Applied sciences

Teka Komisji Urbanistyki i Architektury Oddziału Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Krakowie


Teka Komisji Urbanistyki i Architektury Oddziału Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Krakowie | 2024 | vol. LII/1

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This paper was prepared on the occasion of the publication of the fiftieth volume of the Urbanism and Architecture Files of the Polish Academy of Sciences Kraków Branch. The paper presents the history of the Files as a Krakówbased journal, the specificity of this architectural publication, major research trajectories, developing academic specializations associated with the discipline of architecture and urban planning, against the background of the multi-directional operations of the Urban Planning and Architecture Commission. Reference is also made to the Commission’s other publication and research activity, and which has contributed to publications in the Files. Furthermore, the paper presents a selection of thirty-seven Polish journals (ranging from those from the late 19th century to contemporary ones) associated with the present-day academic discipline: architecture and urban planning, in an interdisciplinary perspective. Research methods considered typical for such studies were used: analysis of library catalogues and collections, databases and archives. A literature review was conducted and, among others, other architectural journals were analysed: peer-reviewed academic, trade and journalistic journals on architecture, urban planning and related disciplines. The analysis also covered fifty volumes of the Files. Comparative studies and critical analysis was used. The study demonstrated the main groups of interests of researchers and showed the multi-disciplinary nature of architecture and urban planning as a discipline, and presented cooperating disciplines. More than five decades of the Files’ operation illustrates changing trends and tendencies in research subjects. On the one hand, these are research results with a universal, global application, while on the other, the Files remains close to Kraków traditions and identity.
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Authors and Affiliations

Agata Zachariasz
Miłosz Zieliński

  1. Krakow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
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Techniques related to 3D modelling have become a very important element of modern photogrammetry. They allow us to depict reality in an interesting, effective and metrical way. Three-dimensional models can be used for building surveying, reconstruction and presentation. The article presents selected aspects of data acquisition and processing using laser scanning techniques, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and short-range photogrammetry. The integration of this data has become a new tool that has expanded existing measurement capabilities, finding application in 3D modelling and creating a realistic building.
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Authors and Affiliations

Izabela Piech
Bartłomiej Cichoń

  1. University of Agriculture in Krakow, Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Land Surveying
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The research goal of this paper was to systematize Cęckiewicz’s religious architecture through a comparative analysis of distinctive works from different periods of his artistic activity. Witold Cęckiewicz was a full professor and an honorary doctor of the Cracow University of Technology, a mentor, teacher and educator of several generations of architects and urban planners at the Faculty of Architecture of this University. He was a full member of the Polish Academy of Sciences and honorary chairman of the Architecture and Urban Planning Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, as well as a member of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences. He was an outstanding designer of many works: buildings and urban complexes, sculptures and monuments, a graphical artist and poet, the author of several volumes of poetry, which are words and poetic verses expressing thoughts about space and beauty. He made an invaluable contribution to the development of Polish architectural thought and the shape of the space that surrounds us through his own works and the achievements of his many students. His rich body of work — both designs and completed projects — which consists of works from a period of the clash and birth of new stylistic directions in architecture, is worth analysing and discussing, especially in the field of religious architecture.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mateusz Gedymin Gyurkovich
Jacek Karol Gyurkovich
Wojciech Oktawiec

  1. Krakow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
  2. Academy of Silesia in Katowice, Faculty of Architecture, Civil Construction and Applied Art
  3. New York Institute of Technology, School of Architecture & Design
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Arata Isozaki, an outstanding Japanese architect, passed away at the end of 2022. His death prompts reflection on his projects and theoretical legacy. The aim of this article is to provide a profile of the architect’s achievements. It is also an attempt to consider issues concerning the periodization and classification of his output. A thorough reading and interpretation of Isozaki’s work goes beyond the scope of this paper, due to the huge thematic scope of the architect’s legacy. The ambiguous and poetic language of Arata Isozaki’s architecture evolved over six decades. The architect himself described his work as the architecture of constant change. The authors would like this article to serve as an introduction to the problem of the classification of Arata Isozaki’s architecture on the basis of selected bibliography.
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Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Ingarden
Katarzyna Banasik-Petri

  1. Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Kraków University, Faculty of Architecture and Fine Arts
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The Parisian Pinault Collection was established in the thoroughly renovated building of the Bourse de Commerce, which formerly housed a commodity exchange. The building had been remodelled several times due to the conflicting interests of its subsequent stakeholders. Various transformations were required as functional needs were changing. In the 16th century, a palace for Catherine de Medici was built there, which survived until 1748. In 1776, a warehouse and a grain exchange (Halle au Blé) were built on the site of the former palace. The structure from the 18th century underwent extensive reconstruction works at the end of the 19th century to adapt it for use as a commodity exchange (the Bourse de Commerce). Another transformation took place fairly recently. The building was leased from the municipal authorities and adapted to house a contemporary art museum. A concrete cylinder was placed inside to serve as the main exhibition and circulation space. The renovation project was entrusted to Japanese architect Tadao Andō. The former commodity exchange building has, thus, become, at least for the next fifty years, a contemporary art museum — an original, controversial work of contemporary architecture and an example of a skilful adaptive reuse of a heritage building. This paper analyses, from the perspective of an art historian and architect, the project in question in comparison to other projects of adaptive reuse of heritage buildings into galleries of contemporary art carried out by Tadao Andō for François Pinault, focusing on the design strategies adopted and the results achieved.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Jasińska
Artur Jasiński

  1. Jagiellonian University, Jagiellonian University Museum
  2. Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, Faculty of Architecture and Fine Arts
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This paper discusses creative efforts intended to preserve and highlight the assets of the natural environment and cultural resources in Iceland’s conditions on the example of its capital — Reykjavik. This also includes the innovative use of environmental phenomena distinctive for the island and its capital in designing space. The text notes the urban layout of Reykjavik’s city centre and buildings–symbols in the city’s architecture, as well as their significance in building place-based identity: the Hallgrímskirkja Church, designed by Guðjón Samuelsson, Harpa, designed by Henning Larsen Architects in cooperation with Olafur Eliasson and Batteríið Architects, and the Nordic House, designed by Alvar Aalto.
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Authors and Affiliations

Elżbieta Kaczmarska
Małgorzata Kaczmarska

  1. Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, Faculty of Architecture and Fine Arts
  2. The Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wroclaw, Faculty of Sculpture and Art Mediation
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This paper presents an entirely unknown text by Professor Juliusz Żórawski (1889–1967), an important architect of the Modernist period and Poland’s most important architectural theorist, a global pioneer in interpreting architecture with gestalt psychology methods. The text presented here is a typescript of 247+1 pages. The paper discusses the features of the language in this work, the presumed sources of the text (the Author’s publications, lectures transcribed by a third party, transcriptions by ear), its distinctive features and the difficulties of reading and interpreting it, and parts of the work that have been previously published in print are identified. Aside from the typescript, in which the name of the Chapter appears in three places, the preliminary edited version presented here identifies twelve thematic units that make up the entirety of the work under discussion: 1) Limited complexity; 2) Needs and intentions; 3) Maximum and minimum in architecture; 4) Integration of factuality and artisticity; 5) Monumentality and harmony; 6) On non-compositionality in architecture; 7) Architecture committed by rationality; 8) Great sets; 9) the Great Breakthrough; 10) Composing; 11) the Athens Charter; 12) Other. An attempt was made to summarise and analyse the value of the work and discuss the need to publish either the entire work or its hitherto unpublished elements, which represent 55% of the text in question.
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Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof J. Lenartowicz

  1. Urbanism and Architecture Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow Branch
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The modern landscape is changing rapidly as a result of anthropopression unprecedented in previous centuries. The ethical dimension of landscape transformation is a crucial issue. One philosopher who paid particular attention to this was Romano Guardini. In his Letters from Lake Como, we can find a humanistic perspective on the perception of this problem, which can be defined as the synthesis of ‘nature and culture‘ that befits modern times. His vision of Humanity as the bearer of the Divine Particle, which gives it dignity and indicates its proper, caring role in relation to Nature, is also noteworthy. Guardini noted that Nature has been completely transformed with the appearance of humans on Earth and the inevitable changes in cultural spaces — the cultural landscape — must take into account the new paradigm of transforming space using the most advanced technologies, but with an equally profound spiritual dimension.
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Authors and Affiliations

Bolesław Stelmach
Oksana Oleksiivna Salata

  1. Lodz University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Architecture and Environmental Engineering
  2. Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Head of the Department of Ukraine History of the Historical and Philosophical Faculty
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The contemporary religious landscape of Mount Athos is a special landscape, inseparably linked with the wholeness of Mount Athos, its effect on humanity in its entirety. In this paper, the features, characteristics and specificities of the perception of such landscape were discussed in the common paradigm of architectural studies of the landscape and in theological discourse. Subject to only one of these sides, the vision of the religious landscape of Athos loses its essential characteristics, which are also vital to the other side. Such an interdisciplinary outlook is important because it allows to bring together the important aspects of human consciousness and being in the unity of the rational and irrational, mystical and physical aspects. Figurative integrity and analytical procedures allow to preserve the syncretic essence of the object in question — the religious landscape of Mount Athos.
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Authors and Affiliations

Bogusław Maciej Podhalański
Yuriy Ivanovych Kryvoruchko

  1. University of Argiculture in Krakow, Faculty of Environmental Engeneering and Land Surveying
  2. Bialystok University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
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In early 20th-century Poland, stylistic trends in literature, art and architecture were determined by Modernism. Modernism increasingly adopted the reflective outlook of Surrealism.

Architecture drew inspiration initially from the art of Young Poland, then from Art Deco, and in the end from Surrealism. The transformation process can be discerned in the spas of southern Lesser Poland, a region of Poland. In Rabka, near the sanatorium for children, there appeared a park designed in the Surrealist style by Stanisław Gruszka in 1949. This article presents the cultural background of this object. This study analyses of Surrealism and Modernism as well as their interrelation.

The layout of its paths can be compared to the Surrealist symbolism with its referents such as women’s heads with various attributes in the form of earrings, lips, a headdress or a fantastic bird, a sitting child or a teddy bear, or perhaps a referent of a nude. The Surrealist symmetry is not perfect, its edges similar but not identical. Only the trees retain full symmetry, enhancing the vividness of the referent under the custom pressure of its environment.

Upon analysing other park designs from the period in question, it can be concluded that the park in Rabka is the first in the world to be fully Surrealist not only in its furnishings but also in its structure. What may seem abstract at first glance, actually, has its own referent whose ambiguity leads us into a dream-like reality
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Krzysztof Marek Rostański

  1. Silesian Technical University, Faculty of Architecture
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This paper presents the design achievements of Władysław Marconi (1848–1915), as one of the leading representatives of the mature, and in particular late-phase Historical Revival in Polish architecture, although generally widely known, they are so mainly in the context of works completed by him around 1900, i.e., at the peak of his professional career. The aim of this study was therefore to trace his design activity, which had not been developed so far, in the years preceding his achievement of the status of one of the most outstanding architects of Warsaw at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth century’s, both in terms of architecture and technology around 1898.

The article presents the design activity of W. Marconi from the years 1868–1888, i.e., from the period of his studies, and above all from the first phase of his professional career. The research was carried out mainly on the basis of publications from the era in professional magazines and the Warsaw press, and above all archival materials kept in several collections of the National Museum in Warsaw. As a result of the research, it was possible to determine not only the course of the initial phase of W. Marconi’s professional career, but also to supplement the existing knowledge with his previously unknown designs, among others in the Warsaw Krakowski Hotel and in Polesie (now Belarus), in Kosovo and in the estates of Porzecze and Piaseczno.

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Authors and Affiliations

Małgorzata Rozbicka

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Unit of Polish Architecture
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This text is dedicated to the memory of Professor Bonawentura Maciej Pawlicki, an architect, practicing conser­vator of architectural monuments, outstanding academic teacher who lectured at several Polish universities, and who for many years was associated with the publication of the Urbanism and Architecture Files of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków Branch, reviewing many of the articles submitted to it and serving as Secretary of the Editorial Board. The end of the 2020s closes a certain chapter in the history of the Faculty of Architecture at the Cracow University of Technology, the Professor’s alma mater, ending an era of great humanists working at this technical university. The purpose of the argument is to show the humanistic nature of the Professor’s colourful personality, which had its basis in six qualities: prudentia, fides, fortitudo, temperantia, spes, patentia and sapientia. The following chapters of the text present the nature of this humanism, deepened through studies and research carried out over the sixty-two years of his professional career. This approach to the presentation of the figure of the Professor is supported by the content of his publications, especially those aimed at devel­oping a new methodological approach both to teaching methods and implementing new principles of historic conservation. This summary includes essential biographical facts, the path of Pawlicki’s professional career, the main organizations and academic publications with which he worked, as well as the awards and decorations with which he was honoured for his work and achievements.

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Authors and Affiliations

Jolanta Sroczyńska

  1. Krakow University of Technology, Department of Architecture, Chair of History of Architecture and Monument Conservation
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Urban morphological research describes the physical form of cities and provides an explanation of the layout and spatial composition of the city structure. Regarding green infrastructure, the morphological studies primarily concern the form, distribution and pattern of urban green spaces. The purpose of this study is to explore the extent to which urban green infrastructure (UGI) models rooted in the urban planning literature can be clearly identified using spatial data on actual land use/land cover in cities. Furthermore, to ascertain whether identified models exhibited unique and statistically significant features in terms of their components. The study included 264 cities, all urban municipalities in Poland, with a population of less than 100,000. UGI was considered to be areas covered by vegetation and waters. Based on the experts analysis, five UGI models were determined: enveloped, ribbon, sectoral, archipelago and perforated. To characterized UGI pattern basic landscape metrics have been calculated using vector data containing land use and land cover (LULC) classes using V-LATE 2.0. Next, a non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis rank-sum statistical test with a post-hoc analysis was conducted to observe models differentiation. The research revealed that using qualitative methods supported by quantitative methods, it is possible to categorize LULC patterns into UGI models. By analysing a large sample of 264 cities, it was possible to indicate the distinctiveness of UGI models in the studied groups of cities (small and medium) while maintaining statistical significance of the samples. The study proved that there are landscape metrics that support the identification of UGI models.
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Authors and Affiliations

Agata Cieszewska
Joanna Adamczyk
Renata Giedych
Barbara Szulczewska

  1. Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Department of Landscape Architecture
  2. Institute of Urban and Regional Development
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The aim of this study was to assess the applicability of digital landscape analysis techniques to evaluate the impact of new high-rise buildings on a historical city structure based on a UNESCO-listed medieval layout. The research focused on the city of Toruń, Poland, and its UNESCO-listed historical centre. A new high-rise building has been planned opposite the Old Town, on the other side of the River Vistula beyond the Kępa Bazarowa forest. This paper presents multi-faceted simulations and the impact of the building on the cityscape of Toruń. The study used LiDAR scanning data and methods dedicated to cityscape analysis, in particular Visual Impact Size (VIS). As a result, a map of the building’s visual impact on the city was produced, on the basis of which viewpoints were identified, which were subjected to further simulations. They considered such aspects as the variants of the height and form of the building, as well as its sun exposure and the facade finishing material. This research is part of a study commissioned by the project owner for the planned building. The study was presented to the City Council and the Voivodeship Monument Conservation Council. All analyses and simulations discussed in this paper are original and were developed in original C++ software. However, similar simulations can also be carried out with the use of other GIS tools.
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Authors and Affiliations

Klara Czyńska
Paweł Rubinowicz
Waldemar Marzęcki

  1. West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, Faculty of Architecture
  2. University of Zielona Góra, Faculty of Construction, Architecture and Environmental Engineering
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Professor Zbigniew K. Zuziak, who unexpectedly passed away in April 2023, was an eminent scholar, urbanist, and architect actively involved in the development of Kraków, open to the views of others and constantly seeking the essence of the phenomena that he studied. He engaged in discussions on a variety of issues within the realms of architecture, urban planning, and spatial planning in the context of humanities and economics, aiming to enrich the art of city building. Particularly significant in the Professor’s approach was the precise definition of concepts, naming of phenomena, and expression of ideas, which he considered crucial for the development of both professional scientific and practical workshops.

Professor Zuziak addressed challenges related to the construction of urban form, including its aesthetic and ethical aspects. Drawing inspiration from philosophical currents that define beauty in ethical terms as moral beauty, he outlined the challenge of balancing conflicting interests and seeking new relationships between communities and individuals, as well as between culture and nature. In this article, the author attempts to outline the issues of ethical city development based on themes derived from the rich legacy of his Master. The results of reflections on the works of Professor Z. Zuziak were presented in the context of the current state of research. The findings were systematized in three thematic areas, outlining the framework for ethical urban development. Conclusions summarize the author’s exploration of the Professor’s main arguments and messages.
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Authors and Affiliations

Daniel Ogrodnik

  1. Krakow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
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This paper presents an original research method used in the historical urban tissue of a small city in regard of the implementation of a traffic calming strategy. The method found practical application in the development of a design proposal for the revitalization of the old town in Golub-Dobrzyń, prepared at the request of the City Hall by a team of researchers from the Cracow University of Technology. The proposed methodology, which is based on an analysis of basic parameters of the urban tissue and traffic issues, such as the supply of parking spaces or measuring the degree of their occupancy, has proven effective in developing a comprehensive revitalization strategy aimed at improving the attractiveness of the dying city centre. This paper fills the research gap on the practical side of urban design. The issues discussed, although they concern mostly traffic scope, proved the necessity to go beyond the framework of this discipline and take into account a wide range of topics in the field of architectural, urban, conservation, environmental, social and cultural conditions. The accuracy of the urban diagnosis and the purposefulness of the proposed changes were confirmed through public consultations.
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Authors and Affiliations

Damian Poklewski-Koziełł
Kinga Racoń-Leja
Carlos Marmolejo Duarte

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
  2. Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona School of Architecture
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This paper aims to consolidate the achievements of Professor Zygmunt Ziobrowski, an authority figure in the field of spatial planning and urban planning. His career covered the period from 1959 to 2023. During this time, heengaged in design, research and organizational work. As the Director and Chief Designer of the Institute of Urban Development, he was the author of numerous development plans and studies, each of which was characterized by a well-thought-out methodology and original spatial concepts. He also found time to be active in institutions dealing with space and the environment on a national and international scale. He was the winner of many awards and competitions. His clear and uncompromising views and the extraordinary politeness and decorum with which he was able to defend them earned him universal respect.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marceli Łasocha
Magdalena Jaśkiewicz
Robert Kuzianik

  1. Krakow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
  2. Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Małopolskiego, Departament Rozwoju Regionalnego
  3. Biuro Architektoniczne Q-Arch
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The aim of this study was to analyse the real estate market in the Kraków County area during the pre-COVID-19 and COVID-19 pandemic periods. The study utilized a dataset from the state register of real estate prices covering the years 2017–2021 was used. In the introduction part, the authors analyse problems related to the real estate market during the pandemic, while the second chapter focuses on the real estate market in Krakow County. The dataset obtained from the local authority real estate transaction database consisted of 52,356 entries and after removing transactions with missing data, approximately half of this number remained. The analysis cover five different properties types: houses, apartments, parcels, commercial premisses and developed real estates. The highest number of transactions traded in the analysed area involved parcels, while houses had the lowest. On the other hand, commercial premisses had the highest prices in the market, while parcels were the cheapest. Since March 2020, when the first COVID-19 pandemic restrictions were implemented, only the number of transactions has decreased, but the pandemic has had no impact on property prices.
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Authors and Affiliations

Paulina Witek
Yurii Hubar
Mateusz Jakubiak
Kamil Maciuk

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Integrated Geodesy and Cartography
  2. Lviv Politechnic National University, Institute of Geodesy
  3. AGH University of Science and Technology, Department of Environmental Management and Protection
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At present, the economy relies more on knowledge-based activities than ever before. The need to capture, integrate, and effectively use knowledge in every occupation has become key to maintaining a competitive advantage in the market. The presented article aims to show the concept of events in the process of supporting decision-making presented in scenarios of possible development of the city of Zielona Góra (three scenarios that consider different development alternatives) while maintaining the overarching goal of sustainable development in urban areas. The article uses a theoretical model of the city of Zielona Góra built using graphs. The analysis returned three ‘if–then’ theoretical city development scenarios. Spatial knowledge, information, and data have been important throughout history. Still, as technology becomes easier to access, the requirement to make knowledge available inline and online for their ongoing activities has become a significant modern scientific industry and academic challenge. Scenarios enable graphical representation and prediction of the influence of strengthened or weakened groups of strategic decisions.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marta Skiba

  1. Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Architektury i Urbanistyki
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The processes of founding, operation, and development of cities are difficult to describe using traditional representation methods. Breaking away from these constraints becomes possible with models that define interrelated objects, dynamically changing over time. This paper presents the authors’ experiences regarding the use of digital models in the study of urban phenomena, along with the historical and methodological context of such models. The authors analysed two models of dynamic urban processes: the historical growth model of proto-town of Pultusk and the transportation accessibility model of Donostia / San Sebastián. Both examples are part of research conducted by the authors. Conclusions on the method implemented, and more general assumptions concerning simulation models’ role in rational design were presented.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jan Słyk
Jacek Markusiewicz
Ander Gortazar-Balerdi

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
  2. RAZ. Digital Tools for Urban Innovation
  3. Faculty of Architecture, UPV/EHU – University of the Basque Country, RAZ. Digital Tools for Urban Innovation
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This paper presents a selection of texts published in ‘Teka’ between 1967 and 1982 on environmental protection and management. Their authors were aware of various negative changes taking place around them, and demanded appropriate action to prevent them. This paper identifies several recurring themes in the earliest issues of ‘Teka’.
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Monika Bogdanowska

  1. Krakow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
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Man lives and acts within social space, which is the result of all individual and group activities, accumulating in time and space. These activities transform the physical environment of a person in such a way that it supports, to the greatest extent possible, the realization of individual and collective aspirations and expectations. The space created in this way becomes an area of relations between various actors and constitutes both physical space and its imaginary model in human consciousness. The article provides an overview of the mutual relations between human communities and space. The paper aims to analyse theoretical approaches in this area that define the role of the city’s community in the process of shaping its space and the impact of the quality of urban space on its users. A review of the current state of research, which is largely limited to the sociology of architecture and urban planning, has allowed for the identification of both research gaps and directions of research on these relationships. These have been indicated as recommendations and conclusions. In this context, the authors also cite examples of research and projects carried out in interdisciplinary expert teams, which constituted important threads in developing sociological research on urban space in Poland.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Karwińska
Dorota Jopek

  1. Krakow University of Economics, Institute of Political Science, Sociology, and Philosophy
  2. Krakow University of Economics, Institute of Spatial Management and Urban Studies
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Professor Janusz Bogdanowski and Professor Maria Łuczyńska-Bruzda are figures whose careers reflect a significant part of the history of the Kraków School of Landscape Architecture. Their research, social and design works can be used to trace how the concepts, ideas and wonderful visions intended to structure the landscape and properly manage it have developed.

Professor Janusz Bogdanowski laid the groundwork for the methods and approaches to researching, planning and designing the landscape. Professor Maria Łuczyńska-Bruzda, with her research, design and practical work, defined the framework for landscape conservation and defined the role of the landscape architect within it. Their publications in the Urbanism and Architecture Files of the PAN Kraków Branch are a unique record of the evolution of landscape architecture as a discipline, and later publications by their students reflect the continuation of research and the development of the team that they created.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zbigniew Myczkowski
Urszula Forczek-Brataniec

  1. Krakow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
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Rural landscapes historically served as repositories of regionally specific characteristics. Regrettably, contemporary trends result in substantial transformations in these landscapes, thereby erasing the qualities that used to enable their easy identification. The widespread access to information, technological development, and the fact that agriculture is no longer the main source of livelihood for most rural residents contribute to the blurring of regional features in the landscape. The aim of this article is to demonstrate the potentials of using the method of Landscape Distinguishing Marks (LDMs) for both investigating and shaping rural landscapes. Methodologically, the study adopts a case-based approach, showcasing instances of LDMs’ application in both research and practical design contexts. The examples discussed encompass initiatives within the framework of the Village Renewal Program, village revitalization projects, the Most Interesting Villages Network, landscape reports, recommendations for conducting landscape analyses carried out during landscape audits, and attempts to apply them. The examples discussed span analyses conducted at varying scales, from individual villages to multiple municipalities, and even regional or provincial domains. Across all instances, the established procedures and principles governing the application of LDMs demonstrated their efficacy and validity. This affords a comprehensive consideration of diverse landscape distinguishing marks, spanning historical and contemporary dimensions, while concurrently showcasing their potential role in safeguarding the distinctive regional character amidst evolving rural landscapes. One aspect was also the application of the marks in the context of prospective projects, guiding decisions regarding optimal siting, as well as determining the appropriate form and scale of newly introduced elements.
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Irena Niedźwiecka-Filipiak

  1. Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Department of Landscape Architecture
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anthropogenic origin as well as natural processes. The greenery accompanying historic fortifications, roads and barracks is an important element of urban greenery from a historical, natural and social point of view. Therefore, planned management of fortified heritage and its natural components is crucial. Shaping of fortress greenery requires consideration of historical and contemporary values, combining restrictions regarding the protection of monuments with current social and environmental needs. Given the number of threats facing fortress greenery and the need to mitigate their consequences, standards on how to protect and shape this greenery must be developed and implemented. Such standards could assist and improve the processes of revalorisation of former fortification areas and adaptation of historic fortifications to new roles. In this work, the authors determine the contemporary value offered by fortress greenery and also indicate problems related to identifying it, along with types and sources of threats. They summarize the theoretical and practical achievements to date in terms of protecting and shaping fortress greenery in a fortified landscape. These findings help identify real values that are worth preserving for the contemporary, sustainable development of fortress greenery.
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Authors and Affiliations

Łukasz Pardela
Agnieszka Wilkaniec
Jadwiga Środulska-Wielgus
Katarzyna Pałubska

  1. Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Department of Landscape Architecture
  2. Poznań University of Life Sciences, Department of Landscape Architecture
  3. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
  4. Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, Faculty of Historical Sciences

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Papers that fulfill the substantive and technical requirements of the current volume will be accepted for consideration. Manuscripts must be submitted using the Editorial System. The total size of the manuscript must not exceed 70,000 characters for texts in two languages (Polish and English) or 35,000 characters for texts in one language (English), including an abstract (250 words maximum). A manuscript can feature no more than 10 illustrations and/or tables in total, which should not occupy more than 5 pages (detailed guidelines can be found in the instructions for authors here).


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Author’s duties:
The authors are responsible for the content of the published texts and the reliability of the data used therein, as well as the infringement of personal rights of third parties.

- Submited works must be original texts – it is excluded to publish works that are plagiarized (appropriating the authorship of someone else's work or part of it by distributing it under one's own name, including attributing the authorship of creative elements from someone else's work used in one's own work without stating the authorship and information about the source of the quotation), self-plagiarism (duplicating one's own publication in conditions misleading that it is a work or part of it for the first time published – without making changes to the text and providing information about the first edition) or co-authored works without indicating their co-authors, or as a result of unreliable practices such as ghostwriting (works created by a person agreeing to publish their works under the name of another person) or guest authorship (giving co-authors whose contribution to the publication was negligible or none).

- The originality of the text is confirmed by the authors in an appropriate statement (avalabe by Editorial Sytem)

- The authors also agree to the publication of their work in the so-called Open Access for scientific non-commercial purposes on the journal's website and in scientific repositories and full-text databases in which the journal is registered. (avalabe by Editorial Sytem)

-The authors undertake to obtain consents, in accordance with the principles of copyright law, from the authors, other owners of copyrights or heirs of the iconographic materials and other source materials used in the work for the use of these sources. Declarations on the right to dispose of source materials available in the Editorial System.

- If the text is the result of cooperation between two or more authors, all co-authors are obliged to specify the percentage of creative contributions made by them to the joint work (preparation of the article)


Editor’s duties:
-The editorial team is responsible for the efficient organization of the various stages of the publishing process: initial evaluation of the submitted article, opinion of the scientific board (Scientific Council and members of the editorial doard), submission of the text for external reviews, linguistic and technical editing, typesetting, typesetting, and proofreading.

-The Editorial Board determines the rules and course of the publishing process, takes care of their observance, provides relevant information to authors and reviewers via a constantly updated website and individual e-mail correspondence (treated as confidential documentation), acting on the basis of the law.

-The Editorial Board undertakes to avoid conflicts of interest in relation to accepted texts – a situation in which certain relationships (professional, personal or other) may affect the evaluation of the article or the decision to publish it.

-The initial assessment of the text is carried out objectively by the editorial team, taking into account the following criteria: compliance of the subject matter of the submitted article with the profile of the journal, originality of the text (checked with an anti-plagiarism program), technical correctness and compliance with editorial requirements, as well as its substantive value.

- During the discussion, the Editorial Board (the Scientific Council and the editorial team of the journal) decides to submit for review external texts pre-qualified for publication and to include them in the next issue of the annual or in subsequent issues, as well as to reject articles that do not meet formal requirements (e.g. subject matter inconsistent with the profile of the journal, lack of standards appropriate for a scientific text) or substantive requirements.

-The Editorial Board establishes consistent criteria for the evaluation of the article and requires reviewers to comply with the principles of reviewing ethics and the absence of conflicts of interest. A conflict of interest is considered to be a relationship of subordination, direct personal relations, kinship, affinity or close scientific cooperation with the author of the reviewed article in the period of the last 2 years before the submission of the text.

-The editorial board guards compliance with the principles of publication ethics. In the event of suspicion of misconduct or violation of the rules, the editorial board proceeds by documenting the cases of violation of ethical principles encountered and taking appropriate actions, including: publishing a correction, suspending the publication of the article, notifying the institution to whose achievements the author affiliates his text.

- Any changes made during the editorial work must not distort the author's actual thought, they are only aimed at caring for the substantive, linguistic and compositional correctness as well as the clarity of the message.

- If the submitted material is not qualified for publication, the editors do not use it in any way without obtaining the author's prior written consent.

- The Editorial Board makes every effort to prevent the process of violating the principles of intellectual property and ethical standards of publications through all kinds of business activities (marketing, promotion, sales).


Reviewer’s duties:
-An expert who undertakes to prepare a written review accepting or rejecting a text for publication confirms that he or she has appropriate competence in a given field and is ready to perform the work on time (so as not to delay the publishing process).

-Recenzent podejmując się recenzji poświadcza brak konfliktu interesów.

-By undertaking the review, the reviewer certifies that there is no conflict of interest.

-The review must take into account the following criteria: objectivity of the assessment, reliable argumentation, in the case of required additions, reference to appropriate studies and sources.

-The reviewer undertakes not to use the materials received from the editors in any form, treating them in accordance with the principle of confidentiality.

Publisher’s duties:
-All text and graphic materials published in the journal (in electronic and paper versions) are protected by the provisions of applicable law, including copyright, regulations on combating unfair competition, and the provisions of the Civil Code.

-The materials are published on the Internet in Open Aaccess: free of charge and without technical limitations; users can use them online or download PDF files in accordance with fair use laws and provided that the authors of the works are acknowledged and the source is cited.

If a breach of the principles of ethics is detected or reported by any of the parties, a committee composed of representatives of the Council, the Editorial Board and the Publisher is appointed, an investigation is initiated, and at the same time the authorities of the institution to which the entity reports is notified of the actions taken by the committee.

Peer-review Procedure

Peer review

Urbanism and Architecture Files journal follows a double anonymized review process. The submission will initially be assessed by our editors to determine suitability for publication in this journal. If your submission is deemed suitable, it will typically be sent to a minimum of two reviewers for an independent expert assessment of the scientific quality. The decision as to whether your article is accepted or rejected will be taken by our editors.

Our editors are not involved in making decisions about papers which they have written themselves; have been written by family members or colleagues; relate to products or services in which they have an interest.

Any such submissions will be subject to the journal's usual procedures and peer review will be handled independently of the editor involved and their research group.

All submissions are conduted by Editorial System which ensures anonymization during peer reviewing.

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