Humanities and Social Sciences

Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny


Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny | 2021 | No 1

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The article intends to analyze the importance of the encounter with the most dramatic voice of the second half of the twentieth century in Italy, the poet Amelia Rosselli, in the works of Antonella Anedda, in order to show how the acquaintance with Rosselli, started in the early eighties, has turned for Anedda into an intense, creative and human dialogue, aimed at questioning the classic postures of the lyric persona as well as the cliché that connects female poetry with a confessional dimension. The purpose of the article is to show how Anedda, constantly consulting the Rossellian work (with a particular predilection for Diario ottuso, first published in a journal in 1980), recognizes a “sororal magisterium”, starting from which to build a lyric witness, anchored to the choral and ethical dimension of writing.
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1. ANEDDA, A. (1993): “Introduzione”, in: ROSSELLI, A., Impromptu, C. Mancosu Editore, Roma.
2. ANEDDA, A. (1997): Cosa sono gli anni. Saggi e racconti, Fazi, Roma.
3. ANEDDA, A. (1999): Notti di pace occidentale, Donzelli, Roma.
4. ANEDDA, A. (2000): La luce delle cose. Immagini e parole nella notte, Feltrinelli, Milano.
5. ANEDDA, A. (2004): “n dialogo con Caroline Lüderssen”, in: SANNA, S. A. (a cura di): A colloquio con: interviste con autori italiani contemporanei, Franco Cesati, Firenze.
6. ANEDDA, A. (2016): “Saggio ottuso”, in: Nuovi Argomenti, aprile‑giugno, 76, 22–28 [prima versione con lievi variazioni, in: CORTELLESSA, A. (2007) (a cura di): La furia dei venti contrari. Variazioni Amelia Rosselli, Le Lettere, Firenze].
7. ANEDDA, A. (2016): Amelia Rosselli, intervento per la Radiotelevisione Svizzera, registrato il giorno 11 ottobre 2016 e consultabile on line al sito follia/?f=podcast-shows.
8. ANEDDA, A. (2019): “Introduzione”, in: SERMINI, S.: «E se paesani/ zoppicanti sono questi versi». Povertà e follia nell’opera di Amelia Rosselli, Olschki, Firenze, V–VII.
9. ANEDDA, A. (2021): Geografie, Garzanti, Milano.
10. BALDACCI, A. (2014): La necessità del tragico, Transeuropa, Bergamo.
11. BERARDINELLI, A. (1994): La poesia verso la prosa. Controversie sulla lirica moderna, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino.
12. BORGNA, E. (2014): La fragilità che è in noi, Einaudi, Torino.
13. CARPITA, C. (2017): “Per una poetica dell’inclinazione: scrittura del trauma ed etica relazionale nella poesia di Amelia Rosselli”, Carte Italiane, 2 (11), 21–42.
14. CAVALLERO, A. (2014): Inclinazioni. Critica della rettitudine, Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milano.
15. DONATI, R. (2020): Apri gli occhi e resisti. L’opera in versi e in prosa di Antonella Anedda, Carocci, Roma.
16. GALAVERNI, R. (2002): Dopo la poesia: saggi sui contemporanei, Fazi Editore, Roma.
17. PRINCIOTTA, C. (2014): “La scuola dei viventi. Il tragico in De Angelis e Anedda”, in: ALFONZETTI, B./ BALDASSARRI, G./ TOMASI, F. (a cura di): Cantieri dell’italianistica. Ricerca, didattica e organizzazione agli inizi del XXI secolo. Atti del XVII congresso dell’ADI – Associazione degli Italianisti (Roma Sapienza, 18–21 settembre 2013), Adi editore, Roma, 1–6.
18. ROSSELLI A. (2004): Una scrittura plurale. Saggi e interventi critici, Interlinea, Novara.
19. ROSSELLI, A. (2010): “È vostra la vita che ho perso. Conversazioni e interviste”, in: VENTURINI, M./ DE MARCH, S. (a cura di): Le Lettere, Firenze.
20. ROSSELLI, A. (2012): “L’opera poetica”, in: GIOVANNUZZI, S. (a cura di): Mondadori, Milano.
21.TANDELLO, E. (1997): Amelia Rosselli: la fanciulla e l’infinito, Donzelli, Roma.
22. VERBARO, C. (2010): “Natura morta con cornice. La poesia di Amelia Rosselli”, Italian Poetry Review. Plurilingual Journal of Creativity and Criticim, 5, 315–330.
23. ZANZOTTO, A. (2001): “Scritti sulla letteratura”, vol. 2, in: VILLALTA, G. M. (a cura di): Mondadori, Milano.
24. ZUBLENA, P. (2005): “Il domestico che atterrisce. La tentazione del quotidiano nella poesia di oggi”, in: ALFANO, G./ BALDACCI, A. et al. (a cura di): Parola plurale. Sessantaquattro poeti italiani fra due secoli, Sossella, Roma, 53–66.

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Authors and Affiliations

Alessandro Baldacci

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warszawa
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The reflection proposed in this article starts from the realities of the border and the sea, and from the problematic meaning they assumed in the frame of the city of Fiume (Rijeka) in the early twentieth century. The main goal is to explore how in the work of Enrico Morovich, an Italian writer coming from Fiume who had to personally and tragically experience war and exile, the border and the sea act as devices of literary creation, providing models of humorous reversal (the border) and symmetrical thinking (the sea). The analysis will focus in particular on the following works by Morovich: Cronache vicine e lontane (1981), La nostalgia del mare (1981), Un italiano di Fiume (1994).
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1. BACHTIN, M. M. (1979): “Autor i geroj v èstetičeskoj dejatel’nosti”, in ID.: Èstetika slovesnogo tvončestva, pod redaktsiyey S. G. Bočarov/S. S. Averincev, Iskusstvo, Moskva, 9–192.
2. ID. (1988): “L’autore e l’eroe nell’attività estetica”, in: ID.: L’autore e l’eroe. Teoria letteraria e scienze umane, a cura e trad. it. di C. STRADA JANOVIČ, Einaudi, Torino, 5–187.
3. BELLABARBA, M. (2014a): L’impero asburgico, Il Mulino, Bologna.
4. ID. (2014b): “Un impero multinazionale nella guerra delle nazioni. Lo strano caso dell’impero asburgico”, Studium, 110/6, 830–840.
5. BORONI, C. (2015): “Prefazione” a: MOROVICH, E.: I racconti per il “Giornale di Brescia”, a cura di C. BORONI, La Compagnia della Stampa Massetti Rodella Editori, Brescia, 13–57.
6. CIMADOR, G. (2018): “Bruno Maier: forme, categorie, aspetti del comico”, Archeografo Triestino, Serie IV, vol. LXXVIII (CXXVI della Raccolta), Trieste, 179–253.
7. D’ALESSANDRO, L. (2014): Mediterraneo crocevia di storia e culture: un caleidoscopio di immagini, Harmattan Italia, Torino.
8. MATTE BLANCO, I. (1975): The unconscious as infinite sets. An essay in bi‑logic, Duckworth, London.
9. MATVEJEVIĆ, P. (2006): Breviario del Mediterraneo, trad. it. di S. Ferrari, Garzanti, Milano.
10. MOROVICH, E. (1981a): Cronache vicine e lontane, San Marco dei Giustiniani, Genova.
11. ID. (1981b): La nostalgia del mare, Unimedia, Genova.
12. ID. (1985): Racconti di Fiume e altre cose, Compagnia dei Librai, Genova.
13. ID. (1988): Miracoli quotidiani, Sellerio, Palermo.
14. ID. (1994): Un italiano di Fiume, Rusconi, Milano.
15. ID. (2014): “Per una storia di Fiume”, Fiume. Rivista di studi adriatici, 29, 3–30.
16. MOROVICH, E./ VERDINO, S. (1990): Intervista a Enrico Morovich. Realizzata dal professor Stefano Verdino 21 novembre 1990, a cura della Provincia di Genova, Fondazione Mario Novaro, s.n., Genova, I:; II: https://www.; III: sYE7rk; IV:
17. ROMBI, B. (1997): Morovich oltre i confini, Editrice Liguria, Savona.
18. STELLI, G. (a cura di) (2006): Fiume, crocevia di popoli e culture, Atti del convegno internazionale, Roma, 27 ottobre 2005, Società di studi fiumani, Roma.

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Authors and Affiliations

Novella Di Nunzio

  1. Vilniaus Universitetas, Vilnius
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The problem linked to the concrete and real feeling of faith and to the lively perception of the spirit and the divine is one of the fundamental issues of Giovanni Boine’s thought, and has important repercussions on his personal consideration of ethics and morals. The writer’s need for knowledge is initially set on the terrain of philosophical‑religious investigation, but precisely this approach fails to offer Boine significant solutions to the problem. His path thus turns towards more strictly literary activities. This study deals, on the one hand, with the process that leads to this “conversion to poetry” and, on the other hand, with the Frantumi as a product of this process in relation to the writer’s ideological presuppositions. Some of the most significant (non‑lyrical) texts by Giovanni Boine will be considered and a brief comparison will be made between Boine’s poetic theorization and that of Rebora, another writer close to the circle of the magazine “La Voce” and also intimately troubled by the existential conflict between faith and morals. In the last part of the essay, some aspects of the dialectic and style related to Boine’s narrative production will also be mentioned.
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1. BENEVENTO, A. (1986): Primo Novecento, saggi su Giovanni Boine e Piero Jahier, Loffredo, Napoli.
2. BERTONE, G. (1987): Il lavoro e la scrittura. Saggio in due tempi su Giovanni Boine, Il Melangolo, Genova.
3. BOINE, G. (1911): “La ferita non chiusa”, La Voce, III, 12, 23 marzo, 537.
4. BOINE, G. (1911a): “Di certe pagine mistiche”, La Voce, III, 33, 17 agosto, 632–634.
5. BOINE, G. (1912): “Un ignoto”, La Voce, IV, 6, 8 febbraio, 750–752.
6. BOINE, G. (1914): “Clemente Rebora. Frammenti lirici, ed. Libreria della Voce 1913”, La Riviera Ligure, XX, 33, 9, 321 bis.
7. BOINE, G. (1914a): Il peccato ed altre cose, ed. Libreria della Voce, Firenze.
8. BOINE, G. (1939): “Esperienza religiosa”, in: ID.: La ferita non chiusa, NOVARO, M. (a cura di): Guanda, Modena, 55–119.
9. CONTINI, G. (1970): Varianti e altra linguistica, Einaudi, Torino.
10. GIOVANNINI, C. (2004) (a cura di): Epistolario Clemente Rebora, Volume I, 1893–1928. L’anima del poeta, Edizioni Dehoniane, Bologna.
11. MARCHIONE, M./ SCALIA, S. (1977) (a cura di): Carteggio III, Giovanni Boine – amici del «Rinnovamento», tomo secondo (1911–1917), Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, Roma.
12. MARCHIONE, M./ SCALIA, S. (1979) (a cura di): Carteggio IV, Giovanni Boine – amici della «Voce» – vari (1904–1917), Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, Roma.
13. MARCHIONE, M./ SCALIA, S. (1983) (a cura di): Carteggio II, Giovanni Boine – Emilio Cecchi (1911–1917), Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, Roma (I ed. 1972).
14. MENGALDO, P. V. (1981) (a cura di): Poeti italiani del Novecento, Mondadori, Milano.
15. RABONI, G. (1985): “La modernità di Rebora”, in: ERMENTINI, A./ OLDANI, G. (a cura di): Clemente Rebora, numero monografico di Psychopatologia, Edizioni del Moretto, Brescia, 31–35.
16. REBORA, C. (2015): “Poesie, prose e traduzioni”, in: DEI, A. (a cura di): Mondadori, Milano.
17. PUCCINI, D. (1983) (a cura di): Boine. Il peccato, Plausi e botte, Frantumi, Altri scritti, Garzanti, Milano, VII‑LI (introduzione).

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Authors and Affiliations

Stefano Rosatti

  1. Háskóli Íslands, Reykjavík
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The paper aims at presenting an outline of the Italian translations of the poetry collection Italia by the poetess Maria Konopnicka published between 1916 and 1929. An overview of their reception in the Italian press will be provided, showing three reading strategies: a patriotic interpretation, a critical analysis, and a promoting presentation, sometimes closely interwoven. Finally, an attempt to explain Konopnicka’s artistic recognition in Italy in the early XX century will be supplied.
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1. A. C. (1930): recensione a: M. Konopnicka, Italia. Liriche, Istituto per l’Europa Orientale, Roma 1929, Bollettino della Società Pro Coltura Femminile, 14 maggio, 14.
2. AGOSTI GAROSCI, C. (1926): “Il fascino poetico dell’Italia e Maria Konopnicka”, La Vita Italiana, XIV/CLIX, 245–260.
3. AGOSTI GAROSCI, C. (1929): “Maria Konopnicka e le sue liriche Italia”, Rivista di Letterature Slave, IV/II–III, 176–193.
4. BERSANO BEGEY, M. (1953): Storia della letteratura polacca, Nuova Accademia, Milano.
5. BERSANO BEGEY, M. (1954): “Lettere di Maria Konopnicka ad Attilio Begey”, Ricerche Slavistiche, III, 293–299.
6. BERSANO BEGEY, M. (a cura di) (1965): Le più belle pagine della letteratura polacca, Nuova Accademia Editrice, Milano.
7. BERSANO BEGEY, M. E M. (1949): La Polonia in Italia. Saggio bibliografico 1799–1948, Rosenberg e Sellier, Torino.
8. BILIŃSKI, B. (1963): Maria Konopnicka e le sue liriche “Italia”, Zakład im. Ossolińskich, Wrocław.
9. BILIŃSKI, B. (1970): “Due incontri di Maria Konopnicka a Porta Pia”, Strenna dei Romanisti, XXXI, 52–60.
10. BILIŃSKI, B. (1972): “Nad antykiem i “Italią” Marii Konopnickiej”, in: TOKARZÓWNA, K. (red.): Maria Konopnicka, LSW, Warszawa, 38–81.
11. CASCIOLI, L. (2004): La poesia di Roma, Il Parnaso, Roma 2004.
12. COSTA, G. (1920): recensione a: M. Konopnicka, Italia, I Gioielli dell’Eroica, Milano 1919, Bilychnis, XVI, 240–241.
13. CZAPCZYŃSKI, T. (1957): Tułacze lata Marii Konopnickiej, Zakład im. Ossolińskich, Łódź.
14. DAMIANI, E. (1929): recensione a: M. Konopnicka, Italia. Liriche, Istituto per l’Europa Orientale, Roma 1929, Leonardo, V/9, 248–249.
15. DAMIANI, E. (1941): Gli studi polonistici in Italia tra la prima e la seconda guerra mondiale, Tipografia Consorzio Nazionale, Roma.
16. DICKSTEIN WIELEŻYŃSKA, J. (1936): “Maria Konopnicka. La poetessa polacca dell’Italia”, L’Europa Orientale, XVI/1–2, 65–68.
17. FABER‑CHOJNACKA, A./ GÓRA, B. (1986): Bibliografia przekładów utworów Marii Konopnickiej za lata 1879–1979, Wydawnictwo Naukowe WSP, Kraków.
18. GERDE (pseud.) (1920), “Le cronache: la letteratura”, Noi e il mondo, X/9, 8.
19. JAWORSKA, K. (2011): “Alterità e identità. L’Italia di Maria Konopnicka”, in: DE GENNARO, P. (a cura di): L’Italia nelle scritture degli altri, Trauben, Torino, 79–93.
20. KŁOS, A. (2011): “Fatalità i Tempeste Ady Negri w przekładzie Marii Konopnickiej”, Przekładaniec, 24, 111–127.
21. KONOPNICKA, M. (1901): Italia, Gebethner i Wolff, Warszawa.
22. KONOPNICKA, M. (1911): Italia, Gebethner i Wolff, Warszawa.
23. KONOPNICKA, M. (1915): Poezje. Wydanie zupełne, krytyczne, CZUBEK, J. (red.): vol. IV, Gebethner i Wolff, Warszawa‑Lublin‑Łódź‑Kraków.
24. KONOPNICKA, M. (1916): “Italia”, L’Eroica, VI/I–IV, 93–97.
25. KONOPNICKA, M. (1919): “Italia”, COZZANI, E. (a cura di): I Gioielli dell’Eroica, Milano 1919.
26. KONOPNICKA, M. (1925): “Un’altra mattinata a Venezia, Invocazione sulle soglie d’Italia, Dogali”, trad. M. e L. Loret, E. Cozzani, I nostri Quaderni, II/VI, 182–184.
27. KONOPNICKA, M. (1927): “Incanto, Nella sagrestia di Murano, In San Michele (di Pavia), La lancia di Orlando, Nella Certosa (di Firenze), Giotto, La Madonna Sistina, Al mare!..., Ecco la mia barca…, Prima della tempesta, Notte a Nervi, Bagnasco, Molo Lucedio, Certosa di S. Martino, Sul Gianicolo, Villa Wolkonski, Nell’antica abside, Nelle logge”, trad. C. e C. Garosci, I nostri Quaderni, IV/VIII, 78–90.
28. KONOPNICKA, M. (1929a): “Sonetti italiani”, trad. C. Agosti Garosci e C. Garosci, Rivista di Letterature Slave, IV, 254–263.
29. KONOPNICKA, M. (1929b): “Italia (Liriche)”, trad. C. Agosti Garosci e C. Garosci, Rivista di Letterature Slave, V, 327–358.
30. KONOPNICKA, M. (1929c): Italia. Liriche, versione in prosa e introduzione di C. Agosti Garosci e C. Garosci, Istituto per l’Europa Orientale, Roma.
31. KONOPNICKA, M. (1930): “Chiaia”, “Punta Campanella”, trad. C. Agosti Garosci e C. Garosci, in: PARPAGLIOLO, L. (a cura di) Italia (negli scrittori italiani e stranieri), vol. 3: Campania, Morpurgo, Roma, 81 e 234.
32. LO GATTO, E. (1928): “Una poetessa polacca”, La Stampa, 20 agosto, 3.
33. LO GATTO, E. (1929): “L’Italia nelle letterature slave II”, Nuova Antologia, LXIV/1381, 327–346.
34. MARCHESANI, P. (1994): “Cinquanta anni di studi polonistici in Italia (1940–1990)”, in: BROGI BERCOFF, G./ DELL’AGATA, G./ MARCHESANI, P./ PICCHIO, R. (a cura di): La slavistica italiana. Cinquant’anni di studi (1940–1990), Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali, Roma, 271–338.
35. MAMMUCARI, R. (2006): Napoli. Il paradiso visto dall’inferno, LER, Napoli.
36. MAGNONE, L. (2011): Maria Konopnicka. Lustra i symptomy, słowo/obraz terytoria, Gdańsk.
37. MARCENARO, G. (a cura di) (1992): Viaggio in Liguria, Sagep, Genova 1992.
38. MAVER, G. (1929): “Maria Konopnicka”, I Libri del Giorno, XII/12, 757–758.
39. M. B. (1925): “Cristina Agosti Garosci: L’Italia nei versi di una poetessa polacca, Marya Konopnicka”, Bollettino della Società Pro Coltura Femminile, 7–8–9, 3–4.
40. MURRY, J. M. (1923): “Classical Translations”, in ID.: Pencillings: Little Essays on Literature, Collins, London, 128–137.
41. POLLAK, R. (1926), “Polonica włoskie”, Przegląd Współczesny, V/XII, 471–476.
42. POLLAK, R. (1929), “Italia i my. Konopnicka po włosku”, Kurier Poznański, 14 agosto, 8.
43. PETITTO, R. R. (1930): “Italia di Maria Konopnicka”, Costruire, VII/1, 89–90.
44. PŁASZCZEWSKA, O. (2008): “La Figlia di Iorio nella versione di Maria Konopnicka”, Romanica Wratislaviensia, LV, 79–85.
45. PŁASZCZEWSKA, O. (2017): Włoskie divertimento. Szkice komparatystyczne, Wyd. Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków.
46. Rivista di Bergamo (1935), XIV/10, 393.
47. RYGIER, M. (1902): “Maria Konopnicka nel suo giubileo (con ritratto)”, Nuova Antologia, CLXXXVI/741, 107–114.
48. ZIĘBA, M. (1987): “O wydaniach poezji Marii Konopnickiej (szkic informacyjny)”, in: BIAŁEK, J. Z./ JAROWIECKI, J. (red.): Maria Konopnicka w siedemdziesięciopięciolecie zgonu, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 129–146.

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Authors and Affiliations

Alessandro Amenta

  1. Università Di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Roma
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In this paper, I intend to explore the influence of sentimentalism in the works of Gábor Dayka (1769– 1796), a Hungarian poet, an author of sentimental poems imbued with the ideals of the Enlightenment. The sentimental tones of his verses derive first of all from being misunderstood and oppressed and from the impossibility of unveiling the opaque sadness of the mysterious melancholy. Dayka, forced to choose the ecclesiastical career and then abandon it because of his liberal ideas, gradually becomes a sentimental and pessimistic poet who thinks love is painful and projects his pain into nature. I will focus on the sentimental means of expression of Dayka from the poem titled Rettenetes éjszaka (Terrible Night) to Titkos bú (Mysterious Melancholy).
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1. ABAFI, L. (1880): “Dayka Gábor élete”, in: ID.: Dayka Gábor költeményei, Aigner Lajos, Budapest, V–XLIII.
2. BARÓTI, D. (1971): “Dayka Gábor”, in: ID.: Írók, érzelmek, stílusok, Magvető, Budapest, 192–203.
3. BÍRÓ, F. (1994): “A titkos bú poétája”, in: ID.: A felvilágosodás korának magyar irodalma, Balassi, Budapest, 363–371.
4. GÁLOS, R. (1913): “Dayka Gábor költészete”, Egyetemes Philologiai Közlöny, 145–154.
5. KABDEBÓ, L. (1968): Dayka Gábor költői pályája, Városi Könyvtár, Miskolc.
6. KABDEBÓ, L. (1969): “Dayka Gábor: A rettenetes éjszaka”, Irodalomtörténeti Közlemények, 2–3, 269–274.
7. KAZINCZY, F. (1813): “Dayka’ élete”, in: Ujhelyi Dayka Gábor’ versei. Öszveszedte ’s kiadta barátja, Kazinczy Ferencz, Trattner, Pest, III–XLVIII.
8. KOVÁCS FERENCNÉ ÓNODI, I. (szerk.) (1993): Dayka Gábor versei, Gazdász, Miskolc.
9. KOVÁCS, Gy. (1962): “Szentjóbi Szabó László és Dayka Gábor szentimentális költészete”, Irodalomtörténet, 1, 78–95.
10. LŐKÖS, I. (1962): “Dayka Gábor egri éveiről”, Irodalomtörténet, 3–4, 398–409.
11. MAKAY, G. (1993): “Dayka Gábor: Titkos bú”, in: ID.: “Édes hazám, fogadj szívedbe...”, Aqua Kiadó, Budapest, 42–45.
12. MARTINÁK, J. (2015): “Dayka Gábor költészete”, Kazinczy és kora, Széphalom, 25, 147–155.
13. MEZEI, M. (szerk.) (2000): Magyar költők. 18. század, Neumann Kht., Budapest.
14. SZABÓ, Z. (1986): “A szentimentalizmus”, in: ID.: Kis magyar stílustörténet, Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest, 136–148.
15. SZAUDER, J. (1963): “A magyar szentimentalizmus problémái”, Irodalomtörténeti Közlemények, 4, 405–421.
16. SZILÁGYI, M. (2000): “A ‘titkos bú’ poétája? Dayka Gábor kánonizálódásának kérdőjelei”, Irodalomtörténeti Közlemények, 5–6, 603–616.
17. TOLDY F. (1833): “Dayka’ élete”, in: Dayka’ versei. Öszveszedte Kazinczy Ferencz, Egyetem betűivel, Buda, III–XIV.

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Authors and Affiliations

Judit Papp

  1. Università Degli Studi Di Napoli “L’Orientale”, Napoli
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Seismic events have always marked the history of Italy by changing and upsetting the social, demographic and economic contexts of the places involved. The interventions carried out in relation to seismic events are related to the severity of the damage caused to public real estate assets, to the private one and to infrastructures. In this perspective, resources and interventions have been mobilized, inevitably linked to the financial resources of the State. Precisely in relation to the limited budgets, the State has adopted political choices, sometimes questionable, which have conditioned the post‑earthquake reconstruction and the return to the normal social trend of the populations. The essay aims to outline intervention policies and understand their outcomes, within the political, social and economic contexts that characterized the Italian twentieth century, referring to some political choices adopted by the State on the occasion of some major earthquakes that have interested Italy.
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1. ABBATE, G. (2008): “I centri urbani e il territorio”, in: CANNAROZZO, T. (ed.): “Il Belice a quarant’anni dal terremoto”, Urbanistica. Informazioni, 217/1, 53–54.
2. ALESSANDRINI, L. (2014): “23 luglio 1930. Il terremoto in Alta Irpinia”, 112 Emergencies, 5, 12–20.
3. ALFANO, G. B. (1931): Il terremoto irpino del 23 luglio 1930, Pompei.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ada Di Nucci
Paola Nardone
Natascia Ridolfi

  1. Università “G. D’Annunzio”, Chieti‑Pescara, Italia
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In this article, we attempt to examine how the issue of double‑auxiliary verbs, that is, verbs that can be conjugated – in compound tenses – with both avere and essere as auxiliaries, are presented in Italian grammar books for foreign language learners. We will focus in particular on 1) verbs that can be both transitive and intransitive (e.g., ho cominciato un nuovo lavoro vs le vacanze sono cominciate); 2) verbs expressing atmospheric phenomenon ( ha/è nevicato); 3) verbs of movement (e.g., sono volato a Roma vs ho volato diverse volte); 4) verbs that use two auxiliaries indifferently (e.g., ha/è assomigliato); and 5) verbs that change meaning depending on the auxiliary verb used in the compound tense (e.g., ho calzato gli sci vs è calzato a pennello). Our analysis is carried out on 19 grammar textbooks for Italian language referring to the CEFR, highlighting some weaknesses regarding the presentation of the rules for double‑auxiliary verbs, such as the total omission of this issue, a certain selectivity and/or disorder, as well as terminological inconsistencies. In our conclusions, we propose some solutions that may help to systematize the rules regarding double‑auxiliary verbs in Italian.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Grochowska-Reiter
Daniel Słapek

  1. Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań
  2. Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków
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The aim of this study is to list errors in the use of prepositions in Italian, which are made by first‑year students at the Faculty of Applied Linguistics at the University of Warsaw. We have analysed the written final examination papers of students who started learning Italian without prior knowledge of the language. The identified errors have been classified and for each group of errors we have indicated the potential cause of their occurrence. The conclusions of our research can raise language awareness as to the correct usage of the Italian prepositions.
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Authors and Affiliations

Bożena Gandor

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warszawa
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The article presents methodological assumptions for textbooks aimed at Polish‑speaking students who study Ukrainian as part of a philological degree course. Particular attention has been paid to the inclusion of cultural context, the aim of which is not only to diversify strictly linguistic tasks, but above all to introduce the student to the world of a different culture.
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Authors and Affiliations

Iryna Kononenko
Irena Mytnik
Svitlana Romaniuk

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warszawa
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The paper aims to discuss phraseological units as the object of audiovisual translation in the Polish dubbing of Disney’s The Little Mermaid, to discuss the role of phraseological translation techniques, and to present possible translation inconsistencies. A theoretical introduction presents definitions for crucial terms. It is followed by the analysis of the corpus of phraseological units in Disney’s The Little Mermaid and their Polish translational equivalents.
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25. WHITMAN‑LINSEN, C. (1992): Through the Dubbing Glass, Peter Lang, Frankfurt.
26. XATARA, C. M. (2002): “La traduction phraséologique”, Meta: journal des traducteurs, 47/3, 441–444.

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Authors and Affiliations

Paweł Golda
1 2
Judyta Mężyk
1 3

  1. Uniwersytet Śląski, Katowice
  2. Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, Paryż
  3. Université Paris‑Est Créteil, Paryż

Instructions for authors



Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny (KN) exclusively publishes articles that have never previously been published anywhere and which provide new insights into general linguistics, literature, culturology, glottodidactics and translation studies.

• KN publishes articles written in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Ukrainian or Polish.

• Articles submitted are published in KN if they receive a positive assessment from the reviewers appointed by the KN Editorial Board. If reviewers make publication of a given article dependent on the introduction of corrections suggested by them, it will be published only if the author is prepared to make the relevant changes to the original text.

• Reviews of the submitted articles are made anonymously (double-blind review).

• Articles written by two or more authors must be provided with annotation describing as precisely as possible the input into the work of each individual author. In particular, it must be made public who is responsible for the concept, the underlying assumptions and the research methods used in it.

• The Editorial Board of KN shares the opinion that equally ghostwriting (i.e. concealing the identity of people who contributed to the creation of an article submitted for publication), as well as guest authorship (i.e. naming as co-authors people who did not contribute at all or to a minimal degree to the creation of the given article) are practices which should be condemned.

• Materials submitted for publication in KN should be sent in electronic form (.doc/.docx) to: or

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• Only after the author has concluded an Agreement for granting a free licence Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA 4.0), the materials will be subject to the editorial procedure.

•Articles and/or reviews will be subjected to the editorial procedure on the condition they are: (a) submitted electronically, (b) meet the formal conditions listed below, and (c) sent to the editorial office together with brief (maximum 500 characters) information in English about their author, in particular their degree and title, current place of work, academic function held and their most important publications. Please place the author information at the end of the article, after the bibliography.

• At the end of the article, please provide an abbreviated version of the title to a running head, up to 80 characters including spaces.


• Articles should not contain in total more than 40,000 characters including spaces i.e. including the abstract, bibliography and annotations.

• The text should be typed using A4 format (210x297mm) with 2.5 cm margins.

• The text of the article should be edited in Times New Roman, size 12 points, spacing 1.5. Footnotes and longer quotes: Times New Roman, size 10, spacing 1. The first line of each paragraph should be indented by 1 cm.

• The full name and professional affiliation of the author/authors of the article and the ORCID number should be placed in the top left corner of the line preceding the article’s title,capital letters, 12-point font type, single spacing.

• The article’s title should be typed in capital letters, 14-point font type. Below the original title you should add a title in the English version typed in capital letters, 12-point font type. Headings/subheadings should be written in 12-point type, single spacing before and after the title. Subheadings are to be centred, unnumbered and written in capital letters.

• The text of the article should be preceded by an abstract written in the language of the article and in English.

• Abstracts should be written in Times New Roman, in 10-point font. Abstracts should not be longer than 500 characters including spaces.

• Five key words in Polish and English should be provided in the line immediately below the abstract.


Please do not use bold fonts or underlining. Italics should be used only a) while providing the titles of literary, musical, theatrical, film and art works; b) while providing foreign words in relation to the language in which the text is written, as a distinguishing feature of a concept or term, e.g. Latin expressions such as ibidem, passim, infra, sic, etc., except for expressions in common use; c) while emphasizing the meaning of a word.

Shorter quotations should be placed in the main text or in a footnote in double quotation marks. Quotations longer than three lines should be separated in a separate paragraph (block quotation), with a free line before and after the quotation, font size 10 points, spacing 1, indentation on the left side 1 cm. We do not use quotation marks. Any omissions are marked with an ellipsis in square brackets: […].

With the exception of English, all quotations should be in the language of the article. If there is no already published translation of a given text, the author should provide his or her own translation, marking it in the first quotation as follows: “here and hereafter, unless otherwise stated, the author’s translation”. In the case of literary texts being analysed, the author decides whether to cite the original quotation in a footnote. If it is necessary to quote the text in the translation followed by the original in the footnote, the following model should be used: “Disease is my ivory tower. Ivory is my tower” (Konwicki 2019: 225) (Choroba to moja wieża z kości słoniowej. Kość słoniowa to moja wieża, Konwicki 2010: 167).

We put punctuation marks outside quotation marks, brackets, dashes etc. For inclusions, we use a medium dash (en dash): [–], not a long dash (em dash). We also use an en dash in the final bibliography to separate the pages (e.g., 6–12). We use a short dash (hyphen) [-] only in two-word concepts [e.g.. Polish-Italian]. If a full stop is part of an abbreviation [cit., etc.] at the end of a sentence, we treat it as a terminating character, not requiring repetition.

In most cases, we use parentheses (). Square brackets [] should be used in the following cases:
– original inserts, additions and omissions in quotations;
– brackets inside a text enclosed in parentheses.
The angle brackets < > close the publisher’s inserts or constructions, especially in the case of philological texts.
Slashes: leave no space before and after the slash: “prose/poetry alternative”, “cost/profit ratio”. The slash also marks the end of the line, while we mark the end of the stanza with a double slash (//).

Texts in Polish should use “printing” quotation marks („”). Texts in other languages use language-specific quotation marks, e.g. “English text”, « French text », „German text”. English quotation marks are used when the entire article is in English, German when the entire article is in German, etc.
We use quotation marks:
– in shorter quotations inside the text;
– to emphasise terms and concepts;
– in the record of the titles of newspapers, magazines, conferences;
– in the dialogue parts while providing quotations, thoughts, etc. The following order of quotation marks is used: “ « ‘ ’ » ”.
Do not put a prime (') in place of an apostrophe (’).

We use abbreviations in accordance with the rules of the language in which the text is written.

– tables and figures should be numbered consecutively throughout the text;
– captions for tables and graphs should follow the editorial principles of a language in question.


• Bibliographic references should be included directly in the main text according to the following pattern: (Gieysztor 2018: 90), i.e. author year: page/s.

• If references are given to more than one author, they should be listed chronologically, by publication date, e.g.: (Brinkley 2011; Angeletti 2018: Renn 2021), i.e. (author's name year; author's name year).

• The bibliographic reference must be placed after the quotation marks. E.g. “It has to be stressed that the term translation technique is sometimes used interchangeably with the term translation strategy” (Tardzenyuy 2016: 48).

• If a volume has more than two authors or editors, only the first surname in the main text should be indicated, adding an annotation et al.: (Prola et al. 2014). In the final bibliography, however, all the names of the authors or editors must be mentioned.

• In the case of several subsequent citations of the same text and the same page, please put ibidem in parentheses. If a reference is made to another page of the same text, this should be indicated as follows: (ivi: 89).

• We use footnotes with progressive numbering. The footnote number should always be placed before the low punctuation mark, i.e. semicolon, colon, comma and period, but after the high mark (question mark, exclamation mark) and after closing quotation marks:
[...] the writings of Czesław Miłosz 1. [...] was it really so? 1.

• Please keep footnotes to a minimum, trying to include as much as possible in the main text. The Editorial Board of KN only accepts footnotes presenting additional substantive information, but does not accept footnotes presenting only bibliographic data.


• Cross-references included by the author in the text to be published must correspond to full bibliographic information in alphabetical order at the end of the article. Please include only the texts cited in the article in the final bibliography.

• Please use small caps for the names of authors and editors.

• Book publications should be presented in accordance with the following pattern:

WHITMAN‑LINSEN C. (1992): Through the Dubbing Glass, Peter Lang, Frankfurt.
LEŚMIAN B. (2010): Poezje zebrane, TRZNADEL J. (ed.), Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, Warszawa.
IKSIŃSKI Z. (2004) (ed.): Sztuka Świata, Wydawnictwo Artystyczne i Filmowe, Warszawa.

• If a volume or article has more than two authors or editors, they should all be indicated only in the final bibliography:

CZAPLIŃSKI P., ŚLIWIŃSKI P. (1999): Literatura Polska 1976/1998, Wydawnictwo Literackie, Kraków.

• Articles published in multi-author monographs should be presented according to this pattern:

PROLA D. (2017): O ptakach, kwiatach i innych realiach: Iwaszkiewicz jako tłumacz Quasimodo, in: BROGI BERCOFF G., CICCARINI M., SOKOŁOWSKI M. (eds.), Inna komparatystyka. Od dokumentu do wyobraźni, Wyd. WLS, Warszawa: 169–198.

• Articles published in journals should be presented according to the following pattern:

KOTARBIŃSKI T. (1972): Pojęcia i zagadnienia metodologii ogólnej i metodologii nauk praktycznych, „Studia Filozoficzne”, 1/74: 5–12.

• If there are more than one title by the same author, they should be arranged chronologically.

• If the text contains a cross-reference to an edition other than the first edition, it should be indicated in the bibliography with a number after the edition date:

MIŁOSZ CZ. (2011 3): Rodzinna Europa, Wydawnictwo Literackie, Kraków.

• A title contained within another italicised title must be written in simple font:

TEODOROWICZ-HELLMAN E. (2001): Pan Tadeusz w szwedzkich przekładach, Świat Literacki, Warszawa.

• In internet sources, indicate the detailed address (URL) of the cited page, without underlining, enclosed in square brackets, specifying the date of the last consultation in square brackets:

<> [last access: 21.11.16].


• KN will also introduce an information section, where you can post reviews, conference reports, summaries, etc. In this section, in addition to English, texts in German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Serbo-Croatian, Polish, Russian and Ukrainian will be also included.

• KN publishes book reviews on linguistics, literary studies, cultural studies, glottodidactics, translation studies and belles-lettres, but only those that were published no more than three years before their review.

• In the heading of the review to be published in KN, the following should be listed in turn: a) surname and first name of the author of the book being reviewed, b) its title in italics, c) possibly the name, volume, part of the series within which the reviewed book was published, d) name of the publishing house, e) place and year of its publication and f) number of pages, and in the case of translation reviews, also g) surname and last name of the translator.

• The full name of the author of a review should be given at the foot of the review in capital letters and right justified.

• The text of a review should not contain footnotes or bibliography. All bibliographical information is to be provided within the body of the text.


Phonetic signs, unusual symbols and pictures (only black and white) used in the text intended for publication in KN should be collected and sent to the Editorial Board in the form of a separate electronic document. In addition, please attach a PDF created by the author with the embedding of the custom fonts used.


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Publication Ethics Policy

Zasady etyki publikacyjnej

Redakcja „Kwartalnika Neofilologicznego” („KN”) podejmuje wszelkie starania w celu utrzymania najwyższych standardów etycznych zgodnie z wytycznymi Komitetu ds. Etyki Publikacyjnej (COPE), dostępnymi na stronie internetowej:
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Odpowiedzialność autorów

1. Artykuły naukowe kierowane do opublikowania w „KN” powinny zawierać precyzyjny opis badanych zagadnień i stosowanych metod oraz autorskie wnioski. Autorzy powinni wyraźnie określić cel artykułu oraz jasno przedstawić wyniki przeprowadzonej analizy. Autorzy ponoszą odpowiedzialność za treści prezentowane w artykułach oraz właściwe cytowanie prac innych autorów. W razie zgłaszania przez czytelników zastrzeżeń odnoszących się do tych treści autorzy są zobligowani do udzielenia odpowiedzi za pośrednictwem Redakcji.

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6. Autorzy zgłaszający artykuły do publikacji w „KN” biorą udział w procesie recenzji double-blind review, dokonywanej przez co najmniej dwóch niezależnych ekspertów z danej dziedziny. Po otrzymaniu pozytywnych recenzji autorzy wprowadzają zalecane przez recenzentów poprawki i przesyłają Redakcji zaktualizowaną wersję opracowania. Autorzy biorą udział w korekcie autorskiej.

7. Jeżeli autorzy odkryją w swoim tekście już opublikowanym błędy, nieścisłości bądź niewłaściwe dane, powinni o tym niezwłocznie poinformować Redakcję w celu dokonania korekty.

Odpowiedzialność Redakcji

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2. Członkowie zespołu redakcyjnego weryfikują nadsyłane artykuły pod względem merytorycznym, oceniają ich zgodność z celem i zakresem tematycznym „KN” oraz sprawdzają spełnienie wymogów redakcyjnych i przestrzeganie zasad rzetelności naukowej. Ponadto wybierają recenzentów w taki sposób, aby nie wystąpił konflikt interesów, i dbają o zapewnienie uczciwego, bezstronnego i terminowego procesu recenzowania.

3. Za sprawny przebieg procesu wydawniczego, poinformowanie wszystkich jego uczestników o konieczności przestrzegania obowiązujących zasad, zapewnienie anonimowości autorów i recenzentów oraz przygotowanie artykułów do publikacji odpowiadają Redaktorzy poszczególnych zeszytów.

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5. W przypadku podjęcia decyzji o niepublikowaniu artykułu nie może on zostać w żaden sposób wykorzystany przez wydawcę lub uczestników procesu wydawniczego bez pisemnej zgody autorów.

6. W celu przeciwdziałania nierzetelności naukowej wymagane jest złożenie przez autorów oświadczenia, w którym deklarują, że zgłaszany artykuł nie narusza praw autorskich osób trzecich, nie był dotychczas publikowany i jest ich oryginalnym dziełem, a także określają swój wkład w opracowanie artykułu zgodnie z podpisywaną przez autorów Umową licencyjną.

7. W celu zapewnienia wysokiej jakości recenzji wymagane jest złożenie przez recenzentów oświadczenia o przestrzeganiu zasad etyki recenzowania COPE i niewystępowaniu konfliktu interesów.

8. Czytelnicy, którzy mają wobec autorów opublikowanego artykułu uzasadnione podejrzenia o nierzetelność naukową, powinni powiadomić o tym Redaktora Naczelnego lub Sekretarza Redakcji. Po zbadaniu sprawy ewentualnego nadużycia czytelnicy zostaną poinformowani o rezultacie przeprowadzonego postępowania. W przypadku potwierdzenia nadużycia, na łamach czasopisma zostanie zamieszczona stosowna informacja.

Odpowiedzialność recenzentów

1. Recenzenci przyjmują artykuł do recenzji tylko wtedy, gdy uznają, że:
• posiadają odpowiednią wiedzę w określonej dziedzinie, aby rzetelnie ocenić pracę;
• zgodnie z ich stanem wiedzy nie istnieje konflikt interesów w odniesieniu do autorów, przedstawionych w artykule badań i instytucji je finansujących, co potwierdzają w oświadczeniu;
• mogą wywiązać się z terminu ustalonego przez Redakcję, aby nie opóźniać publikacji.

2. Recenzenci są zobligowani do zachowania obiektywności i poufności oraz powstrzymania się od osobistej krytyki. Zawsze powinni uzasadnić swoją ocenę, przedstawiając stosowną argumentację.

3. Recenzenci powinni wskazać ważne dla wyników badań opublikowane prace, które w ich ocenie powinny zostać przywołane w ocenianym artykule.

4. W razie stwierdzenia wysokiego poziomu zbieżności treści recenzowanej pracy z innymi opublikowanymi materiałami lub podejrzenia innych przejawów nierzetelności naukowej recenzenci są zobowiązani poinformować o tym Redakcję.

Peer-review Procedure

Procedura recenzowania

Procedura recenzowania nadesłanych artykułów jest zgodna z zaleceniami Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego.
Formularz recenzji można pobrać ze strony internetowej czasopisma.

1. Artykuły nadesłane do Redakcji weryfikowane są przede wszystkim przez redakcję pod względem merytorycznym i formalnym. Teksty z oczywistymi błędami (formatowanie inne niż wnioskowane, braki piśmiennictwa, ewidentnie niska jakość naukowa) będą na tym etapie odrzucane.

2. Wstępnie zaakceptowane prace są przesyłane do dwóch niezależnych recenzentów.

3. Recenzja odbywa się w procesie double-blind review (autorzy i recenzenci nie znają swoich tożsamości) rekomendowanym przez Ministerstwo.

4. Potencjalny recenzent uzyskuje streszczenie tekstu lub pełny anonimowy tekst i sam decyduje o przyjęciu/odrzuceniu pracy do recenzji w określonym terminie.

5. Recenzenci są zobowiązani do zachowania w tajemnicy opinii o artykule i niewykorzystywania wiedzy na jego temat przed publikacją.

6. Recenzja musi mieć formę pisemną i kończyć się jednoznaczną konkluzją o przyjęciu lub odrzuceniu pracy z publikacji. Recenzent ma możliwość podsumowania swojej opinii w formie:

Artykuł może zostać opublikowany
(a) bez poprawek
(b) z poprawkami bez ponownej recenzji
(c) z poprawkami wymagającymi ponownej recenzji Artykuł nie nadaje się do publikacji.

7. Recenzent sporządza opinię w formie pisemnej wg. załączonego wzoru na stronie internetowej i przesyła podpisaną recenzję do czasopisma drogą elektroniczną (skan oryginału).

8. Redakcja nie przyjmuje recenzji, które nie odpowiadają merytorycznym i formalnym zasadom recenzowania naukowego. Uwagi recenzenta (jeśli takowe są) przedstawiamy autorowi. Dla autora obligatoryjne są racjonalne i umotywowane wnioski. Musi rozważyć wszystkie uwagi i odpowiednio skorygować tekst.

9. Autor tekstu ma prawo komentować wnioski recenzenta w przypadku, gdy się z nimi nie zgadza.

10. Redaktor Naczelny (przy wsparciu członków Redakcji) podejmuje decyzję o publikacji na podstawie uwag i wniosków przedstawionych przez recenzentów, uwag autora oraz ostatecznej wersji manuskryptu.


Lista Recenzentów Lata 2022–2023

Marta Alvarez Izquierdo, Avignon Universite

Jean-Claude ANSCOMBRE, CNRS, Univ. of Cergy-Pontoise, France, Université de Paris XIII

Marek Baran, Uniwersytet Łódzki

Sonia Maura Barillari, Università degli Studi di Genova

Magdalena Bator, Uniwersytet WSB Merito w Poznaniu

Henry Hernández Bayter, Universite de Lille

Arianna Di Bella, Università degli Studi di Palermo

Alfonsina De Benedetto, Università degli Studi di Bari „Aldo Moro”

Thales Biguinatti Carias, Uniwersytet Federalny w Mato Grosso

Silvia Bonacchi, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Anna Borowska, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Dariusz Bralewski, Uniwersytet Łódzki

Beata Brzozowska-Zburzyńska, Uniwersytet Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie

Mara Burkart, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Valentina Castagna, Università degli Studi di Palermo

Andrea Ceccherelli, Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna

Carlos Demasi, Instituto de Profesores „Argitas”

Maciej Durkiewicz, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Maria Falska, Uniwersytet Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie

Thomas Faye, Universite Sorbonne Universite

Wanda Fijałkowska, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Giovanna Fiordaliso, Università degli Studi di Palermo

Carla Fusco, Università degli Studi di Macerata

Antonio Maria López González, Uniwersytet Łódzki

Mariusz Górnicz, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Michele Guillemont Estela, Universite de Lille

Louis Imperiale, University of Missouri-Kansas City

Małgorzata Jabłońska, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Elżbieta Jamrozik, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Marta Kaliska, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Marta Kaliska, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu

Krzysztof Kosecki, Uniwersytet Łódzki

Dorota Kozakiewicz-Kłosowska, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Katarzyna Kwapisz-Osadnik, Uniwersytet Śląski

Giancarlo Lacerenza, Università di Napoli L’Orientale

Carla Larrobla, Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay

Thaís Leăo Vieira, Uniwersytet Federalny w Mato Grosso

Donatella Di Leo, Università degli Studi „G. d’Annunzio” Chieti e Pescara

Ylenia De Luca, Università degli Studi di Bari „Aldo Moro”

Justyna Łukaszewicz, Uniwersytet Wrocławski

Wiesław Malinowski, Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu

Kamila Miłkowska-Samul, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Viviana Nosilia, Università degli Studi di Padova

Wiaczesław Nowikow, Uniwersytet Łódzki

Novella di Nunzio, Università di Vilnius

Olena Patrashchuk, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Bolesław Racięski, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Piotr Romanowski, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Michele Sisto, Università degli Studi „G. d’Annunzio” Chieti e Pescara

Sylwia Skuza, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu

Witold Sobczak, Uniwersytet Łódzki

Olga Sokołowska, Uniwersytet Gdański

Agnieszka Stępkowska, Uniwersytet Szczeciński

Bianca Sulpasso, University of Rome „Tor Vergata”

Monika Sułkowska, Uniwersytet Śląski

Izabela Szymańska, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Anna Tylusińska-Kowalska, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Marcin Walczyński, Uniwersytet Wrocławski

Magdalena Wandzioch, Uniwersytet Śląski

Jerzy Wełna, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Anna Zagórska, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Maria Załęska, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Sebastian Zacharow, Uniwersytet Łódzki

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