Applied sciences

Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi - Mineral Resources Management


Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi - Mineral Resources Management | 2001 | No 1

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The following stones were evaluated in the present study: the Dębnik Limestone (Devonian), the Libiąż (Diplopora) Dolomite (Triassic), limestone from Nielepice, Kamień, Wielkanoc, Ulina and Mirów (Jurassic), the Pińczów Limestone (Tertiary) and the Istebna Sandstone from Sobolów, Sośliny, Muchówka, Zonia and Czasław (Fig. I). In cach case three features were evaluated: decorativness of the stone, block divisibility and physical and mechanical properties of the rock, taken from the geological reports. Three varieties of the Dębnik black limestone were distinguished basing on its decorative properties. Orientation and high density ofjoint determine relatieve low volume of the blocks exploitable from the deposits. Roughly 30% of the volume of the deposits can be extracted as small and very small blocks (up to I m3). Good physical and mechanical properties determine relative high durability of the stone. Decorativness of the Libiąż Dolomite is due to its yellowish colour, sparkling shine caused by isolated calcite crystals, and cavernous and laminated texture. Mechanical properties are generally good and uniform over a volume of the deposit. Ca. 8% of the rock volume can be extracted as small blocks. Jurassic limestone reveal great structural diversity in the querries examined. The masive (rocky) limestone with conglomcratic structure dominates in Nielepice, Kamień and Ulina. Its physical and mechanical properties are highly variable. Its efcctive porosity is normally high and contributes to low frost resistivity of the stone. Remarkable good properties reveals Jurassic limestone from the Wielkanoc quarry. Its stucture is pelitic with admixture of organic remnants. Cavernous texture gives the stone decorative surface. Unfortunately, there are almost no possibility for extraction of blocks from the deposits of the Jurassic limestone. Small quantities of small blocks can be expected only from the deposit in Mirów. The deposit ofthe Pińczów Limestone yields various blocks, from very small to very large. Its texture changes from fine through medium to coarse grained. The properties ofthe stone are by far uniform and favourite, disregarding texture variations. However, frost resistivity is generelly not satisfying for most external applications. The masonry needs pre-treatment, to increase water repellency. The Istebna Sandstone of the Sobolów deposit reveals the best mechanical properties of all known deposits. Particularly, its compression strength in dry, wet as well as in frozen state, and abrasive tests are by far satisfactory. The latter property is particularly remarkable, as the Istebna sandstone, typically, is not resistant to abrasion and cannot be applied in paving works. Moreover, in every of investigated quarries blocks of various sizes constitute ca. 40% of the deposit volume. The deposit in Sobolów reveals the most favourite block divisibility. It may yield the largest blocks of all known deposits.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jan Bromowicz
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The paper presents a relational model of random process prognosis related to the description of ground points dislocations within the area ofundcrground exploitation influence. The prognosis ofthe analysed nonstationary process refers to the moment t,," with the restriction, that both the process state until moment t,, (survey results) as well as underground exploitation development generating given process arc known. Moreover, an assumption has been introduced, that the investigated process is a composition of deterministic component and of random quantity. The process of post-mining dislocations has been analysed as random walk ofrockmass particle -Markov chain - leading to diffusion process. In result partial differential equation has been obtained. What has been carried out for utilitarian purposes is the optimization of presented model with regard to several temporal horizons ofsurveying within the period ofnonstationary dislocations formation. The quality ofthe description has been characterised by mean square error in relation to dislocations survey results the actual mining-geological situation.
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Authors and Affiliations

Wiesław Piwowarski
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Mineralogical-petrographical investigation of botoom sediments of basin devoted for fish-culture were performed. Samples of sediments were collected near of the infow of fresh water into the basin (sample no I), at the centre of basin (sample no 2) and near of outflow of the water from the basin (sample no 3). Additionaly samples were taken from sami\ vertical profiles in all these three places of sampling. This way in cach of sampling points were taken samples a,b,c (from the top of sediments down). The distance between these samples was about 5 cm. Investigations were done with the use of polarizing light microscopy, SEM, EDX as well as ASA methods. Obtained results showed that sediments rcprcsnct mudy clays containing admixture of organic matter and sccondarly formed calcite. The main components of sediments are represented by quartz and clay minerals. Sediments contain slightly elevated lcval of Zn and Pb as well as orgainc matter aspccially. at the zone of outflow of water from the basin. This may suggests lower lcval of oxigcn in the water at this part of basin i.c. worse condition for life of fishes.
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Authors and Affiliations

Maciej Pawlikowski
Janusz Mazurek
Marta Wardas
Magdalena Strzebońska
Mirosława Sokołowska-Mikołajczyk
Tomasz Mikołajczyk
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Liquidation works carried out since 1994 in the post exploitation workings ofthe sulphurmine Machow are nearing completion. Its expected that by the end of the year 2000 the horizontal isolation layer forming the base of the future water reservoir will be completed. Dewatering ofthe mine however has to be continued at least until the partial filling of the reservoir by waters from the Wisła. At that time the pressure of the ore waters of the tertiary layer wi11 be in equilibrium within the recreational reservoir which won't cause the breakup (disintegration) of the newly formed isolation layer. In the end phase of its functioning the dewatering barrier system will undergo continual changes. These will occur as a result ofthe necessity ofmoving the internal we11 barrier from the base ofthe ore or the above-ore layer to the perimeter of the future water reservoir (external barriers). The quantity of withdrawn ore waters wi11 ensure the maintenance of the hydraulic height in the vicinity of the liquidated mine. The change in water relations was prognosed using a bydrogeological model ofthe Tarnobrzeg sulphur depression, this aBowed a piezometric estimation of the effectiveness of the ore dewatering system (Table 2) during consequent phases of the liquidation process. Each of these phases is also documented in the form ofhydroizohip maps (fig. 1--4) presenting the expected position of the hydrodynamic fields. These maps also show the increase in water table heights (impression) as compared to the state at the end of 1999 which is accepted as the initial state in simulation calculations. The obtained results from the prognostic calculations form the basis for the design or modification of barrier wells. During the filling up period of the reservior they will be helpful in a rational water management scheme.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ryszard Kulma
Andrzej Haładus
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The essence ofstruggle strategy carried out by an extractive industry enterprise has been analysed. Basic conditions for effective application ofstruggle marketing strategy in this enterprise and advantages derived from well-thought-out conducting of the said strategy have been tracked. Threads to the enterprise attributable to application of such strategy are also presented.
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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Podobiński

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The subject matter of the articles published in Mineral Resources Management covers issues related to minerals and raw materials, as well as mineral deposits, with particular emphasis on:

  • The scientific basis for mineral resources management,
  • The strategy and methodology of prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits,
  • Methods of rational management and use of deposits,
  • The rational exploitation of deposits and the reduction in the loss of raw materials,
  • Mineral resources management in processing technologies,
  • Environmental protection in the mining industry,
  • Optimization of mineral deposits and mineral resources management,
  • The rational use of mineral resources,
  • The economics of mineral resources,
  • The raw materials market,
  • Raw materials policy,
  • The use of accompanying minerals,
  • The use of secondary raw materials and waste,
  • Raw material recycling,
  • The management of waste from the mining industry.

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