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Keywords ESG CSR GRI mining
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The article is an analysis of the content of the reports of the national mining companies and vertically integrated operators in the energy value chain, in light of the guidelines of global standards of corporate social responsibility (CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility). A verification of the review of the literature and reports of selected companies in terms of non-financial data publication was conducted, that is information which is based on ES(G) (E – Environment; S – Social; G – Governance), especially considering all environmental and social aspects. It was also indicated which selected mining companies prepare integrated reports (financial and non-financial data), in line with the GRI (Global Report Initiative) guidelines and G4 Mining and Metals – the document contains a set of disclosures for use by all organizations in the Mining and Metals sector. According to the author, universal access to non-financial data expanding the circle of stakeholders and can mitigate the negative public opinion towards the mining industry. Integrated reporting is a new experience for Polish mining companies and vertically integrated energy groups reporting sent to various stakeholder groups, using the GRI guidelines. The analysis showed that only two domestic companies out of the 10, i.e. LW Bogdanka S.A. and KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. submitted the report for 2015, based on the indices dedicated to the, „mining and metals” Industry. The selection of companies has been dictated by their significant share in the mining industry in Poland. The article indicates skipping important aspects of the business activities of mining and vertically integrated enterprises, which should be a necessary part of the reports (due to the obvious impact of mining on the environment and society). It refers to the GRI G4 Mining and Metals guidelines as the indicators which are additional tools to reporting on sustainable development. The purpose of this article is to point out important aspects of the mining companies and vertically integrated enterprises which are omitted and, in the opinion of the author, should be the components of those reports.

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Justyna Woźniak
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Studies on the quality of bituminous coal are mainly focused on physico-chemical analysis, examining the ash content, sulphur content, volatile matter content, moisture content, and the Net Calorific Value of coal. Until now, the above mentioned parameters form the basis of the Polish Standard PN-82/87002, on the basis of which individual types of bituminous coal are determined. In addition, an elemental analysis, providing information about the content of primary elements in the organic matter of solids, i.e. coal, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulphur, is carried out for the selected samples. This issue has been studied by many authors, which undoubtedly provide invaluable knowledge due to the huge amount of data, but, as the authors themselves indicate, the knowledge of the petrography of coal, coking properties (Probierz et al. 2012) and finally the coke obtained from individual coal types (based on tests carried out using the Karbotest installation or the so-called „box tests” performed in the coke oven battery) is still very limited. The article discusses the impact of petrographic composition on the quality of metallurgical coke. The analysis was performed using samples of coking coal from the following mines: Pniówek, Zofiówka, Borynia, and Krupiński. The mentioned coal types are used to produce coke mixtures used for the production of coke in the Przyjaźń and Radlin coking plants. Based on the rank of coal and physicochemical parameters, the mentioned coal types were classified according to the Polish classification and the UN/ECE International Classification of In-Seam Coals (UN/ECE 1995). The prediction of thermomechanical properties of coke (CSR and CRI) performed according to the original CCP method were compared with the results obtained using the classical method of Nippon Steel Corporation.

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Iwona Jelonek
Zbigniew Jelonek
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Artykuł ma na celu ujawnienie wytycznych globalnej inicjatywy sprawozdawczej – GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) w kontekście podmiotów zintegrowanych pionowo w energetycznym łańcuchu wartości. Omówiono istotę funkcjonowania tego typu podmiotów, dokonano przeglądu literatury w tym zakresie oraz znaczenia zintegrowanego raportowania w kontekście ujawniania danych niefinansowych (ESG: E – Environment; S – Social; G – Governance). Bazując na zintegrowanych raportach spółek giełdowych wpisujących się w układ łańcucha tworzenia wartości od złoża po produkt finalny, jakim jest energia elektryczna trafiająca do odbiorcy końcowego, dokonano analizy pod kątem światowych standardów raportowania jako przejawów dobrych praktyk. Mowa tu o wytycznych zapisanych w dokumencie GRI Standards (Global Report Initiative), przy uwzględnieniu wytycznych zapisanych w dokumentach dedykowanych branży wydobywczej – G4 Mining and Metals i energetycznej – G4 Electric Utilities. Pokrótce omówiono te wskaźniki, bowiem brak jest wersji polskojęzycznej tych dokumentów. Wykazano, które aspekty (wskaźniki GRI) są uwzględniane w raportach, które pomijane, a zdaniem autorki winny być elementem przygotowywanych raportów. W tym celu przeanalizowano dwa zintegrowane raporty wybranych podmiotów tj. Grupa Kapitałowa Polska Grupa Energetyczna SA (GK PGE SA) i TAURON SA za 2015 r., podobne do siebie pod względem formy i treści. Ciekawy sposób ich prezentacji ułatwia nawigację interesujących danych.
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Authors and Affiliations

Justyna Woźniak
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The subject of this article concerns the growing issue of implementing the concept of social responsibility in the activities of integrated energy entities. This work includes the performance of a budgetary analysis of the national leading company, in terms of expenses associated with corporate social responsibility (CSR). The article presents the analysis of source literature, as well as identifies stakeholder activities. The introduction includes an explanation of the concept of CSR, its global approach along with the justification for the need to implement the concept of CSR in the strategy of industry entities. The following were used, among others, to perform the research: elements of financial and non-financial reporting, i.e. reports of a vertically integrated energy company – Capital Group Polska Grupa Energetyczna SA, over the years 2013–2017. The data obtained from distributed sources were used. The company’s activities in social and environmental directions were identified, and the stakeholder groups of these initiatives were determined. The main purpose of this article was to estimate the level of expenditure associated with CSR in the context of the company’s general budget. The article emphasizes the role of the PGE Foundation as a recognizable point of company activity in the scope of CSR (the participation of individual group companies in financing the foundation was presented). The analysis of CSR expenditure included: the amount of taxes paid, costs of employee benefits and assets of the social services fund, and environmental costs.

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Authors and Affiliations

Justyna Woźniak
Justyna Szewczak
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CSR on Mazovia – Institutional Dimension. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is defined as the responsibility of enterprises for their impacts on society. For the effective implementation of this concept are very important institutions, understood as a permanent (legal, organizational and customary) determinants of repetitive human behaviour and peopleto- people interaction. Institutions can therefore be both organisations that promotes this concept and CSR projects or strategies. The aim of the article is to review the thesis that the Mazovia is the driving force of the development of CSR in Poland, carried out on the basis of desk and web research. By evaluating the degree of institutionalisation of CSR in Mazovia, based on an analysis of the activities of the various sectors in this field, it was found that most activities for the implementation of this concept is undertaken in Mazovia, and many of them have coverage nationwide.
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Ewa Jastrzębska
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The presented article touches upon corporate social responsibility, a topic of a current and interdisciplinary nature. The aim of the article was to examine the CSR knowledge of two groups of stakeholders and indicate the need to include issues related to sustainable social and environmental responsibility in the technical study program. The research conducted within this domain have been the first results obtained among the academic communities of a technical university and employees in Poland who are the representatives of a selected business group, i.e. the mining sector. The obtained results are the effect of combining scientific research with the business environment. The main part of the article constitutes a description, course and results of the applied research method, which is a survey carried out amongst the selected target groups. The authors’ intention was to list the results obtained in two contexts: environmental and social. The conclusions of these studies are of a utilitarian nature, following towards the need to consider issues concerning sustainable social and environmental responsibility in the program of technical studies (as obligatory subjects). The authors argue that the increase in knowledge will be accompanied by an increase in awareness among (future) industry employees and among the public. This may mean an increase in expectations towards enterprises, which will result in raising standards both when it comes to aspects related to the natural environment, working conditions, and social dialogue.

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Katarzyna Pactwa
Justyna Woźniak
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The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility is now much better recognized and more widely discussed in Poland than before. The year 2018 was legislatively the first year in which, according to the directive of the European Union, large and medium- sized enterprises became obliged to report their CSR strategies or to explain the reasons of non-compliance. The article, referring to the existing literature on the subject and ongoing discussion, looks for the possibility of such cultural involvement of enterprises which would be an integral part of their social responsibility.

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Maria Magdalena Jagielska
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The paper presents the correlation between the CRI (Coke Reactivity Index), CSR (Coke Strength after Reaction) and the remaining 36 quality parameters of coking coal from the Pniówek deposit (SW part of the USCB). The test results were obtained for a region of fundamental importance to the Polish reserves of coking coal, characterized by highly variable coalification and quality parameters. The tests related to the determination of relationships of the CRI and CSR indices to other parameters were based on 25 channel samples acquired from active workings. The characteristics of the variability of the CRI and CSR indices were analyzed using statistical methods. The dependencies between the CRI and CSR indices and the parameters having an impact on their values were determined using linear correlation. An attempt was also made to determine the correlations between the concerned parameters using the multiple correlation method. The obtained results have been presented and compared to the results of globally conducted experiments in the form of charts presented by (North et al. 2018b). No clear dependence of the CRI and CSR indices was exhibited in case of most of the analyzed quality parameters, which is supported by low correlation coefficients of r < 0.5. The statistical analysis exhibited only 9 cases of correlation between CRI and CSR with other quality parameters, where the correlation coefficient was r ≥ 0.5, that is: Ht a, Na2O, Al2O3 and SiO2, Mn3O4, da a and dr a. This confirms the different characteristics of coal from the studied area, exhibited multiple times, that should be related to the specific coalification process, especially the occurrence of thermal metamorphism.

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Krystian Probierz
Marek Marcisz
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Current source inverters (CSI) is one of the widely used converter topology in medium voltage drive applications due to its simplicity, motor friendly waveforms and reliable short circuit protection. The current source inverters are usually fed by controlled current source rectifiers (CSR) with a large inductor to provide a constant supply current. A generalized control applicable for both CSI and CSR and their extension namely current source multilevel inverters (CSMLI) are dealt in this paper. As space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) features the advantages of flexible control, faster dynamic response, better DC utilization and easy digital implementation it is considered for this work. This paper generalizes SVPWM that could be applied for CSI, CSR and CSMLI. The intense computation involved in framing a generalized space vector control are discussed in detail. The algorithm includes determination of band, region, subregions and vectors. The algorithm is validated by simulation using MATLAB /SIMULINK for CSR 5, 7, 13 level CSMLI and for CSR fed CSI.

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J. Anitha Roseline
M. Senthil Kumaran
V. Rajini

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