversy over the Existence of the World by Roman Ingarden. He points out that these premises have been informed by mereological insights. This reading of Ingarden is substantiated by the postulate that ‘pure qualities’ are components of ‘ideas’ and constitute their proper parts. This is the reason why they cannot be attributed to individuals as their properties. The role of properties is consequently filled in by ‘concretizations’, proposed as a new category of existence. This author claims however that ‘concretizations’ can be easily dispensed with by reinterpreting ideas in the distributive mode. Assuming this new rendition, one makes it possible to interpret ‘pure qualities’ as properties of possible individuals, which results in a comfortable simplification of Ingarden’s ontology.
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Adam Nowaczyk
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The paper presented here is an attempt to highlight the importance of Andrzej Walicki’s works for the Polish expertise on Dostoevsky. His essay: Dostoevsky and the idea of freedom (1959) was the first fully scientific attempt in Poland to interpret Dostoevsky’s thoughts. Numerous Polish articles and essays devoted to Dostoevsky that preceded Walicki’s paper were not deliberately academic, and substantially departed from the results achieved by Russian researchers. Walicki interprets Dostoevsky as a philosopher that presents his characters as victims of ‘the dialectic of willfulness’: suicides, murderers, supporters of tyranny. Walicki also notices the efforts by the Russian writer to develop some positive ideas. Dostoevsky focused on the faith of the Russian people who had preserved ‘the true Christian element’. The author defines this stance as ‘conservative utopia’.
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Blüth R.M. (1987), Joseph Conrad a Dostojewski. Problem zbrodni i kary, przeł. W. Kowalski, w: R.M. Blüth, Pisma literackie, oprac. P. Nowaczyński, Kraków: Znak, s. 211–226.
Brzozowski S. (1906), Teodor Dostojewski. Z mroków duszy rosyjskiej, Kraków: Uniwersytet Jagielloński.
Brzozowski S. (1983), Legenda Młodej Polski. Studia o strukturze duszy kulturalnej, Kraków–Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Literackie [reprint wydania z roku 1910].
Brzozowski S. (2007), Kryzys w literaturze rosyjskiej, w: tenże, Głosy wśród nocy. Studia nad przesileniem romantycznym kultury europejskiej. Z teki pośmiertnej wydał i przedmową poprzedził O. Ortwin, wstęp C. Michalski, posłowie A. Bielik-Robson, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Krytyki Politycznej.
Feuerbach L. (1959), O istocie chrześcijaństwa, przeł. A. Landman, Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
Giessien S. (1928), T ragiedija dobrodietieli w „Bratjach Karamazowych“ Dostojewskogo, „Sowriemiennyje zapiski” 35, s. 308–338.
Giessien S. (1932), Tragiedija zła (fiłosofskij obraz Stawrogina), „Put’” 36, s. 44–74, [15.03.2021].
Herling-Grudziński G. (1992), Dwie glosy o Dostojewskim, w: tenże, Upiory rewolucji, oprac. Z. Kudelski, Lublin: FIS.
Jabłonowski W. (1910), Dookoła Sfinksa. Studia o życiu i twórczości narodu rosyjskiego, Warszawa: Wende i S-ka.
Janion M. (1982), Dialog idei: marksizm i humanistyka rozumiejąca, w: taż, Humanistyka: poznanie i terapia, Warszawa: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, s. 132–181.
Kridl M. (1931), Główne prądy literatury europejskiej. Klasycyzm, romantyzm, epoka poromantyczna, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo M. Arcta.
Mackiewicz S. (1947), Dostoyevsky, London: Orbis.
Mackiewicz S. (1951), Idiota, „Wiadomości” 24 (272), s. 2.
Mackiewicz S. (1957), Dostojewski, Warszawa: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy.
Markiewicz H. (1980), Główne problemy wiedzy o literaturze, Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie.
Miłosz Cz. (1953), Zniewolony umysł, Paryż: Instytut Literacki.
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Nalepiński T. (1907), ON idzie! Rzecz o Królu-Duchu Rosji, Kraków: G. Gebethner i Spółka.
Przybylski R. (1964a), Dostojewski i „przeklęte problemy”. Od „Biednych ludzi” do „Zbrodni i kary”, Warszawa: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy.
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Tadeusz Sucharski

  1. Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku, ul. Arciszewskiego 22A, 76‑200 Słupsk
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The article offers a critical insight into the social history of ideas as a research trend that has been dynamically developing within French academic circles since 2010. Methodologically, the social history of ideas attempts to apply sociological tools to study the diffusion and embedding of political ideas within specific groups. After presenting the general directions of this trend's development, the author focuses on its critics, offering their own reflections on the difficulties one might encounter when applying its principles to research on Central‑Eastern Europe. To tackle this task, the author provides a methodological exercise to verify the extent to which the principles of social history of ideas can be applied to the study of (semi)peripheral ideas. In conclusion, the author emphasises the invigorating nature and critical tasks that social history of ideas can fulfill within Polish historiography as well.
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Piotr Kuligowski

  1. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Warszawa
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The horror fiction of the Romantic Age differs considerably from its contemporary descendants. While generally associated with scary entertainment (‘playing with fear’), the Romantic Gothic often enough crossed the line to explore the depths of genuine epistemological, existential or political fears. This would not have been possible without developing its own poetics which drew its strength from a variety of sources. One of them was the speculative philosophy of history in its pessimistic and optimistic variants. They both fed the sense of horror and its literary transpositions. Moreover, they formed a positive feedback loop: anxiety over the course of history led to the use of the devices and registers of the poetics of horror, which in turn led to the amplification of the effects of the historical vision on the reader.
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Kamil Barski

  1. Wydział Filologii Polskiej i Klasycznej, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu (Szkoła Doktorska Nauk o Języku i Literaturze)
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The article aims to prove that the narrative structure of The Stormy Life of Lasik Roitschwantz by Ilya Ehrenburg can be viewed as a starting point for understanding the overriding idea of the novel. In the material for interpretation among other things analysed what follows: the similarity between the narrative of the fi rst few chapters and the skaz narrative (Russian oral form of narrative) based on the defi nition of formal mimesis, the introduction to a “foreign word” narrative (the protagonist using reported speech and free indirect speech), the restriction of the storyteller’s role (which is the overriding element of the skaz narrative) and simultaneously putting the protagonist at the forefront, the language markers used in order to mask the convergence between the storyteller’s and the protagonist’s points of view. As a result, the article implies that the presence of a skaz storyteller allows analysing the fi gure of Lasik Roitschwantz not as a character from a book or of a certain type, but rather as a human being in a universal sense.

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Agnieszka Ścibior
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The symbolistic poetry of Alexander Blok is connected with the thinking of both philosophers and psychoanalysts about the world and the man inscribed in it by the phenomenon of “I”. When coming into contact with transcendence, the poet crosses the demarcation line dividing the rational and irrational world, consciousness and unconsciousness. In the first period of creativity, the Russian symbolist nourishes his imagination, infl uenced by the philosophy of Vladimir Soloviev, with longing for the ideal of femininity. The driving force of the Blok’s imagination becomes, understood after Freud, the desire to meet the ideal residing in the oneiric space, and then to unite with it at the dual level (physical and spiritual). From the psychoanalytic perspective, the cycle Verses about the Beautiful Lady is both an attempt to go beyond awareness and search for the sense of a poetic image, its original source in the unconscious, as well as entering into the mirror phase described by J. Lacan. Beautiful Lady plays a role of what the French psychiatrist appoints as an objet petit a: this object is essentially unreachable and that is why it raises a great desire in the lyrical subject. The mechanism of the transition from chaos to unity, though only apparent in Blok’s works, is identical to the psycho-physical experience of the child, observing himself in the mirror.

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Izabella Malej
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The problem of the existence of mathematical entities is the subject of lively discussions. Realists defend the independence and autonomy of mathematical objects, while antirealists point to their dependence and conventionality. The problem of the existence of mathematical objects is also strongly linked to the problem of mathematical cognition: do we recognize mathematical truths in special acts of intuition, as some realists claim, or do we create mathematical knowledge only by building appropriate formal systems – as some anti‑realists imagine? In this article we present the K. Gödel’s and W.V. Quine’s realistic stances and comment on them from the perspective of Roman Ingarden’s phenomenology. We point out the role that Gödel attributed to his mathematical intuition, and then we present the process of eidetic intuition in Ingarden’s perspective (indicating Gödel’s and Ingarden’s common points of view). We also argue that Ingarden’s rich ontology could contribute in a significant way to the debates currently taking place in the mainstream philosophy of mathematics.
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Bartłomiej Skowron
Krzysztof Wójtowicz

  1. Politechnika Warszawska, Wydział Administracji i Nauk Społecznych, Pl. Politechniki 1, 00-661 Warszawa
  2. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00-927 Warszawa
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This article is devoted to the presentation of the philosophical contacts between Andrzej Walicki and his contemporary Russian philosophers. On the basis of already published texts as well as archived correspondence, Walicki’s relations with Sergei Hessen and Dmitry Chizhevsky, and especially with Fr. Georges Florovsky, are discussed. Walicki and Russian thinkers deliberated about historiosophy, the history of Russian philosophy and even theology. In spite of their different perspectives (Florovsky was the founder of the so‑called neo‑Patristic synthesis, which had an exclusively historical significance for Walicki), they played a significant role in popularizing Russian thought in the West, especially in the USA.
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Teresa Obolevitch

  1. Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, Wydział Filozoficzny, ul. Kanonicza 9, 31‑002 Kraków
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Oskar Halecki’s reception in French historiography is one of the interesting examples of diffi-culties in understanding Polish historical thought in France. As one of the leading authors of the concept of East‑Central Europe in world historiography, a descendant of the Viennese aristoc-racy and an ambassador of Polish humanities in the League of Nations Committee on Intellec-tual Cooperation, he promoted the history of the countries of the region, considering their independent of Russia cultural specificity, deeply connected with the values of the Christian Europe. Meanwhile, after the Second World War, the socio‑economically oriented historiogra-phy of “Annales” was gaining more and more popularity in Paris – and in Warsaw itself ...
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Anna Brzezińska

  1. University of Lodz, Łódź
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In this article, the imperial idea and civilising missions in the Habsburg Monarchy, mainly of the nineteenth century, are refracted through the prism of the legacy of enlightened absolutism. The article tries to dispel mythologies about its demise around 1800, and about those who could subscribe to its programme throughout the nineteenth century. It questions templates of national history writing which too unanimously connect the Enlightenment to the origins of the various national revivals of the early nineteenth century, and discusses concrete examples of enlightened absolutism’s civilising impulses, among them law, Roman imperial patriotism, and the Catholic religion.

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Franz Leander Fillafer
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The main aim of the following article is to juxtapose two methodological perspectives, influential in the field of the widely understood history of ideas, that is to say, the Cambridge School with the German tradition of Begriffsgeschichte. Presenting both opportunities and pitfalls that may result from applying these perspectives, I sketch the propositions to overcome possible shallows. In concluding remarks, I draw potential challenges for the history of ideas in Poland.

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Piotr Kuligowski
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The chuch dedicated to The Holy Spirit, erected in Wrocław, in housing estate Huby, was created during the communist period, hence it was very difficult to design it, and to build. But it was also the period close to the collapse of this regime, so communist leaders were pressed to be more tolerant towards human rights than before, including the religious freedom and towards building new churches. The author of the church mentioned – a very active political oppositionist – when designing the strongly innovative church building, was simultaneously forced by fate to fight formal difficulties caused by oppressive rulers. Author makes the reader closer to those complicated double troubles: artistic, parallel to the political. Finally, the church building was happily completed, then became widely popular and accepted.

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Tadeusz Zipser
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On 19 August 2021 died Professor Henryk Olszewski, born 2 January 1932. The Deceased was one of the most renowned specialists in history of law and polish parliamentary tradition, especially during the reign of Wasa dynasty. His knowledge based on analysis of manuscripts and constitutions of Polish Diet of XVII century. Professor Henryk Olszewski during all his life was connected with Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, where he graduated in 1954. All his life reflected the changes in politics: the Stalinist era, real socialism and finally the III Polish Republic. In Poznań, after the “thaw” of 1956 he started as an assistant, wrote his doctoral thesis in 1959, qualified for an associate professor in 1976, received the title of full professor in 1986. His career was connected with state policy in the field of higher education. In 1956 he was appointed to teach the history of political and legal doctrines, and he had to begin anew, although he never left the history of Polish parliament. In the new field of active research, Professor Olszewski became an excellent expert of German political thought, especially of XIX-th and XX-th century. His life was full of different activities and functions. He was the dean of Faculty of Law and Administration (1975–1978), member of Polish Academy of Sciences, and of Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences. He was also an active member of many international bodies, among them the most important was the “International Commission for Teaching of History” and the Commission for history of European parliaments. His publications count more than 700 titles, and he was active in more than 300 cases as a professor conferring a doctoral degree or reviewer in habilitation procedures. For over 40 years, Professor Olszewski was an editor in chief of “Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne”, one of the best Polish scientific periodicals (Legal-Historical Periodical). His personal feature was his attention to the history of legal and historical science of institutions and scientists, he was even known as “custodian of scientific memory”. His extraordinary knowledge and scientific excellence were recognized by the scientific world – he became doctor honoris causa multi, Professor Henryk Olszewski received the title at Europa-Universität-Viadrina (2001) and at Jagiellonian University (2011). Adam Mickiewicz University renewed his doctor title in 2015.
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Maria Zmierczak

  1. doktorantka i następczyni prof. Henryka Olszewskiego w Katedrze Doktryn Polityczno-Prawnych i Filozofii w latach 2002–2017
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The published text contains a lecture given at a sitting of the Poznań Chapter of the Polish Historical Society as well as answers to questions posed afterwards, coming from history students of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, who constituted the majority of the audience. The lecture was based on the initial question: “what perception of the University did you imbibe in your family home, how did you later confront this with your own practice of the University, how do you look at it from the perspective of the experience being your own and from observing the changes taking place”. Following on from this, it is divided into two main parts. The first presents the author's university experience, rooted in family tradition and then personally gained from the start of his academic studies at AMU in 1967. The second is a critical reflection on the current condition of universities in Poland. It draws abundantly on statements on the subject by prominent representatives of Polish science.
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Tomasz Schramm

  1. Wydział Historii, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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The works of Fyodor Sologub, unlike most Russian symbolists, such as Alexander Blok, are described by researchers and contemporary writers (Vladyslav Khodasevich and others) as ‘static’, alien to the idea of path, evolution. The aim of the article is to break this academic stereotype and thought patterns about the author of The Little Demon. Analysis of the research material: critical literary statements and selected poems by the poet, allows us to notice his spiritual and aesthetic evolution. Firstly: in fulfilling his artistic vision, Sologub not only does not “tread water” (“topchetsya na odnom meste”, as Leo Shestov stated), but, as Maria Cymborska‑Leboda writes, his poetic thought remains in motion, i.e. there are noticeable ‘points’ on his artistic way, to which he reaches. Thus, in the words of the mentioned researcher, in a certain sense, like Blok, he is a ‘path poet’, while remaining faithful to himself – his ‘sweet dream’ (paradise). Secondly: the interpretation of the symbol of the ‘path’ and related concepts that fit within the semantic field of the poet’s works point to the biblical sources of his thinking – the author’s lyrical subject often takes the form of a pilgrim, a wanderer traversing the ‘desert of life’, struggling with the world (мироборчество), he conducts a dialogue, often turning into a dispute with the Creator (богоборчество). This dialogue, subjected to reflection in the article, is interpreted as one of the manifestations of the spiritual growth of the lyrical hero and the poet himself (the vertical and existential dimension of the concept – homo viator).
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Ewa Stawinoga

  1. Uniwersytet Marii Curie‑Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
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In education, information and Communications Technologies mostly play the role of a medium of communication, as well as a means of imparting knowledge. ICT, however, is used less as a subject for student activity, i.e. a subject for students to learn, where they can operate the technology, as in robotics or mechantronics. Information technologies are also very rarely implemented in education as a way for students to build their identity and shape their attitudes towards their outside and inside worlds. In spite of this, in the history of educational technology there have been a number of researchers and educators who have promoted interesting ideas for implementing technologies as tools for human cognitive, affective, psychomotor and moral empowerment. Today such people are also present in education, however, they play unimportant roles on the periphery of formal education. This paper is a reminder of a number of ideas by theorists and researchers concerning the implementation of ICT, but mainly highlights the empowerment it gives students and its humanizing/humanitarian role.

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Stanisław Dylak
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The linguistic philosophy (Oxford School) is a trend in analytical philosophy, critical about the claims of formal logic. Its followers want to investigate problems using an analysis of ordinary language. Peter F. Strawson is one of the most prominent representatives of this line of thoughts. He is also a philosopher who has done a lot toward a rehabilitation of metaphysics in British philosophy. In my paper I present an analysis of Strawson’s metaphilosophical ideas and I offer a critical discussion of Karl R. Popper’s attitude to linguistic philosophy.

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Ryszard Kleszcz
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This article examines the problems facing a comparative study of the reception of the idea of revolution in some selected writings of G.W.F. Hegel and Joachim Lelewel. Paying due attention to the specificity of the philosophical and historical approach, the article analyses the similarities and differences in Hegel's and Lelewel's appraisals of the revolutionary legacy. It also brings to light a misrepresentation of Lelewel's take on the subject in the German translation of his writings. That said, Hegel's thought remains of vital importance for both Lelewel, who is not convinced by it, and his translator H.J. Handschuch, who eagerly embraces it.
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Maciej Junkiert

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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This article examines the articles on human nature and mankind's physical and cultural diversity published in the Warsaw highbrow journal Biblioteka Warszawska in the first phase of its history, 1841–1864, i.e. prior to the Darwinian revolution in the natural sciences. It was a period when anthropology was trying to establish itself as a separate discipline by drawing on the dominant Romantic conceptions of natural evolution and the authors of Biblioteka Warszawska would often use them as a scientific underpinning of their articles.
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1. Hombek D., Dzieje prasy polskiej: wiek XVIII, Kielce 2016.
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Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Nowak

  1. Instytut Slawistyki PAN, Zakład Badań Narodowościowych, Pałac Działyńskich, Stary Rynek 78/79, 61-772 Poznań

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