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Archives of Acoustics


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To prevent important items from being replaced by a forgery, an ultrasonic fingerprint identification algorithm is proposed and an identification program is developed. A virtual prototype for the ultrasonic identification of ceramics is developed based on an ultrasonic detection card. This virtual prototype allows for the simultaneous transmission and acquisition of signals. Numerous experimental tests were conducted using this virtual prototype. The results demonstrate that the virtual prototype achieves accurate identification of ceramics. This virtual prototype lays a good foundation for the development of intelligent, automated, integrated, and miniaturized ultrasonic identification systems.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Yu Liu
Xiping He
Shengping He

  1. Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Ultrasonic, School of Physics and Information Technology, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an, China
  2. High-Tech. Institute, Sichuan, Luzhou, China


Features of nonlinear phenomena and, in particular, acoustic excitation of the entropy and relaxation modes in a liquid electrolyte with a chemical reaction are examined. The total range of frequencies of an exciter is considered, and the instantaneous dynamic equations are derived which govern perturbations in the secondary modes. The instantaneous leading-order acoustic forces of the secondary modes are evaluated. Examples of harmonic and nearly harmonic acoustic exciter are considered in detail. The difference in the nonlinear acoustic phenomena in an electrolyte and gases with relaxation mechanisms are specified and discussed.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Anna Perelomova

  1. Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics, Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland


Fidgety speech emotion has important research value, and many deep learning models have played a good role in feature modeling in recent years. In this paper, the problem of practical speech emotion is studied, and the improvement is made on fidgety-type emotion using a novel neural network model. First, we construct a large number of phonological features for modeling emotions. Second, the differences in fidgety speech between various groups of people were studied. Through the distribution of features, the individual features of fidgety emotion were studied. Third, we propose a fine-grained emotion classification method, which analyzes the subtle differences between emotional categories through Siamese neural networks. We propose to use multi-scale residual blocks within the network architecture, and alleviate the vanishing gradient problem. This allows the network to learn more meaningful representations of fidgety speech signal. Finally, the experimental results show that the proposed method can provide the versatility of modeling, and that fidgety emotion is well identified. It has great research value in practical applications.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jiu Sun
Jinxin Zhu
Jun Shao

  1. School of Information Technology, Yancheng Institute of Technology, Yancheng, Jiangsu, China


In order to research the acoustic emission characteristics of polypropylene fiber-reinforced recycled aggregate concrete under uniaxial load, 20 groups of test specimens with a coarse aggregate substitution rate of 25 % and 50 % are designed and fabricated to conduct the acoustic emission test under uniaxial compression, and the evolution laws of the acoustic emission b-value, the cracking modes and the acoustic emission RA-AF moving averages with time are studied. The laws of influence of the coarse aggregate substitution rate and coarse-fine polypropylene fiber on the acoustic emission b-value of RAC are discussed. The K-means clustering method is adopted for two-dimensional clustering analysis of the shear cracking and tensile cracking, and then the SVM is used to obtain the boundary between the two types of clusters. The time distribution laws of shear cracking and tensile cracking of the polypropylene fiber-reinforced recycled aggregate concrete are analyzed. The changes in the moving averages of RA and AF of RAC test specimens with time are studied, and the research indicates that as the RA value decreases, the shear cracking gradually reduces and the tensile cracking gradually increases and dominates.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Daowen Zhou
1 2
Xin Yang
1 2 3
Yu Tang
1 2
Yutao Miao

  1. School of Civil Engineering, Fujian University of Technology Fuzhou, China
  2. Key Laboratory of Underground Engineering, Fujian University of Technology Fuzhou, China
  3. School of Civil Engineering, Fuzhou University Fuzhou, China
  4. Chengtong Branch, China Railway Second Group Co., Ltd.Chengdu, China


The complexity of bistatic echo pulse sequences surpasses that of monostatic echo pulse sequences. Based on the scattering acoustic field of elastic spheres and spherical shells, a method is employed to calculate the time-domain echoes of solid spheres and spherical shells with transceiver separation under the condition of plane wave incidence. This is achieved by constructing the incident signal and performing a multiplication operation in the frequency domain with the target scattering acoustic field. Employing the contour integral method, we derive phase velocity and group velocity dispersion curves for circumferential waves propagating around these structures. Furthermore, under the assumption of plane wave incidence, we analyze the propagation paths of Rayleigh echoes for solid spheres and anti-symmetric Lamb waves for spherical shells. Estimation formulas for the arrival times of separated transmit-receive echoes are provided for both solid spheres and spherical shells. Our findings indicate that bistatic waves can be classified into clockwise and counterclockwise circulation patterns around the surfaces of these structures. Through a comparison with the time-angle spectrum of echoes, we demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed estimation formulas for echo arrival times. This study offers valuable insights for the identification of underwater targets.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Zhongkai Wang
Zilong Peng
Fulin Zhou
Liwen Tan

  1. School of Energy and PowerJiangsu University of Science and TechnologyZhenjiang, China
  2. State Key Laboratory of Ocean Engineering, Collaborative Innovation Centerfor Advanced Ship and Deep-Sea ExplorationShanghai Jiao Tong UniversityShanghai, China


This paper presents the results of preliminary research aimed at developing a method for rapid, noncontact diagnostics of the electric drive of car seats. The method is based on the analysis of acoustic signals produced during the operation of the drive. Pattern recognition and machine learning processes were used in the diagnosis. A method of feature extraction (diagnostic symptoms) using wavelet decomposition of acoustic signals was developed. The discriminative properties of a set of diagnostic symptoms were tested using the “Classification Learner” application available in MATLAB. The obtained results confirmed the usefulness of the developed method for the technical diagnostics of car seats.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Cezary Bartmanski
Alicja Bramorska

  1. Department of Acoustics, Electronics and IT Solutions Central Mining Institute National Research Institute Katowice, Poland

Instrukcja dla autorów

Author Guidelines
• Manuscripts intended for publication in Archives of Acoustics should be submitted in pdf format by an on-line procedure.
• Manuscript should be original, and should not be submitted either previously or simultaneously elsewhere, neither in whole, nor in part.
• Submitted papers must be written in good English and proofread by a native speaker.
• Basically, the papers should not exceed 40 000 typographic signs.
• Postal addresses, affiliations and email addresses for each author are required.
• Detailed information see Article Requirements.
• Manuscript should be accompanied by a cover letter containing the information:
o why the paper is submitted to ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS,
o suggestion on the field of acoustics related to the topic of the submitted paper,
o the statement that the manuscript is original, the submission has not been previously published, nor was sent to another journal for consideration,
o 3–5 names of suggested reviewers together with their affiliations, full postal and e-mail addresses; at least 3 suggested reviewers should be affiliated with other scientific institutions than the affiliations of the authors,
o author’s suggestion to classification of the paper as the research paper, review paper or technical note.

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5. The text should be preceded by a concise abstract (less than 200 words).
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7. The formulae to be numbered are those referred to in the paper, as well as the final formulae.
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