Applied sciences

Teka Komisji Urbanistyki i Architektury Oddziału Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Krakowie


Teka Komisji Urbanistyki i Architektury Oddziału Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Krakowie | 2020 | vol. XLVIII

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This text is to familiarise readers with the theme of the volume, which is oriented towards matters of the spatial structure and functions of urbanised areas, with a particular emphasis on social aspects.
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Authors and Affiliations

Miłosz Zieliński
Przemysław Kowalski

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Institute of Landscape Architecture
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The state of the built environment makes one inclined to ponder how ethics affects the space that is designed and its aesthetic quality. As a consequence, there arise questions concerning the provisions of ethical codes of professional conduct that architects must adhere to on the one hand, while on the other, the practical guidelines for architectural design and planning. In a period when matters of durability (firmitas) and utility (utilitas) have been largely dominated by other branches of design, including the matters of ecology, beauty (venustas) has come to be considered as the most essential constituent attribute of architecture. Selected interpretations of Beauty and its relationship with Good (Vitruvius, 1954; Tatarkiewicz, 1962, 1982) have been presented, including in light of the latest findings of neurobiology and neuroaesthetics (Zeki, 2011, 2019; Qiuling et al., 2018; Ishizu, Tsukiura, Cabeza, 2011). The term appropriateness (Krakowski, 1989) is herein accepted, understood as a notion of intentional, socially conditioned beauty and considered proper to describe the aesthetic standard of the built environment under design. This paper is an attempt at finding practical methods of ensuring aesthetic quality (beauty) in newly designed and redesigned spatial situations. It identifies the field of professional law (the ethical code of conduct for architects), wherein aesthetic matters are largely ignored on the one hand, while on the other it points to the necessity to teach and implement a design process that is tender (Tokarczuk, 2019) and mindful (Dominiczak, 2016) dialogue in a specific understanding of encounters with the Other (the Second), whether it’s an architect, a user or a structure. It notes the proposal of creative aesthetics (Sławińska, 1973) as a potentially possible integral branch of design. Contrary to the professional ethics of architects, which pertains to individuals who practice design and are ethically responsible for their professional conduct (design), the ethic of architecture refers to aesthetic relationships that emerge in architectural situations (Dominiczak, 2016). In this understanding, built structures are personified and seen as entities with their own identities (if the designer wills it) that engage in dialogue with Other entities (Levinas, 1998), which both create and define a given space.
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J. Krzysztof Lenartowicz

  1. Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Building and Architecture, Independent Architectural Laboratory
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This article discusses the multi-threaded and multi-dimensional process of preparing a technical designs that lead to the introduction of new forms of use into existing urban and architectural structures of high historical value. It covers research concerning formal and spatial determinants, associated with local law in selected European countries. Its results point to concise, precise and easily understandable provisions in terms of local law concerning planned development in areas under heritage conservation, which is conducive to a climate of social acceptance of constraints and prohibitions that — some — may consider significant.
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Janusz Barnaś

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture Institute of Urban and Regional Development
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The East of Europe stays at present on the background of interests in the new architecture. Meanwhile Moscow is a major city of Europe and there many interesting implementations are occurring. For her the office market intensively is being extended, at least in contrast with countries of the free market democracy, it is playing the political factor there major part. From interesting implementations they mentioned the Moscow International Business Centre as about the big urban planning operation and about Dominion Building Office as about interesting Zaha Hadid work.
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Maciej Złowodzki

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Institute of Architectural Design
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The increasing demand for office space in Moscow, as well as the economic and political conditions in the global context, have contributed to the construction of a multifunctional complex of the Moscow International Business Centre in the Russian capital. The primarily office building complex is an example of activities consisting in the degleration of offices outside the city centre. It is also an attempt to create a prestigious place (including attractive architecture), an element of the city identity indicating a high development level of the state, application of new solutions in the fields of urban planning and architecture (including technique and modern technologies). Key words: Moscow International Business Centre, multifunctional office complex, office building, urban operation, post-industrial reconstruction, Moscow
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Katarzyna Zawada-Pęgiel

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Institute of Architectural Design
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The on-going economic transformation of the Moscow market towards the provision of services and trade requires the revitalisation of many districts. The case study — the Dominion Tower building — shows that solutions in the field of architecture and urban planning of buildings whose construction can be categorised as local architectural intervention into existing urban structure may be decisive in the success of an undertaking aimed at activating urban tissue within the interference area.
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Wojciech Duliński

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Institute of Architectural Design
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Zaha Hadid was a starchitect, trying to fulfil the mission of pursuing new shapes in her many designs and projects, often shocking others with extravagant forms that were unthinkable in the traditional understanding of our reality. The author of this paper presents a proposal of dividing her work into three tendencies: an inspiration with Constructivism, Biomorphism and Expressionism.
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Ewa Węcławowicz-Gyurkovich

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Institute of History of Architecture and Conservation of Monuments
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Arata Isozaki, winner of the Pritzker Prize in 2019, stated in his acceptance speech that “Change” is his artistic credo. This article discusses the architect’s artistic attitudes in a career that is characterized by a consistent desire to challenge the world with his sophisticated architecture, artistic spirit and wit.
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Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Ingarden

  1. Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, Faculty of Architecture and Fine Arts
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The art of architecture and the art of cooking are fields, where we can find numerous social and spatial relationships. This publication will enumerate the most important of these and discuss solutions, that promote moderation in using resources, space and aesthetic means, that are based on knowledge arising from context and the human scale, and that points to the necessity to slow down the pace of our lives, which are the major challenges in the face of contemporary civilisational changes.
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Anna Palej

  1. Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, Faculty of Architecture and Fine Arts, Chair of Urban Design and Landscape Architecture
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This paper discusses the study of the atmosphere of architecture, which places human perception of space at the centre, and thus expands the humanist aspect of architectural and urban theory and design. Referring her own research to the current state of the art, the author presents various definitions of atmosphere and methodologies of its description, which considerably encroach into the field of neurophysiology and psychology, but also value contemplation, literary descriptions, photographs and stage design in a new light.
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Barbara Stec

  1. Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, Faculty of Architecture and Fine Arts
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The paper presents the results of the research on the assessment of environmental conditions in selected university buildings — focused on building-surroundings relations. The research was conducted in 5 buildings in a few academic centers in Poland, using questionnaire technique. The respondents were students of architecture, art, psychology and landscape architecture, in the surveyed buildings (N=184). Analysis of the results — apart from the main finding of the general lack of the ‘space for students’ (including both individual workplaces and recreational spaces) — revealed the important role of the surroundings for the way of use and description of the buildings. ‘Location’ and generally ‘external’ elements such as garden, greenery and small architecture for recreation, the ‘edges’ of the building (such as the elevation and the roof) as well as the direct visual connections, constituted the largest group among all respondents’ ‘strengths’ of analyzed buildings. A significant and puzzling exception in this group is the latest in the analyzed WICA building in Lublin — best evaluated in terms of functionality but also described with the most neutral terms (on the ‘positive’ scale), whose students (N=31) in their assessments and descriptions do not take into account (or do not notice) the building-environment relationship. The analysis of the results revealed individualized image of the places. ‘Functionality’ occured to be not the only one predictor of behavioral and emotional bonds with places; the important role is also — as it seems — played by a ‘friendly’ environment. This — basing on the analysis of the content — means both selected aspect of urban relationships (accessibility, public transportation, facilities), but also the quality (beauty and utility) of landscape architecture.
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Authors and Affiliations

Angelika Lasiewicz-Sych

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
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The article outlines an idea that, according to the author, could serve as a ‘philosophical reinforcement’ of interdisciplinary trends in contemporary urbanistic theory. Assuming that the reflection on the philosophical aspects of the urbanistic order will help in the conceptualization of policies that respond more effectively to today’s crisis in the urban environment, the author attempts to articulate questions that could facilitate a dialogue between urban planners and philosophers. He focuses his attention on the issues of the philosophical basis of the new urban structure of the city in the first half of the 21st century. The idea behind this cultural project was called the City of Values 21 ( CV-21).
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Zbigniew K. Zuziak

  1. Rzeszow University of Technology
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The notion of the centre is characterised by semantic pluralism, as its meaning is dependent on the scale from which we view a given subject, even in the discipline of architecture and urban planning. The author refers to studies on defining city centres and downtown areas from the period of the second half of the 20th century, confronting them with contemporary theories (space of flows) in all aspects of the urban environment.
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Anna Ziobro

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Institute of City and Regional Planning
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The aim of the article is to show the opportunities and threats for the center of Kraków generated by the design solutions developed by a team led by Stanisław Hager in 1964 in the General Masterplan of the City of Kraków and adopted for implementation in 1967. The article discusses a set of ideas for the redevelopment of the traffic and transport arrangements around the railway station and compare them with paradigms for the development of city centers.
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Paweł Kurtyka

  1. Vice-Chairman of the Board AMW Invest Sp. z o.o., Military Construction Project Office
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The author is an employee of the City Spatial Planning Office of Kraków and describes the process of adopting Local Spatial Management Plans of the area in Krakow, which was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The description begins in 2003 with no Local Spatial Managements Plans in valid, and ends in 2020, when the UNESCO area is completely protected by local spatial plans, however 50% of the buffer zone stays without any spatial law protection. The article focused on the authors of Local Plans, who — on behalf of the Mayor of the City of Krakow — drawn up the spatial documents. The documentation of this aspect is tremendously important, after deregulation of the profession of urban planners.
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Marceli Łasocha

  1. Spatial Planning Office of Krakow
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W Polsce przestrzeń wiejska i jej funkcje — w nowej sytuacji politycznej i gospodarczo-ekonomicznej po 1989 roku — ulegają stałym przeobrażeniom. Scheda przeszłości (a także specyfika rozwojowa wsi) sprawia, że procesy te trudno poddają się sterowaniu, zwłaszcza w kierunku wymogów zrównoważonego rozwoju. A przecież powinny skutecznie wpisywać się w strategię rozwojową całego kraju. W celu dobrego zrozumienia tych problemów (warunek wstępny rozważań) konieczne jest więc odniesienie się do historii — co najmniej od czasu zakończenia drugiej wojny światowej aż po dzień dzisiejszy. Analiza tych przemian powinna być punktem wyjścia do innowacyjnych koncepcji i wprowadzania w życie działań naprawczych. Problematyka poruszana w artykule dotyczy obszaru województwa małopolskiego. Skoncentrowano się głównie na planowaniu przestrzennym, gospodarce terenami wiejskimi, architekturze wiejskiej i ochronie zasobów rodzimej kultury. Podstawowy wniosek z rozważań skłania do stwierdzenia, że warunkiem poprawy sytuacji i wyeliminowania z przestrzeni wiejskiej zjawisk negatywnych powinna być kompleksowa współpraca pomiędzy różnymi dziedzinami naukowymi, a więc — w wymiarze interdyscyplinarnym. Współdziałanie o cechach holistycznych może zahamować niekorzystne procesy i przyczynić się do niegenerującej konfliktów stabilizacji rozwoju terenów wiejskich.
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Authors and Affiliations

Hubert Mełges
Małgorzata Mełges

  1. The Podhale State Higher Vocational School in Nowy Targ, Institute of Technical Sciences
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The concept of green infrastructure is currently being applied in management of the environmental space of cities, regions and even countries. In Poland this concept is known, as evidenced by increasing number of papers on the subject. The purpose of the article is to determine, whether and to what extent the concept is used in the spatial structure planning of Polish cities. The research was focused on analysing Studies of Conditions and Directions of Spatial Development prepared lately in three Polish cities: Gdańsk, Łódź and Wrocław.
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Barbara Szulczewska

  1. Institute of Urban and Regional Development
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Celem artykułu jest wskazanie potrzeby przywrócenia racjonalnego podejścia do dzisiejszego planowania urbanistycznego i architektury. Wiele badań i projektów dotyczących współczesnego miasta koncentruje się głównie na różnych rodzajach „nowatorskich” konfiguracji miejskich, które mają poradzić sobie z obecnymi i przyszłymi problemami. Wydaje się jednak, że często brakuje w nich historycznej, kulturowej, psychologicznej i społecznej świadomości. A przecież postrzeganie i rozumienie miasta opiera się głównie na jego obrazach, wspomnieniach i konotacjach z przeszłości. Wciąż podejmowane są próby zbliżenia się do racjonalnej równowagi między starym a nowym, tradycyjnym a nowoczesnym, formą a funkcją, pięknem a postępowymi aspektami miasta. Tekst stanowi studium przypadku dzielnicy Amsterdamu — IJburg — jako przykładu dużego przedsięwzięcia, który może ułatwić omówienie roli i potencjału tkwiącego w tradycyjnej typologii urbanistycznej i architektonicznej, pomocnego w procesie tworzenia nowych układów miejskich. Wnioski przedstawione w tekście, oparte na analizowanym projekcie dzielnicy IJburg, koncentrują się na wskazaniu typów urbanistycznych i architektonicznych z przeszłości jako narzędzi projektowych, które wciąż mogą zapewniać niezwykłe twórcze i instrumentalne możliwości oraz funkcjonować jako nośniki znaczenia i tożsamości kulturowej.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Mielnik

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The article analyses different concepts of combining and interaction of agriculture with urban society. New academic and practice-based sources provide reliable information for early-stage holistic assessment of farming scenarios in various urban contexts. They acknowledge considerable social benefits and generally beneficial impact of urban farming. The new surveying methods and techniques to assess social and environmental impacts are mentioned in the article as well as the need of developing new indicators and standards which could be applied to improve the management of the urban green space.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tomasz Jeleński

  1. Cracow University of Technology, International Centre of Education, Faculty of Architecture
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The significance of American expos in the history of world’s fairs, as well as in the history of planning, urban design, architecture and landscape architecture, is extraordinary. In the article, which constitutes a supplement to the first part of a report on the carrying out of the research project entitled “Urban and architectural heritage, as well as the impact of American world expos on city planning and development”, a retrospective outlook on American fairs has been presented on the examples of Philadelphia, Buffalo, Saint Louis and Cleveland, with a particular focus on traces of expos left in the cityscape and their long-term heritage, which affects the development of host-cities.
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Izabela Sykta

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Institute of Landscape Architecture
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The focus point of this article is the territory of historical greenery (THG) of landscape architecture (LA) as a result of interaction between material environment design as applied art and society. As an object of applied art and anthropogenic activity, LA, as well as its research is an important area for natural, anthropogenic, social and economic sustainability. The study of THG problems today is based on the innate human right to live in a harmonious space of both aesthetic material and natural environment. Aesthetic quality criteria are important for understanding the systemic relationships between nature and human interaction embodied in LA as an applied art form. Therefore, the anthropogenic objects of LA and the spaces formed by them in the urban environment require studies of the material and natural environment and the anthropogenic functioning as a whole. Based on heuristic, qualitative and quantitative research methods and case studies, the article discusses the problems of interaction between present anthropogenic and natural processes, as well as the possible influence of such interactions on scenarios of LA development and future management of the territory of historical greenery.
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Jonas Jakaitis

  1. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Faculty of Architecture
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Contemporary design of food labels use different landscape pictures. Using the landscape in trade and market as a way of serving the message has long history and is very common. It was the main reason to create the concept of consumers landscape. According to research results two basic landscape images were observed — images of real landscape (pictures of recognizable and existing places, sites, cities, buildings, etc.) and images of imaginary landscape (imaginary view suggesting the certain type of landscape). The results of conducted researches could be helpful in recognizing the difference between real landscape and imaginary landscape. Conducted researches could be used not only in landscape architecture, but also in trade and marketing. Wide range of phenomenon called consumers landscape allows for expanding the studies on the dependency between a landscape vista and recognizing and selling the product.
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Anna Gałecka-Drozda
Ewa De Mezer

  1. Poznan University of Life Sciences, Department of Landscape Architecture
  2. Association of Polish Landscape Architects, Greater Poland Branch
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The matter of the accessibility of the human living environment and adapting it to (often highly diverse) user needs is not new, yet not all of its fields have had proper models and universal design guidelines prepared for them. Open learning and recreation zones that are accessible to all users and which correspond to their various needs are a sign of a new way of thinking about the role of urban spaces. This paper is intended to both familiarise readers with a model solution — Darrell’s Dream Boundless Playground and formulate guidelines that could aid in the construction of new, barrier-free spaces of this type.
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Paulina Tota

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Institute of Urban Design
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The article follows on an earlier publication by the author devoted to the urban development of Małopolska under Boleslaus the Modest (Krasnowolski, 2004–2005, pp. 36–37, 38–39). At the same time, it expands the subject discussed by the author in another work several years ago (Krasnowolski, 2004). The period in question was actually a quarter of a century from 1279 to 1306. The first of these dates marks the start of the reign of Leszek the Black (Leszek Czarny), successor to Boleslaus the Modest (Bolesław Wstydliwy), and the latter — capture of Kraków by Ladislaus the Elbow–High (Władysława Łokietka), efficiently competing with the rulers of Bohemia and exploiting the death of Wenceslaus III of Bohemia (Wyrozumski, 1992, pp. 200–201). Urban development from the time can be considered continuation of the urban development policy of Boleslaus the Modest, yet at a lower dynamic, due to political instability.
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Bogusław Krasnowolski

  1. Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow
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This paper presents an original proposal of the development of Marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego Square in Warsaw. A place, whose historical, urban, and identity-related significance cannot be overestimated. The fate of this urban interior throughout the past two centuries have been marked with constant transformation and its current form is a matter of debate. This proposal has the character of a personal reflection by an architect, a resident of Warsaw and a designer sensitive to humanist needs.
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Marek Budzyński

  1. Emerytowany profesor Politechniki Warszawskiej

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Zbigniew Zuziak

  1. Rzeszów University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture

Authors and Affiliations

Zbigniew Zuziak

  1. Rzeszów University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture

Authors and Affiliations

Miłosz Zieliński

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Institute of Landscape Architecture

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