The paper presents results of examinations of pressure generated by a bed of plasticized coal grains of selected size fractions for nine coals with various coking properties. The examinations were carried out both for conditions of constant volume and of limited expansion of the carbonized coal sample within the temperature range of coal plasticity. The expansion was proportionate to coal shrinkage occurring above the temperature of resolidation, determined with the Sapożnikow test. It was found, that pressure generated by coal carbonized under conditions of constant volume depends on its coking properties and the size of coal grains. It should be emphasized under such conditions, high coking pressure can be generated by coals with appropriate coking properties, characterized by both high and relatively low content of volatile matter. In the case of carbonization of coals under conditions of limited expansion, only the coal H. Robert with a relatively low volatile matter content and moderate dilatation capacity could generate coking pressure. It should be stressed that it is this type of coal that ought to be regarded as a dangerous component of coal blends which can cause damage of the brickwork of coking chambers and hinder coke pushing.
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