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Archives of Acoustics


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This study is aimed to evaluate a method for distinguishing between healthy and pathological voices. The evaluation was carried out using several acoustic parameters including COVAREP (collaborative voice analysis repository for speech technologies), the auditory-perceptual RBH (roughness, breathiness, hoarseness) scale, and AVQI (acoustic voice quality index). Finally, a classifier is trained using machine learning algorithms from the WEKA (Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis) platform. The study group comprised 75 voice recordings of individuals affected by vocal fold paralysis. The control group consisted of 49 voice recordings of healthy individuals. The results indicate that the voice quality of the study group is significantly different than the voice quality of the control group. Acoustic parameters implemented in COVAREP and the RBH scale have proven to be reliable methods assessing voice quality. In addition, data classification achieved over 90 % accuracy for every classifier.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Rafał Halama
Krzysztof Szklanny
Danijel Koržinek

  1. Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology Warsaw, Poland


In industrial plants noise is a major threat to the mental and physical health of employees. The risk increases more due to the presence of high noise sources and the presence of too many employees in textile industry plants. This paper aims to predict the consequences of variables that may arise in the plants for acoustic improvement in textile industry plants. For this purpose, scenario plants have been created according to architectural properties and source-transmission path-receiver characteristics. The acoustic analyses of the scenario plants were performed in the ODEON Auditorium, and A-weighted sound pressure level (LA), noise reduction (NR), and reverberation time (RT) were determined. From the data, prediction equations were created with a multiple linear regression (MLR) model. To test the prediction equations, acoustic measurements were made, and acoustics improvements were carried out at a textile industry plant located in Türkiye. When the obtained results, the success, validity, and reliability of the prediction method are provided. In conclusion, the effect of architectural properties and the surface absorption on acoustic improvements in the textile industry was revealed. It was emphasized that prediction methods can be used to determine the effectiveness of interventions that can be applied in different facilities and can be improved in future studies.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Muammer Yaman
Cüneyt Kurtay
Gülsu Ulukavak Harputlugil

  1. Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Ondokuz Mayıs UniversitySamsun, Türkiye
  2. Department of Architecture, Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture, Baskent UniversityAnkara, Türkiye
  3. Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Çankaya UniversityAnkara, Türkiye


Imaging based on the photoacoustic (PA) phenomenon is a type of hybrid imaging approach that combines the advantages of pure optical and pure acoustic imaging, achieving good results. This method, which offers high resolution, suitable contrast, and non-ionizing radiation, is valuable for the early detection of various types of cancer. Recently, multiple studies have focused on improving different components of this imaging system. In this presentation, we implemented a simplest form of a PA imaging system for detecting blood vessels, given that angiogenesis is recognized as a common symptom of many cancers. For the first time, we implemented a highpower light-emitting diode (LED), to replace bulky and expensive lasers, and integrated circuit technologies such as field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) for a simple LED driver circuit and data acquisition (DAQ). Using an FPGA block, we successfully generated a 200-ns square pulse wave with a repetition frequency of 25 kHz, whose amplified form can drive a high-power LED at 1050 nm for appropriately stimulating the sample. By using ultrasonic sensors with a central frequency of 1 MHz and a DAQ system with 16-bit accuracy, along with a suitable algorithm for image reconstruction, we successfully detected blood vessels in a breast tissue mimic. With the use of the FPGA-based block, the image reconstruction algorithm was accelerated. Finally, the simultaneous and first-time use of LED and FPGA-based circuit technology for driving the LED, output information processing and image reconstruction were performed in PA imaging.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Maryam Ahangar Darband
Esmaeil Najafiaghdam

  1. Department of Electrical Engineering, Sahand University of Technology Tabriz, Iran

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• Manuscripts intended for publication in Archives of Acoustics should be submitted in pdf format by an on-line procedure.
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• Manuscript should be accompanied by a cover letter containing the information:
o why the paper is submitted to ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS,
o suggestion on the field of acoustics related to the topic of the submitted paper,
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o 3–5 names of suggested reviewers together with their affiliations, full postal and e-mail addresses; at least 3 suggested reviewers should be affiliated with other scientific institutions than the affiliations of the authors,
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