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The exothermic insulating riser played an important role in the solidification process of metal liquid for the improvement of casting quality. This paper focused on the use of organosilicon slag to replace part of the aluminum powder as an exothermic agent for the riser, to reduce production costs and turn waste into treasure. The experiments firstly studied the effect of organosilicon slag content on the combustion temperature and holding time and determined the components of the riser exothermic agent and organosilicon slag. On this basis, the effects of the content of Na3AlF6 flux and alkali phenolic resin binder on the combustion heating time and strength properties of the riser were studied. And the ratio of mixed oxidants was determined by single-factor orthogonal experiments to optimize the addition of three oxidants, Fe3O4, MnO2, and KNO3. Finally, the performance of the riser prepared after optimization was compared with that of the riser prepared with general aluminum powder. The results showed that with the mixture of 21% organosilicon slag and 14% aluminum powder as the exothermic agent, the highest combustion temperature of the prepared exothermic insulating riser was 1451℃ and the holding time was 193 s; the optimal content of Na3AlF6 flux was 4%, and the best addition alkali phenolic resin binder was 12%; the optimized mixing ratio of three oxidants was 12% for Fe3O4, 6% for MnO2, and 6% for KNO3. Under the optimized ratio, the maximum combustion temperature of the homemade riser was 52℃ and the heat preservation time was 14% longer compared with the conventional exothermic insulating riser with 25-35% aluminum powder.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jijun Lu
Jiangbing Qian
Lei Yang
Huafang Wang

  1. School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Wuhan Textile University, China
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The sodium silicate sands hardened by microwave have the advantages of high strength, fast hardening speed and low residual strength with the lower addition of sodium silicate. However, the sodium ion in the sands will absorb moisture from the atmosphere, which would lead to lower storing strength, so the protection of a bonding bridge of sodium silicate between the sands is crucial. Methyl silicone oil is a cheap hydrophobic industrial raw material. The influence of the addition amount of methyl silicone oil modifier on compressive strength and moisture absorption of sodium silicate sands was studied in this work. The microscopic analysis of modified before and after sodium silicate sands has been carried on employing scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and energy spectrum analysis(EDS). The results showed that the strength of modified sodium silicate sands was significantly higher than that of unmodified sodium silicate sands, and the best addition of methyl silicone oil in the quantity of sodium silicate was 15%. It was also found that the bonding bridge of modified sodium silicate sands was the density and the adhesive film was smooth, and the methyl silicone oil was completely covered on the surface of the sodium silicate bonding bridge to protect it.
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[1] Stachowicz, M., Pałyga, Ł. & Kȩpowicz, D. (2020). Influence of automatic core shooting parameters in hot-box technology on the strength of sodium silicate olivine moulding sands. Archives of Foundry Engineering. 20(1), 67-72.
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Authors and Affiliations

Huafang Wang
Xiang Gao
Lei Yang
Wei He
Jijun Lu

  1. School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Wuhan Textile University, China
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Iron black commonly employs in thermal insulation riser sleeves due to its ability to react with aluminum powder, generating heat. However, the complex production process and unstable composition of iron black lead to high production costs. The potential of using arc furnace flue ash (AFFA) as a complete substitute for iron black and MnO2 and KNO3 oxidizing agents in conventional riser sleeves was investigated in this study. Waste material can be transformed into a valuable resource, while production costs can be reduced by utilizing arc furnace flue ash. The research examined the impact of varying types and amounts of arc furnace flue ash on riser sleeve temperature and holding time by conducting single-factor and orthogonal optimization experiments. The orthogonal optimization experiment determined that the optimum ratio of each oxidant was 6 % arc flue ash, 3 % MnO2 and 6 % KNO3. At this time, the highest temperature was 1512 ℃ and the holding time was 244 s. Results indicated that different types of arc furnace flue ash used as an oxidizing agent demonstrated superior holding capacity and heat generation performance compared to iron black. Additionally, a comparative analysis of factory casting experiments using ductile iron 600-3 (IS) revealed that both arc furnace flue ash and iron black risers effectively countered shrinkage. However, arc furnace flue ash risers exhibited improved mechanical properties, as evidenced by the hardness of the castings.
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Authors and Affiliations

Junjie Zhu
Jian Feng
Ling Liu
Huafang Wang
Jijun Lu

  1. School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Wuhan Textile University, China
  2. CRRC Corporation Limited, China
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Sodium silicate, known for its low cost and non-toxicity, has been considered as a promising option for green foundry in terms of mould sands. However, the utilization of used sodium silicate sands has posed significant challenges. To address the issues of high energy consumption and secondary pollution associated with wet and dry regeneration of sodium silicate used sands, this paper proposes a novel unattended biological regeneration system. The system involves culturing diatoms in an incubator with a solution of sodium silicate used sands. The incubator is equipped with built-in sensors that continuously monitor temperature, illuminance, pH, and water level. The monitoring data is transmitted in real-time to the Yeelink Internet of Things platform via the controller using the TCP/IP protocol. By logging onto the corresponding web page, the experimenter can remotely observe the monitoring data. The results of the experiment indicate that diatoms bloomed five times, and the water pH decreased from 10.2 to 8.2 after 40 days of cultivation. Additionally, the film removal rate of the used sands reached 90.26%.
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[1] Stachowicz, M., Granat, K. & Pałyga, L. (2017). Influence of sand base preparation on properties of chromite moulding sands with sodium silicate hardened with selected methods. Archives of Metallurgy and Materials. 62(1), 379-383. DOI:10.1515/amm-2017-0059.

[2] Stachowicz, M., Pałyga, Ł. & Kȩpowicz, D. (2020). Influence of automatic core shooting parameters in hot-box technology on the strength of sodium silicate olivine moulding sands. Archives of Foundry Engineering. 20(1), 67-72. DOI:10.24425/afe.2020.131285.

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Authors and Affiliations

Huafang Wang
Zhaoxian Jing
Ao Xue
Yuhan Tang
Lei Yang
Jijun Lu

  1. School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Wuhan Textile University, China

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