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The main purpose of this article is to present how geographical names (microtoponyms) acquire slang names. The site of inquiry is the area of Wręczyca Wielka, which contains the names of different physiographic objects, e. g. fields, meadows, forests, paths. The data was collected from 2011 to 2015 during the informal utterances of the oldest and middle generations of the inhabitants of the area. The analysis also contains the justifications for the microtoponyms. The linguistic material was collected in the area near Kłobuck in the north of the Silesian Province. The first part of this article is devoted to the main transformation of the Polish rural areas after 1945. The latter parts of the text present e.g. the fact that microtoponyms sustain phonetic slang features which do not exist in contemporary slang, and the fact that geographical names are one of the elements of folk culture, as well as the link between the former and contemporary folk image.

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Tomasz Jelonek
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The vesre is a linguistic phenomenon that until recently had been scarcely explored. This fact is due, among others, that very often the forms created in the framework of the vesre belong to the spoken modality and, for this reason, they are hardly registered in the lexicographical sources. In addition, with a certain frequency, this mechanism of lexical creation is identified only with Argentinean Spanish, leaving aside the other zones where it is a very productive mechanism. Hence, in this work we wish to focus our attention on another region, the Peruvian, in which, apparently, the use of vesreisms shows some vitality. For this purpose, we try to gather the scattered data in multiple dictionaries and fragmentary information found in other sources about the Peruvian vesre. Therefore, all the data we submit to the formal analysis supporting us, on the one hand, in the premises that we have used in the works on the Argentinian vesre, and, on the other, however fragmentary they may be, in the information that dictionaries provide us.

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Piotr Sorbet
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Connection of etymology and dialect lexicography is bilateral: progress of etymological investigations leads to the analysis of dialectal vocabulary, and composition of the dictionary of many / all dialects of some language requires standardization of initial records. Standardization presupposes removal of specific dialectal structural / phonetic modifications and consideration of the history of language. So, the attraction to etymological analysis of dialect words is useful and even inevitable. The author offers possible solutions of these methodological problems.
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Králik L., 2020, Etymológia a nárečová lexikografia (na materiáli Slovníka slovenských nárečí), Bratislava: VEDA.
SSN = Slovník slovenských nárečí, t 1: A–K, ved. red. I. Ripka, Bratislava: Veda 1994; t. 2: L–P (povzchádzať), red. A. Ferenčíková, I. Ripka, Bratislava: Veda 2006.
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Жанна Ж. Варбот

  1. Институт русского языка им. В. В. Виноградова Российской Академии Наук, Москва
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This article examines substandard vocabulary in Russian proverbs attested in collections going back to the period from the end of the 17th century. Our analysis of collections published in the 18th through to 20th century shows that their authors’ excessive prudery and moral purism along with state‑imposed censorship severely affected both the nature of folklore as a genre and the history of the Russian language. In later reprints one often detects an intentional corruption of the text possibly caused by either censorial demands or by the well‑intentioned self‑censorship of the editors who redacted the proverbs and replaced “lowly” lexical items with socially acceptable ones based on their idea of contemporary moral norms. Any investigation of Russian phraseology of the 17th‑18th centuries must therefore be based on primary sources such as manuscripts or early printed books.
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Birgegård U., Glossariy russkogo razgovornogo yazyka kontsa 17‑go veka, “Russian Linguistics” 1975, vol. 2, issue 3‑4.

Dalʹ V.I., Poslovitsy russkogo naroda, Moskva 1984, t. 1.

Dalʹ V.I., Tolkovyy slovarʹ zhivogo velikorusskogo yazyka, Moskva 1978‑1980, t. 1‑4.

Drevniye russkiye poslovitsy. (Po sborniku nachala XVIII st. E.R. Romanova), «Zapiski Severo‑Zapadnogo otdela Imperatorskogo Russkogo geograficheskogo obshchestva» 1912, kn. 3.

Gasparov M.L., Zapisi i vypiski, Moskva 2000. Likhachev D.S., Zapiski i nablyudeniya: Iz zapisnykh knizhek raznykh let, Leningrad 1989.

Lomonosov M.V., Polnoye sobraniye sochineniy, Moskva, Leningrad 1955‑1959, t. 8‑9.

Poslovitsy, pogovorki, zagadki v rukopisnykh sbornikakh XVIII‑XX vekov, Moskva, Leningrad 1961.

Russko‑frantsuzskiy slovarʹ Antiokha Kantemira, vstup. st. i publikatsiya E. Babayevoy, Moskva 2004, t. 2.

Simoni P.K., Starinnyye sborniki russkikh poslovits, pogovorok, zagadok i proch. XVII‑XIX stoletiy, Sankt‑Peterburg 1899, vyp. 1.

Toporkov A.L., Erotika v russkom folʹklore, [v:] Russkiy eroticheskiy folʹklor. Pesnya. Obryady iobryadovyy folʹklor. Narodnyy teatr. Zagovory. Zagadki. Chastushki, Moskva 1995.

Veysmann E., Nemetsko‑latinskiy i russkiy leksikon kupno s pervymi nachalami russkogo yazyka kobshchey polʹze pri imp. Akademii nauk pechatiyu izdan, Sankt‑Peterburg 1731.

«Zhivopisets» 1772, ch. 2.
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Елена Николаева
Сергей Николаев

  1. Санкт‑Петербург, Российский государственный гидрометеорологический
  2. Санкт‑Петербург, Институт русской литературы (Пушкинский Дом) РАН
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This paper describes research behind a Large-Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition (LVCSR) system for the transcription of Senate speeches for the Polish language. The system utilizes severalcomponents: a phonetic transcription system, language and acoustic model training systems, a Voice Activity Detector (VAD), a LVCSR decoder, and a subtitle generator and presentation system. Some of the modules relied on already available tools and some had to be made from the beginning but the authors ensured that they used the most advanced techniques they had available at the time. Finally, several experiments were performed to compare the performance of both more modern and more conventional technologies.
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Krzysztof Marasek
Danijel Koržinek
Łukasz Brocki
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The text is an overview of the first volume of the lexical atlas of the Russian folk dialects. It presents modern cartographic methods used in the volume and types of maps contained therein. In order to better present the volume, one exemplary map is analysed, indicating its advantages and drawbacks. In conclusion the richness of the Russian dialectal lexical material, which was precisely geographically located, is stressed. This is the biggest merit of the atlas.

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Jadwiga Waniakowa
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The article is devoted to the study of verbal identifiers of the enemy, their ranking in terms of normativity / abnormality of public communication is shown, and distinguished are stylistically neutral and stylistically colored language units. Described are the secondary nominations with negative connotations, as well as determining their communicative and pragmatic load. Achieving the goal was facilitated by the use of a descriptive method, methods of observation, contextual‑semantic and complex analysis. The corpus of the research material were national Ukrainian and regional mass media texts from 2022 to the beginning of 2023. It was found that during the specified time period, the linguistic identifiers of the invaders, which do not violate the canons of written forms of newspaper journalism, were activated. The secondary nominations are aimed at the expressiveness of language expression, the expression of contempt and hatred for one’s enemies and the creation of a specific communicative and pragmatic effect, which, although deaestheticizing the journalistic space, does reorganize the established media space, clearly reflecting the social perception of Ukrainians to the realities of the Russian‑Ukrainian war. The linguistic creativity of Ukrainian journalists expresses a combination of pathos and irony, usually employed to humiliate the Russian enemy.
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Kostusiak N., Navalna M., Mezhov O., The Functional‑Cognitive Category of Femininity in Modern Ukrainian, „Cognitive Studies / Études cognitives” 2020, № 20, article 2310, [in:]
Navalna M., Kostusiak N., Levchenko T., Oleksenko V., Shyts A., Popkova O., Extra-Linguistic Factors and Tendencies of Activation of Military Vocabulary in Ukrainian Mass Media, „AD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research” 2022, vol. 12, issue 1, spec. issue XХV, [in:]
Romanyuk S., Mova i zakon: kontroversiyi ta manipulyatsiyi v ukrayins'komu parlaments'komu dyskursi, „Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej” 2015, vol. 50.
Romaniuk S., Svoyi – inshi – chuzhi v ukrayins'komu media‑dyskursi. Vysvitlennya problemy zradnykiv i ‘tushok’, „Slavia Orientalis” 2015, t. 64, nr 1.
Romaniuk S., Kolibaba L., Typovi modeli diyeslivnoho keruvannya v ukrayins'kiy politychniy reklami, „Slavistična revija” 2021, letn. 69, št. 3.
Syuta H., Teksty viyny: sytuatyvno markovana anormatyvnist' i novi aktsenty normy, [v:] Malenko O. (red.), Materialy II Mizhnarodnoyi slavistychnoyi konferentsiyi, prysvyachenoyi pamʹyati svyatykh Kyryla i Mefodiya, Kharkiv – Shumen 2022.
Vusyk H., Neolohizmy yak movne vidobrazhennya rosiys'ko‑ukrayins'koyi viyny 2022 roku, «Zakarpatsʹki filolohichni studiyi» 2022, vyp. 23, t. 1.
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Nataliia Kostusiak
Maryna Navalna
Oleksandr Mezhov

  1. Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
  2. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
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The article covers the functioning of medical vocabulary in the poem Aeneid by Ivan Kotlyarevskyi. Lexical‑semantic groups within the medical vocabulary were analyzed. Medical vocabulary performs a nominative function and forms a medical discourse in the artistic text. The medical lexemes of the Aeneid are representatives of the phenomena of the medical culture of that time. Medicine in the text is implemented through a significant arsenal of lexemes, which are related to folk and the new scientific medicine of the 18th century and at the same time represent the level of medical development. The evolution of medical practices and professions in Ukraine can be traced through the prism of medical images and the corresponding names of medical professions. The text of the Aeneid contains rich linguistic material for the study of the development of medical terminology in the Ukrainian language, therefore it bodes well to introduce the poem into the field of terminological research. The work’s medical issues give credence to an interdisciplinary approach and a multi‑vector study of Ivan Kotlyarevsky’s Aeneid.
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Mariana Hdakovych

  1. Lviv State University of Internal Affairs
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This article presents the results of research into Podlasie surnames motivated by common nouns (appellatives). Appellatives reconstructed on the basis of surnames used in this region are very often associated genetically with East Slavonic subdialects (mainly Belarusian and Ukrainian), which differ from Polish at the phonetic level, including full-voiced articulation, the lack of nasal vowel production, softening in combinations such as *tj, *dj and other features. The presence of subdialect vocabulary of East Slavonic origin shows the influence of the Belarusian and Ukrainian languages, and their regional varieties on the process of surname formation in Podlasie, reaching the area under discussion together with successive waves of incomers of Russian origin.

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Elżbieta Bogdanowicz
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The paper deals with the vocabulary describing the animal world in the Polish dialect of the village of Oleshkivtsi in Podolia. The analyzed thematic scope contains 255 lexical units, among them both borrowings from Ukrainian and/or Russian (75 units, i.e. 29%) and Polish indigenous words (180 units, i.e. 71%), presented in eight groups: “Animals and Domestic Birds”, “Wild Animals”, “Birds”, “Reptiles, Amphibians, Fishes”, “Insects”, “Animal Sounds and Actions”, “Animal Body Parts and Their Characteristics”, and “Animal Habitat”. Such a comprehensive approach to the present subject matter is a continuation of recent studies into Polish dialects in Ukraine, going beyond the description of “peculiar” vocabulary. The coexistence of two and sometimes three language codes results, among others, in extensive synonymy, which occurs on various levels. Due to the source from which the synonyms come, a synonymous series can consist of indigenous Polish lexemes, indigenous lexemes and borrowings, two or more borrowings. This shows, on the one hand, the strength and scope of linguistic interference, and on the other hand, the durability of indigenous Polish vocabulary. Comparison with other Polish dialects in Ukraine has revealed that 221 lexemes (87%), including 54 borrowings (72%) and 167 Polish indigenous units (93%), appear in other localities.
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Oksana Zakhutska

  1. Київ, Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України
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One of the diffi culties of Slavic etymology which also occur in works devoted to the reconstruction of Proto-Slavic vocabulary, is the problem associated with distinguishing words, with an identical or similar sound, of native origin, and borrowings. The article considers four situations of this kind. The reconstruction of the allegedly Proto-Slavic word *kova one adduced the dialectal Croatian kȏva ‘quarry’, whereas it is a local phonetic variant of the well-attested noun kȃva ‘quarry; pit, trench; mine’, borrowed from the Italian (and Venetian) cava ‘quarry; mine; pit; cave rn’. Among the descendants of the Proto-Slavic *kojiti ‘to soothe, to alleviate’ one included the dialectal Croatian kojȉti ‘to wind a rope, to haul in a net’, whereas it is a fi shing term borrowed from the dialectal Italian coir ‘to wind a rope’; in this context one considered the dialectal Kajkavian Croatian kojiti ‘to breast-feed; to cultivate, to nourish’ (which heretofore was unfamiliar to Croatian scholarship), the actual descendant of the Proto-Slavic *kojiti. The dialectal Croatian lȕća ‘a lump of earth’ was said to be derived from the earlier *glut-ja from the Proto-Slavic *gluta ‘a dense lump of something; protuberance; knag’, whereas the geography indicates that it is more likely a Romance borrowing which is etymologically related to the Latin luteum ‘mud’. In this context one considered the Čakavian lȕća ‘skull’ and ‘a species of a nocturnal moth (death’s head hawkmoth, Acherontia atropos), which is probably related with this Romance borrowing. Apart from the unquestionable Proto-Slavic *klǫpь ‘bench’ one also reconstructed the proto-forms *klupь *klupa, whereas the Slavic words, which were supposed to indicate original forms featuring the root -u- are borrowings from German: Kashubian klëpa ‘a sandbank which protrudes above the sea level’ from the German Klippe ‘coastal rock’, Croatian klupa ‘an instrument which is used to measure the diameter of a tree trunk’ from the German Kluppe, which has the same meaning in the technical language.
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Wiesław Boryś
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The author of the article makes an attempt to show borrowings from the perspective of their penetration into Polish and presents the most common and less frequent words. Special attention is paid to the usage and context of separate words in pairs (native word ~ borrowed word) in two idiolects that demonstrate the preservation of the Polish language tradition and show a new wave of loanwords as well. The author describes some word-formative peculiarities of verbs in the dialectal Polish language of Gródek Podolski. This text can be a supplement to the previous papers concerning borrowed vocabulary and morphological derivation in Polish dialects.

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Julia Domitrak
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This paper describes a Deep Belief Neural Network (DBNN) and Bidirectional Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) hybrid used as an acoustic model for Speech Recognition. It was demonstrated by many independent researchers that DBNNs exhibit superior performance to other known machine learning frameworks in terms of speech recognition accuracy. Their superiority comes from the fact that these are deep learning networks. However, a trained DBNN is simply a feed-forward network with no internal memory, unlike Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) which are Turing complete and do posses internal memory, thus allowing them to make use of longer context. In this paper, an experiment is performed to make a hybrid of a DBNN with an advanced bidirectional RNN used to process its output. Results show that the use of the new DBNN-BLSTM hybrid as the acoustic model for the Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition (LVCSR) increases word recognition accuracy. However, the new model has many parameters and in some cases it may suffer performance issues in real-time applications.
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Łukasz Brocki
Krzysztof Marasek
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As in the first part I (Warsaw 2018) the main research goal of the authors is distinguishing East Slavic borrowings from Polish archaisms. These units could be explained as a parallel, convergence, or Polish and Ruthenian neologisms in the Polish language area as a consequence of interference. The detailed and comprehensive analysis considering geographic, chronological and etymological aspects of the selected lexical items, allowed the authors to establish the provenance of the researched vocabulary in a precise and reliable way. The paper is exemplary both in terms of content and applied methodology.
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Adam Fałowski

  1. Institute of Eastern Slavonic Studies, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland
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The article discusses the book Zmiana perspektywy. Gawęda nie tylko językoznawcza [Change of perspective. More than a tale of linguistics] by Zuzanna Topolińska (Cracow 2015). The author of this text emphasizes that the word gawęda [tale] in the book’s subtitle is misleading, given that, despite the style of language used in the book, Topolińska discusses important issues of a linguistic and intercultural nature. In her short essays in the fi rst part of the book Topolińska addresses the organizational structure of philology studies in Poland and Macedonia, she confronts the Polish and Macedonian approach to the dialectgeneral language relationship, she talks about language standards, about the differences between politeness in Poland and Macedonia, as well as the attitude towards women and the outlook toward religion in both countries. In the second part of the book Topolińska takes up lexical issues, giving examples of how under the infl uence of spiritual culture certain words in Polish and Macedonian that derive from the same core have taken on a different meaning. The author of the article concludes that this short and very personal book by Topolińska fulfi lls its task and subsequently alters his view on the linguistic and non-linguistic world of the Slavs.

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Henryk Duda
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The study is a retrospective‑analytical review of approaches to fixing female nominations in the Ukrainian lexicography explanatory and aspect‑based, and in particular, bilingual. Particular attention is here paid to the reflection of female nominations in the dictionaries of the 20th and 21st centuries due to their grammatical, semantic, word‑forming and stylistic characteristics, formation of the tradition of dictionary fixation of the Ukrainian female nominations as well as the problem of developing unified approaches to their lexicography. The parameters of description and comparison were as follows: the status of female nominations as separate units of lexicographical description, the nature of grammatical marking, peculiarities of semantic description in definition and illustration, indication of the nature of derivatives regarding the original masculine nominatives and their variants as well as a system of special dictionary notes. The study is based on the material of historical dictionaries of the Ukrainian language of the 14th to 18th centuries, bilingual explanatory dictionaries of the early 20th century and Russian‑Ukrainian dictionaries published in the nineteen twenties and thirties during the “period of Ukrainization”, explanatory dictionaries of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, neological, aspectal lexicographical editions, and in particular the latest dictionaries of the Ukrainian language.
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Алла Архангельська

  1. Оломоуць, Університет ім. Ф. Палацького
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The paper focuses on the semantic derivation models of irrational vocabulary – a semantic class of words that denote the situation of experience that is not based on logical reasons or rational thinking. The study elaborates on the semantic derivation strategies of irrational verbs, adjectives and nouns in the Ukrainian, English and German languages. The modelling of semantic derivation strategies provided in the paper proceeds from the assumption that the development of an irrational vocabulary paradigm is realised based on a prototypical situation model – a construct that characterizes not only the nature of the source and target meanings but also the ways those meanings are connected. We posit two constituents to underlie the prototypical model of irrational situation – the features of irrational situation participants and those of irrational situation itself. Both characteristics determine the nature of semantics shift strategies, among those are argument, componential, implicative and metaphorical ones. The argument strategy provides for promoting and demoting arguments within the same actantial structure set by a predicate. The componential strategy deals with the semantic transformations, resulting in a new concept of situation (whereas a target meaning borrows some components from a source one). The implicative strategy occurs based on a contiguous connection of different situations or different fragments of the same situation. The metaphoric strategy provides for the similarities revealed between the situations. The study concludes that irrational vocabulary in Ukrainian, English and German applies more to the componential, implicative and metaphorical strategies which provide for the priority of the inter-concept relations in these languages.
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Анастасія Кінащук

  1. Рівненський державний гуманітарний університет
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The author of the article focuses her attention on the Polish-language part of the Suprasl Lexicon published in 1722 by the Basilian convent publishing house in Suprasl. In terms of origin the regional vocabulary constitutes two groups. One group, with its parallels in Old Church Slavonic (OCS), exhibits a common Slavonic occurrence. In formal terms, the words register West Slavonic features such as the Polish suffix -ro- in skowroda (OCS сковрада, Ruthenian сковoрoда) or -ło- in tłokno (OCS тлакно, Ruthenian толокно). The provenance of the other group of regional vocabulary is more limited in rangeand we should search for references in the West Ruthenian languages developing within the Polish language of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (e.g., brozna, bystrzynia, czerha, muraszczka, muraszcznik, niedonosek, powodyr, przekidczyk, radno). The majority of the analyzed words have been found in 19th-century sources (e.g., dialect dictionaries, Adam Mickiewicz’s literary texts). However, the analysis proves that their chronology begins as early as in the 17th-18th centuries.

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Lilia Citko
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This article discusses Shaftesbury’s fragmentary ‘Dictionary of art terms’, an appendix to the unfinished Plastics, and its relevance in establishing an aesthetic and moral art theory in Britain. The article argues that, although the ‘Dictionary’ is rudimentary, it already reveals enough information to assess it as an important document of English art philosophy. Given that Shaftesbury’s dictionary project was the first English attempt to produce a theoretical art dictionary, it is discussed in the light of traditions of the art dictionary in this country. The study clarifies notions of the dictionary’s art terms through comparative analyses with the use of the words in the aesthetic discourses in the Plastics. It looks at Shaftesbury’s creation of novel words based on classical literature and his use of contemporary literary sources which was partly ambivalent, for fear that only words were transferred from their original context but no ideologies that the author disapproved of. With the help of exemplary discussions of Shaftesbury’s art vocabulary, the study illustrates the shaping of an aesthetic vocabulary in England.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ulrike Kern

  1. Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main

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