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The article is concerned with methods of translating V. Shukshin’s occasionalisms into English. The study material has been extracted from translations done by A. Bromfield, K.M. Cook, R. Daglish, W.G. Fiedorow, J. Givens, G. Gutsche, G.A. Hosking, D. Illiffe, L. Michael, H. Smith, N. Ward. Based on the analysis of the material the following means of conveying V. Shukshin’s occasionalisms can be distinguished: translation by substitution, translation by means modifying idiomatic expressions, applying semantic calquing, using a descriptive method to recreate occasionalisms, as well as lexical and grammatical transformations. Two of them can be considered fully equivalent ways of recreating the writer’s occasionalisms (translation by means modifying idiomatic expressions, semantic calquing), the rest, however, should be regarded as only partially accurate.

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Filip Tołkaczewski
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The article characterises the artistic language of Vasily Shukshin, laying special emphasis on the role of dialectisms in his short stories, as well as in literature in general. However, the main focus of the article is to point out and analyse the types of equivalents that were used in the Polish renditions by the following translators: I. Bajkowska, Z. Gadzinianka, J. Landesberg, K. Latoniowa, T. G. Lipszyc, E. Niepokólczycka, J. Olszowska, I. Piotrowska, B. Reszko, D. Rymsza‑Zalewska, I. Szpak, A. Wolnicka. Translators utilise various translation equivalents but they do not fully recreate the qualities of the original units. Translators predominantly tend to convey the denotative meaning. As a result translations lose the local flavour of a Siberian village.
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Filip Tołkaczewski

  1. Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy
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The study of inner speech is appropriate to carry out in the plane of interaction of various scientific studies. This approach allows us to analyze the specifics of functioning of inner speech at the level of artistic discourse. Such phenomenon as inner speech presents not only the protagonist's outlook, their emotional state or social aspects, but also demonstrates, under the influence of extraordinary factors, the intensity of affect expression in the addresser's speech activity. Inner speech in an emotive situation is marked by peculiar characteristics, which indicates its unique multidimensional essence.

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Nataliia Kravchenko
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The article analyzes the works of two novelists from Sniatyn (Ivano‐Frankivsk) Vasyl Stefanyk and Vasyl Tkachuk for special (similar and distinctive) features in their national vision of the image of the land, which for Ukrainians as an ethnic group that has shaped its agrarian culture for centuries, remains the greatest value, holiness, a symbol of spiritual stability. Therefore, this image in Ukrainian culture is very deep, has archetypal features, because the land for the Ukrainian people was not only evidence of prosperity and wealth, but also a moral imperative and this is widely reflected in folklore and the cultural heritage of Ukrainians, including literature. In the Carpathian and Transcarpathian mountain regions, the peasant’s attitude to the land was aggravated by the fact that there were few small plots ‘won’ from the mountains and adapted for cultivation. That is why the life of peasants is marked by a special complexity during a long historical period and of social changes. So, the first emigration of Ukrainians began who since the end of the 18th century sought happiness in the fertile lands of the Canadian prairies. V. Stefanyk and V. Tkachuk grew up and formed as writers in one region, for both the life of the Carpathian peasants, which they portrayed with a deep psychology, became the main theme of their works. There are many parallels in their short stories, but the most complete for both artists is the image of the earth, which has become the subject of our comparative studies.
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Жанна Янковська
Марина Набок

  1. Острог, Національний університет «Острозька академія»
  2. Суми, Сумський державний університет
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This article argues that the short story ‘Ave Patria, morituri te salutant’, first published in a book of Stanisław Reymont's short stories in 1907, shows an overwhelming influence of the expressionist aesthetic. It is conspicuously present in the story's stripped-down sentences, spiked with highly emotive (animal) imagery, and cast in lines that move inexorably towards the catastrophic end. It manifests itself in the disillusioned, sarcastic tone which the writer uses to take up old certainties like military glory and patriotism. Finally, it brings to the fore the conflict between man and nature, man and the universe, the individual and the crowd. As all of those elements are evidently part of the narrative and dramatic structure of ‘Ave Patria…’, it should be viewed as an exemplification of Reymont's drift from realism to modernism (preexpressionism). That transition is also signalized by the tripartite structure of the story. The divisions are worked out with the precision of a master craftsman assembling ‘an epic clock’ (to borrow a telling phrase from Kazimierz Wyka's analysis of the structure of The Peasants), or a painter designing a triptych. The article pursues the latter analogy further by discussing the impressionist technique of framing and cutting off the dispensable elements of the picture.
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Aleksandra Liszka

  1. Instytut Literaturoznawstwa, Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
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This article is an attempt to identify the main themes in the literary work of Zygmunt Haupt, a Polish writer, journalist and painter, who emigrated to the United States in the aftermath of World War II. His writings show a keen awareness of the issue of absence/presence and the related problems of memory traits, identity and literary representation. Drawing on the psychoanalytical criticism of Jacques Lacan and Julia Kristeva and the philosophy of Jacques Derrida, this reading of Haupt’s fi ction, especially his short stories (whose collected edition was published in 2007 under the title The Basque Devil), is a critical reassessment of his work. As a storyteller he excels in the depiction of scenes of terror, desire and the uncanny. The article argues Haupt’s work represents not only a remarkable literary achievement but also offers an interesting study case for critics whose approach is founded on literary theory, psychoanalysis and anthropology.

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Michał Zając

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