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Over the years laser welding has evolved as a fabrication process capable of overcoming the limitations of conventional joining methodologies. It facilitates the welding of diverse range of materials like metals, non-metals, polymers etc. Laser transmission welding is a technique employed for fabricating intricate shapes/contours in polymers with better precision compared to the other conventional processes. Nylon6, a synthetic semi-crystalline polymer is utilized as an engineering thermoplastic due to its high strength and temperature resistant properties. In the earlier researches, various welding techniques were employed for the fabrication of polymers and metals keeping the laser beam stagnant, and much emphasis was given only to temperature distribution along the different axes and limited attention was given to residual stress analysis. Therefore, in this research work, a three-dimensional time-dependent model using a moving laser beam is used to fabricate unreinforced Nylon6 specimens.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Santosh Kumar Gupta
Pradip Kumar Pal


This paper proposes an active noise control (ANC) application to attenuate siren noise for the patient lying inside ambulance with no sound proofing. From the point of cost effectiveness, a local ANC system based on feedforward scheme is considered. Further, to handle the limitation of limited Zone of Silence (ZoS), the ANC based on virtual sensing is explored. The simulations are done in MATLAB for the recorded ambulance siren noise signal. The results indicate that ANC can be an effective solution for creating a silent environment for the patient.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Sharma Manoj Kumar
Vig Renu
Pal Ravi
Shantharam Veena


A novel circuit topology of modified switched boost high frequency hybrid resonant inverter fitted induction heating equipment is presented in this paper for efficient induction heating. Recently, induction heating technique is becoming very popular for both domestic and industrial purposes because of its high energy efficiency and controllability. Generally in induction heating, a high frequency alternating magnetic field is required to induce the eddy currents in the work piece. High frequency resonant inverters are incorporated in induction heating equipment which produce a high frequency alternating magnetic field surrounding the coil. Previously this high frequency alternating magnetic field was produced by voltage source inverters. But VSIs have several demerits. So, in this paper, a new scheme of modified switched boost high frequency hybrid resonant inverter fitted induction heating equipment has been depicted which enhances the energy efficiency and controllability and the same is validated by PSIM.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ananyo Bhattacharya
Kaushik Sit
Pradip Kumar Sadhu
Nitai Pal


The disposal of ash in a thermal plant through the slurry pipe is subjected to some erosion wear due to the abrasive characteristics of the slurry. A simulation study of particle-liquid erosion of mild steel pipe wall based on CFD-FLUENT that considers the solid-liquid, solid-solid and solid-wall interaction is presented in this work.The multi-phase Euler-Lagrange model with standard k- ϵ turbulence modeling is adopted to predict the particulate erosion wear caused by the flow of bottom ash water suspension. Erosion rate for different particle size and concentration is evaluated at variable flow rate. It is observed that the pressure drop and erosion rate share direct relationships with flow velocity, particle size and concentration. The flow velocity is found to be the most influencing parameter. A model capable of predicting the erosion wear at variable operating conditions is presented.The simulation findings show good agreement with the published findings.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Vikas Kannojiya
M.B. Darshan
Yogender Pal Chandra


This paper proposes a fair calculation approach for the cost and emission of generators. Generators also have reactive power requirements along with the active power demand to meet up the total power demand. In this paper, firstly the reactive power is calculated considering the random active power operating points on the capability curve of a generator then the cost for reactive power generation as well as emission are calculated. In order to develop the mathematical function for the reactive power cost and reactive power emission, a curve-fitting technique is applied, which gives the generalised reactive power cost and reactive power emission functions. At the end, the problem is formulated as a multiobjective problem, considering conflicting objectives such as combined active- reactive economic dispatch and combined active-reactive emission dispatch. The problem is converted from the multiobjective load dispatch problem (MOLDP) into a scalar problem, using the weighting method and the best compromised solution has been calculated using the particle swarmoptimization (PSO) technique.Afuzzy cardinal method has been applied to choose the best solution. In order to demonstrate the efficiency of developed functions the proposed method is applied on a 3 generator unit system and a 10 generator unit system, the results obtained show its validity and effectiveness.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Harinder Pal Singh
Yadwinder Singh Brar
D.P. Kothari


In this study, silicon carbide (SiC) reinforced lead-free solder (SAC305) was prepared by the powder metallurgy method. In this method SAC305 powder and SiC powder were milled, compressed and sintered to prepare composite solder. The composite solders were characterized by optical and scanning electron microscopy for the microstructural investigation and mechanical test. Addition of 1.5 wt. % and 2 wt. % ceramic reinforcement to the composite increased compressive strengths and microhardness up to 38% and 68% compared to those of the monolithic sample. In addition, the ceramic particles caused an up to 55% decrease in the wetting angle between the substrate and the composite solder and porosity was always increased with increase of SiC particles.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Manoj Kumar Pal
G. Gergely
D. Koncz-Horvath
Z. Gacsi


This paper presents a new approach to study the palaeoecological and archaeological benefits of the previously investigated Szeged-Öthalom area. The aim was to combine the archaeological results with the palaeoecological ones by a new integral view. Age-depth models of 14C dated charcoal were calculated via Bayesian method to reconstruct the sediment accumulation rates in the investigated loess- palaeosol sequences. Moreover, the age of a Mammoth bone found in 1935 at the nearby Palaeolithic site was correlated with the calculated accumulation rates. Through our new results, the age of the Palaeolithic site could be correlated to the late LGM dust-accumulation-peak period. Even if this period is considered as cold and dry, the palaeoecological settings indicated dense forest cover and cool climate in the investigated area. This means that the palaeoenvironment may have encouraged the diffusion of Gravettian hunters in this area, founding campsites like Öthalom in the southern part of the Carpathian Basin.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Dávid Molnár
László Makó
Pál Sümegi
Balázs P. Sümegi
Tünde Törőcsik


This study presents the results of a comprehensive geoarchaeological study implemented at an archeological site covering ca. 5 ha near the city of Csorna on the NW part of the Danube Plain, NW Hungary. The site itself exposed a complex fluvial system of an ice age creek with near bank and overbank areas (levee, point bar, back swamp). Spatial distribution of archeological features allowed for the interpretation of differential use of the fluvial landscape by different cultures. According to our data, the referred fluvial system must have emerged during the Late Glacial. At this time, creeks originating from hills to the SE followed a uniform NW trajectory. From the Holocene, small creeks were beheaded turning into inactive flood channels. It was the time when the gradual infilling of the floodplain started. Alternating layers of floodwater coarses and floodplain fines mark recurring floods at our site. These could have been correlated with cooler, wetter climatic phases of the North Atlantic, Western Europe and high stands in Central European lakes. Highest floods are recorded during the Late Bronze and Iron Ages besides the Neolithic. Pollen data enabled us to make inferences on the vegetation as well.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Tünde Törőcsik
Sándor Gulyás
Pál Sümegi
Balázs Sümegi
Dávid Molnár
Réka Benyó-Korcsmáros


This paper presents a mathematical model of a power controller for a high-frequency induction heating system based on a modified half-bridge series resonant inverter. The output real power is precise over the heating coil, and this real power is processed as a feedback signal that contends a closed-loop topology with a proportional-integral-derivative controller. This technique enables both control of the closed-loop power and determination of the stability of the high-frequency inverter. Unlike the topologies of existing power controllers, the proposed topology enables direct control of the real power of the high-frequency inverter.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Palash Pal
Debabrata Roy
Avik Datta
Pradip K. Sadhu
Atanu Banerjee


In this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of vitamin E on mouse adrenal glands in immobilization stress. Twenty-eight male, 10-week-old, BALB/C mice weighing 30-45 grams were divided into four groups. Mice were placed in a cage where no movement was allowed 6 hours/day for 7 days for immobilization stress. 10 ml/kg vitamin E was administered orogastrically 1 hour before immobilization stress in the vitamin E and stress+vitamin E group. At the end of the 7th day, all the animals were subjected to elevated-plus maze (anxiety) and forced swimming (depression) tests. Left adrenal glands were dissected for routine paraffin tissue embedding protocol. Adrenal sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and Azan. Malonaldehyde (MDA) levels were also measured in the adrenal tissues. Anxiety level (0.023), depression level (p=0.042) and MDA values (p=0.01) were significantly increased in the stress group. Histological sections of the stress group showed cortical atrophy, medullary hypertrophy, vascular dilation and hemorrhage. Azan staining revealed a thinned capsule and corticomedullary fibrosis in the stress group. Pathologies induced by immobilization stress were mostly reversed after vitamin E administration. The results suggested that vitamin E alleviates adverse effects of immobilization stress (oxidative, behavioral and histopathologic changes) in mice.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

F. Aşır
Y. Nergiz
A. Pala

  1. Department of Histology and Embryology, School of Medicine, Dicle University, Diyarbakır, Turkey


Results of fly ashes from combustion of hard coal and co-combustion of alternative fuel (SRF) with coal in the stoker boiler WR-25 type studies have been shown. Samples of fly ashes were acquired during industrial combustion tests of hard coal and blend of coal with 10% SRF. The scope of comparative research included: chemical composition, contents of combustible parts and trace elements and also of microscopic analysis. The specific surface area SBET was established and tests of water extract were conducted. Chemical composition of mineral substance of both studied ashes is similar. Main ingredients are: SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3 and CaO. Fly ash from co-combustion of SRF with coal in a stoker boiler is characterized by high contents of combustible parts (on 30% level), higher than ash from hard coal combustion. Both tested ashes are characterized by specifi c surface area SBET on the level of 8–9 m2/g. In porous structure mesopores are dominant (>60%), and their volume is higher for fly ash from co-combustion of SRF with coal. Fly ash from co-combustion of waste is characterized by high contents of heavy metals. Nevertheless these metals and also other pollutants do not show leachability exceeding acceptable values for wastes different than hazardous. The microscopic structure of fly ashes from combustion of hard coal and co-combustion of alternative fuel studies showed crucial differences, especially in reference to organic material. Presented research results have shown that fly ash from co-combustion of SRF with coal in a stoker boiler can obtain the status of non-hazardous waste.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ryszard Wasielewski
Małgorzata Wojtaszek
Agnieszka Plis

  1. Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal, Poland

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