This research evaluates the quality of water and surface sediment in the Bistrica River, addressing the growing environmental challenges in Kosovo caused by extensive human activities. Contamination of these resources poses significant threats to aquatic ecosystems and human health. To assess this, we analysed the levels of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in the samples using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The elements examined included Fe, Pb, Ni, Mn, Cu, Zn, Al, and Co. Samples were collected from various sites along the Bistrica River during both high-flow and low-flow seasons in October 2023. The degree of PTE contamination was assessed using several pollution indices (contamination factor (CF), contamination degree (CD), pollution load index (PLI), enrichment factor (EF), geoaccumulation index (Igeo) and ecological risk index (ERI)), indicating that both water and surface sediment exhibited moderate to high levels of contamination. Results revealed that pollution in water samples exceeded the guidelines set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and World Health Organization (WHO). Additionally, statistical analysis and contamination clusters, primarily originating from agricultural fields and grazing areas within the catchment. To reduce these risks and safeguard both the aquatic ecosystem and human health, it is crucial to maintain regular monitoring and enforce effective management strategies.
Even during normal hydrometeorological conditions, water management in dam reservoirs requires special measures and difficult operational decisions. The situation becomes even more complicated when high or even extreme surges occur. The study, which focused on four newly constructed dam reservoirs, identified key issues that may result in inappropriate operational assumptions being adopted. These include: (1) uncertainty in the values of characteristic flows – this is particularly true for the Krosnowice reservoir, where calculations were based on only one empirical method, (2) uncertainty in the capacity of the discharge devices – the capacity for bottom outlet of the Szalejów Górny reservoir was shown to be 19.5 m3 ∙ s−1 higher than assumed, (3) consequences of attempts to absolutely maintain permitted outflow – for the analysed reservoirs, in the matter of control flow, it ultimately results in exceeding permitted outflow by values ranging from 123.86% (Roztoki Bystrzyckie reservoir) to 2000% (Krosnowice reservoir), (4) considering the cooperation of facilities located in the same catchment – for the wave of the design flow, delaying the outflow from Szalejów Górny reservoir would allow to reduce the total wave in Kłodzko by 41.37%, (5) the need to prepare the multi-purpose reservoirs for the surge – in the event of a design flow surge it would allow to reduce the surge in Kłodzko from 242 to 101.5 m3 ∙ s−1, however it would require a difficult decision to anticipate emptying the facilities in the interval from 18 h before the surge for Szalejów Górny to 4 h before the surge for Boboszów.
The research was based on a field experiment on light soil. The sampling used for row plantings was Catalpa bignonioides. The reason for this choice was the species recommended for row plantings due to its attractive appearance, long flowering and relatively good resistance to changing climatic conditions. The research aimed to determine water needs: field water consumption of C. bignonioides in row plantings on light soil under subsurface drip irrigation conditions. Water needs identified with field water consumption of C. bignonioides in row plantings on light soil under optimal soil moisture conditions during the growing season were variable. They depended on the variants of the experiment and the course of precipitation and thermal conditions in all growing seasons. The values of total water consumption of C. bignonioides in the growing seasons ranged from 241.3 (2019) to 428.7 mm (2022) for the W1 variant (irrigation performed when soil moisture dropped to –40 kPa). In the W2 variant objects (irrigation performed when soil moisture dropped to –20 kPa), the values of seasonal water consumption were higher and ranged from 266.5 (2019) to 458.8 mm (2022). Daily water consumption increased with the growth of C. bignonioides, regardless of the experimental variant. During each year of the experiment, higher values of daily water consumption were characteristic of the W2 variant. Cultivating C. bignonioides, growing on light soils, enables implementing subsurface drip irrigation technology, which, while ensuring optimal soil moisture conditions, will allow for the undisturbed growth and development of this species in row plantings.
Flooding in Jakarta is a multifaceted issue influenced by a combination of geographical, social, economic, and environmental factors. This study focuses on predicting floods by comparing automatic rain gauge (ARG) ground station data and Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation (CHIRPS) satellite data using the Adaptive Neurofuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) integrated with principal component analysis (PCA). The dataset includes precipitation measurements from both ARG and CHIRPS along with water level data spanning from 2014 to 2020. ARG provides precise local rainfall data, while CHIRPS offers extensive regional precipitation coverage. To enhance data quality, preprocessing techniques such as mean imputation, data normalisation, and the interquartile range (IQR) method were employed. The ANFIS-PCA model, which integrates fuzzy logic and neural network training, was applied using an 80:20 split for training and validation. When trained with ARG ground station data and water level measurements, the ANFIS-PCA model demonstrated superior accuracy, achieving a root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.13, mean absolute error (MAE) of 0.12, and R2 of 0.82. In contrast, the ANFIS model without PCA yielded higher errors, with RMSE 6.3, MAE 6.2, and R2 0.74. Training with CHIRPS satellite data resulted in significantly higher errors (RMSE 30.14, MAE 24.05, R2 0.42). These findings underscore the superiority of ground-based measurements for flood prediction, given the reduced precision and higher susceptibility to errors in satellite-derived data. While CHIRPS satellite data offers broader spatial coverage, its limitation in precision and higher susceptibility to errors reduce its effectiveness for accurate flood prediction.
In recent years, there has been increasing interest in the floristic diversity of agroecosystems, particularly for plant conservation. While old plantations claim to be more floristically diverse, little is known about this for Salix viminalis L. plantations. The aim of study was to analyse the vegetation accompanying S. viminalis and its dynamics as plantations age. The vegetation was identified in 20 plantations, based on 244 phytosociological relevés. For each species, the following were defined: botanical family, geographical and historical groups, origin of apophytes, biological stability, life-form, botanical class and phytosociological class. The relative coverage of major plant groups was statistically processed using the analysis of variance with a linear mixed model. The flora of S. viminalis plantations is rich and diverse; in central Poland, it consisted of 193 plant species. These species belonged to many phytosociological classes, of which two dominated: Molinio-Arrhenatheretea (46 species) and Artemisietea vulgaris (32 species). Perennial species, meadow, woodland, and shrub apophytes, as well as hemicryptophytes, were prevalent. As the plantations aged, the proportion of perennial species, meadow, woodland, and shrub apophytes increased, while therophytes and anthropophytes declined. Photophilous species dominated mainly in young crops (4–5 years old), but their coverage and frequency decreased over time. With plantations age, vascular flora diversity (total number of species) and coverage of ecologically important groups (Poaceae family, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class) decreased. These were gradually replaced by mega- and nanophanerophytes and species from the A. vulgaris class. The stabilisation of flora occurred after eight years of willow cultivation.
Global contamination of the marine environment by plastics has led to the discovery of microplastics in various marine species, including those for human consumption. Depuration reduces the concentration of microplastics and in turn, reduces human exposure to microplastics that enter the human body. This study looked at the effectiveness of microplastic depuration on Pilsbryoconcha exilis using a natural adsorbent from banana peel. An investigation was also conducted on effectiveness by time variation to determine the most viable depuration time. A completely randomised design was employed with two repetitions of mussel treatment for durations of 12, 24, and 36 h. The results showed that the effectiveness of depuration by time variation was fluctuating. The most effective depuration time was 12 h. The highest average concentration of microplastics, 0.555 MPs∙ind–1, occurred after 24 h of depuration, while the lowest, 0.370 MPs∙ind–1, did after 12 h of depuration. Dry banana peel as a depuration adsorbent was proven to reduce the number of microplastics. More research is needed on depuration and the most effective types of adsorbents. Research like this will help many people reduce the quantity of microplastics that enter the body.
The lowland hay meadows conservation status is increasingly at risk due to improper management and climate change, threatening plant communities, including Arrhenatherion alliance. As a result, species enrichment is required. However, natural plant self-establishment remains challenging due to the high variability in germination, largely caused by climate factors. Thus, a germination test is suggested before directly sowing local seeds in the field. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate how germination characteristics of five local species are affected by the interplay between species and weather factors, specifically mean temperature and total rainfall during seed filling and ripening. During warm, dry periods, the seed mass of Campanula patula L. and Centaurea jacea L. was higher (0.04 g and 1.87 g, respectively), whereas in wet periods, the seed mass of Achillea millefolium L. (0.10 g), Plantago lanceolata L. (1.24 g), and Tragopogon pratensis L. (7.41 g) was higher. The germination capacity was significantly affected by species-specific factors. Seeds of A. millefolium and T. pratensis during wetter years showed higher germination rates than other species, which exhibited the opposite trend. Additionally, a wetter collection period shortened t50 (time required for 50% germination) in all species except A. millefolium and T. pratensis, while C. patula remained unaffected in both years. A positive correlation was observed between seed mass, germination capacity, and speed, while a negative correlation with t50. Hence, an increase in seed mass leads to a reduced t50 duration. According to our findings, seed mass may serve as a reliable predictor of plant establishment in the field.
The Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber L.) has achieved remarkable success in rebuilding its population in Europe, increasing its numbers and range from 1955 to the present. Data on the C. fiber abundance in Poland have been collected by the Central Statistical Office since 1960, and since 2000 they have also been available divided into voivodships. We subjected these data to statistical analysis, including chi-square tests, broken-line regression, and correspondence analysis. Biplots, charts of population dynamics, and distribution maps were created. It was also examined whether there is a relation between the density of the C. fiber population in Poland and the presence of standing or flowing waters, forest and shrub land, ponds, ditches and the proportion of meadows and pastures in each voivodship. The C. fiber population in Poland grew between 1960 and 2023. The geometric mean of the annual data showed an average increase of 10.99% per year. Furthermore, four distinct time intervals were identified within the C. fiber population dynamics, each exhibiting a distinct statistical trend: the initial interval, spanning from 1960 to 1975, demonstrated an average increase of approximately 6.9% per year, 15.6% per year in the period 1976–2002, 9.3% in 2003–2016 and 3.8% after. The largest increase occurred in the eastern and north-western Poland, while the smallest number of beavers is found in the central part of the country (in the north-south direction). The C. fiber population was negatively affected by standing surface waters and drainage ditches, while flowing surface waters increased its number.
Sustainable groundwater management requires accurate identification of spring recharge zones, particularly in volcanic regions where water resources are critical. This study aimed to delineate the groundwater recharge zone of the Ababi Spring in Bali’s Karangasem Regency by integrating isotope hydrological and geophysical techniques. Water samples were collected from five locations (211–978 m a.s.l.) and analysed for stable isotopes (δ2H or δD and δ18O). Vertical electrical sounding and audio magnetotelluric surveys were conducted to validate findings and map subsurface structures. The local meteoric water line was established (δ2H = 4.4912δ18O + 7.1419) and an isotope-elevation relationship was developed. The spring water exhibited depleted isotopic values (δ18O: −7.706‰, δ2H: −39.748‰) compared to local precipitation, indicating a higher-altitude source. The analysis identified the recharge zone at approximately 2,118 m a.s.l. Geophysical surveys revealed subsurface structures connecting the recharge area to the spring, with resistivity patterns indicating preferential flow paths going through fractured volcanic rocks. The effectiveness of this integrated approach was further validated through additional isotopic analysis of rainfall at 1,514 m a.s.l. This supported the established isotope-elevation relationship model (R2 = 0.6847). The study demonstrates the value of combining hydrochemical and geophysical methods for accurate recharge zone delineation in a volcanic terrain, particularly in regions with complex hydrogeological settings. These findings provide crucial information for implementing targeted conservation strategies and ensuring sustainable water resource management in the Karangasem region, while establishing a methodological framework applicable to similar volcanic environments.
This study investigates the impact of human resource management (HRM) practices on irrigation and drainage system performance in Indonesia. A mixed-methods approach was employed, combining quantitative surveys of 500 irrigation managers and engineers from five major islands with qualitative interviews of 50 selected participants. The research utilised stratified random sampling and conducted data collection from March to August 2023. Multiple regression analyses revealed that HRM practices explained 47.6% of the variance in system performance, with training and development emerging as the strongest predictor (β = 0.342, p < 0.001), followed by employee engagement (β = 0.295, p < 0.001). Significant regional variations were observed, with Java demonstrating consistently higher performance scores compared to other regions. Structural equation modelling indicated that organisational culture (β = 0.412) and leadership style (β = 0.376) significantly influenced HRM effectiveness. The legal and regulatory environment moderated the relationship between HRM practices and system performance (β = 0.187). The findings emphasise the critical role of contextualised training programmes and employee engagement initiatives in enhancing system efficiency. This research provides valuable insights for policymakers and managers in developing targeted strategies to improve irrigation and drainage management across Indonesia’s diverse geographical landscape.
Journal of Water and Land Development List of reviewers 2024