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The principles of editing historical sources have been discussed for decades, but most of the dilemmas cannot be unequivocally resolved. These include the decision to translate a foreign language source into Polish. Several factors should be taken into consideration, above all: 1. The editorial practice; 2. The language of the source; 3. The type of the text and the recipient of the publication; 4. The availability of the original for researchers of the era. Each of these aspects deserves separate evaluation.
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- Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych [AGAD]
- Archiwum Ghigiottiego [AG]
- Archiwum Publiczne Potockich [APP]
- Korespondencja Stanisława Augusta [KSA]
- Nuncjatura Stolicy Apostolskiej [NSA]
- Zbiór Popielów [ZP]


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Authors and Affiliations

Michał Balogh
1 2

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski
  2. Université Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris
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Article concerns medal made by Johann Philip Holzhauesser and given in 1780 to Ignacy Krasicki by King Stanisław August. The circumstances of its realization and reception during the life of gifted and after 1801 were presented based on the written sources (i.a. archives, correspondence). Message that accompanied the medal was analyzed and related to Stanisław August’s medal-making policy.
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Magdalena Kinga Górska

  1. Instytut Badań Literackich Polska Akademia Nauk
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This article attempts to show the importance of newspaper advertisements as a factual source which offers valuable insights into past events. The study of advertisements helps the researcher to complement and verify what has been gleaned from the usual documents, and sometimes can even provide a corrective to conclusions reached by other means. In particular, the advertisements in Lwowskie Tygodniowe Wiadomości [Lwów Weekly News], published 1786–1788 show how much information about property from the monasteries of Galicia, dissolved by Emperor Joseph II in 1782–1788, can be found in the local press. It is a source which not only contains important clues about the history and the scale of the dissolution but also a wealth of minor details that it would be hard find anywhere else.

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Halina Rusińska-Giertych

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