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Every year, millions of tons of plastic waste are dumped into the ocean from estuaries. The process of accumulating and converting plastic into microplastics (MPs) in this dynamic system has not received as much attention compared to the open-ocean region. Therefore, this study aimed at evaluating the seasonal variation in microplastic (MP) content at the Can Gio estuary, Vietnam, during the rainy and dry seasons of 2021 and 2022. Water, sediment, and biological samples were collected at four sites. MP contents ranged from 0.00134 ± 0.00043 to 0.00095 ± 0.00014 items/L in water surface samples, from 4.22 ± 0.46 to 2.44 ± 0.46 items/L in water column samples, and from 200 ± 13.68 to 90 ± 13.68items/kg in sediment samples. There was an interactive effect of seasonal fluctuation and the complex flow regime on the MP content. MP bioaccumulation in Saccostrea and Periophthalmodon schlosseri was 1.5 – 1.8 and 0.2 – 0.52 items/individual, respectively. The main MP shapes were fibers and fragments. The composition mainly consisted of polypropylene (45.45%), polyethylene (18.18%), polystyrene (9.09%) and other plastics (27.28%). The source of MPs can be projected from the macro-plastic stream accumulated at the sampling sites. This study found the presence of MPs in both seasons of the year, and the accumulation of MPs in this dynamic region is closely correlated with hydrological properties of the estuary.
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Authors and Affiliations

Hoa Thi Pham
Tinh Quoc Pham
Ngoc Pham
Linh Ho Thuy Nguyen
Simon Cragg
Laura Michie

  1. International University, Vietnam National University - Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
  2. Center for Innovative Materials & Architectures - Vietnam National University HCMC, Viet Nam
  3. Institute of Marine Sciences, Ferry Road, University of Portsmouth, PO4 9LY, United Kingdom
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This pilot study investigated the amounts of plastic litter captured by water structures. It is based on hydraulic experiments using flume models of the sluice gate and trash racks. Plastic elements of different shapes and sizes were introduced to the flume upstream of the water device. The study measured the number of plastic elements captured by the device. The outcomes of the study suggest that for each device, it should be possible to determine the size of elements beyond which they can capture plastic elements in substantial quantities. The findings should be helpful in designing future experiments on the capture of plastic elements by water structures
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Authors and Affiliations

Sylwia Dąbrowska
Marcin Gałka
Elżbieta Kubrak
Janusz Kubrak
Marek Kalenik
Adam Kiczko

  1. Institute of Environmental Enginering, SGGW, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland
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Pollution associated with microplastics (MP) over time is becoming a genuine cause of concern because these micro-sized plastics possess the ability to accumulate toxic contaminants of diverse types. Their propensity to absorb or adsorb pollutants from the surroundings increases the toxicity of microplastics. Multiple root causes lead to the accumulation of microplastics in aqueous ecosystems, necessitating specialized techniques for investigating, handling, and disposing of them. This overview elaborates on the several modes of degradation of microplastics in aquatic systems. It further provides insights into the novel ‘Microfluidics’ technique for detecting microplastics in marine environments. Additionally, as a rising hope for the degradation of microplastics through biofilm formation, distinct types of bacteria found in marine habitats are discussed in this paper. Finally, this review elucidates the problems associated with microplastic pollution in aquatic ecosystems and explores methods for their safe disposal in the future
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Authors and Affiliations

Mahima Ganguly
Jithu Valiamparampil
Divyashree Somashekara
Lavanya Mulky

  1. Department of Chemical Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, 576104, India
  2. Department of Biotechnology, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, 576104, India
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The influence of physicochemical parameters of halloysite-carbon composites on the adsorption of skin disinfectants was investigated. The dispersive surface free energy and acid-base properties of halloysite-carbon composites were determined using inverse gas chromatography. The free adsorption energy was higher for all halloysite-carbon composites compared to the unmodified halloysite, which acted as a less electron-donating adsorbent. In contrast, the composite obtained using halloysite nanotubes (HNT) and ground microcrystalline cellulose as the carbon precursor exhibited the highest free adsorption energy and the Kb/Ka ratio. These results suggest that the free adsorption energy can be an additional factor influencing the adsorption process. We demonstrated that the composite with the highest free adsorption energy is effective for removing triclosan, chloroxylenol and chlorophene from water. The acid-base properties of halloysite-carbon composites enhance the adsorption of these compounds due to their acidic character. The composite with the highest Kb/Ka ratio removes adsorbates from aqueous solutions with the greatest efficiency. Parameters such as free dispersion energy, electron-donating, or electron-accepting properties of the adsorbent help explain why these composites exhibit high adsorption capabilities.
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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Słomkiewicz
Beata Szczepanik
Laura Frydel
Maria Włodarczyk-Makuła

  1. Jan Kochanowski University Kielce, Poland
  2. Institute of Chemistry, Jan Kochanowski University, Poland
  3. University of Science and Technology Stanisław Staszic in Krakow, Faculty of Energy and Fuels Department of Fuel Technology, Poland
  4. Faculty of Infrastructure and Environment, Częstochowa University of Technology, Poland
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The employment of green synthesized nanomaterials for water pollution prevention is increasing nowadays. Herein, Mn-doped ZnO nanoparticles were synthesized using Peganum Harmala seed extract and subsequently used for crystal violet (CV) dye removal from aqueous solutions. The first part of the study describes the preparation of the adsorbent (Mn-ZnO NPs) using a simple coprecipitation method. The surface properties of the material were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectra (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The second part investigates the adsorption of CV dye onto the surface of the prepared Mn-ZnO NPs. Additionally, the isotherm,kinetics, and thermodynamics of the adsorption process were studied in detail. Batch adsorption analysis was carried out by evaluating different parameters, such as the amount of the adsorbent (0.01g to 0.04 g), CV concentration (20 to 80 mg/L), adsorption time (30 to 120 min), and temperature (35 to 65 ⁰C). The maximum CV dye adsorption capacity of the Mn-ZnO NPs was 45.60 mg/g. The thermodynamic study revealed the spontaneous, exothermic, and feasible nature of the adsorption process, primarily driven by physical forces. Kinetic and isotherm analyses indicated that the adsorption of the dye best fit the Freundlich isotherm and pseudo-second-order models, respectively. Mn-doped ZnO is considered an effective adsorbent for CV, benefiting from its rapid and easy preparation, non-toxic nature, and 94 % adsorption efficiency. The material holds potential for future applications in the removal of organic dyes from wastewater.
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Authors and Affiliations

Faeza Alkorbi
Fatima A. Al-Qadri

  1. Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Arts at Sharurah, Najran University, Sharurah 68342, Saudi Arabia
  2. Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Sana'a University, Sana'a, Yemen
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The objective of this study is to enhance the photocatalytic capabilities of kaolin clay to improve its efficiency in environmental remediation. Various techniques were employed to modify kaolin clay, including heat treatment, acid modification, and material integration. These methods aimed to reduce its bandgap and improve its selective adsorption properties, thereby enabling better visible light activation and pollutant removal. The study discovered that modified kaolin-derived nanomaterials exhibit remarkable potential in breaking down pollutants, disinfecting, capturing heavy metals, and eliminating airborne contaminants. These advanced materials have been successfully used in water filtration, air purification, and the development of self-cleaning surfaces.The modifications increased surface area, adsorption capacity, and overall catalytic performance. Unmodified kaolin, with its broad bandgap, has limitations that hinder its ability to be driven by visible light for photocatalytic purposes and to selectively absorb specific pollutants, including heavy metals. The novelty of this research lies in the systematic exploration and optimization of diverse modification strategies for kaolin clay, showcasing its versatility in photocatalytic applications. The tailored modifications of kaolin to address specific environmental needs have the potential to be a cost-effective and eco-friendly solution for sustainable environmental restoration.
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Authors and Affiliations

Samor Boonphan
Suriyong Prachakiew
Khuruwan Klinbumrung
Chananbhorn Thongrote
Arrak Klinbumrung
3 4

  1. Faculty of Science and Agricultural Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna, Chiang Rai, Thailand
  2. Scientific Instrument and Product Standard Quality Inspection Center, University of Phayao, Phayao, Thailand
  3. Unit of Excellence on Advanced Nanomaterials, University of Phayao, Phayao, Thailand
  4. School of Science, University of Phayao, Phayao, Thailand
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Mishandling and disposal of post-harvested phytoremediation biomass results in secondary pollution. Biochar production is one of the available technologies for processing post-harvested phytoremediation biomasses. The main objective of this study was to assess the potential adsorption of PO43- and NO3- ions from a binary solution by ZnCl2-activated phytoremediation biochars. The biochars were activated using ZnCl2 and analyzed for specific surface area, pore size, volume, surface morphology, point of zero charges (pHpzc), surface functional groups, and elemental composition. Subsequently, the adsorption potential for PO43- and NO3- ions of the activated biochar was investigated. Activation of phytoremediation biochars led to the development of new micropores and increased specific surface area range from 1.62-4.72 m2 g-1 to 4.75- 55.50 m2 g-1. ZnCl2 activation reduced the pHpzc values of Cymbopogon citratus, Cymbopogon nardus, and Chrysopogon zizanioides biochars (BCL2, BCC2, and BCV2) from 9.75, 9.50, 9.62 to 5.72, 5.51, and 6.23, respectively. Activated Chrysopogon zizanioides biochar (ACBCV2), activated Cymbopogon nardus biochar (ACBCC2) and activated Cymbopogon citratus biochar (ACBCL2) showed maximum potential phosphate ion adsorption capacities of 115.70, 101.74, and 270.59 mg g-1, respectively. ACBCL2, ACBCC2, and ACBCV2 indicated maximum potential nitrate ion adsorption capacities of 155.78, 99.42, and 117.71 mg g-1. BCC2, BCL2, ACBCV1, ACBCV2, and ACBCC2 best fitted the Langmuir linear form 1 model during NO3- adsorption. The results obtained in this study showed that ZnCl2-activated phytoremediation biochars have the potential to remove PO4 3- and NO3- ions from PO4 3- and NO3- ions binary solution.
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Authors and Affiliations

Katlarelo Lenny Sefatlhi
Venecio U Ultra
Majoni Stephen
Sylwia Oleszek
Trust Manyiwa

  1. Botswana International University of Science and Technology, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Botswana
  2. Kyoto University, Department of Environmental Engineering, Kyoto, Japan
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The increasing demand for indium, gallium, and germanium driven by high-tech industries has spurred extensive research into their environmental interaction, despite their rarity in the Earth's crust. Understanding the chemical forms and mechanisms of occurrence of these elements – from production through – and their interactions with the environment is crucial for future environmental impact assessments. The aim of this paper is to highlight: (i) the compounds and applications of indium, gallium, and germanium in high-tech manufacturing, (ii) the complexes of these elements, their reactivity, and stability under specific conditions, (iii) possibilities for recovering and recycling these elements from end-of-life (EOL) products through leaching and extraction, (iv) their toxicity and health impacts, and (v) pollution indices affected by background concentrations of these elements in soils or sediments. Despite their low natural abundance and low recycling input rates (IRI), the lack of comprehensive toxicity data poses a significant challenge in assessing the potential ecological risk index (RI). Moreover, insufficient background data on the concentration of these elements in various environmental samples underscores the need for further research and investigation in the future.
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Authors and Affiliations

George Yandem
Magdalena Jabłońska-Czapla

  1. Institute of Environmental Engineering Polish Academy of Science, Zabrze, Poland
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The Ramsar wetlands are crucial for global ecology. They are essential for preserving the balances of ecosystems. The aim of this work is to prevent the current situation of Sebkha of Soliman (880 ha; 36°43'N, 010°29'E; Nabeul, Tunisia) from deteriorating further. It is one of the few wetlands that receives water from both the sea, Wadi, and a wastewater treatment plant. According to a study of the organic pollution in the Sebkha's waters and sediments conducted in March 2022, there are high concentrations of suspended matter, that exceed 80 mg/L. The total organic matter exceeds 110 g/kg DW, and the biological oxygen demand exceeds 56 mg O2/L. Additionally, there are more than 24*103 bacteria per liter., We also identified mineral pollution primarily caused by nitrate (2.4 g/kg DW), phosphorus (2.42 g/kg DW), and iron (40 mg/L). Pollution is dispersed over three areas: the least polluted area is near the sea, the most polluted area is in the center of Sebkha, and the area farthest from the sea has medium pollution levels. The distribution of pollutants in the Sebkha is influenced by the contribution of pollutants and the self-purification by seawater.
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Authors and Affiliations

Soumaya Elarbaoui
Moez Smiri

  1. Department of Biology, College of Science and Humanities - Dawadmi, Shaqra University, Saudi ArabiaUniversity of Carthage, Tunisia
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To investigate the effects and improvements of tightening vehicle emission standards from China Ⅲ to China Ⅴ on ozone (O3) and particulate matter (PM) pollution in the atmospheric environment, this study obtained emission factors of O3 and PM precursors such as nitrogen oxides (NOx), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and primary PM from gasoline and diesel vehicles through actual testing. Response surface models (RSM) were then created for the environmental concentrations of the target pollutants O3 (RSM-O3_HSS6-200) and PM (RSMPM_HSS9-300) as functions of precursor pollutant emissions. Beijing was chosen as the main receptor region, with the China Ⅲ emission standard serving as the baseline scenario and the China Ⅳ and Ⅴ standards as control scenarios. The results indicate that as vehicle emission standards tightened from China Ⅲ to China Ⅳ and Ⅴ, O3 concentrations in Beijing's environment decreased from 92.7 ppbv to 78.47 ppbv and 72.20 ppbv, respectively, while PM concentrations decreased from 64.12 μg/m3 to 48.23 μg/m3 and 38.60 μg/m3, respectively. Furthermore, the environmetal benefits achieved from China Ⅲ to China Ⅳ were higher than those from China Ⅳ to China Ⅴ. Additionally, an analysis of pollutant source contributions revealed that NOx played a major role in reducing O3 concentrations, while primary PM was crucial in controlling PM pollution.
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Authors and Affiliations

Chang Wang
Xiaohan Miao
Maodong Fang
Yuan Chen
Taosheng Jin

  1. Tianjin Key Laboratory of Urban Transport Emission Research, State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Urban Ambient Air Particulate Matter Pollution Prevention and Control, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Nankai University, Tianjin, 300350, China
  2. National Engineering Laboratory for Mobile Source Emission Control Technology, China Automotive Technology and Research Center Co., Ltd., Tianjin 300300, China
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In this study, the effectiveness of sequentially applying coagulation and adsorption processes in treating soft drink industry wastewater was assessed based on COD removal. In the electrocoagulation method with iron electrodes, the highest COD removal occurred at 42%, achieved with a current of 9A and the natural pH of the wastewater at 5.51. In chemical coagulation, using FeCl3•6H2O as a coagulant, the highest removal rate of 23% was achieved at pH 5 with a coagulant dose of 2.5g/L. Activated carbon adsorption, in doses ranging from 10 to 40g/L, was applied to the effluents of both electrocoagulation and chemical coagulation at various contact times, up to 150 minutes, resulting in COD removal rates of 42% and 36%, respectively. According to the results, the COD removal efficiencies for the electrocoagulation-adsorption and chemical coagulation-adsorption systems were 66% and 51%, respectively. The findings of this study are important because they demonstrate the necessity of research on the use and development of physicochemical methods for the treatment of soft drink industry wastewater.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ece Sever
Tuba Öztürk
Elçin Güneş

  1. Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University, Turkey

Instructions for authors

Archives of Environmental Protection
Instructions for Authors

Archives of Environmental Protection is a quarterly published jointly by the Institute of Environmental Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Committee of Environmental Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Thanks to the cooperation with outstanding scientists from all over the world we are able to provide our readers with carefully selected, most interesting and most valuable texts, presenting the latest state of research in the field of engineering and environmental protection.

The Journal principally accepts for publication original research papers covering such topics as:
– Air quality, air pollution prevention and treatment;
– Wastewater treatment and utilization;
– Waste management;
– Hydrology and water quality, water treatment;
– Soil protection and remediation;
– Transformations and transport of organic/inorganic pollutants in the environment;
– Measurement techniques used in environmental engineering and monitoring;
– Other topics directly related to environmental engineering and environment protection.

The Journal accepts also authoritative and critical reviews of the current state of knowledge in the topic directly relating to the environment protection.

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The following are the requirements for manuscripts submitted for publication:
• The manuscript (with illustrations, tables, abstract and references) should not exceed 20 pages. In case the manuscript exceeds the required number of pages, we suggest contacting the Editor.
• The manuscript should be written in good English.
• The manuscript ought to be submitted in doc or docx format in three files:
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• References should be cited in the text of an article by providing the name and publication year in brackets, e.g. (Nowak 2019). When a cited paper has two authors, both surnames connected with the word “and” should be provided, e.g. (Nowak and Kowalski 2019). When a cited paper has more than two author, surname of its first author, abbreviation ‘et al.’ and publication year should be provided, e.g. (Kowalski et al. 2019). When there are more than two publications cited in one place they should be divided with a coma, e.g. (Kowalski et al. 2019, Nowak 2019, Nowak and Kowalski 2019). Internet sources should be cited like other texts – providing the name and publication year in brackets.
• The Authors should avoid extensive citations. The number of literature references must not exceed 30 including a maximum of 6 own papers. Only in review articles the number of literature references can exceed 30.
• References should be listed at the end of the article ordered alphabetically by surname of the first author. References should be made according to the following rules:

1. Journal:
Surnames and initials. (publication year). Title of the article, Journal Name, volume, number, pages, DOI.
For example:

Nowak, S.W., Smith, A.J. & Taylor, K.T. (2019). Title of the article, Archives of Environmental Protection, 10, 2, pp. 93–98. DOI: 10.24425/aep.2019.126330

If the article has been assigned DOI, it should be provided and linked with the website on which it is made available.

2. Book:
Surnames and initials. (publication year). Title, Publisher, Place and publishing year.
For example:

Kraszewski, J. & Kinecki, K. (2019). Title of book, Work & Studies, Zabrze 2019.

3. Edited book:

Surnames and initials of text authors. (publishing year). Title of cited chapter, in: Title of the book, Surnames and
initials of editor(s). (Ed.)/(Eds.). Publisher, Place, pages.
For example:

Reynor, J. & Taylor, K.T. (2019). Title of chapter, in: Title of the cited book, Kaźmierski, I. & Jasiński, C. (Eds.). Work & Studies, Zabrze, pp. 145–189.

4. Internet sources:
Surnames and initials or the name of the institution which published the text. (publication year). Title, (website address (accessed on)).
For example:

Kowalski, M. (2018). Title, ( (03.12.2018)).

5. Patents:

Orszulik, E. (2009). Palenisko fluidalne, Patent polski: nr PL20070383311 20070910 z 16 marca 2009.
Smith, I.M. (1988). U.S. Patent No. 123,445. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

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Titles of cited materials should be translated into English. Information of the language the materials were published in should be provided at the end.
For example:

Nowak, S.W. & Taylor, K.T. (2019). Title of article, Journal Name, 10, 2, pp. 93–98. DOI: 10.24425/aep.2019.126330. (in Polish)

Not more than 30 references should be cited in the original research paper.

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The reviewing procedure for papers published in Archives of Environmental Protection

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4) The reviewer send the review to the Editorial Office via e-mail. After receiving the review the Assistant Editor:

  • inform Authors about it (in the case of the review without corrections or when there are only small, editorial changes needed),
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5) The final decision about manuscript is made by the Editorial Board on the basis of the analysis of remarks contained in the review and the final version of the paper send by Authors. 6) The final version of the paper, after typesetting and text makeup is being sent to Authors, who make an author’s corrections. Afterwards the paper is ready to be printed in the specific issue.


All Reviewers in 2022

Alonso Rosa (University of the Basque Country/EHU, Bilbao, Spain), Alwaeli Mohamed (Silesian University of Technology), Arora Amarpreet (Sherpa Space Inc., Republic of Korea), Babu A.( Yeungnam University, Gyeongsan, Republic of Korea), Barbieri Maurizio (Sapienza University of Rome), Bień Jurand (Wydział Infrastruktury i Środowiska, Politechnika Częstochowska), Bogacki Jan (Wydział Instalacji Budowlanych, Hydrotechniki i Inżynierii Środowiska, Politechnika Warszawska), Bogumiła Pawluśkiewicz (Katedra Kształtowania Środowiska, SGGW), Boutammine Hichem (Laboratory of Industrial Process Engineering and Environment, Faculty of Process Engineering, University of Science and Technology, Bab-Ezzouar, Algiers, Algeria), Burszta-Adamiak Ewa (Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu), Cassidy Daniel (Western Michigan University, United States), Chowaniec Józef (Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute), Czerniawski Robert (Instytut Biologii, Uniwersytet Szczeciński), da Silva Elaine (Fluminense Federal University, UFF, Brazil), Dąbek Lidia (Wydział Inżynierii Środowiska, Geodezji i Energetyki Odnawialnej, Politechnika Świętokrzyska), Dannowski Ralf (Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung: Müncheberg, Brandenburg, DE), Delgado-González Cristián Raziel (Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Tulancingo , Mexico), Dewil Raf (KU Leuven, Belgium), Djemli Samir (University Badji Mokhtar Annaba, Algeria), Du Rui (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China), Egorin AM (Institute of Chemistry FEBRAS, Russia), Fadillah‬ ‪Ganjar‬‬ (Universitas Islam Indonesia, Indonesia), Gangadharan Praveena (Indian Institute of Technology Palakkad, India), Garg Manoj (Amity University, Noida, India), Gębicki Jacek (Politechnika Gdańska, Poland), Generowicz Agnieszka (Politechnika Krakowska, Poland), Gnida Anna (Silesian University of Technology, Poland), Golovatyi Sergey (Belarusian State University, Belarus), Grabda Mariusz (General Tadeusz Kosciuszko Military Academy of Land Forces, Poland), Guo Xuetao (Northwest A&F University, China), Gusiatin Mariusz (Uniwersytet Warminsko-Mazurski, Polska), Han Lujia (Instytut Badań Systemowych PAN, Polska), Holnicki Piotr (Systems Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland), Houali Karim (University Mouloud MAMMERI, Tizi-Ouzou , Algeria), Iwanek Małgorzata (Lublin University of Technology, Poland), Janczukowicz Wojciech (University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland), Jan-Roblero J. (Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Carpio y Plan de Ayala s/n. Col. Sto. Tomás, Mexico), Jarosz-Krzemińska Elżbieta (AGH, Wydział Geologii, Geofizyki i Ochrony Środowiska, Katedra Ochrony Środowiska), Jaspal Dipika (Symbiosis Institute of Technology (SIT), Symbiosis International (Deemed University), (SIU), Jorge Dominguez (Universidade de Vigo, Spain), Kabała Cezary (Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Poland), Kalka Joanna (Silesian University of Technology, Poland), Karaouzas Ioannis (Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Greece), Khadim Hussein (University of Baghdad, Iraq), Khan Moonis Ali (King Saud University, Saudi Arabia), Kojić Ivan (University of Belgrade, Serbia), Kongolo Kitala Pierre (University of Lubumbashi, Congo), Kozłowski Kamil (Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu, Poland), Kucharski Mariusz (IUNG Puławy, Poland), Lu Fan (Tongji University, China), Łukaszewski Zenon (Politechnika Poznańska; Wydział Technologii Chemicznej), Majumdar Pradeep (Addis Ababa Sciennce and Technology University, Ethiopia), Mannheim Viktoria (University of Miskolc, Hungary), Markowska-Szczupak Agata (Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie; Wydział Technologii i Inżynierii Chemicznej), Mehmood Andleeb (Shenzhen University, China), Mol Marcos (Fundação Ezequiel Dias, Brazil), Mrowiec Bożena (Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna w Bielsku-Białej, Poland), Nałęcz-Jawecki Grzegorz (Zakład Toksykologii i Bromatologii, Wydział Farmaceutyczny, WUM), Ochowiak Marek (Politechnika Poznańska, Poland), Ogbaga Chukwuma (Nile University of Nigeria, Nigeria), Oleniacz Robert (AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Poland), Pan Ligong (Northeast Forestry University, China) Paruch Adam (Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, Norway), Pietras Dariusz (ATH Bielsko-Biała, Poland), Piotrowska-Seget Zofia (Uniwersytet Ślaski, Polska), Płaza Grażyna (IETU Katowice, Poland), Pohl Alina (IPIS PAN Zabrze, Poland), Poikane Sandra (European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, Italy), Poluszyńska Joanna (Łukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Ceramics and Building Materials, Poland), Dudzińska Marzenna (Katedra Jakości Powietrza Wewnętrznego i Zewnętrznego, Politechnika Lubelska), Rawtani Deepak (National Forensic Sciences University, Gandhinagar, India) Rehman Khalil (GC Women University Sialkot, Pakistan), Rogowska Weronika (Bialystok University of Technology, Poland), Rzeszutek Mateusz (AGH, Wydział Geodezji Górniczej i Inżynierii Środowiska, Katedra Kształtowania i Ochrony Środowiska), Saenboonruang Kiadtisak (Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University, Bangkok), Sebakhy Khaled (University of Groningen, Netherlands), Sengupta D.K. (Regional Research Laboratory, Bhubaneswar. India), Shao Jing (Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chile), Sočo Eleonora (Rzeszów University of Technology, Poland), Sojka Mariusz (Poznan University of Life Sciences, Poland), Sonesten Lars (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden), Song Wencheng (Anhui Province Key Laboratory of Medical Physics and Technology, Chinese), Song ZhongXian (Henan University of Urban Construction, China), Spiak Zofia (Uniwersyet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu, Poland), Srivastav Arun (Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh, India), Steliga Teresa (Instytut Nafty i Gazu -Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, Poland), Surmacz-Górska Joanna (Silesian University of Technology, Poland), Świątkowski Andrzej (Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna, Poland), Symanowicz Barbara (Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Poland), Szklarek Sebastian (European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology, Polish Academy of Sciences), Tabina Amtul (GC University,Lahore, Pakistan), Tang Lin (Hunan University, China), Torrent Sergi (Innovación, Aigües de Manresa, S.A, Manresa, Spain, Spain), Trafiałek Joanna (Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland), Vijay U. (Department of Microb, Jaipur, India, India), Vojtkova Hana (University of Ostrava, Czech Republic), Wang Qi (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong), Wielgosiński Grzegorz (Wydziału Inżynierii Procesowej i Ochrony Środowiska, Politechnika Łódzka), Wilk Pawel (IMGW-PIB, Poland), Wiśniewska Marta (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland), Yin Xianqiang (Northwest A&F University, Yangling China), Zając Grzegorz (University Of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland), Zalewski Maciej (European Regional Centre for Ecohydrologyunder the auspices of UNESCO, Poland), Zegait Rachid (Ziane Achour University of Djelfa), Zerafat Mohammad (Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran), Zgórska Aleksandra (Central Mining Institute, Poland), Zhang Chunhui (China University of Mining & Technology, China), Zhang Wenbo (Northwest Minzu University, Lanzhou China), Zhu Guocheng (Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan, China), Zwierzchowski Ryszard (Zakład Systemów Ciepłowniczych i Gazowniczych, Politechnika Warszawska)

All Reviewers in 2021

Adamkiewicz Łukasz, Aksoy Özlem, Alwaeli Mohamed, Aneta Luczkiewicz, Anielak Anna, Antonkiewicz Jacek, Avino Pasquale, Babbar Deepakshi, Badura Marek, Bajda Tomasz, Biedka Paweł, Błaszczak Barbara, Bodzek Michał, Bogacki Jan, Burszta-Adamiak Ewa, Cheng Gan, Chojecka Agnieszka, Chrzanowski Łukasz, Chwojnowski Andrzej, Ciesielczuk Tomasz, Cimochowicz-Rybicka Małgorzata, Curren Emily, Cydzik-Kwiatkowska Agnieszka, Czajka Agnieszka, Danielewicz Jan, Dannowski Ralf, Daoud Mounir, Değermenci Gökçe, Dejan Dragan, Deluchat Véronique, Demirbaş Ahmet, Dong Shuying, Dudzińska Marzenna, Dunalska Julita, Franus Wojciech, G. Uchrin Christopher, Generowicz Agnieszka, Gębicki Jacek, Giergiczny Zbigniew, Gierszewski Piotr, Glińska-Lewczuk Katarzyna, Godłowska Jolanta, Gokalp Fulya, Gospodarek Janina, Górecki Tadeusz, Grabińska-Sota Elżbieta, Grifoni M., Gromiec Marek, Guo Xuetao, Gusiatin Zygmunt, Hartmann Peter, He Jianzhong, He Yong, Heese Tomasz, Hybská Helena, Imhoff Silvia, Iurchenko Valentina, Jabłońska-Czapla Magdalena, Janowski Mirosław, Jordanov Igor, Jóżwiakowski Krzysztof, Juśkiewicz Włodzimierz, Kabsch-Korbutowicz Małgorzata, Kalinowski Radosław, Kalka Joanna, Kapusta Paweł, Karczewska Anna, Karczmarczyk Agnieszka, Kicińska Alicja, Kiciński Jan, Kijowska-Strugała Małgorzata, Klejnowski Krzysztof, Kłosok-Bazan Iwona, Kolada Agnieszka, Konieczny Krystyna, Kostecki Maciej, Kowalczewska-Madura Katarzyna, Kowalczuk Marek, Kozielska Barbara, Kozłowski Kamil, Krzemień Alicja, Kulig Andrzej, Kwaśny Justyna, Kyzioł-Komosińska Joanna, Ledakowicz Stanislaw, Leites Luchese Claudia, Leszczyńska-Sejda Katarzyna, Li Mingyang, Liu Chao, Mahmood Khalid, Majewska-Nowak Katarzyna, Makisha Nikolay, Malina Grzegorz, Markowska-Szczupak Agata, Mocek Andrzej, Mokrzycki Eugeniusz, Molenda Tadeusz, Molkenthin Frank, Mosquera Corral Anuska, Muhmood Atif, Myrta Anna, Narayanasamy Selvaraju, Nzila Alexis, OIkuski Tadeusz, Oleniacz Robert, Pacyna Jozef, Pająk Tadeusz, Pal Subodh Chandra, Panagopoulos Argyris, Paruch Adam, Paszkowski Waldemar, Pawęska Katarzyna, Paz-Ferreiro Jorge, Paździor Katarzyna, Pempkowiak Janusz, Piątkiewicz Wojciech, Piechowicz Janusz, Piotrowska-Seget Zofia, Pisoni E., Piwowar Arkadiusz, Pleban Dariusz, Policht-Latawiec Agnieszka, Polkowska Żaneta, Poluszyńska Joanna, Rajca Mariola, Reizer Magdalena, Riesgo Fernández Pedro, Rith Monorom, Rybicki Stanisław, Rydzkowski Tomasz, Rzepa Grzegorz, Rzeźnik Wojciech, Rzętała Mariusz, Sabovljevic Marko, Scudiero Rosaria, Sekret Robert, Sheng Yanqing, Sławomir Stelmach, Słowik Leszek, Sočo Eleonora, Sojka Mariusz, Sophonrat Nanta, Sówka Izabela, Spiak Zofia, Stachowski Piotr, Stańczyk-Mazanek Ewa, Stebel Adam, Sulieman Magboul, Surmacz-Górska Joanna, Szalinska van Overdijk Ewa, Szczerbowski Radosław, Szetela Ryszard, Szopińska Kinga, Szymański Kazimierz, Ślipko Katarzyna, Tepe Yalçin, Tórz Agnieszka, Tyagi Uplabdhi, Uliasz-Bocheńczyk Alicja, Urošević Mira, Uzarowicz Łukasz, Vakili Mohammadtaghi, Van Harreveld A.P., Voutchkova Denitza, Wang Gang, Wang X.K., Werbińska-Wojciechowska Sylwia, Wiatkowski Mirosław, Wielgosiński Grzegorz, Wilk Pawel, Willner Joanna, Wisniewski Jacek, Wiśniowska Ewa, Włodarczyk-Makuła Maria, Wojciechowska Ewa, Wojnowska-Baryła Irena, Wolska Małgorzata, Wszołek Tadeusz, Wu Yonghua, Yusuf Mohammad, Zuberi Amina, Zuwała Jarosław, Zwoździak Jerzy.

All Reviewers in 2020

Adamiec Ewa, Adamkiewicz Łukasz, Ahammed M. Mansoor, Akcicek Ekrem, Ameur Houari, Anielak Anna, Antonkiewicz Jacek, Avino Pasquale, Badura Marek, Barabasz Wiesław, Barthakur Manoj, Battegazzore Daniele, Biedka Paweł, Bilek Maciej, Bisschop Lieselot, Błaszczak Barbara, Błażejewski Ryszard, Bochoidze Inga, Bodzek Michał, Bogacki Jan, Borella Paola, Borowiak Klaudia, Borralho Teresa, Boyacioglu Hülya, Bunjongsiri Kultida, Burszta-Adamiak Ewa, Calderon Raul, Chatveera Burachat Chatveera, Cheng Gan, Chiwa Masaaki, Chojnicki Józef, Chrzanowski Łukasz, Ciesielczuk Tomasz, Czajka Agnieszka, Czaplicka Marianna, Daoud Mounir, Dąbek Lidia, Değermenci Gökçe, Dejan Dragan, Deluchat Véronique, Dereszewska Alina, Dębowski Marcin, Dong Shuying, Dudzińska Marzenna, Dunalska Julita, Dymaczewski Zbysław, El-Maradny Amr, Farfan-Cabrera Leonardo, Filizok Işık, Franus Wojciech, García-Ávila Fernando, Gariglio N.F., Gaya M.S, Gebicki Jacek, Giergiczny Zbigniew, Glińska-Lewczuk Katarzyna, Gnida Anna, Gospodarek Janina, Grabińska-Sota Elżbieta, Gusiatin Zygmunt, Harnisz Monika, Hartmann Peter, Hawrot-Paw Małgorzata, He Jianzhong, Hirabayashi Satoshi, Hulisz Piotr, Imhoff Silvia, Iurchenko Valentina, Jabłońska-Czapla Magdalena, Jacukowicz-Sobala Irena, Jeż-Walkowiak Joanna, Jordanov Igor, Jóżwiakowski Krzysztof, Kabsch-Korbutowicz Małgorzata, Kajda-Szcześniak Małgorzata, Kalinowski Radosław, Kalka Joanna, Karczewska Anna, Karwowska Ewa, Kim Ki-Hyun, Klejnowski Krzysztof, Klojzy-Karczmarczyk Beata, Korniłłowicz-Kowalska Teresa, Korus Irena, Kostecki Maciej, Koszelnik Piotr, Koter Stanisław, Kowalska Beata, Kowalski Zygmunt, Kozielska Barbara, Krzyżyńska Renata, Kulig Andrzej, Kwarciak-Kozłowska Anna, Kyzioł-Komosińska Joanna, Lagzdins Ainis, Ledakowicz Stanislaw, Ligęza Sławomir, Liu Xingpo, Loga Małgorzata, Łebkowska Maria, Macherzyński Mariusz, Makisha Nikolay, Makowska Małgorzata, Masłoń Adam, Mazur Zbigniew, Michel Monika, Miechówka Anna, Miksch Korneliusz, Mnuchin Nathan, Mokrzycki Eugeniusz, Molkenthin Frank, Mosquera Corral Anuska, Muhmood Atif, Muntean Edward, Myrta Anna, Nahorski Zbigniew, Narayanasamy Selvaraju, Naumczyk Jeremi, Nawalany Marek, Noubactep C., Nowakowski Piotr, Obarska-Pempkowiak Hanna, Orge C.A., Paul Lothar, Pawęska Katarzyna, Paździor Katarzyna, Pempkowiak Janusz, Peña A., Pietr Stanisław, Piotrowska-Seget Zofia, Pisoni E., Płaza Grażyna, Polkowska Żaneta, Reizer Magdalena, Renman Gunno, Rith Monorom, Romanovski Valentin, Rybicki Stanisław, Rydzkowski Tomasz, Rzętała Mariusz, Sadeghi Mahdi, Sakakibara Yutaka, Scudiero Rosaria, Semaan Mary, Seredyński Franciszek, Sergienko Ruslan, Shen Yujun, Sheng Yanqing, Sidełko Robert, Sočo Eleonora, Sojka Mariusz, Sówka Izabela, Spiak Zofia, Stegenta-Dąbrowska Sylwia, Steliga Teresa, Sulieman Magboul, Surmacz-Górska Joanna, Suryadevara Nagaraja, Suska-Malawska Małgorzata, Szalinska van Overdijk Ewa, Szczerbowski Radosław, Szetela Ryszard, Szpyrka Ewa, Szulczyński Bartosz, Szwast Maciej, Szyszlak-Bargłowicz Joanna, Ślipko Katarzyna, Świetlik Ryszard, Tabernacka Agnieszka, Tepe Yalçin, Tobiszewski Marek, Treichel Wiktor, Tyagi Uplabdhi, Uliasz-Bocheńczyk Alicja, Uzarowicz Łukasz, Van Harreveld A.P., Wang X. K., Wasielewski Ryszard, Wiatkowski Mirosław, Wielgosiński Grzegorz, Willner Joanna, Wisniewski Jacek, Witczak Joanna, Witkiewicz Zygfryd, Włodarczyk Małgorzata, Włodarczyk-Makuła Maria, Wojciechowska Ewa, Wojtkowska Małgorzata, Xinhui Duan, Yang Chunping, Yaqian Zhao Yaqian, Załęska-Radziwiłł Monika, Zamorska Justyna, Zasina Damian, Zawadzki Jarosław, Zdeb Monika M., Zheng Guodi, Zhu Ivan X., Ziułkiewicz Maciej, Zuberi Amina, Zwoździak Jerzy, Żabczyński Sebastian, Żukowski Witold, Żygadło Maria.

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