Applied sciences

Metrology and Measurement Systems


Metrology and Measurement Systems | 2022 | vol. 29 | No 2

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Light sources and luminaires made in the LED technology are nowadays widely used in industry and at home. The use of these devices affects the operation of the power grid and energy efficiency. To estimate this impact, it is important to know the electrical parameters of light sources and luminaires, especially with the possibility of dimming. The article presents the results of measurements of electrical parameters as well as luminous flux of dimmable LED luminaires as a function of dimming and RMS supply voltage. On the basis of the performed measurements, a model of LED luminaire was developed for prediction of electrical parameters at set dimming values and RMS values of the supply voltage. The developed model of LED luminaire has 2 inputs and 26 outputs. This model is made based on 26 single models of electrical parameters, whose input signals are supply and control voltages. The linear regression method was used to develop the models. An example of the application of the developed model for the prediction of electrical parameters simulating the operation of an LED luminaire in an environment most similar to real working conditions is also presented.
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Authors and Affiliations

Roman Sikora
Przemysław Markiewicz
Paweł Rózga

  1. Institute of Electrical Power Engineering, Łódz University of Technology, 90-924 Lodz, Poland
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We describe construction and investigation results of optical trace gas sensor working in the 3.334–3.337 μm spectral range. Laser spectroscopy was performed with a multipass cell. A setup was elaborated for detection of ethane at the 3.3368035 μm absorption line. Analysis of the gas spectra and the experiment have shown that, beside C2H6, the sensor is suitable for simultaneous detection of methane, formaldehyde and water vapor. Due to nonlinearity of the laser power characteristic we decided to detect the fourth harmonic of signal. Additional laser wavelength modulation was applied for optical interference suppression. In result, the precision of ethane detection of approximately 80 ppt has been achieved for the averaging time of 20 seconds. Long-term stability as well as the measurement linearity have also been positively tested. The system is suitable for detecting potential biomarkers directly in human breath.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mateusz Winkowski
Tadeusz Stacewicz

  1. University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics, Institute of Experimental Physics, Pasteura 5, 02-093 Warsaw, Poland
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Different temperature sensors show different measurement values when excited by the same dynamic temperature source. Therefore, a method is needed to determine the difference between dynamic temperature measurements. This paper proposes a novelty approach to treating dynamic temperature measurements over a period of time as a temperature time series, and derives the formula for the distance between the measurement values using uniformsampling within the time series analysis. The similarity is defined in terms of distance to measure the difference. The distance measures were studied on the analog measurement datasets. The results show that the discrete Fréchet distance has stronger robustness and higher sensitivity. The two methods have also been applied to an experimental dataset. The experimental results also confirm that the discrete Fréchet distance performs better.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zhiwen Cui
Wenjun Li
Sisi Yu
Minjun Jin

  1. College of Metrological Technology and Engineering, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018, China
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Capacitive leakage and adjacent interference are the main influence sources of the measuring error in the traditional series step-up method. To solve the two problems, a new algorithm was proposed in this study based on a three-ports network. Considering the two influences, it has been proved that response of this three-ports network still has characteristics of linear superposition with this new algorithm. In this threeport network, the auxiliary series voltage transformers use a two-stage structure that can further decrease measurement uncertainty. The measurement uncertainty of this proposed method at 500/√3 kV is 6.8 ppm for ratio error and 7 μrad for phase displacement ( k = 2). This new method has also been verified by comparing its results with measurement results of the PTB in Germany over the same 110/√3 kV standard voltage transformer. According to test results, the error between the two methods was less than 2.7 ppm for ratio error and 2.9 μrad for phase displacement.
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Authors and Affiliations

Hao Liu
1 2
Lixue Chen
Xue Wang
Teng Yao
Xiong Gu

  1. State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, No. 1037 Luoyu Road Hongshan District, Wuhan, China
  2. China Electric Power Research Institute, Wuhan, China
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In this work, the electromotive force (EMF) near a permanent magnet heating cylinder was determined using a practical test bench. The aim is to elaborate three-dimensional analytical calculation capable of predicting accurately the same electromagnetic quantities by calculating the induced EMF in the presence of an inductive sensor. The analytical approach is obtained from developing mathematical integrals using the Coulombian approach to permanent magnets. In this approach, rotations are considered by Euler’s transformations matrices permitting the calculation of all permanent magnets flux densities contributions at the same points in the surrounding free space. These points, part of a uniform rectangular grid of the active EMF sensor surface, are used to compute the EMF by Faraday’s law. The validation results between experimental and simulated ones confirm the robustness and the efficiency of the proposed analytical approach.
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Authors and Affiliations

Riad Bouakacha
Mehdi Ouili
Hicham Allag
Rabia Mehasni
Mohammed Chebout
Houssem Rafik Al-hana Bouchekara

  1. L2EI laboratory, University of Jijel,18000, Algeria
  2. LEC laboratory, University of Constantine1, Algeria
  3. L2ADI Applied Automation and Industrial Diagnostics Laboratory, University of Djelfa, Algeria
  4. Electrical Engineering, University of Hafr Al Batin, Saudi Arabia
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Vibration analysis for conditional preventive maintenance is an essential tool for the industry. The vibration signals sensored, collected and analyzed can provide information about the state of an induction motor. Appropriate processing of these vibratory signals leads to define a normal or abnormal state of the whole rotating machinery, or in particular, one of its components. The main objective of this paper is to propose a method for automatic monitoring of bearing components condition of an induction motor. The proposed method is based on two approaches with one based on signal processing using the Hilbert spectral envelope and the other approach uses machine learning based on random forests. The Hilbert spectral envelope allows the extraction of frequency characteristics that are considered as new features entering the classifier. The frequencies chosen as features are determined from a proportional variation of their amplitudes with the variation of the load torque and the fault diameter. Furthermore, a random forest-based classifier can validate the effectiveness of extracted frequency characteristics as novel features to deal with bearing fault detection while automatically locating the faulty component with a classification rate of 99.94%. The results obtained with the proposed method have been validated experimentally using a test rig.
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Authors and Affiliations

Bilal Djamal Eddine Cherif
Sara Seninete
Mabrouk Defdaf

  1. Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Technology, University of M’sila, M’sila 28000, Algeria
  2. Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Technology, University of Mostaganem, Mostaganem 27000, Algeria
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The article presents the method of identifying surface damage by measuring changes in resistance in graphitebased sensing skin. The research focused on analysis of conductivity anomalies caused by surface damage. Sensitivity maps obtained with Finite Element Method (FEM) in conjunction with the analytical damage model were used to build the coating evaluation algorithm. The experiment confirmed the ability of this method to identify a single elliptical-shape damage. Eight electrodes were enough to locate the damage that covered about 0.1‰ of the examined area. The proposed algorithm can prove useful in simple applications for surface condition monitoring. It can be implemented wherever it is possible to apply a thin layer of conductor to a non-conductive surface.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marek Stepnowski
Daniel Janczak
Małgorzata Jakubowska
Paweł Pyrzanowski

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Aeronautics and Applied Mechanics, Nowowiejska 24, 00-665 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Metrology and Biomedical Engineering, Sw. Andrzeja Boboli 8, 02-525 Warsaw, Poland
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Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and thermoluminescence (TL) methods are commonly used in dosimetry of ionizing radiation and dating of archaeological and geological objects. A typical disadvantage of OSL detectors is signal loss over a longer time scale. In this article, we present a method of studying this phenomenon as well as monitoring the state of the detector by means of optical sampling. The method was used to determine the OSL signal loss (fading) characteristics of selected potassium feldspars.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ewa Mandowska
Robert Smyka
Arkadiusz Mandowski

  1. Jan Dlugosz University, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Advanced Calculation Methods, Armii Krajowej 13/15, 42-200, Czestochowa, Poland
  2. Jan Dlugosz University, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Experimental and Applied Physics, Armii Krajowej 13/15, 42-200, Czestochowa, Poland
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Adjustable-width pulse signals are widely used in systems such as test equipment for hold time, response time and radar testing. In this study, we proposed a pulse generation method based on virtual sampling with ultra-high pulse width resolution. In the proposed method, the sampling rate of a digital-to-analogue converter (DAC) was adjusted to considerably improve pulse width resolution. First, the sampling rate was matched with the target pulse width resolution to digitally sample the ideal signal and generate digital waveform sampling points. Next, the signal bandwidth of the DAC was matched using a low-pass digital filter. Finally, the waveform sampling points were downsampled using an integer factor and output after digital-to-analogue conversion. The waveform pulse width information generated by high-frequency digital sampling was passed step by step and retained in the final output analogue signal. A DAC with a sampling rate of 1.25 GSa/s was used, and the pulse width resolution of the pulse signal was 0.1 ns. Theoretically, a sampling rate of 10 GSa/s is required to achieve 0.1 ns resolution. This method is simple, has a low cost, and exhibits excellent performance.
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Authors and Affiliations

Hanglin Liu
Zaiming Fu
Dexuan Kong
Houjun Wang
Yindong Xiao

  1. University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, School of Automation Engineering, Chengdu 611731, China
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In dentistry, 3D intraoral scanners (IOSs) are gaining increasing popularity in the production of dental prostheses. However, the quality of an IOS in terms of resolution remains the determining factor of choice for the practitioner; a high resolution is a quality parameter that can reduce error in the production chain. To the best of our knowledge, the evaluation of IOS resolution is not clearly established in the literature. This study provides a simple assessment of resolution of an IOS by measuring a reference sample and highlights various factors that may influence the resolution. A ceramic tip was prepared to create a very thin object with an edge smaller than the current resolution stated by the company. The sample was scanned with microCT (micro-computed tomography) and an IOS. The resulting meshes were compared. In the mesh obtained with the IOS, the distance between two planes on the edge was approximately 100 micrometers, and that obtained with microtomography was 25 micrometers. The curvature values were 27.46 (standard deviation – SD) 14.71) μm -1 and 5.18 (SD 1.16) μm -1 for microCT and IOS, respectively. These results show a clear loss of information for objects that are smaller than 100 μm. As there is no normalized procedure to evaluate resolution of IOSs, the method that we have developed can provide a positive parameter for control of IOSs performance by practitioners.
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Authors and Affiliations

Alban Desoutter
Gérard Subsol
Eric Fargier
Alexandre Sorgius
Hervé Tassery
Michel Fages
Frédéric Cuisinier

  1. Univ. Montpellier, 163 rue Auguste Broussonnet, 34090 Montpellier, France
  2. Laboratory of Computer Science, Robotics and Microelectronics of Montpellier, 161 Rue Ada, 34095 Montpellier, France
  3. Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d’Essais, 1 Rue Gaston Boissier, 75724 Paris Cedex 15, France
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The cognitive aspects like perception, problem-solving, thinking, task performance, etc., are immensely influenced by emotions making it necessary to study emotions. The best state of emotion is the positive unexcited state, also known as the HighValence LowArousal (HVLA) state of the emotion. The psychologists endeavour to bring the subjects from a negatively excited state of emotion (Low Valence High Arousal state) to a positive unexcited state of emotion (High Valence Low Arousal state). In the first part of this study, a four-class subject independent emotion classifier was developed with an SVM polynomial classifier using average Event Related Potential (ERP) and differential average ERP attributes. The visually evoked Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals were acquired from 24 subjects. The four-class classification accuracy was 83% using average ERP attributes and 77% using differential average ERP attributes. In the second part of the study, the meditative intervention was applied to 20 subjects who declared themselves negatively excited (in Low Valence High Arousal state of emotion). The EEG signals were acquired before and after the meditative intervention. The four-class subject independent emotion classifier developed in Study 1 correctly classified these 20 subjects to be in a negatively excited state of emotion. After the intervention, 16 subjects self-assessed themselves to be in a positive unexcited (HVLA) state of emotion (which shows the intervention accuracy of 80%). Testing a four-class subject independent emotion classifier on the EEG data acquired after the meditative intervention validated 13 of 16 subjects in a positive unexcited state, yielding an accuracy of 81.3%.
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Authors and Affiliations

Moon Inder Singh
Mandeep Singh

  1. Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, P.O. Box 32, Patiala, Pin – 147004, India

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IOP Publishing


IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement






Measurement Science and Technology

IOP Publishing


Metrology and Measurement Systems



Review of Scientific Instruments

IOP Publishing


IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics



IET Science, Measurement & Technology



Journal of Instrumentation

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Walter de Gruyter


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