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Celem artykułu jest ukazanie sylwetki i kariery zawodowej prawnika Simona Clüvera (ok. 1540–1598) oraz zawartości części jego księgozbioru zachowanego w PAN Bibliotece Gdańskiej. Pochodzący z Gdańska Clüver studiował na uniwersytecie w Wit-tenberdze w latach 1558–1565. Po powrocie z podróży edukacyjnej po Europie został dyplomatą w służbie władz miasta Torunia. W 1584 roku uzyskał tytuł doktora obojga praw na uniwersytecie w Bazylei i rozpoczął pracę jako adwokat w sądzie kasacyjnym Rzeszy w Spirze. W 1586 roku osiadł na stale w Norymberdze, gdzie został syndykiem miejskim. Zachowana część biblioteki Clüvera składa się z rękopisów, w dużym stopniu jego autografów, oraz z szesnastowiecznych druków o różnorodnej tematyce. Woluminy oprawione są w tekturę obciągniętą pergaminem z dawnych rękopisów, grzbiety książek zostały wzmocnione tłoczoną na ślepo skórą jaśniejszej barwy. Na okładzinie przedniej, w górnym lewym rogu, umieszczano inicjały: S C I V D, po środku tłoczono złotem superekslibris herbowy właściciela.
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Helena Dzienis

  1. Dział Zbiorów Specjalnych, PAN Biblioteka Gdańska, ul. Wałowa 15, 80-858 Gdańsk
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Artykuł prezentuje źródłoznawczą analizę trzech książek adresowych obejmu-jących Gdańsk. Zostały one wydane w latach 1817 (Adreß-Buch für das Königliche Dan-ziger Regierungs-Departement mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Stadt Danzig und ihres Polizei-Bezirks), 1830 (Adreßbuch der Königlich Westpreussischen See- und Handlungsstadt Danzig und deren combinirte Vorstädte) i 1831 (Danziger Stadt- und Adreß-Almanach für das Jahr 1831). W tym okresie tego typu wydawnictwa ukazywały się incydentalnie w Gdańsku. Jak wykazano, trzy różne osoby przygotowujące omówione publikacje miały odmienne zapatrywania na to, co powinno się w nich znaleźć, stąd też dosyć spora ich różnorodność, zarówno edycyjna, jak i tematyczna.
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Piotr Paluchowski

  1. Zakład Historii i Filozofii Nauk Medycznych, Gdański Uniwersytet Medyczny, ul. Tuwima 15, 80-210 Gdańsk
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Artykuł źródłowy przedstawia nieznany do tej pory odpis zeznań Franza Zie-reisa, przechowywany w dziale rękopisów PAN Biblioteki Gdańskiej (Ms. 5193). Ziereis był niemieckim zbrodniarzem wojennym, długoletnim komendantem KL Mauthausen (1939–1945). Zeznawał dobrowolnie 24 maja 1945 roku, niedługo przed swoją śmiercią w wyniku ran odniesionych podczas zatrzymania przez amerykańskich żołnierzy. Choć zeznania ostatniego komendanta KL Mauthausen były już niejednokrotnie wykorzysty-wane (między innymi podczas tzw. głównego procesu zbrodniarzy niemieckich przed Międzynarodowym Trybunałem Wojskowym w Norymberdze w latach 1945–1946) i publikowane, to w istocie nigdy dotąd nie zostały przedstawione w języku polskim z komentarzem naukowym. W artykule podjęto także próbę identyfikacji istniejących do tej pory w polskich zbiorach rękopisów bądź odpisów zeznań Ziereisa, ze wskazaniem na podstawowe różnice między nimi.
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Jan Daniluk

  1. Zakład Historii Gdańska, Pomorza i Regionu Nadbałtyckiego, Instytut Historii, Wy- dział Historyczny, Uniwersytet Gdański, ul. Wita Stwosza 55, 80-308 Gdańsk
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Klub Sportowy „Gedania” powstał w 1922 roku. Celem działania Klubu było rozwijanie sprawności fizycznej jego członków, a także umacnianie polskości w Wolnym Mieście Gdańsku. W artykule przedstawiono zbiory PAN Biblioteki Gdańskiej świad-czące o historii „Gedanii” w latach 1922–1951. Niewyczerpanym źródłem informacji o działalności Klubu jest polska i niemiecka prasa wydawana przed wojną w Gdańsku. Bogate zbiory fotograficzne dokumentują aktywność zawodników w poszczególnych sekcjach sportowych „Gedanii”. Biblioteka posiada ponadto życiorysy i wspomnienia spisane przez członków Klubu oraz zróżnicowane materiały archiwalne: Statut Klubu Sportowego „Gedania”e.V. w Gdańsku, świadectwa wydarzeń sportowych i towarzyskich, rozmaite pamiątki klubowe oraz pokaźny zbiór afiszy i ulotek z lat 1946–1951. Zacho-wane archiwalia przedwojenne są tzw. białymi krukami.
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Szymon Juras

  1. Dział Zbiorów Specjalnych, PAN Biblioteka Gdańska, ul. Wałowa 15, 80-858 Gdańsk

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Zofia Tylewska-Ostrowska

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Helena Dzienis
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A self-conscious emotion of pride is viewed in the proposed article as a complex concept comprising the meanings of authentic, hubristic, and collective pride. It has been revealed that the specificity of cross-cultural expression and perception of this concept is to some extent influenced by the level of individualism serving as one of the criteria for culture classification. Different level of individualism in such related cultures as German and English-speaking cultures (ESC) served as the basis for the hypothesis that the emotion concept (EC) PRIDE in ESC (1) may be perceived more positively and (2) may contain more intensive meanings than Germ. STOLZ due to the fact that the level of individualism in the ESC is higher than German. Аs a result, their pride is more “individualistic”, i.e. it is more oriented towards an individual’s interests and needs bringing them more pleasure.
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Andrews, R., C. McGlynn and A. Mycock 2010. National pride and students’ attitudes towards history: An exploratory study. Educational Studies 36(3): 299-309.
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Kostiantyn Mizin
Oleksandr Petrov
Anastasiia Petrova

  1. Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav, Ukraine
  2. Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Ukraine
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The aim of this paper is to determine the conceptual system of the Silesian mythological beliefs that is reflected in the names of demonic figures. These names are not only typical for the region of Silesia but they often refer to other parts of Poland (close or further to/from Silesia). The paper deals with the names of the figures and with their meanings. These meanings are the starting point to determine the features which are helpful for describing figures (and the set of their characteristic features) and for the presentation of the whole conceptual system. The fundamental elements of this system are the four basic categories – spatial locations, outward appearance, functional features (typical actions and roles) and harmfulness/harmlessness to a man. All the features of the demonic figures are presented here according to the levels being the manifestations and projections of these four basic categories.
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Алексеев, А.В. 2019. Ускользающий «топос»: К вопросу о содержании понятия и пределах его применимости. In М.В. Ильин (ed.), Метод: Московский ежегодник трудов из обществоведческих дисциплин, вып. 9: Методологические аспекты трансдисциплинарного трансфера знаний, 98-113. Москва: [б.и.].
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Piotr Czerwiński

  1. Institute of Linguistics, University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland
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The purpose of this paper is to look into discourse patterns of President Joe Biden from an anthropological pragmatics perspective, and the theory of speech acts, in particular. I will argue that speech acts are double-edged tools in human communication that have the power to create objective facts accepted and maintained by human agreement on the one hand but are also determined by fluctuating socio-cultural context. In exploring the topic of the American presidency from an anthropological pragmatics perspective, this article addresses theoretical and methodological issues which further our understanding of linguistic structure of social reality determined by socially constrained functions that underlie culture. Thus, this paper argues for a broadened research path to advance the theory of speech acts in political discourse. An analysis of President Joe Biden’s language practices uncovers the rhetorical concept of ethos and its criterion of credibility that is indicative of his presidential status.
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Ahearn, L.M. 2017. Living Language. An Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology. Malden: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
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Marta E. Strukowska

  1. Centre of Languages and Communication, Poznan University Of Technology, Poland
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The article discusses the persuasive use of metaphors in the online discourse of influencers of the bodypositive movement, which aims to change the way society thinks about the body. Three cases will be considered: (a) first, the similarities in the conceptual metaphors used by the representatives of the two languages, (b) the metaphors used only in Spanish, (c) finally, the metaphors used only in the discourse in Polish. These three situations have been analysed and documented using examples Spanish and Polish examples, taken from publications posted on the Instagram platform.
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Aliaga, F. y E. de Bustos 2001. Metáfora y discurso argumentativo (breves observaciones). En J.J de Bustos Tovar (ed.), Lengua, discurso, texto: I simposio internacional de análisis del discurso, 849-859. Madrid: Visor Libros.
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Barbara Drozd
Natalia Wiśniewska

  1. Instituto de Estudios Polacos y Periodismo, Universidad De Rzeszow, Polonia
  2. Instituto de Lenguas Modernas, Universidad De Bielsko-Biala, Polonia
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The aim of this paper is to exploit the informative nature of datasets that can be created from corpus-based software to explore specific phenomena in early modern specialized discourse, and to corroborate the adoption of the same software for historical analysis. Particular relevance will be devoted to the special nature of historical evidence, which has caused critical issues in the reliability of the data collected for the purpose of historical investigation of English. Spelling variation, in this sense, is one of the most crucial problems of Early Modern English, and this has often affected the reliability of data to be collected via software, especially when statistical findings are involved. The normalisation of historical texts has contributed enormously to make texts better readable for historical corpus analysis; and, consequently, to improve the accuracy and manipulation of data. Moreover, several tools used in corpus linguistics have benefited from the normalisation of spelling variants in the same terms, e.g. part-of-speech taggers for historical variety. This case study will attempt to explore the data retrievable from corpus-based software like VARD, #LancsBox and CQPweb, and to use them to corroborate a preliminary analysis of early modern economics discourse in two treatises written by Gerard Malynes in 1601 and 1623.
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Malynes, Gerard, fl. 1586-1641., 2004, A treatise of the canker of Englands common wealth Deuided into three parts: wherein the author imitating the rule of good phisitions, first, declareth the disease. Secondarily, sheweth the efficient cause thereof. Lastly, a remedy for the same. By Gerrard De Malynes merchant., Oxford Text Archive,
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Remo Appolloni

  1. Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
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Landawe is one of the local languages in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. It is in danger condition because it has only a few speakers. The article aims at describing the maintenance of Landawe language and its correlation to people's attitudes in North Konawe, Southeast Sulawesi. The study used a qualitative and quantitative approaches and sociolinguistics theory. Based on the result, study shows that the use of Landawe language is decreasing. It is affected by both extra and intra-linguistics factors. Maintaining the Landawe language can be done through several steps, namely, a) use of the Landawe language in all conditions, either in family, meeting, or education domain; b) use of the Landawe language in media social, such as Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, and Twitter); and c) use of the Landawe language as competition object in various activities or parties. However, the negative attitude of society toward Landawe language is one of challenges to the maintenance of the language.
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Aslinda and L. Syafyahya 2010. Pengantar Sosiolinguistik. Bandung: Refika Aditama.
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La Yani Konisi
La Aso
Maulid Taembo

  1. Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia
  2. Cultural Studies Faculty, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia
  3. Education Faculty, Trunojoyo Madura University, Bangkalan, Indonesia
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This study investigated linguistic variations to establish the legitimacy of Pakistani English as a distinct variety. The corpus comprised 70 discussion sections from Pakistani English research articles distributed across three academic disciplines (engineering, information technology, and literature). The analysis was conducted using Multidimensional Analysis Tagger v.1.1, which scrutinized 67 grammatical features across five dimensions. The results revealed significant differences in dimensions 1, 3, and 5 which indicated variations in Pakistani English. The results also showed the discussion sections: being highly informative, formal, abstract, and explicit in engineering; informative, and abstract in information technology; and less informative, explicit, and abstract in literature research articles. However, the results displayed fewer variations in dimensions 2, and 4 which suggested them being interesting for further research. Overall, this research contributed to our understanding of the linguistic variations in Pakistani English and its distinct characteristics across academic disciplines.
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Abid, A., H. Manzoor, and A.R. Siddique 2022. Cross-cultural examination of argumentative English essays: A multidimensional analysis of Pakistani and Chinese learners. Linguistic Forum 4(4): 40-48.
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Nimra Pervez
Ali Raza Siddique
Muhammad Ahmad

  1. Department of Applied Linguistics, Government College University, Faisalabad, Pakistan
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This paper is the first part of Alonso Pascua (in press). Both address the question as to why Jespersen’s Cycle (JC) evolved differently in Romance, focusing on the analysis of negation patterns in two West Iberian languages: Spanish and Asturleonese. The hypothesis that JC gets blocked when speakers are provided with evidence that negation is complex, but activated when this evidence is unavailable, will be tested. It will be contended that the alternation of two forms for negation in Old Spanish, triggered by adjacency with object clitics (OCs), provided speakers with evidence of the complex nature of negation and contributed to the blocking of JC. Conversely, it will be argued that the lack of such an alternation in Asturleonese hampered the speaker’s awareness of this complexity and favoured the activation of JC. This evidence will be used to support the hypothesis tested and thus contribute to a better understanding of the long-standing question of JC triggers.
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Abraham, W. 1999. “Jespersen’s Cycle”: The evidence from Germanic. In G.F. Carr, W. Harbert and L. Zhang (eds.), Interdigitations: Essays for Irmengard Rauch, 63-70. New York: Peter Lang.
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Borja Alonso Pascua

  1. Department of Spanish Linguistics, University of Salamanca, Spain

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