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The author supports the claim that attempts to formulate a universal definition of the term “populism” are not worthwhile, because the sense of the term is usually determined by a specific social context. Understanding the utopian nature of populism provides a better understanding of the utopian nature of democracy and allows for a humble departure from dreams of a perfect social order, because, as has been shown in numerous survey studies, the contemporary shift of social mood, attitudes, and opinions toward some version of populism is a relatively simple consequence of the deficiencies of democracy in its neoliberal version.

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Kazimierz W. Frieske
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This article has been inspired by the work of Andrzej Walicki. The author of The Slavophile controversy: History of a conservative utopia in the nineteenth‑century Russian thought (1975) explored several worldviews and pointed to various similarities among several thinkers. The article discusses and compares the views of Russian neo‑Slavophiles and Western traditionalists (J. Evola, R. Guénon, P. Sorokin). The author of the article brings to light the main assumptions of the conservative and traditionalist utopias: a struggle against rationalism, individualism, liberalism and capitalism.
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Marek Jedliński

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Wydział Filozoficzny, ul. Szamarzewskiego 89c, 60‑568 Poznań
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In the article I discuss Roger Scruton’s opposition between utopian optimism and anti- -utopian pessimism. I show how it connects with the concepts of politics of faith and politics of skepticism introduced by Michael Oakeshott. Then I explain the relationship between the attitude of skeptical moderation and philosophical realism.

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Damian Leszczyński
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Brasilia. A city that is a utopia. An experiment. A political act. A city that is a symbol and a manifesto. Built because of an idea and boldly cast deep inland. And although it was built in the 1960’s, it still elicits strong emotions. This masterfully planned city was meant to be a model centre and an aesthetic symbol of new modernist thought, as well as the key to the success of Brazil’s young society. Over sixty years have passed since signing the founding act of the city by the socialist and populist Juscelino Kubitschek. How is this urban masterwork, the symbol of Brazilian postmodernism, that once surprised and enchanted the entire world, developing today? What is left of the imaginings and assumptions of functionalists? Can we state that this globally unique experiment was successful?
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Beata Malinowska-Petelenz
Mariusz Twardowski
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Karl Marx (and also Friedrich Engels, by the way) was – contrary to his own opinion – an author of several utopias which played a role in the 20th century. The question (which is of both historical-philosophical and historical-empirical character) therefore arises how important this role was. The author focuses on the characteristics of Marxian utopias, and specifically – on their axiological content and current relevance. According to the author, Marx’s utopias can be a convenient starting point for searching for various projects (political, economic, technological etc.) necessary to cope with global challenges that mankind faces in our time. The author is also considering Marx’s motives for a critical approach to utopias and points to those of them which in his opinion should be accepted, while distinguishing them from others which should be rejected.

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Waldemar Czajkowski
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This article examines Bolesław Prus's use of futurology and utopia in his short story Phantoms (Widziadła). A closer look at the story's images and their sequence not only gives us an insight into the author's philosophy of history but also reveals a utopian vision which can hardly be squared with the realism of his previous work. Thus ‘Widziadła’, written in 1911, can be seen as an important piece of evidence of a change in the writer's beliefs and worldview. It was at that late stage of his life that Prus, a hard-nosed realist and critic of the Romantics, turned into an impassioned idealist who, disillusioned with the world around him, sought refuge in literature. It was to be, however, a fiction like ‘Widziadła’, looking beyond the conventions of realism, unashamedly eclectic and visionary.

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Kamil Barski
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An enormous output of Bertrand Russell breaks down into three groups. The first consists of works on logic, especially on philosophy of mathematics. But the program of reducing mathematics to logic, instead of providing certainty that Russell was looking for, multiplied our doubts. As a by‑product of these works, a program of logical analysis of ordinary language emerged and exerted a huge impact on the history of philosophy of the 20th century. But it did not fulfil the original hopes connected with it. The second group contains results of ontological and epistemological investigations. Here Russell achieved nothing, and what he proposed lay beyond the mainstream of 20th‑century ontology and epistemology. The third group was an outline of a social utopia, addressed to the general public. Professional philosophers ignored these works by Russell, and as a possible program to build a better world, they have become obsolete.
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Wojciech Sady

  1. Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach, Instytut Filozofii, ul. Bankowa 11, 40-007 Katowice
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In 1844 Max Stirner published The Ego and Its Own, a book doomed to cause uproar, but which failed to seriously antagonize the authorities. No reservations about its printing were voiced, mainly because it was judged that the book contained ideas so absurd as to pose no threat to the public order. K. Marx and F. Engels took exception and criticized The Ego mercilessly, making fun of Stirner’s theoretical ideas in their German Ideology. The critique is much longer than the book itself and it seems rather puzzling that so much space was devoted to an undeserving piece of work. One cannot help but wonder why that seemingly worthless book was made an object of a lengthy analysis. I try to disguise their motives and show why Marx and Engels felt threatened by the utopian and absurd figure of Stirner’s Ego. Against this background I describe Marx’s ideas on man and society.

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Jacek Uglik
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The aim of this paper is to analyze the concept of the digital Leviathan as it appears in literature in the middle field between philosophy of technology and social philosophy. The digital Leviathan, beyond the obvious reference to the classic Hobbesian concept, is a continuation of what Antonio Negri and Michael Hardt called ‘the Empire’ and Benjamin Bratton named ‘the Stack’. The key insight, as I argue in this paper, is to look at this digital Leviathan as an ongoing construction process, and therefore in a processual way that allows us to extract important characteristics of this global techno‑political construct. In this text, I point out that the development of the digital Leviathan is centrifugal and devoid of a top‑down plan indicating the target effects or its final shape, which results from its subordination to J.F. Lyotard’s performativity criterion, as well as its totalizing feature. It is also manifested by the fact that its expansion involves us all. I also point out how the digital Leviathan can be a deadly final achievement on the way from Reason, through rationality, to the madness of rationalization. I discuss the consequences that the development of Leviathan has on our ability to think in general, and in particular on the conceptualization of Leviathan itself. I also associate it with an attempt to criticize the utopian mode of thinking, accepting the conditions of ‘non‑place’ (in accordance with the thought of Negri and Hardt), which, following M. Heidegger, detaches us from the place and location that should be the basis of thinking.
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Maciej Bednarski

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Szkoła Doktorska Nauk Humanistycznych, ul. Dobra 56/66, 00-312 Warszawa
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Thaddeus Bulgarin (1789–1859) – a writer, critic and publishеr. During his activity hеtried to find his place in the history of both Polish and Russian literature and culture. However, neither Poles nor Russian considered him as their national author, despite the fact he was a very popular figure in the first half of the 19th century. Although Bulgarin’s heritage consists of numerous writings in the field of science-fiction literature, his name cannot be аlsо found among its creators. This article analyses the most significant visions of future by Bulgarin, in particular regarding the development of technology and its impact on human beings. Then it could be said that it was not Julius Verne, but Thaddeus Bulgarin, was the first one toprovide readers with travels to the centre of the Earth.

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Irena Koza
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The article presents selected literary texts of Russian Romanticism, which can be classified as utopian or dystopian literature. Attention was drawn to the fluidity of borders between the species of positive and negative utopia. Works by Utopian writers were divided into two groups: those sympathizing with decay (A. Ulybyshev, W. Küchelbecker) and those representing the Pushkin era: J. Senkovskij and V. Odojevsky. The analysis of utopian texts showed that they belonged mainly to escapist utopias, and Russian Romanticism significantly influenced the development of negative utopias, which were open to the literary experiment. It was also shown that the works in question are related to the genre of travel literature and scientific fantasy.

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Beata Trojanowska
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The paper develops the implicit as well as explicit meaning which evokes Stanisław Lem’s concept of the Body and the Corporality portrayed in the novel Return from the Stars. Moreover, Lem’s novel about an astronaut Hal Bregg and his return on Earth is analysed. In this novel author uses the idea of Einstein’s twin paradox. Hal Bergg—the stereotype of masculinity—is confronted with decadent and egalitarian society, which may be refers to the reunion masculinity with femininity. Such storyline shows the multidimensionality of the issue of Corporality, and presents the Body as a epistemological metaphor of modernism and postmodernism. In addition, the Body is depicted in the Return of the Stars as a figure of a mask and a costume. Furthermore, the Body in Lem’s novel is also interpreted as part of the Universe—as the boundary between what is temporary and what is infinite and transcendent.
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Łukasz Kucharczyk

  1. The Faculty of the Humanities, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński’s University, Warsaw, Poland
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This is the first study of Comrade October, the only drama in the oeuvre of Kazimierz Wierzyński (1894–1969). Written in 1950, it was not published until 1992. The article traces the origins of the play and assigns it to the tradition of dystopian fi ction (as exemplifi ed primarily by George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four. A close reading of the structure of the play (the characters, the plot and its temporal structure, etc.) reveals the originality of Wierzyński’s approach and the links between Comrade October and the poetry he wrote after the war in exile.
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Jakub Osiński
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The category of expectation constitutes an important element of reflection in many scientific disciplines focusing on man. it is treated in both the categories of expectations inscribed in large social projects (e.g. of utopian nature) and individual expectations which build human daily routine. The article is divided into two parts. in the first, the issues of interpersonal expectations, analysed in the perspective of social psychology and sociology, will be undertaken. what will be explored here are the problems of defining the notion of expectation and the problems of expectations at school, which will be exemplified by the pygmalion effect. The first part is completed with some considerations on the meaning of expectation in sociology, the role of expectations in interaction, and the relations between expecting and social order.

In the second part, the author focuses on the issues of expectations inscribed in utopian projects (“great expectations”). pedagogical utopias and relations between utopias and popularization of normative (formal) or informal pedagogies are subjected to analysis. The author makes here some references to the concept of post-materialistic society, attempting to elicit relations between this type of society and popularization of nonformal pedagogies.

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Andrzej Kasperek
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The publication of Dialectics of Enlightenment by M. Horkheimer and T. Adorno in 1947 provoked a fundamental shift in social philosophy of that time. It forced post-war philosophy to look for a new theory that could be used to analyze ‘the society of late
capitalism’. According to the common view, Dialectics of Enlightenment did not propose any new theory that could fulfill the expected role. Because of that, Horkheimer and Adorno allowed post-war ‘anti-enlightenment’, postmodern philosophical currents to deliver a solution to this problem, which ‘cut this Gordian knot’ by getting rid of the idea of determinate negation from philosophy – which had been one of the most fundamental assumptions of modern philosophy from Hegel to Lukács. According to this popular interpretation, works of critical deconstructors of the discourse of modernity, such as e.g. G. Bataille, J. Lacan, M. Foucault, J. Derrida, F. Jameson, N. Land, G. Deleuze, J.F. Lyotard or J. Baudrillard, were a necessary implication of Dialectics of Enlightenment and its inability to form a new theory. My main aim in this work is to undermine such misinterpretations of Dialectics of Enlightenment and to show errors underlying such views about the ‘counterenlightenment’ as its necessary, long-term effect. My goal is to show that Horkheimer and Adorno in fact considered their book to be a beginning of a new, still ‘proenlightenment’ method of critical social philosophy. They also inserted in the book a real solution to the post-war crisis of social philosophy. The ongoing work of contemporary Frankfurt School representatives is a proof that Dialectics of Enlightenment and the critical theory are still alive and actual nowadays.
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Karol Staśkiewicz

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