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The purpose of the paper is to outline a systematic and unified non-local treatment of mode conversion effects associated with an interface superlattice being a 2D pseudo-array composed of altered phase inclusions (exemplified by impurity clusters) and located at a solid-solid plane interface. It will be illustrated, in some detail, for the instructive case of a Stoneley type acoustic wave (SW), incident on a periodically nonhomogeneous portion of an interface and partly transformed into bulk modes propagating in one of the component solid. An analytical model scheme is constructed, using a variational method combined with the T matrix approach, appropriate for the 2D periodic array treated, and decaying into the depth of this solid for the structure in a way determined by the array geometry and element 3D profiles as well as the boundary conditions at the interface. An apodization (weighting) to reduce the side-lobes level is incorporated into the structure by appropriately varying lateral dimensions and the depth of particular scatterers.

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Jerzy Kapelewski
Bogdan Lila
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Oxide fiber-reinforced Ni-base composites have long been considered as attractive heat-resistant materials. After several decades of active research, however, interest in these materials began to decline around mid-1990’s due chiefly to 1) a lack of manufacturing technology to grow inexpensive single-crystal oxide fibers to be used in structural composites, and 2) fiber strength loss during processing due to chemical interactions with reactive solutes in the matrix. The cost disadvantage has been mitigated to a large extent by the development of innovative fiber fabrication processes such as the Internal Crystallization Method (ICM) that produces monocrystalline oxide fibers in a cost-effective manner. Fiber strength loss has been an equally restrictive issue but recent work has shown that it may be possible to design creep-resistant composites even when fiber surface reconstruction from chemical interactions has degraded the strength of extracted fibers tested outside the matrix. The key issue is the optimization of the composite- and interface structure. Reaction-formed defects may be healed by the matrix (or a suitable coating material) so that the fiber residing in the matrix may exhibit diminished sensitivity to flaws as compared to fibers extracted from the matrix and tested in isolation of the matrix. Generally, the Ni-base/Al2O3 composites exhibit acceptable levels of wettability and interface strength (further improved with the aid of reactive solutes), which are required for elevated-temperature creep-resistance. In order to harness the full potential of these composites, the quality of the interface as manifested in the fiber/matrix wettability, interface composition, interphase morphology, and interface strength must be designed. We identify key issues related to the measurement of contact angle, interface strength, and chemical and structural properties at the fiber/matrix interface in the Ni/alumina composites, and present the current state-ofthe-art in understanding and designing the Ni/alumina interface. There should be no doubt that optimization of the interface- and composite microstructure through judicious control of the fabrication process and surface modification shall yield technologically promising Ni-base/oxide fiber composites.

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R. Asthana
S.T. Mileiko
N. Sobczak
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A number of micromechanical investigations have been performed to predict behaviour of composite interfaces, showing that the detailed behaviour of the material at these interfaces frequently dominates the behaviour of the composite as a whole. The interfacial interaction is an extremely complex process due to continuous evolution of interfacial zones during deformation and this is particularly true for carbon nanotubes since the interfacial interaction is confined to the discrete molecular level. The atomic strain concept based upon Voronoi tessellation allows analyzing the molecular structure atom by atom, which may give a unique insight into deformation phenomena operative at molecular level such as interface behaviour in nanocomposites.

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R. Pyrz
B. Bochenek
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The tale of human progress is also a story of advancements in media technologies. But should we necessarily greet the changes now on the horizon with optimism?
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Piotr Celiński

  1. Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin
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Convenient human-computer interaction is essential to carry out many exhausting and concentration-demanding activities. One of them is cyber-situational awareness as well as dynamic and static risk analysis. A specific design method for a multimodal human-computer interface (HCI) for cyber-security events visualisation control is presented. The main role of the interface is to support security analysts and network operators in their monitoring activities. The proposed method of designing HCIs is adapted from the methodology of robot control system design. Both kinds of systems act by acquiring information from the environment, and utilise it to drive the devices influencing the environment. In the case of robots the environment is purely physical, while in the case of HCIs it encompasses both the physical ambience and part of the cyber-space. The goal of the designed system is to efficiently support a human operator in the presentation of cyberspace events such as incidents or cyber-attacks. Especially manipulation of graphical information is necessary. As monitoring is a continuous and tiring activity, control of how the data is presented should be exerted in as natural and convenient way as possible. Hence two main visualisation control modalities have been assumed for testing: static and dynamic gesture commands and voice commands, treated as supplementary to the standard interaction. The presented multimodal interface is a component of the Operational Centre, which is a part of the National Cybersecurity Platform. Creation of the interface out of embodied agents proved to be very useful in the specification phase and facilitated the interface implementation.

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W. Kasprzak
W. Szynkiewicz
M. Stefańczyk
W. Dudek
M. Węgierek
D. Seredyński
M. Figat
C. Zieliński
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Brain research is enabling us to stretch the very limits of human cognition. However, exploring the mysteries of the brain has limits of its own, many of which we are still struggling to overcome.
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Piotr Durka
Krystian Dereziński

  1. Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw
  2. Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
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Marine sediments with rapid oxic/anoxic transitions are difficult to monitor in real time. Organic overload that may lead to anoxia and buildup of hydrogen sulfide can be caused by a variety of factors such as sewage spills, harbor water stagnation, algal blooms and the vicinity of aquaculture operations. We have tested a novel multiprobe technology (named SPEAR) on marine sediments to evaluate its performance in monitoring sediments and overlaying water. Our results show the ability of the SPEAR probes to distinguish electrochemical changes at 2-3 mm scale and at hourly cycles. SPEAR probes have the ability to identify redox interfaces and redox transition zones in sediments, but do not use micromanipulators (which are cumbersome in field and underwater applications). We propose that the best target habitats for SPEAR-type monitoring are rapidly evolving muddy deposits and sediments near aquaculture operations where pollution with organics stresses the ecosystem.
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R. Popa
I.C. Moga
K.H. Nealson
V.M. Cimpoiasu

  1. DFR Systems SRL, R&D Department, Bucharest, Romania
  2. University of Southern California, Los Angeles, 90089, USA
  3. University of Craiova, Biology and Environmental Engineering Department, Frontier Biology and Astrobiology Research Center, Craiova, 200585, Romania
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Soldiers are the backbone of any armed force. They usually lose their lives due to the lack of medical assistance in emergency situations. Furthermore, army bases face problems due to the inability to track soldiers’ locations in the field. Hence, this paper proposes an interactive graphical user interface module (IGUIM) for soldiers’ bioinformatics acquisition and emergency reaction during combat, a global positioning system (GPS) is used to track soldiers’ locations through a device carried by the soldier. Soldiers’ bioinformatics are gathered using health monitoring biosensors, bidirectional communication between the soldiers and the army base is established via a global system for mobile (GSM). The proposed interactive module aims to enumerate the soldiers on the battlefield within a database that easily facilitates health monitoring, position tracking and bidirectional communication with each soldier through their identification number. The proposed IGUIM will increase the rate of soldiers’ survival in emergencies, which contributes to preserving the human resources of the army during combat.
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Wesam F. Swedan
Huthifa A. Al_Issa
Ayat Aloqoul
Hadeel Alkofahi
Rahaf Obeidat

  1. Department of Electrical Engineering, Al-Huson University College, Al Balqa Applied University, Jordan
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Consecutive casting of bimetallic applies consecutive sequences of pouring of two materials into a sand mold. The outer ring is made of NiHard1, whereas the inner ring is made of nodular cast iron. To enable a consecutive sequence of pouring, an interface plate made of low carbon steel was inserted into the mold and separated the two cavities. After pouring the inner material at the predetermined temperature and the interface had reached the desired temperature, the NiHard1 liquid was then poured immediately into the mold. This study determines the pouring temperature of nodular cast iron and the temperature of the interface plate at which the pouring of white cast iron into the mold should be done. Flushing the interface plate for 2 seconds by flowing nodular cast iron liquid as inner material generated a diffusion bonding between the inner ring and interface plate at pouring temperatures of 1350 °C, 1380 °C, and 1410 °C. The interface was heated up to a maximum temperature of 1242 °C, 1260 °C, and 1280 °C respectively. The subsequent pouring of white cast iron into the mold to form the outer ring at the interface temperature of 1000 °C did not produce a sufficient diffusion bonding. Pouring the outer ring at the temperature of 1430°C and at the interface plate temperature of 1125 °C produced a sufficient diffusion bonding. The presence of Fe3O2 oxide on the outer surface of the interface material immediately after the interface was heated above 900 ⁰C has been identified. Good metallurgical bonding was achieved by pouring the inner ring at the temperature of 1380°C, interface temperature of 1125 °C and then followed by pouring of the outer ring at 1430⁰C and flushing time of 7 seconds.

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W. Purwadi
B. Bandanadjaja
D. Idamayanti
N. Lilansa
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Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are a good reinforcement for metal matrix composite materials; they can significantly improve the mechanical, wear-resistant, and heat-resistant properties of the materials. Due to the differences in the atomic structure and surface energy between CNTs and aluminum-based materials, the bonding interface effect that occurs when nanoscale CNTs are added to the aluminum alloy system as a reinforcement becomes more pronounced, and the bonding interface is important for the material mechanical performance. Firstly, a comparative analysis of the interface connection methods of four CNT-reinforced aluminum matrix composites is provided, and the combination mechanisms of various interface connection methods are explained. Secondly, the influence of several factors, including the preparation method and process as well as the state of the material, on the material bonding interface during the composite preparation process is analyzed. Furthermore, it is explained how the state of the bonding interface can be optimized by adopting appropriate technical and technological means. Through the study of the interface of CNT-reinforced aluminum-based composite materials, the influence of the interface on the overall performance of the composite material is determined, which provides directions and ideas for the preparation of future high-performance CNT-reinforced aluminum-based composite materials.
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Authors and Affiliations

Rong Li
Zhilin Pan
Qi. Zeng
Xiaoli Ye

  1. School of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Guizhou Normal University, Guyiang, Guizhou, China
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The article discusses the conclusions of the U. S. State Department report on the threats resulting from the unregulated development of artificial intelligence. The report warns very emphatically of various future threats facing the world as a result of the uncontrolled development of new information technologies, strongly emphasizing in particular the potential for the destruction of all humanity by globally uncontrolled applications of AI. The second part of the article deals with an issue that is potentially also of great importance for our future, namely a new device that connects the brain with the computer. This device, called Neuralink, wirelessly transmits brain signals to a special program that decodes them to recognize human thoughts. With many undeniable advantages, a huge threat is the ability of undesirable persons to exploit access to a person’s thoughts in order to violate his privacy. The conclusion of the article is that it is necessary to carry out extensive work on regulations aimed at the safe development of AI and its use beneficial for society.
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Michał Kleiber

  1. Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN, Warszawa
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Diffusion multiple method was applied to investigate the alloying elements distribution and interface diffusion reactions in Co-Al-X system, in order to accelerate the alloy development. The diffusion regions of Co-Al-X system at 1173 K were investigated by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and nanoindentation. SEM images show that phases of Co-Al-Ni diffusion interface consisted of β-CoAl + γ Co, γ Co, γ + γ'-(Co, Ni)3Al and γ Ni, while Co-Al-Cr diffusion interface is shaped with δ + γ + β, γ and σ region. TiNiX diffusion layer with high Ni-content was formed in Co-Al-Ti diffusion interface. The diffusion layers during diffusion multiple play an important role in mechanical properties in these alloying systems. The γ + γ' diffusion layer in Co-Al-Ni diffusion interface presented the best comprehensive performance, while the highest hardness (17.48 GPa) was confirmed in Co-Al-Cr diffusion interface due to a large number of brittle phases. Darken method was applied to determine the interdiffusion coefficients of alloying elements in pseudo-binary phase, accordingly the diffusion capacities of alloying elements can be ordered as Al > Ni > Cr in Co-based alloys.
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Authors and Affiliations

Hang Shang
1 2
Qiuzhi Gao
1 2
Yujiao Jiang
1 2
Qingshuang Ma
1 2
Huijun Li
Hailian Zhang

  1. Northeastern University at Qinhuangdao, School of Resources and Materials, Qinhuangdao, 066004, China
  2. Northeastern University, Shenyang, School of Materials Science and Engineering, 110819, China
  3. Tianjin University, School of Materials Science & Engineering, Tianjin, 300354, China
  4. Daotian High Technology Co., Ltd., Qinhuangdao, 066004, China
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The most common means to analyze redox gradients in sediments is by push/pulling electrochemical probes through sediment’ strata while repeating measurements. Yet, as electrodes move up and down they disrupt the texture of the sediment layers thus biasing subsequent measurements. This makes it difficult to obtain reproducible measurements or to study the evolution of electrochemical gradients. One solution for solving this problem is to eliminate actuators and electrode movements altogether, while instead deploying probes with numerous electrodes positioned at various depths in the sediment. This mode of operation requires electrode switching. We discuss an electrode-switching solution for multi-electrode probes, based on Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) multiplexors. In this solution, electrodes can be individually activated in any order, sequence or time frame through digital software commands. We discuss constraints of CMOS-based multilayer electrochemical probes during cyclic voltammetry.
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Authors and Affiliations

V.M. Cimpoiasu
F. Radulescu
K.H. Nealson
I.C. Moga
R. Popa

  1. University of Craiova, Frontier Biology and Astrobiology Research Center, Biology and Environmental Engineering Department, Craiova, 200585, Romania
  2. Portland, OR, 97229
  3. University of Southern California, Department of Biological Sciences, 3616, Trousdale Parkway, Los Angeles, 90089, USA
  4. DFR Systems SRL, R&D Department, Bucharest, Romania
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Semiconducting GaN can realize high performance electronic and power devices owing to its high electron mobility and thermal conductivity where good metal-semiconductor contact is prerequisite. In this work, using thermal atomic layer deposition (ALD), ZnO interlayer was grown at 80°C on GaN and the Pt/ZnO/GaN heterojunctions were electrically characterized. The analyses on the current–voltage (I–V) and capacitance (C–V) data showed that the forward I–V conduction was involved with the inhomogeneous Schottky barrier. The higher density of interface states from I–V data than that from C–V data was attributed to nonuniform distribution of interface states. In addition, high density of interface states caused localized high electric field, caused higher Poole Frenkel emission coefficients than the theoretical one.
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Authors and Affiliations

Hogyoung Kim
Ye Bin Won
Byung Joon Choi

  1. Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Department of Visual Optics, Seoul 01811, Korea
  2. Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Department of Material Science and Engineering, Seoul 01811, Korea
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In this study, stainless steel 316L and Inconel 625 alloy powders were additively manufactured by using directed energy deposition process. And heat treatment effect on hardness and microstructures of the bonded stainless steel 316L/Inconel 625 sample was investigated. The microstructures shows there are no secondary phases and big inclusions near interfacial region between stainless steel 316L and Inconel 625 except several small cracks. The results of TEM and Vickers Hardness show the interfacial area have a few tens of micrometers in thickness. Interestingly, as the heat treatment temperature increases, the cracks in the stainless steel region does not change in morphology while both hardness values of stainless steel 316L and Inconel 625 decrease. These results can be used for designing pipes and valves with surface treatment of Inconel material based on stainless steel 316L material using the directed energy deposition.
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Authors and Affiliations

Yeong Seong Eom
1 2
Kyung Tae Kim
Dong Won Kim
Ji Hun Yu
Chul Yong Sim
Seung Jun An
Yong-Ha Park
Injoon Son

  1. Korea Institute of Materials Science, 797 Changwon-daero, Changwon, Republic of Korea
  2. Kyungpook National University, 80 Daehakro, Bukgu, Daegu 41566, Republic of Korea
  3. Insstek, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
  4. Samsung Heavy Industries, Geoje-si, Republic of Korea
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WC-8Co cemented carbide was prepared by a high-temperature liquid phase sintering in argon at 5-200 Pa. Three microtextured grooves with a spacing of 500, 750, and 1000 μm were prepared on the surface of WC-8Co cemented carbide. TiAlCrSiN multi-element hard coating was deposited on the WC-8Co cemented carbide microtextured surface with multi-arc ion plating technology. The Vickers hardness and fracture toughness of coated and uncoated WC-8Co cemented carbide with or without a microtextured surface were investigated. The effect of different microtextured spacing on the interface bonding strength of the TiAlCrSiN coating was analyzed. The results show that with the reduction of the microtextured spacing, the Vickers hardness of the cemented carbide slightly decreases, and the fracture toughness slightly increases. The microtextured surface can improve the interface bonding strength between the coating and the substrate. The smaller the microtextured spacing, the larger the specific surface area and the higher the surface energy, so the interface bonding strength between the coating and the substrate increases.
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Authors and Affiliations

ManFeng Gong
1 2
GuangFa Liu
1 2
Meng Li
1 3
XiaoQun Xia
Lei Wang
JianFeng Wu
1 2
ShanHua Zhang
1 2
Fang Mei

  1. Lingnan Normal University, School of Mechatronics Engineering, Zhanjiang 524048, China
  2. Guangdong Ocean University, School of Mechanical Engineering, Zhanjiang 524088, China
  3. Northwestern Polytechnical University, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xian 710072, China
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We demonstrate a modularity bug in the interface system of Java 8 on the practical example of a textbook design of a modular interface for vector spaces. Our example originates in our teaching of modular object-oriented design in Java 8 to undergraduate students, simply following standard programming practices and mathematical denitions. The bug shows up as a compilation error and should be xed with a language extension due to the importance of best practices (design delity).

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Authors and Affiliations

Simon Kramer
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Interface shear strength between geomembranes with various textures, which are used for carrying out the artificial sealing of waste disposal, and compacted fly ash/bottom ash mix, was determined in the paper. The tests were conducted in a classical direct shear apparatus, with the use of a modified cylindrical box. The box was equipped with an additional part, which enabled interaction testing between compacted waste and HOPE geomembrane, It was found that interface strength estimation docs not depend on sample compaction. Only geomcmbranc structure has an effect on shear strength between waste sample and geomembrane. In the case of geomembranes with diverse structure greater values of interface friction angle are obtained, and for smooth geomembranc - greater values of adhesion.
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Katarzyna Zabielska-Adamska
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Tensile tests of 8009Al alloy reinforced with SiC and Al₂O₃ particles fabricated by powder metallurgy (PM) were conducted at temperatures of 250–350°C and strain rates of 0.001–0.1 s⁻¹. The ultimate tensile strength and yield strength of the samples decreased while the temperature and strain rate increased. The elongation slightly decreased at first and then increased with growing temperature because of the medium-temperature brittleness of the alloy matrix. When the strain rate was 0.1 s⁻¹, the elongation of the 8009Al/Al₂O₃ composites always decreased with an increase in temperature because of the poorly coordinated deformation and weak bonding between the matrix and Al₂O₃ particles at such a high strain rate. The work-hardening rates of the composites sharply increased to maxima and then decreased rapidly as the strain increased. Meanwhile, the 8009Al/SiCₚ composites displayed superior UTS, YS, elongation, and work-hardening rates than those of the 8009Al/Al₂O₃ composites under the same conditions. Compared to 8009Al alloys reinforced with spherical Al₂O₃ particle, 8009Al alloys reinforced with irregular SiC particles exhibited a better strengthening effect. The fracture mechanism of the 8009Al/SiCₚ composites was mainly ductile, while that of the 8009Al/Al₂O₃ composites was primarily debonding at the matrix–particle interfaces in a brittle mode.
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Authors and Affiliations

Shuang Chen
Guoqiang Chen
Pingping Gao
1 2
Chunxuan Liu
Anru Wu
Lijun Dong
Zhonghua Huang
Chun Ouyang
1 3 4
Hui Zhang

  1. Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Vehicle Power and Transmission System, Hunan Institute of Engineering, Xiangtan 411104, China
  2. Hunan Gold Sky Aluminum Industry High-tech Co., Ltd., Changsha 410205, China
  3. School of Material Science and Engineering, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang Jiangsu 21200, China
  4. CETC Maritime Electronics Research Institute Co., Ltd., Ningbo Zhejiang 315000, China
  5. College of Materials Science and Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China
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Monitoring head movements is important in many aspects of life from medicine and rehabilitation to sports, and VR entertainment. In this study, we used recordings from two sensors, i.e. an accelerometer and a gyroscope, to calculate the angles of movement of the gesturing person’s head. For the yaw motion, we proposed an original algorithm using only these two inertial sensors and the detected motion type obtained from a pre-trained SVM classifier. The combination of the gyroscope data and the detected motion type allowed us to calculate the yaw angle without the need for other sensors, such as a magnetometer or a video camera. To verify the accuracy of our algorithm, we used a robotic arm that simulated head gestures where the angle values were read out from the robot kinematics. The calculated yaw angles differed from the robot’s readings with a mean absolute error of approx. 1 degree and the rate of differences between these values exceeding 5 degrees was significantly below 1 percent except for one outlier at 1.12%. This level of accuracy is sufficient for many applications, such as VR systems, human-system interfaces, or rehabilitation.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Borowska-Terka
Paweł Strumiłło

  1. Łódz University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering, Institute of Electronics, Al. Politechniki 10, 93-590 Łódz, Poland
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In order to clarify the action law of the swirl oxygen lance jet on the melt pool of the converter and to determine the optimal swirl angle of the swirl oxygen lance for the 120t converter, this study establishes the gas-liquid two-phase flow model of the oxygen lance with different swirl angles based on the realizable k-ε model and the VOF multiphase flow model. The gas-liquid interface behavior during the interaction between the jet and the molten pool was analyzed, and the flow pattern of molten steel in the molten pool was mainly investigated. The results show that compared with traditional oxygen lance, the rotating oxygen lance jet enhances the stirring of the melt pool and intensifies the fluctuation of the melt pool liquid level. The depth of the impact cavity decreases with the increase of the swirl angle, but the diameter of the impact cavity increases with the increase of the swirl angle. When the jet with a swirl angle of 10 ° impacts the surface of the melt pool, the turbulence energy obtained by the molten steel is the highest, the average flow velocity inside the melt pool is the highest, and the molten steel is stirred more thoroughly, achieving better melting effects.
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Authors and Affiliations

Haoran Ma
Guangqiang Liu
Chengcheng Xu
Kun Liu
Peng Han

  1. College of Materials and Metallurgy, University of Science and Technology Liaoning, Anshan 3114051, China
  2. College of Civil Engineering, University of Science and Technology Liaoning, Anshan 114051, China
  3. Cold rolling mill plant, ANGANG Steel Company Limited, Anshan 114021, China
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Wire and laser additive manufacturing (WLAM) can produce outstanding mechanical properties of GH3039 nickel-based superalloys. A quantitative rapid phase field model with solute trapping kinetics has been developed during the rapid solidification process, where a range of process conditions are considered in terms of thermal gradients and pulling speeds. Intergranular hot cracking is found to occur at boundaries of tilted columnar dendrite in the GH3039 nickel-based superalloys. The simulations demonstrate that the phase field model considering the interface deflection can represent the dendrite growth during additive manufacturing more realistically. With the aid of numerical simulations, it is determined that dendrite growth morphologies transform from symmetrical columnar dendrite to tilted columnar dendrite as the interface crystallographic deflection is increased, while increasing the deflection angle can lead to uneven composition of material matrix, especially at the columnar dendrite interface. Solute concentrations at the columnar dendrite interface tend to promote hot cracking in additively manufactured Ni-based superalloy.
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Authors and Affiliations

Nanfu Zong
Zheng Wang
Yang Liu
Xinghong Liang
Tao Jing

  1. Tsinghua University, Ministry of Education, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Key Laboratory for Advanced Materials Processing Technology, Beijing 100084, China
  2. Jiangsu Changqiang Iron and Steel Corp., Ltd., Jiangsu 214500, China
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This study investigates single and multilayer TiAlN/CrN nanocomposite thin films developed using an RF magnetron sputtering system. The TiAlN and CrN layers showed a high degree of orientation, with the (200) peak being the strongest peak in both layers, and a multilayer structure was clearly observed. The surface roughness analysis using atomic force microscopy (AFM) and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealed that the TiAlN/CrN coatings had a smoother surface than the single-layer coatings and minimal intermixing between the two layers. Depth-sensing indentation measurements were used to measure the hardness and Young’s modulus of the coatings, demonstrating that TiAlN/CrN coating had the highest hardness (~16.38 GPa) and elastic modulus (~3.82 GPa) among all the coatings studied. This indicates that the TiAlN/CrN multilayer coating possesses superior mechanical properties due to its interface strength. Our findings suggest that these multilayer coatings have potential applications in tribological and decorative coatings.
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Authors and Affiliations

Viswanath G. Akkili
Hansung Lee
Suhyeon Kim
Jun-Hui Choi
Choong-Heui Chung
Joon Sik Park
Jae-Hyun Lee
Byungmin Ahn
Yoon-Kee Kim
Sangyeob Lee

  1. Hanbat National University,Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Daejeon, 34158, Korea
  2. Ajou University, Department of Energy Systems Research, Suwon, 16499, Korea
  3. Ajou University, Department of Energy Systems Research, Suwon, 16499, Korea; Ajou University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Suwon, 16499, Korea
  4. Hanbat National University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Daejeon, 34158, Korea
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High temperature behavior of three compacted graphite iron (CGI) alloys on polycrystalline alumina substrates (99.7%, poro­sity <3%) were examined by the sessile drop method combined with classical contact heating procedure in flowing Ar. High-speed high-resolution CCD camera was used for continuous recording of the CGI/Al2O3 couples during melting alloy, heating to and holding the couples at the test temperature of 1450°C for 15 min and their subsequent cooling. The comparative studies were made with conventional CGI (in wt.%: 3.70 C, 2.30 Si, 0.44 Mn, 0.054 P, 0.017 Mg, 0.015 S) and two alloys additionally containing the same amounts of 0.25 Mo, 0.1 V, 0.045 Sn and 0.032 Sb with different concentrations of Mg + Cu additions, i.e. 0.01Mg + 0.33Cu and 0.02Mg + 0.83Cu. All three CGI alloys demonstrated non-wetting behavior on the Al2O3 substrates while the contact angle values slightly decreased with increase of the Mg + Cu content in the alloy, i.e. 131° (unalloyed CGI), 130° (0.01Mg + 0.33Cu) and 125° (0.02Mg + 0.83Cu). Structural characterization of solidified couples by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy revealed: 1) heterogeneous nucleation of discontinuous graphite layer at the drop-side interfaces and on the surface of the drops; 2) reactively formed Mg-rich oxide layer at the substrate-side interface; 3) the formation of satellite droplets on the surface of the drops during their solidification; 4) degeneration of initially compacted graphite to lamellar graphite after remelting and subsequent solidification of the drops, particularly in their surface layer.

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Authors and Affiliations

N. Sobczak
M. Bacior
P. Turalska
G. Bruzda
M. Homa
J.J. Sobczak

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