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The concept of inverse systems for standard and positive linear systems is introduced. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of the positive inverse system for continuous-time and discrete-time linear systems are established. It is shown that: 1) The inverse system of continuous-time linear system is asymptotically stable if and only if the standard system is asymptotically stable. 2) The inverse system of discrete-time linear system is asymptotically stable if and only if the standard system is unstable. 3) The inverse system of continuous-time and discrete-time linear systems are reachable if and only if the standard systems are reachable. The considerations are illustrated by numerical examples.
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Tadeusz Kaczorek
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This paper presents a non-invasive measurement method for simultaneous characterization of diameter and refractive index of transparent fibres. The method is based on scattering of a polychromatic beam of light by a side-illuminated fibre under study. Both quantities of interest are inversely calculated from the scattering far-field region in the vicinity of the primary rainbow. The results of practical measurements are examined with the use of a novel optical system for laboratory-level tests. An analysis of prediction errors for 20– 120 μm thick fibres having various refractive indices helps to assess the outcome of the measurement data. The results show a clear route to improve the measurement process in on-line industrial process control.

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Grzegorz Świrniak
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The presented results are for the numerical verification of a method devised to identify an unknown spatio-temporal distribution of heat flux that occurs at the surface of a thin aluminum plate, as a result of pulsed laser beam excitation. The presented identification of boundary heat flux function is a part of the newly proposed laser beam profiling method and utilizes artificial neural networks trained on temperature distributions generated with the ANSYS Fluent solver. The paper focuses on the selection of the most effective neural network hyperparameters and compares the results of neural network identification with the Levenberg–Marquardt method used earlier and discussed in previous articles. For the levels of noise measured in physical experiments (0.25–0.5 K), the accuracy of the current parameter estimation method is between 5 and 10%. Design changes that may increase its accuracy are thoroughly discussed.
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Karol Pietrak
Radosław Muszyński
Adam Marek
Piotr Łapka

  1. Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, ul. Nowowiejska 24, 00-665 Warsaw, Poland
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For reasons of reliability, stability, safety and economy, controlling and monitoring the response of structures during the time of use, either permanently or temporally, is of increasing importance. Experimental methods enable in-situ measuring deformations of any kind of structures and enable drawing conclusions over the actual state of the structures. However, to obtain reliable knowledge of the real internal conditions like the strength of materials and the actual stress-state, as well as of their changes over time, caused by ageing, fatigue and environmental influences, always an inverse problem must be solved. That requires special mathematical algorithms. Especially for time-depending material response it might be quite important to know the material parameters at any time and furthermore the internal stress-state also. Therefore, a method will be presented to solve the inverse problem of parameter identification with reference to linear visco-elastic materials.
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Karl-Hans Laerrnann
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The frictional resistance coefficient of ventilation of a roadway in a coal mine is a very important technical parameter in the design and renovation of mine ventilation. Calculations based on empirical formulae and field tests to calculate the resistance coefficient have limitations. An inversion method to calculate the mine ventilation resistance coefficient by using a few representative data of air flows and node pressures is proposed in this study. The mathematical model of the inversion method is developed based on the principle of least squares. The measured pressure and the calculated pressure deviation along with the measured flow and the calculated flow deviation are considered while defining the objective function, which also includes the node pressure, the air flow, and the ventilation resistance coefficient range constraints. The ventilation resistance coefficient inversion problem was converted to a nonlinear optimisation problem through the development of the model. A genetic algorithm (GA) was adopted to solve the ventilation resistance coefficient inversion problem. The GA was improved to enhance the global and the local search abilities of the algorithm for the ventilation resistance coefficient inversion problem.

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Ke Gao
Lijun Deng
Jian Liu
Liangxiu Wen
Dong Wong
Zeyi Liu
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The paper is concerned with the most fundamental compositional divide to be found in lyrical discourse, consisting in that the latter one is normally split into an empirical part, presenting the author’s concrete experience, and a focal part, where the author discovers some signifi cant truth or/and changes her attitude towards the world. It is claimed in the paper that, more generally, one of the specifi c linguistic properties of focal fragments is their higher and/or specially underscored informativity, and, in particular, one of the means recruited to emphasize it is inverted word order.

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Gennadij Zeldowicz
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Excessive settlement or differential settlement of subgrade will lead to the deterioration of line operational conditions, the reduction of passenger comfort, and even endanger the safety of traffic. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the settlement prediction of subgrade. In order to predict the settlement of foundation under the next level of loading earlier during the embankment construction process, a new method of predicting settlement of soft soil subgrade is proposed. Firstly, based on monitoring results of soft soil foundation, the consolidation parameters of soil layer are back-calculated according to the three-point method. Then, combined with the theory of the consolidation degree of graded loading, the formula that can predict settlement under different loading conditions are derived. Eventually, the practical application of the method is verified by the prediction and comparative analysis of measured settlements based on engineering examples. The result of research shows that the method can predict the foundation settlement after loading during construction of engineering fill. This method has obvious advantages over the traditional curve fitting method and can guide the actual engineering construction.
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Xiong Meng
Jifa Zheng
Biyu Yang

  1. The Investment and Development Co., LTD. of Zhaotong Zhaoyang Round City Expressway,Zhaotong 657000, China
  2. Changsha University of Science and Technology, School of Transportation Engineering,Changsha 410114, China
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We determined the performance of different Circulation Type Classifications (CTCs) to stratify air pollutants concentrations in Polish cities in winter. Our analysis is based on 15 CTCs calculated by COST 733 as well as on 5 manual universally used manual weather type classifications. For this purpose we compared and tested the explained variation (EV) and within-type standard deviation (WSD) methods. Finally, EV method has been chosen for evaluating classifications for daily values of SO2, NO2, PM I O and CO as well as vertical dispersion conditions obtained from SODAR data. We also presented the methodology of choosing smog episode days based on 90-percentile values. For the winter smog episodes data from Krakow different classifications have been compared using Gini coefficient method. The best results for separate air pollution data series as well as for smog episode days were obtained for Hess-Brezowski Gro/3wetterlagen classification (HBGWL). Moreover, good results were obtained for the based on principal component analysis PCACA classification, Polish Niedzwiedz TCN2I, modified Polish Litynski LITTc, modified Lamb LWT2, and three modified HBGWL (GWTC26, OGWL, OGWLSLP) classifications. The same classifications except for HBGWL are good for SODAR data. For the best CTCs, the differences between various classes are visible, however a big scattering is still observed. Main urban air pollution problems arise in situations when flow with Southerly component is observed. Correlations between air pollution data and SODAR data (calculated for marginal means obtained for different classes) confirm a negative role of both low height of the ground-based inversion and long duration of the low-level elevated inversion in urban areas.
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Jolanta Godłowska
Anna Monika Tomaszewska
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In this paper, an advanced study covering the comparison between two classes of generalized inverses is conducted. Two sets of instances, strictly derived from the recently introduced nonunique S- and σ-inverse, are analyzed, especially in terms of degrees of freedom-oriented interchangeable application in different engineering tasks. Henceforth, the respective collections of right and left inverses can be combined in order to achieve a complex tool for robustification of a plethora of real processes. The great potential of two S- and σ-inverse, in particular in robust control and signal recovery as well as complex optimal tasks, is confirmed in the manuscript and supported by the recently carried out research investigations.

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P. Majewski
W.P. Hunek
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Lined ducts with porous materials are found in many industrial applications. To understand and simulate the acoustic behaviour of these kinds of materials, their intrinsic physical parameters must be identified. Recent studies have shown the reliability of the inverse approach for the determination of these parameters. Therefore, in the present paper, two inverse techniques are proposed: the first is the multilevel identification method based on the simplex optimisation algorithm and the second one is based on the genetic algorithm. These methods are used of the physical parameters of a simulated case of a porous material located in a duct by the computation of its acoustic transfer, scattering, and power attenuation. The results obtained by these methods are compared and discussed to choose the more efficient one.
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Authors and Affiliations

Kani Marwa
1 2
Amine Makni
Mohamed Taktak
1 2
Mabrouk Chaabane
Mohamed Haddar

  1. Laboratory of Mechanics, Modeling and Productivity (LA2MP), National School of Engineers of Sfax, University of Sfax, Tunisia
  2. Faculty of Sciences of Sfax, University of Sfax, Tunisia
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The paper investigates the controllability of fractional descriptor linear systems with constant delays in control. The Caputo fractional derivative is considered. Using the Drazin inverse and the Laplace transform, a formula for solving of the matrix state equation is obtained. New criteria of relative controllability for Caputo’s fractional descriptor systems are formulated and proved. Both constrained and unconstrained controls are considered. To emphasize the importance of the theoretical studies, an application to electrical circuits is presented as a practical example.
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Beata Sikora

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This paper presents the results of seismostratigraphic interpretation of the Upper Cretaceous sedimentary succession preserved within two synclines flanking the Szamotuły diapir in northwestern Poland. This succession is characterized by a complex Santonian–Campanian internal geometry characteristic of contourites – that is, deposits formed by contour (bottom) currents. The aim of the present paper is to document these contourites using 2D seismic reflection profiles calibrated by the Obrzycko 1 well. The contourite drifts in the immediate vicinity of the Szamotuły structure exhibit elongated mounded shapes, with adjacent concave moats. At greater distances from the diapir, gradual aggradational patterns are observed. The formation of these Santonian– Campanian contourites was associated with growth of the Szamotuły diapir during regional compression and Polish Basin inversion. These contour currents and associated contourites formed an integral part of a regional axial depositional system developed within the flanks of the Mid-Polish Anticlinorium. Furthermore, this paper discusses the potential role of contourites as palaeomorphological indicators of palaeoslopes in varied geodynamics settings, such as inverting sedimentary basins, as opposed to the passive margins upon which they have been most commonly documented.
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Aleksandra Stachowska
Piotr Krzywiec

  1. Institute of Geological Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00-818 Warszawa, Poland
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In this paper, neural networks are presented to solve the inverse kinematic models of continuum robots. Firstly, the forward kinematic models are calculated for variable curvature continuum robots. Then, the forward kinematic models are implemented in the neural networks which present the position of the continuum robot’s end effector. After that, the inverse kinematic models are solved through neural networks without setting up any constraints. In the same context, to validate the utility of the developed neural networks, various types of trajectories are proposed to be followed by continuum robots. It is found that the developed neural networks are powerful tool to deal with the high complexity of the non-linear equations, in particular when it comes to solving the inverse kinematics model of variable curvature continuum robots. To have a closer look at the efficiency of the developed neural network models during the follow up of the proposed trajectories, 3D simulation examples through Matlab have been carried out with different configurations. It is noteworthy to say that the developed models are a needed tool for real time application since it does not depend on the complexity of the continuum robots' inverse kinematic models.
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Authors and Affiliations

Abdelhamid Ghoul
Kamel Kara
Selman Djeffal
Mohamed Benrabah
Mohamed Laid Hadjili

  1. Université of Blida 1, Laboratoire des systèmes électriques et télécommande, Faculty of Technology, Blida, Algeria
  2. University of Larbi Ben M’hidi, Faculty of Science and Applied Sciences, Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria
  3. University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene, Laboratoire des systèmes électriques et télécommande, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Algiers, Algeria
  4. Haute Ecole Bruxelles, Ecole Supérieure d’Informatique, Brussels, Belgium
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The speech signal can be described by three key elements: the excitation signal, the impulse response of the vocal tract, and a system that represents the impact of speech production through human lips. The primary carrier of semantic content in speech is primarily influenced by the characteristics of the vocal tract. Nonetheless, when it comes to parameterization coefficients, the irregular periodicity of the glottal excitation is a significant factor that leads to notable variations in the values of the feature vectors, resulting in disruptions in the amplitude spectrum with the appearance of ripples. In this study, a method is suggested to mitigate this phenomenon. To achieve this goal, inverse filtering was used to estimate the excitation and transfer functions of the vocal tract. Subsequently, using the derived parameterisation coefficients, statistical models for individual Polish phonemes were established as mixtures of Gaussian distributions. The impact of these corrections on the classification accuracy of Polish vowels was then investigated. The proposed modification of the parameterisation method fulfils the expectations, the scatter of feature vector values was reduced.
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Authors and Affiliations

Stanislaw Gmyrek
Robert Hossa
Ryszard Makowski

  1. Department of Acoustics, Multimedia and Signal Processing, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw, Poland
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The paper demonstrates that, along with its standard function of linking the relevant utterance to the context, information structure (whose main parameters are assumed to be the theme-rheme division, given-new division, and direct VS inverted word order contrasts) may also fulfil a more intricate role within lyrical texts. The function of information structure may be extended to mark the inner discourse hierarchization of a poem, i.e. its division into the backgrounded part, where some experience open to the lyrical hero is presented, and the foregrounded, ‘wisdom’ part, where the discovery of some important, mostly general truth is made. This is shown with reference to a famous poem by O. Mandelstam. The final conclusion is that in general the true functions of information structure stretch far beyond what is claimed in standard, ‘non-poetically-oriented’ literature on information structure.
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Authors and Affiliations

Gennadii Zeldowicz

  1. Warszawa, Uniwersytet Warszawski
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Heat transport when two surfaces of solids come into contact is an important phenomenon in many metallurgical processes. Determining the boundary conditions of heat transfer allows to obtain the correct solutions of the heat conduction equation. The paper presents models for determining the heat transfer coefficient between steel materials in contact. Experimental tests were carried out to measure the temperature changes of the contacting samples made of steel S235 (1.0038) and steel 15HM (1.7335) under the pressure of 10, 15 and 20 MPa. There was a large temperature difference between the samples. The results of the experiment were compared with numerically calculated temperatures and the value of the heat transfer coefficient was determined at different pressure values depending on the time.
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Authors and Affiliations

A. Przyłucka-Bednarska
M. Rywotycki
K. Sołek
Z. Malinowski

  1. AGH University of Science And Technology, Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
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The influence of physicochemical parameters of halloysite-carbon composites on the adsorption of skin disinfectants was investigated. The dispersive surface free energy and acid-base properties of halloysite-carbon composites were determined using inverse gas chromatography. The free adsorption energy was higher for all halloysite-carbon composites compared to the unmodified halloysite, which acted as a less electron-donating adsorbent. In contrast, the composite obtained using halloysite nanotubes (HNT) and ground microcrystalline cellulose as the carbon precursor exhibited the highest free adsorption energy and the Kb/Ka ratio. These results suggest that the free adsorption energy can be an additional factor influencing the adsorption process. We demonstrated that the composite with the highest free adsorption energy is effective for removing triclosan, chloroxylenol and chlorophene from water. The acid-base properties of halloysite-carbon composites enhance the adsorption of these compounds due to their acidic character. The composite with the highest Kb/Ka ratio removes adsorbates from aqueous solutions with the greatest efficiency. Parameters such as free dispersion energy, electron-donating, or electron-accepting properties of the adsorbent help explain why these composites exhibit high adsorption capabilities.
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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Słomkiewicz
Beata Szczepanik
Laura Frydel
Maria Włodarczyk-Makuła

  1. Jan Kochanowski University Kielce, Poland
  2. Institute of Chemistry, Jan Kochanowski University, Poland
  3. University of Science and Technology Stanisław Staszic in Krakow, Faculty of Energy and Fuels Department of Fuel Technology, Poland
  4. Faculty of Infrastructure and Environment, Częstochowa University of Technology, Poland
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This paper presents a robust model free controller (RMFC) for a class of uncertain continuous-time single-input single-output (SISO) minimum-phase nonaffine-in-control systems. Firstly, the existence of an unknown dynamic inversion controller that can achieve control objectives is demonstrated. Afterwards, a fast approximator is designed to estimate as best as possible this dynamic inversion controller. The proposed robust model free controller is an equivalent realization of the designed fast approximator. The perturbation theory and Tikhonov’s theorem are used to analyze the stability of the overall closed-loop system. The performance of the developped controller are verified experimentally in the position control of a pneumatic actuator system.

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Ahsene Boubakir
Salim Labiod
Fares Boudjema
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This paper proposes a generalized fractional controller for integer order systems with time delay. The fractional controller structure is so adopted to have a combined effect of fractional filter and Smith predictor. Interestingly, the resulting novel controller can be decomposed into fractional filter cascaded with an integer order PID controller. The method is applied to two practical examples i.e. liquid level system and Shell control fractionator system. The closed- loop responses resulting from the proposed method are compared with that of the available methods in the literature. For quantitative evaluations of the proposed method, Integral Absolute Error (IAE) and Integral Square Control Input (ISCI) performance criteria are employed. The proposed method effectively enhances the closed-loop response by improving the IAE values, reducing the control effort inputs to achieve the desired output. The disturbance rejection and robustness tests are also carried out. The robustness test reveals a significant improvement in the maximum absolute sensitivity measure. That is displayed in numerical simulations of the paper.

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Authors and Affiliations

Shaival Hemant Nagarsheth
Shambhu Nath Sharma
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The longitudinal automatic carrier landing system (ACLS) control law is designed based on nonlinear dynamic inversion (NDI), which can reject air wake, decouple lateral states, and track the dynamic desired touchdown point (DTP). First of all, the nonlinear landing model of F/A−18 aircraft in the final approach is established, in which the parameters of the aerodynamic, control surfaces, and limited states are acquired. Second, the strategy of tracking the desired longitudinal trajectory through pitch angle control is adopted. The automatic power compensation system (APCS), pitch angle rate, pitch angle, and vertical position control loops are developed based on the adaptive NDI. The stable analysis and the principal description are derived in detail. Deck motion compensation (DMC) algorithm is designed by frequency response method. Third, the control parameters are optimized through the genetic algorithm. A fitness function integrated with velocity, angle of attack (AOA), pitch rate, pitch angle, and vertical position of the aircraft are proposed. Finally, integrated simulations are conducted on a semi-physical simulation platform. The results indicate that the adopted automatic landing control law can achieve both excellent performance and the ability to reject the air wake and lateral coupling.
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Authors and Affiliations

Lipeng Wang
Zhi Zhang
Qidan Zhu
Zixia Wen

  1. College of Intelligent Systems Science and Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, 150001, China
  2. AVIC Xi’an Flight Automatic Control Research Institute, Xi’an, 710065, China
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In the paper, a procedure for precise and expedited design optimization of unequal power split patch couplers is proposed. Our methodology aims at identifying the coupler dimensions that correspond to the circuit operating at the requested frequency and featuring a required power split. At the same time, the design process is supposed to be computationally efficient. The proposed methodology involves two types of auxiliary models (surrogates): an inverse one, constructed from a set of reference designs optimized for particular power split values, and a forward one which represents the circuit S-parameter gradients as a function of the power split ratio. The inverse model directly yields the values of geometry parameters of the coupler for any required power split, whereas the forward model is used for a post-scaling correction of the circuit characteristics. For the sake of illustration, a 10-GHz circular sector patch coupler is considered. The power split ratio of the structure is re-designed within a wide range of ��6 dB to 0 dB. As demonstrated, precise scaling (with the power split error smaller than 0.02 dB and the operating frequency error not exceeding 0.05 GHz) can be achieved at the cost of less than three full-wave EM simulations of the coupler. Numerical results are validated experimentally.

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Authors and Affiliations

Slawomir Koziel
Adrian Bekasiewicz
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To achieve acceptable dynamical behavior for large rotating machines operating at subcritical speeds, the balancing quality check at the planned service speed in the installation location is often demanded for machines such as turbo-generators or high-speed machines. While most studies investigate the balancing quality at critical speeds, only a few studies have investigated this aspect using numerical methods at operational speed. This study proposes a novel, model-based method for inversely estimating initial residual unbalance in one and two planes after initial grade balancing for large flexible rotors operating at the service speeds. The method utilizes vibration measurements from two planes in any single direction, combined with a finite element model of the rotor to inversely determine the residual unbalance in one and two planes. This method can be practically used to determine the initial and residual unbalance after the balancing process, and further it can be used for condition-based monitoring of the unbalance state of the rotor.
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Authors and Affiliations

Satish Bastakoti
Tuhin Choudhury
Risto Viitala
Emil Kurvinen
Jussi Sopanen

  1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Energy Systems, Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT, 53850 Lappeenranta, Finland
  2. Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering, Aalto University, 00076 Espoo, Finland
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Thermochemical treatment processes are used to produce a surface layer of the workpiece with improved mechanical properties. One of the important parameters during the gas nitriding processes is the temperature of the surface. In thermochemical treatment processes, there is a problem in precisely determining the surface temperature of heat-treated massive components with complex geometries. This paper presents a simulation of the heating process of a die used to extrude aluminium profiles. The maximum temperature differences calculated in the die volume, on the surface and at the most mechanically stressed edge during the extrusion of the aluminum profiles were analysed. The heating of the die was simulated using commercial transient thermal analysis software. The numerical calculations of the die assumed a boundary condition in the form of the heat transfer coefficient obtained from experimental studies in a thermochemical treatment furnace and the solution of the nonstationary and non-linear inverse problem for the heat conduction equation in the cylinder. The die heating analysis was performed for various heating rates and fan settings. Major differences in the surface temperature and in the volume of the heated die were obtained. Possible ways to improve the productivity and control of thermochemical treatment processes were identified. The paper investigates the heating of a die, which is a massive component with complex geometry. This paper indicates a new way to develop methods for the control of thermochemical processing of massive components with complex geometries.
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Authors and Affiliations

Damian Joachimiak
Wojciech Judt
Magda Joachmiak

  1. Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Thermal Engineering, Piotrowo 3a, 60-965, Poznan, Poland

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