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This paper presents the dynamics of gender inequalities at Polish universities in the years 2004–2021. Instead of the usual shares of women among all university graduates and employees, I analyse the degrees and titles awarded in this period. The gender imbalance among university graduates persists, with women obtaining twice as many master's degrees as men. Among the new doctors, a small surplus of women appeared. The shares of women in habilitations and titles of professors substantially increased. The shares of women in engineering and technical sciences increased at all levels. Both among graduates and among scientists, the gender composition tends towards equality where women have been less numerous so far. However, a similar trend has not occurred where men obtained a minority of degrees and titles.
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Michał Gulczyński

  1. Uniwersytet Bocconiego w Mediolanie, Wydział Nauk Społecznych i Politycznych
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This article discusses activities of the Main Council of Science and Higher Education in 2022.
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Grażyna Borkowska
Stanisław Kistryn
Marcin Pałys

  1. Instytut Badań Literackich PAN
  2. Uniwersytet Jagielloński
  3. Uniwersytet Warszawski
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Launched in 1865, Bluszcz [Ivy] was an illustrated women’s weekly which featured topical parenting issues in the context of ongoing social and cultural changes, the arrival of new technologies and modern tendencies in the arts and science. In tune with the latest trends in education, the weekly propagated a new approach to parenting and schooling. While upbringing should be based on at least elementary knowledge of the child’s psychology, educational institutions should open up to democratic reforms. The whole society need to be involved in the process of character shaping of the young generations of Poles. It was a task, the writers of Bluszcz insisted, inherent to a patriotic commitment to the future of the nation.
The article presents a qualitative analysis of the parenting themes featured in Bluszcz in 1905–1918, notably child's development, parenting problems, education of girls and women and the character of a good teacher/educator. Apart from regular health and hygiene advice, information on children with special care needs and presentation of latest educational trends, the magazine would also publish discussions about the ways of inculcating desirable values in children and young people. The special focus of this article is, however, on its presentation of vocational education and its handling of the situation of women being pushed to find new roles for themselves in a modern world. The author shows how Bluszcz tried to convince its female readers that the purpose of upbringing was to prepare a young person for a life that combines self-reliance, a useful role in society and self-realization, i.e. developing one’s own talents, passions and interests. Inspired by that mission, the editors and writers wrote about access to education (in the broad sense of the word), the role of parents in the nurturing and education of their children, in organizing small children’s free-time activities and taking care of their hygiene and health.
Undoubtedly, Bluszcz had the ambition to stimulate the social engagement of its women readers and encourage them to break down educational barriers, fight social pathologies and find the right approach towards children with special needs.
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Authors and Affiliations

Renata Bednarz-Grzybek

  1. Wydział Pedagogiki i Psychologii Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej ul. Głęboka 43 PL 20-612 Lublin
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Badania socjologiczne i psychologiczne prowadzone w różnych kontekstach kulturowych wskazują, że zmiana pozycji społecznej często wiąże się z przeżywaniem bólu i cierpienia. Artykuł skupia się na analizie indywidualnego doświadczenia awansu społecznego, jakim jest syndrom oszusta. Autorzy próbują odpowiedzieć na pytanie, jak polscy naukowcy pochodzący z klas ludowych, doświadczają owego, złożonego stanu poczucia intelektualnej fałszywości. Materiał badawczy składa się z kolekcji 25 autobiograficznych wywiadów narracyjnych (BNIM). W tekście wskazano przejawy syndromu oszusta oraz omówiono znaczenie socjalizacji w jego rozwoju. W końcowej części artykułu przedstawiono przykładowe sposoby radzenia sobie z oznakami poczucia intelektualnej fałszywości. Powszechność owego syndromu oraz fragmentaryczność dostępnych informacji na temat tego zjawiska wskazują pilną potrzebę zgłębienia problematyki, która może mieć znaczenie przy interpretacji zbiorów danych empirycznych na temat awansu społecznego.
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Authors and Affiliations

Sylwia Mikrut
Kamil Łuczaj

  1. Wydział Humanistyczny, Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza
  2. Katedra Socjologii Kultury, Uniwersytet Łódzki
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Dialogue in the Classroom: Teaching Strategies and Their Reception by Students – The paper aims to explore Student Voice research within the academic context in terms of theoretical assumptions and a practical approach to its application in the classroom. In the first part, we focus on three main themes which build the explanatory framework: (1) Italian language teaching at Polish universities, (2) the current teaching methodology implemented in the classroom, and (3) Student Voice as a tool to better plan teaching activities. In the second part, we present the findings of a survey conducted among students learning Italian at the Faculty of Applied Linguistics, and we analyze their value for the teaching and learning process.

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Marta Kaliska
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According to the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education and Polish Central Statistical Office the number of students systematically decreases since 2015. This demographic change was a reason to examine students motivation for undertaking their studies in order to improve educational program and to encourage students to peruse higher education. By approaching the subject of “Motivations for Undertaking Special Education Studies in The Opinion of Students at Pedagogical University of Cracow”, the answers were sought to the three following questions: What were the main reasons for choosing studies at Pedagogical University of Cracow? What motivators played a key role for students while selecting field of studies? What student’s personality traits did mainly influence their choice? Research material was collected basing on a self-designed questionnaire. The group of first-year 54 students year were tested, in which 39% didn’t know which specialization they would choose after a one year. The article’s conclusions present key factors motivating students for undertaking Special Education Studies and explain how personality traits influenced their choice.

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Anna Gagat-Matuła
Natalia Malik
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After 1945, the Gdańsk Library became a treasury for the surviving collections of Po-meranian libraries liquidated during and after the Second World War. The safeguarded manuscripts included an anonymous notebook – a diary describing the route of a summer trip through Eastern Lesser Poland in 1926 (Ms. 5872). A detailed analysis of diary entries made it possible to identify the author – a landowner, Maria Chełmicka, née Wybicka (1901-1968).
The programme of Maria Chełmicka’s trip was based on visiting castles and palaces constituting a priceless heritage of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth as well as temples characteristic for Eastern Lesser Poland (churches of various Christian denomi-nations, including the Orthodox Church, and Jewish synagogues). The description of the state of the historical buildings of the time, both the ones which are currently in ruin and the ones restored by Ukrainian authorities after 1991, is of a timeless value. The notebook is also a precious source familiarising readers with the realities of sightseeing trips of the time. One of the most interesting fragments of the diary is a description of a hike along the mountain range of Chornohora and the tourist infrastructure on the routes leading to its highest peak of Hoverla.
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Agata Larczyńska

  1. Wydział Studiów Edukacyjnych, Ateneum. Akademia Nauk Stosowanych, ul. 3 Maja 25A, 80-802 Gdańsk
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Studia doktoranckie w Polsce zmieniają swoje rolę, formę i funkcje. Dzieje się to w sposób zinstytucjonalizowany, uzależniony od politycznych decyzji kolejnych ministrów nauki i szkolnictwa wyższego. Niekiedy są to zmiany powierzchowne, niewnikające w fi lozofi ę kształcenia, innym razem – jak zapowiada Minister Jarosław Gowin w kontekście nowej Ustawy 2.0 Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym – reformy wprowadzane są rewolucyjnie. Artykuł analizuje propozycje projektów nowej ustawy, odwołując się zarówno do opinii Obywateli Nauki dotyczącej zaproponowanych rozwiązań i Obywatelskiego „Paktu dla Nauki”, będącego zbiorem rekomendacji zmian polskiej nauki, jak również do badań autorki tekstu, prowadzonych na potrzeby pracy doktorskiej pisanej pod kierunkiem prof. Zbigniewa Kwiecińskiego.
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Anna M. Kola
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W artykule analizuję strategię reformy nauki i szkolnictwa wyższego, ministra Jarosława Gowina oraz trzy koncepcje założeń do ustawy „Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym”, wyłonione w konkursie. Staram się, podobnie jak Obywatele Nauki, rozważyć zalety proponowanych rozwiązań, a także duże zagrożenia jakie się z nimi wiążą. Swoje uwagi opieram między innymi na badaniach skutków amerykańskiej reformy szkolnictwa wyższego.
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Eugenia Potulicka

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