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Changes that take place in a job environment, job structure, job perception, as well as in the sphere of features, meanings and values ascribed to work are constituents of changes in the contemporary world, particularly of the development of the free market economy. It is difficult to overestimate the significance of these changes for the quality of career construction, its development and modification of its individualized paths. The contemporary study of career requires taking into account multicontextual changes in the world of work, that make employees face new challenges. In the economy based on knowledge, which in turn determines the orientation of the modern society to knowledge, the career development of its members and investing in their „portfolio” become the key elements of such an economy. The development of a career “portfolio” means the investment and renewal of the career capital on the path of proactivity.
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Agnieszka Cybal-Michalska
Keywords global warming
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Key messages from the IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C.

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Valérie Masson-Delmotte
Keywords global warming
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Global warming is not a myth, there is solid scientific evidence for it. If humanity opts to ignore it, it will come to a catastrophic end.

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Szymon Malinowski
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Soldiers are the backbone of any armed force. They usually lose their lives due to the lack of medical assistance in emergency situations. Furthermore, army bases face problems due to the inability to track soldiers’ locations in the field. Hence, this paper proposes an interactive graphical user interface module (IGUIM) for soldiers’ bioinformatics acquisition and emergency reaction during combat, a global positioning system (GPS) is used to track soldiers’ locations through a device carried by the soldier. Soldiers’ bioinformatics are gathered using health monitoring biosensors, bidirectional communication between the soldiers and the army base is established via a global system for mobile (GSM). The proposed interactive module aims to enumerate the soldiers on the battlefield within a database that easily facilitates health monitoring, position tracking and bidirectional communication with each soldier through their identification number. The proposed IGUIM will increase the rate of soldiers’ survival in emergencies, which contributes to preserving the human resources of the army during combat.
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Wesam F. Swedan
Huthifa A. Al_Issa
Ayat Aloqoul
Hadeel Alkofahi
Rahaf Obeidat

  1. Department of Electrical Engineering, Al-Huson University College, Al Balqa Applied University, Jordan
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The transition to a zero-carbon economy is the inclusive growth story of the twenty-first century. It needs to be managed with effective and cohesive policies, whilst recognizing that sustainable development, inclusive growth and climate action are interwoven and mutually supportive.

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Nicholas Stern
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The Finns built a goal-oriented policy of lifelong guidance, which promotes not only the climate of constant learning, but also the development of knowledge and skills. The Finnish success is related to the changes in the contemporary world. It relies on the perfect recognition of skills and competences, which are needed in society of the future due to the different working conditions, which students and employees of XXI century have to face.

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Arleta Suwalska
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The article contains considerations on the historical evolution of globalization in the context of the rivalry between two basic concepts of economic system: pro-state option and pro-market option. The author assumes that globalization is a permanent feature of human aspirations. In the beginning of modern era it was interlocked with the alternating dominance of pro-market and pro-state tendencies, and it continues to appear in the same form until present times. The liberal economic thought has expressed these opposition in the state versus market formula. Over the last five centuries there have been five stages of alternating dominance of pro-market and pro-state forces, connected with globalization. First was the mercantilism with the significant role of state, and its antithesis was the XIX-century free-competition capitalism. Two last stages – the neo-liberalism dating from 1980 to 2008 and its antithesis from 2009 to 2019 – have been presented in detail. The previous stages are shown only as historical background. The analysis is preceded by the outline of a theoretical model of globalization connected with the alternating dominance of pro-state and pro-market tendencies, which can be seen as value added to the legacy of economic thought devoted to the relationship between market and state.

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Zbigniew Madej
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In this article I discuss the need for more systematic integration of approaches dealing with religious beliefs and practices into the discussion about sources and areas of gender social changes that occur in global migration. Firstly, starting from the discussion about negative representations of religiosity in contemporary debates, I consider from theoretical and methodological perspectives why we should move the religious dimension from the margins more to the centre of analysis. Secondly, basing on an exploratory review of empirical research about intersections of religion and gender in the lives of in-ternational migrants, I discuss findings that reveal about religion as a potential mediator in the gen-dered revolution. I answer how they help to understand the complexities and ambivalences of social changes and identify the areas they concern. I argue that the revolutionary potential that arises at the intersection of migration, gender and religion is not limited to changing gender orders in religious organisations. It is religious beliefs themselves that influence migrants’ everyday lives and challenge the existing gendered contract in lay areas, in work relations, civic and political participation.

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Sylwia Urbańska
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Karl Marx (and also Friedrich Engels, by the way) was – contrary to his own opinion – an author of several utopias which played a role in the 20th century. The question (which is of both historical-philosophical and historical-empirical character) therefore arises how important this role was. The author focuses on the characteristics of Marxian utopias, and specifically – on their axiological content and current relevance. According to the author, Marx’s utopias can be a convenient starting point for searching for various projects (political, economic, technological etc.) necessary to cope with global challenges that mankind faces in our time. The author is also considering Marx’s motives for a critical approach to utopias and points to those of them which in his opinion should be accepted, while distinguishing them from others which should be rejected.

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Waldemar Czajkowski
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The global warming and subsequent climate change has seriously threatened the glaciers of the Hindukush Karakoram Himalaya (HKH) region. These glaciers provide water to more than 60% people of the 11 countries, including Pakistan. The capital city of Pakistan has witnessed unprecedented urbanisation, population increase, development of new townships and associated economic activities. These challenges, together with climate change, have created severe pressure on the water resources of the city. In this mixed mode research, including questionnaire survey of 20 questions was distributed among the residents of the city online through Google Form. The questions were related to the expected impact of climate change on the availability of water, measures for conservation of water etc. About 205 residents from various parts of the city with different demographic backgrounds responded. This was followed by Focus Group Discussions (FDGs) of the experts and the major challenges to the urban water security of Islamabad with special reference to climate change have been assessed. The research has revealed that the water resources of the city are highly unsustainable. The residents have high concerns about the availability and quality of water. The results have shown that there is a number of governance issues in water distribution systems of the city. There are no organized water conservation strategies employed by City Government. The lack of institutional and policy framework has further complicated the situation. Residents seem willing for metering of water for its conservation. Recommendations have been made to municipal authorities for rational water resource management of the city.
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Attaullah Shah
Rehmat Karim
Karamat Ali

  1. Karakorum International University, Department of Civil Engineering Technology, University Road, Gilgit, 15100, Baltistan, Pakistan
  2. Karakorum International University, Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Gilgit, Baltistan, Pakistan
  3. Karakorum International University, Department of Environmental Sciences, Gilgit, Baltistan, Pakistan
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The possibilities to improve values of the satellite orbit elements by employing the pseudo-ranges and differences of carrier phase frequencies measured at many reference GPS stations are analysed. An improvement of orbit ephemeris is achieved by solving an equation system of corrections of the pseudo-ranges and phase differences with the least-squares method. Also, equations of space coordinates of satellite orbit points expressed by ephemeris at fixed moments are used. The relation between the accuracy of the pseudo-ranges and phase differences and the accuracy of the satellite ephemeris is analysed. Formulae for estimation of the influence of the ephemeris on the measured pseudo-ranges and phase differences and for prediction of the accuracy of the pseudo-ranges and phase differences were obtained. An influence of the covariance between single orbit parameters on the accuracy of the pseudo-ranges and phase differences is detected.

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Jonas Skeivalas
Eimuntas Paršeliūnas
Raimundas Putrimas
Dominykas Šlikas
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The global stability of positive continuous-time standard and fractional order nonlinear feedback systems is investigated. New sufficient conditions for the global stability of these classes of positive nonlinear systems are established. The effectiveness of these new stability conditions is demonstrated on simple examples of positive nonlinear systems.

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T. Kaczorek
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The article sets the signposts of a theft in history, as it charters the way the discipline of Philosophy has been narrated as a ‘western’ system of thought. We follow the global sources of Philosophy and establish how better knowledge and education can develop, once the myths of the past are overcome.
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Arshin Adib-Moghaddam

  1. SOAS University of London, United Kingdom
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These remarks are to be considered as a voice in the discussion not only on the historical role of the Catholic Church in culture but also on mistakes committed by its Magisterium of the Catholic Church such as absolutism, globalism, and intolerance. Certainly it can be called otherwise. The key issue is however at how we call it but if we consider it as major mistakes and if yes if we seek for such an explanation that will actually is an excuse. This is the case in the example of often recalled in these remarks “The history of the Catholic Church” by Marian Banaszak. I do represent another view than this author. Also not just than Banaszak himself but other authors as well who blame for the failures of Catholicism (including the decline of its decisive social role) all those but not the ones who make the key decisions within the Church.
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Zbigniew Drozdowicz

  1. Instytut Kulturoznawstwa, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań
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The pace of climate change observed since the beginning of the industrial era has prompted scientists to seriously consider whether human activity is to blame for global warming. On the geological timescale, however, climate change is certainly nothing new or exceptional – as is clear when one looks at the record of plant and animal fossils.

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Barbara Słodkowska
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Arctic glaciers respond quickly to climatic conditions, which is why they play a special role as climate warming indicators. Studying them in the long term is the key to understanding future global environmental changes.

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Jacek Jania
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The climate as we know it is a natural resource that is becoming depleted due to the rising demand for energy. The most emission-intensive sectors are those providing for our comfort and welfare. We discuss these issues with Prof. Mirosław Miętus from the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management.
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Mirosław Miętus

  1. Instituteof Meteorology and Water Management– National Research Institute (IMiGW-PIB), Warsaw, Poland
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Science at the state level consists of two distinct and heterogeneous systems: the global science system and national science systems. National science systems are deeply embedded in global science, and states seek to use global knowledge for domestic economic needs. However, harnessing the wealth of global knowledge can only be done through scientists. Consequently, the scientific strength of states in practice depends on the scientific strength of individual scientists. Their ability to collaborate internationally and to tap into the global scientific network is crucial. By remaining outside it and working within local research programs, the academic community risks being marginalized, losing the interest of national research funding patrons, and losing the ability to influence the development of science.
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Marek Kwiek

  1. Centrum Studiów nad Polityką Publiczną, Katedra UNESCO Badań Instytucjonalnych i Polityki Szkolnictwa Wyższego UAM w Poznaniu
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This study presents an analysis of the unprecedented growth of international research collaboration in Europe in terms of distribution of co-authorship and citation of globally indexed publications over the last decade (2009–2018). The dynamics of change that emerge from this analysis are as follows: the increasing level of international cooperation is drawing key European systems away from institutional cooperation, with stable and strong national cooperation. National scientific output, i.e. the total number of publications, remains stable, and the entire increase in the number of publications over the period should be attributed to international co-authorship publications, which are the only driving force behind the increase in the number of publications in Europe. Due to the emergence of global networked science, in which the role of national policies in cooperation is decreasing and the role of scientists is growing, the key to the development of cooperation in Europe (and in Poland) is the readiness of individual scientists to undertake international cooperation. Researchers cooperate internationally when it is profitable for them in terms of academic prestige, scientific recognition and access to research funding, which is suggested by the three models proposed here (the model of credibility cycle in science, the model of prestige maximization and the model of global science). The total number of analyzed articles indexed in the Scopus database was 5.5 million, including 2.2 million articles written in international cooperation.

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Marek Kwiek
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The study was conducted to assess and substantiate the key systemic problems of the national engineering of different countries in the context of economic globalization. To achieve this goal, the study used the author’s method to assess the dependence of mechanical engineering in Ukraine, Poland and Germany on imports of intermediate goods. According to the results, it was determined that in the periods of increasing economic globalization of mechanical engineering in Ukraine, Poland and Germany has undergone systemic destructive changes and is in a threatening state, from the standpoint of economic security. In particular, in Ukrainian and Polish mechanical engineering, the dependence on imports of high-tech intermediate goods is excessively high. In contrast, German engineering, unlike Ukraine’s and Poland’s, is less dependent on imports of high-tech products, but requires much more resource-intensive intermediate goods. It is analytically substantiated that the identified problems with the import dependence of mechanical engineering in Ukraine, Poland and Germany are the result of irrational, one-sided perception of economic globalization by the main economic entities of these countries.
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Svitlana Ishchuk
Lyubomyr Sozanskyy

  1. Department of Problems of the Real Sector of the Regional Economy, Institute of Regional Research named after M.I. Dolishniy of the NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine
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In this paper, the analysis of carbon footprint values for children’s footwear was conducted. This group of products is characterized by similar small mass and diversity in the used materials. The carbon footprint is an environmental indicator, which is used to measure the total sets of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions into the atmosphere caused by a product throughout its entire lifecycle. The complexity of carbon footprint calculation methodology is caused by multistage production process. The probability of emission greenhouse gases exists at each of these stages. Moreover, a large variety of footwear materials – both synthetic and natural, give the possibility of the emission of a lot of waste, sewage and gases, which can be dangerous to the environment. The diversity of materials could be the source of problems with the description of their origins, which make carbon footprint calculations difficult, especially in cases of complex supply chains. In this paper, with use of life cycle assessment, the carbon footprint was calculated for 4 children’s footwear types (one with an open upper and three with full uppers). The life cycles of the product were divided into 8 stages: raw materials extraction (stage 1), production of input materials (stage 2), footwear components manufacture (stage 3), footwear manufacture (stage 4), primary packaging manufacture (stage 5), footwear distribution to customers (stage 6), use phase (stage 7) and product’s end of life (stage 8). On these grounds, it was possible to point out the life cycle stages, where the optimization activities can be implemented in order to reduce greenhouse gases emissions. The obtained results showed that the most intensive corrective actions should be focused on the following stages: 3 (the higher emissivity), 4 and 8.

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Wioleta Serweta
Robert Gajewski
Piotr Olszewski
Alberto Zapatero
Katarzyna Ławińska
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The purpose of this article is to identify and assess environmental risks that may have the greatest impact on the future of humanity. They were divided into two basic groups, i.e. for natural processes and resources. In addition, climate change is described as different group. The authors decided, that a holistic approach to this issue is more desirable than dividing it into two above-mentioned groups. The comparison of various threats was possible due to the application of identical assessment criteria, such as: the harmfulness, rate of spread, scope and moment of occurrence of a given group of threats. Each of the listed criteria has been evaluated on a five-point scale, where 1 has the smallest and 5 the largest impact force. The obtained results show the leading importance of natural processes in maintaining the existing Earth system. In addition, the authors point to a greater risk of problems related to renewable resources than non-renewable one. As a result, it can be assumed that the current degradation of natural processes and excessive use of resources is likely to lead to the risk of global disasters.

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Konrad Prandecki
Artur Michałowski
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Global Vector Autoregressive models came to be used quite widely in empirical studies using macroeconomic non-stationary panel data for the global economy. In this paper, it is shown that when the loading matrix of the cointegrating vectors is not block-diagonal and the cross-sectional spillovers of disequilibrium exist, the use of the GVAR model leads to spurious cross-sectional long-run relationships. Moreover, the results of Monte Carlo simulation show that the GVAR model is outperformed by other valid econometric approaches in terms of the maximum likelihood estimator of long-run coefficients, when the cointegrating vectors matrix is block-diagonal.
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Piotr Kłębowski

  1. University of Łódz, Poland

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