This text is dedicated to the memory of Professor Bonawentura Maciej Pawlicki, an architect, practicing conservator of architectural monuments, outstanding academic teacher who lectured at several Polish universities, and who for many years was associated with the publication of the Urbanism and Architecture Files of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków Branch, reviewing many of the articles submitted to it and serving as Secretary of the Editorial Board. The end of the 2020s closes a certain chapter in the history of the Faculty of Architecture at the Cracow University of Technology, the Professor’s alma mater, ending an era of great humanists working at this technical university. The purpose of the argument is to show the humanistic nature of the Professor’s colourful personality, which had its basis in six qualities: prudentia, fides, fortitudo, temperantia, spes, patentia and sapientia. The following chapters of the text present the nature of this humanism, deepened through studies and research carried out over the sixty-two years of his professional career. This approach to the presentation of the figure of the Professor is supported by the content of his publications, especially those aimed at developing a new methodological approach both to teaching methods and implementing new principles of historic conservation. This summary includes essential biographical facts, the path of Pawlicki’s professional career, the main organizations and academic publications with which he worked, as well as the awards and decorations with which he was honoured for his work and achievements.
Papers that fulfill the substantive and technical requirements of the current volume will be accepted for consideration. Manuscripts must be submitted using the Editorial System. The total size of the manuscript must not exceed 70,000 characters for texts in two languages (Polish and English) or 35,000 characters for texts in one language (English), including an abstract (250 words maximum). A manuscript can feature no more than 10 illustrations and/or tables in total, which should not occupy more than 5 pages (detailed guidelines can be found in the instructions for authors here).
The journal’s Editorial office reserves the right to accept papers for peer review at its discretion. Only papers that fit within the scope of the journal and the theme of its current volume will be accepted for peer review, provided that technical requirements have been met.
More detiled instructions:
Ethics rules
Author’s duties:
-The authors are responsible for the content of the published texts and the reliability of the data used therein, as well as the infringement of personal rights of third parties.
- Submited works must be original texts – it is excluded to publish works that are plagiarized (appropriating the authorship of someone else's work or part of it by distributing it under one's own name, including attributing the authorship of creative elements from someone else's work used in one's own work without stating the authorship and information about the source of the quotation), self-plagiarism (duplicating one's own publication in conditions misleading that it is a work or part of it for the first time published – without making changes to the text and providing information about the first edition) or co-authored works without indicating their co-authors, or as a result of unreliable practices such as ghostwriting (works created by a person agreeing to publish their works under the name of another person) or guest authorship (giving co-authors whose contribution to the publication was negligible or none).
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- If the text is the result of cooperation between two or more authors, all co-authors are obliged to specify the percentage of creative contributions made by them to the joint work (preparation of the article)
Editor’s duties:
-The editorial team is responsible for the efficient organization of the various stages of the publishing process: initial evaluation of the submitted article, opinion of the scientific board (Scientific Council and members of the editorial doard), submission of the text for external reviews, linguistic and technical editing, typesetting, typesetting, and proofreading.
-The Editorial Board determines the rules and course of the publishing process, takes care of their observance, provides relevant information to authors and reviewers via a constantly updated website and individual e-mail correspondence (treated as confidential documentation), acting on the basis of the law.
-The Editorial Board undertakes to avoid conflicts of interest in relation to accepted texts – a situation in which certain relationships (professional, personal or other) may affect the evaluation of the article or the decision to publish it.
-The initial assessment of the text is carried out objectively by the editorial team, taking into account the following criteria: compliance of the subject matter of the submitted article with the profile of the journal, originality of the text (checked with an anti-plagiarism program), technical correctness and compliance with editorial requirements, as well as its substantive value.
- During the discussion, the Editorial Board (the Scientific Council and the editorial team of the journal) decides to submit for review external texts pre-qualified for publication and to include them in the next issue of the annual or in subsequent issues, as well as to reject articles that do not meet formal requirements (e.g. subject matter inconsistent with the profile of the journal, lack of standards appropriate for a scientific text) or substantive requirements.
-The Editorial Board establishes consistent criteria for the evaluation of the article and requires reviewers to comply with the principles of reviewing ethics and the absence of conflicts of interest. A conflict of interest is considered to be a relationship of subordination, direct personal relations, kinship, affinity or close scientific cooperation with the author of the reviewed article in the period of the last 2 years before the submission of the text.
-The editorial board guards compliance with the principles of publication ethics. In the event of suspicion of misconduct or violation of the rules, the editorial board proceeds by documenting the cases of violation of ethical principles encountered and taking appropriate actions, including: publishing a correction, suspending the publication of the article, notifying the institution to whose achievements the author affiliates his text.
- Any changes made during the editorial work must not distort the author's actual thought, they are only aimed at caring for the substantive, linguistic and compositional correctness as well as the clarity of the message.
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- The Editorial Board makes every effort to prevent the process of violating the principles of intellectual property and ethical standards of publications through all kinds of business activities (marketing, promotion, sales).
Reviewer’s duties:
-An expert who undertakes to prepare a written review accepting or rejecting a text for publication confirms that he or she has appropriate competence in a given field and is ready to perform the work on time (so as not to delay the publishing process).
-Recenzent podejmując się recenzji poświadcza brak konfliktu interesów.
-By undertaking the review, the reviewer certifies that there is no conflict of interest.
-The review must take into account the following criteria: objectivity of the assessment, reliable argumentation, in the case of required additions, reference to appropriate studies and sources.
-The reviewer undertakes not to use the materials received from the editors in any form, treating them in accordance with the principle of confidentiality.
Publisher’s duties:
-All text and graphic materials published in the journal (in electronic and paper versions) are protected by the provisions of applicable law, including copyright, regulations on combating unfair competition, and the provisions of the Civil Code.
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Peer review
Urbanism and Architecture Files journal follows a double anonymized review process. The submission will initially be assessed by our editors to determine suitability for publication in this journal. If your submission is deemed suitable, it will typically be sent to a minimum of two reviewers for an independent expert assessment of the scientific quality. The decision as to whether your article is accepted or rejected will be taken by our editors.
Our editors are not involved in making decisions about papers which they have written themselves; have been written by family members or colleagues; relate to products or services in which they have an interest.
Any such submissions will be subject to the journal's usual procedures and peer review will be handled independently of the editor involved and their research group.
All submissions are conduted by Editorial System which ensures anonymization during peer reviewing.