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Submitted work deals with the analysis of reoxidation processes for aluminium alloys. Due to the aluminium high affinity to the oxygen, the oxidation and consequently reoxidation will occur. Paper focuses on the gating system design in order to suppress and minimize reoxidation processes. Design of the gating system is considered as one of the most important aspect, which can reduce the presence of reoxidation products - bifilms. The main reason for the reoxidation occurrence is turbulence during filling of the mold. By correctly designing the individual parts of gating system, it is possible to minimize turbulence and to ensure a smooth process of the mold filling. The aim of the work is an innovative approach in the construction of gating system by using unconventional elements, such as a naturally pressurized system or vortex elements. The aim is also to clarify the phenomenon during the gating system filling by visualization with the aid of ProCAST numerical simulation software. ProCAST can calculate different indicators which allow to better quantify the filling pattern.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

A. Remišová
M. Brůna


In this paper the new synthesis method for reversible networks is proposed. The method is suitable to generate optimal circuits. The examples will be shown for three variables reversible functions but the method is scalable to larger number of variables. The algorithm could be easily implemented with high speed execution and without big consuming storage software. Section 1 contains general concepts about the reversible functions. In Section 2 there are presented various descriptions of reversible functions. One of them is the description using partitions. In Section 3 there are introduced the cascade of the reversible gates as the target of the synthesis algorithm. In order to achieve this target the definitions of the rest and remain functions will be helpful. Section 4 contains the proposed algorithm. There is introduced a classification of minterms distribution for a given function. To select the successive gates in the cascade the condition of the improvement the minterms distribution must be fulfilled. Section 4 describes the algorithm how to improve the minterms distributions in order to find the optimal cascade. Section 5 shows the one example of this algorithm.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Andrzej Skorupski
Krzysztof Gracki


First sections of the paper contain some considerations relevant to the reversibility of quantum gates. The Solovay-Kitayev theorem shows that using proper set of quantum gates one can build a quantum version of the nondeterministic Turing machine. On the other hand the Gottesmann-Knill theorem shows the possibility to simulate the quantum machine consisting of only Clifford/Pauli group of gates. This paper presents also an original method of designing the reversible functions. This method is intended for the most popular gate set with three types of gates CNT (Control, NOT and Toffoli). The presented algorithm leads to cascade with minimal number CNT gates. This solution is called optimal reversible circuits. The paper is organized as follows. Section 5 recalls basic concepts of reversible logic. Section 6 contain short description of CNT set of the reversible gates. In Section 7 is presented form of result of designing as the cascade of gates. Section 8 describes the algorithm and section 9 simple example.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Andrzej Skorupski
Ryszard Romaniuk

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Computer Science, and Institute of Electronic Systems, Poland


The article presents the author’s considerations on the significance of the investment package diversifying natural gas supplies as part of the Northern Gate in ensuring Poland’s energy security. Data found in literature concerning the possibilities of importing the raw material by sea (terminals, gas pipelines) includes investments at various stages of concept development and construction. However, these documents lack cohesive information about a full investment package being implemented. The author has thus attempted at creating variants concerning the diversification capacities of the Republic of Poland in reference to several key offshore and onshore projects. A problem has therefore been formulated: To what extend will the Northern Gate investment package increase Poland’s energy security as a result of increased supply of natural gas from the sea? To answer this questions, researchers were forced to verify their working hypothesis which assumed that Northern Gate investments including a comprehensive package of projects had the potential of significantly improving the level of energy security in Poland by extending the possibility of importing natural gas. To solve the problem and verify the hypothesis, the researchers applied systemic analysis, deduction and variant analysis, which were used to estimate the possible import capacities of the raw material by sea. As a result of the works, the researchers created four variants including various investment projects assuming the import of 7.75 m3 to 30,95 B m3 of natural gas a year by sea. The variant which was adopted as the most probable indicates the possibility of importing 17.75 through 22.75 B m3 of gas a year, which is 111% of the average annual demand in Poland.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Andrzej Rafał Miętkiewicz


The major part of the paper is describing practice of using oral history method in the “Grodzka Gate – NN Theater” Center in Lublin. This cultural center started collecting testimonies in 1995 and formally created the Oral History Program in 1998. Educational and artistic exemplars include most of activities there: using oral history as a background in exhibitions, artistic celebrations and long-term programs, commemorations (about Righteous Among the Nations, Holocaust Survivors etc.).
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Andrzej Zinczuk


In this work we report on fabrication of quantum wires and quantum point contacts from the modulation doped CdMgTe/Cd(Mn)Te structures, with the application of a high-resolution electron-beam lithography. We emphasize on methods which were not yet utilized for these substrate materials. In particular, we describe the so-called shallow-etching approach, which allows for the fabrication of quantum constrictions of a physical width down to 100 nm, which are characterized by the smoother confining potential as compared to the deep-etched devices. For that purpose, a single-line exposure mode of electron-beam lithography has been used. We demonstrate also, how to combine the etching of separating grooves with the thermal evaporation of metal side-gates into a single post-processing stage of a quantum point contact fabrication.

This article is an expanded version of the scientific reports presented at the International Conference on Semiconductor Nanostructures for Optoelectronics and Biosensors 2016 ICSeNOB2016, May 22–25, 2016, Rzeszow, Poland.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Joanna Wróbel
E. Bobko
Dariusz Płoch
M. Wiater
T. Wojtowicz


The paper shows the results of computer modeling of the polymer injection molding process. The influence of the gating system design on the warpage and volumetric shrinkage of the molded part was investigated. Particular attention was paid to the location of the gate. It has been proven that the selection of the place where the material is brought to the molding cavity has a significant impact on the final shape and quality of the molded part. The degree of compliance of its shape with the assumptions and dimensional accuracy was adopted as the criteria for assessing the quality of the molded part. The specialized software package Autodesk Moldflow Insight was used for numerical calculations. The obtained modeling results were related to the design recommendations of gating systems known from the literature.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

J. Nabiałek

  1. Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Scienc e, Al. Armii Krajowej 21, 42-201 Czestochowa, Poland


Submitted work deals with the possibilities of reducing reoxidation by improved gating system design. The result of the reoxidation is the of furled oxide layers – bifilms. During experimental works, non-pressurized and naturally pressurized gating systems designs were introduced and evaluated. Mechanical properties, fracture area, hot tearing index, bifilm index and EDX analysis were used during evaluation. Paper aim is also to clarify the reoxidation phenomenon by visualization with the aid of ProCAST numerical simulation software. Achieved results clearly confirmed the positive effect of the naturally pressurized gating system, main emphasis needs to focus on finding the proper way to reduce the melt velocity. By using vortex element extension at the end of the runner was achieved positive results in term of reoxidation suppression.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

M. Brůna
M. Galčík
A. Sládek
D. Martinec

  1. University of Žilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Technological Engineering, Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina, Slovakia


In this research work, a Cylindrical Surrounding Double-Gate (CSDG) MOSFET design in a stacked-Dual Metal Gate (DMG) architecture has been proposed to incorporate the ability of gate metal variation in channel field formation. Further, the internal gate's threshold voltage (VTH1) could be reduced compared to the external gate (VTH2) by arranging the gate metal work-function in Double Gate devices. Therefore, a device design of CSDG MOSFET has been realized to instigate the effect of Dual Metal Gate (DMG) stack architecture in the CSDG device. The comparison of device simulation shown optimized electric field and surface potential profile. The gradual decrease of metal work function towards the drain also improves the Drain Induced Barrier Lowering (DIBL) and subthreshold characteristics. The physics-based analysis of gate stack CSDG MOSFET that operates in saturation involving the analogy of cylindrical dual metal gates has been considered to evaluate the performance improvements. The insights obtained from the results using the gate-stack dual metal structure of CSDG are quite promising, which can serve as a guide to further reduce the threshold voltage roll-off, suppress the Hot Carrier Effects (HCEs) and Short Channel Effects (SCEs).
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Abha Dargar
Viranjay M. Srivastava

  1. Department of Electronic Engineering, Howard College, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 4041, South Africa
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This paper deals with the implementation of a DC and AC double-gate MOSFET compact model in the Verilog- AMS language for the transient simulation and the configuration of ultra low-power analog circuits. The Verilog-AMS description of the proposed model is inserted in SMASH circuit simulator for the transient simulation and the configuration of the Colpitts oscillator, the common-source amplifier, and the inverter. The proposed model has the advantages of being simple and compact. It was validated using TCAD simulation results of the same transistor realized with Silvaco Software.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Billel Smaani
Yacin Meraihi
Fares Nafa
Mohamed Salah Benlatreche
Hamza Akroum
Saida Latreche

  1. Ingénierie des Systémes Electriques Department, Faculty of Technology, Boumerdes University, Algeria
  2. Laboratoire d'Ingénierie et Systèmes de Télécommunications, Faculté de Technologie, Boumerdes, Algeria
  3. Centre Universitaire Abdel Hafid Boussouf Mila, Algeria
  4. Laboratoire d’Automatique Appliquée, Université M’Hamed Bougara de Boumerdes, Algeria
  5. Laboratoire Hyperfréquences et Semiconducteurs, Electronique Department, Constantine 1 University, Algeria
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One of the main reason for decreased internal homogeneity of aluminium alloy castings is reoxidation. The resulting products of reoxidation are doubled oxides, so called "bifilms". Submitted paper deals with optimization of gating system design in order to reduce reoxidation processes taking place in mold cavity. Experimental work compares and evaluates three gating systems designs based on non-pressurized and naturally pressurized principles. Unconventional spin trap extension of runner was used in third design. Among the evaluated aspects were: mechanical properties, hot tearing index, visual inspection of average porosity amount, numerical simulation of velocity, turbulence and oxide amount. Paper aim is also to clarify the reoxidation phenomenon by visualization with the aid of ProCAST numerical simulation software. Results of mechanical properties and hot tear index clearly confirmed the positive effect of the naturally pressurized gating system with applied element for velocity reduction.
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[4] Dojka, R. Jezierski, J. & Campbell, J. (2018) Optimized gating system for steel castings. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. 10. DOI: 10.1007/s11665-018-3497-1.
[5] Sladek, A., Patek, M. & Mician, M. (2017). Behavior of steel branch connections during fatigue loading‎. Archives of Metallurgy and Materials. 62 (3), 1597-1601‏.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

M. Bruna
M. Galčík

  1. Department of Technological Engineering, University of Zilina, Univerzitna 1, 010 26 Zilina, Slovakia


In order to achieve higher frequency measurement accuracy, this paper proposed a characteristic pulse detection method of fuzzy area based on the quantized phase processing method of different frequency groups. First, the fuzzy area of the group phase coincidence points continuously moved on the time axis after passing through delay elements. The moving distance, that is, the number of the delay elements was determined by the main clock cycle of the D flip-flop. After that, three groups of phase coincidence detection fuzzy areas in different positions were sent to the digital logic module to extract the edge pulses of the phase coincidence detection fuzzy area. The pulse width is determined by the difference between the clock cycles of the delay elements. The clock cycles of different delay units were adjusted to obtain nanosecond or even picosecond circuit detection resolution. Finally, the pulses generated at the edge of the phase coincidence fuzzy area are taken as the switching signal of the frequency signal counter, so the stability of the gate signal and the accuracy of the gate time measurement are improved. The experimental results show that frequency stability can reach the order of E-13/s. In addition, compared with the traditional measurement method, it is characterized by simple structure, low cost, low noises, and high measurement resolution.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Xin Geng
Baoqiang Du

  1. School of Computer and Communication Engineering, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, Zhengzhou 450000, China
  2. College of Information and Engineering, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, China
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This work evaluates the influence of gate drive circuitry to cascode GaN device’s switching waveforms. This is done by comparing three PCBs using three double-pulse-test (DPT) with different gate driving loop design. Among important parasitic elements, source-side inductance shows a significant impact to gate-source voltage waveform. A simulation model based on experimental measurement of the cascode GaNFET used in this work is modified by author. The simulation model is implemented in a synchronous buck converter topology and hereby to assess the impact of gate driving loop of cascode GaN device in both continuous conduction mode (CCM) and critical conduction mode (CRM). Apart from simulation, a synchronous buck converter prototype is presented for experimental evaluation, which shows a 99.15% efficiency at 5A under soft-switching operation (CRM) with a 59ns dead-time.
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  1.  Power Electronics UK and CSA CATAPULT, “Opportunities and Challenges of Wide Band Gap Power Devices”, pp. 1–8, 2020.
  2.  E.A. Jones, F.F. Wang, and D. Costinett, “Review of Commercial GaN Power Devices and GaN-Based Converter Design Challenges”, IEEE J. Emerg. Sel. Top. Power Electron. 4(3), 707–719 (2016).
  3.  H. Jain, S. Rajawat, and P. Agrawal, “Comparision of wide band gap semiconductors for power electronics applications”, 2008 Int. Conf. Recent Adv. Microw. Theory Appl. Microw, 2008, pp. 878–881.
  4.  S. Chowdhury, Z. Stum, Z. Da Li, K. Ueno, and T.P. Chow, “Comparison of 600 V Si, SiC and GaN power devices”, Mater. Sci. Forum 778–780, pp. 971–974 (2014).
  5.  A. Taube, M. Sochacki, J. Szmidt, E. Kamińska, and A. Piotrowska, “Modelling and Simulation of Normally-Off AlGaN/GaN MOS- HEMTs”, Int. J. Electron. Telecommun. 60(3), 253–258 (2014).
  6.  B.N. Pushpakaran, A.S. Subburaj, and S.B. Bayne, “Commercial GaN-Based Power Electronic Systems: A Review”, J. Electron. Mater. 49(11), 6247–6262 (2020).
  7.  C.T. Ma and Z.H. Gu, “Review of GaN HEMT applications in power converters over 500 W”, Electronics 8(12), 1401 (2019).
  8.  H. Jain, S. Rajawat, and P. Agrawal, Comparision of wide band gap semiconductors for power electronics applications, 2008.
  9.  H. Umeda et al., “High power 3-phase to 3-phase matrix converter using dual-gate GaN bidirectional switches”, 2018 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), San Antonio, USA, 2018, pp. 894‒897, doi: 10.1109/APEC.2018.8341119.
  10.  K. Nowaszewski and A. Sikorski, “Predictive current control of three-phase matrix converter with GaN HEMT bidirectional switches”, Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci. Tech. Sci. 68(4), 1077–1085 (2020).
  11.  S.Y. Tang, “Study on characteristics of enhancement-mode gallium-nitride high-electron-mobility transistor for the design of gate drivers”, Electronics 9(10), 1573 (2020).
  12.  J. Rąbkowski, K. Król, M. Zdanowski, and M. Sochacki, “GaN-based soft-switched active power buffer operating at ZCS – problems of start-up and shut-down”, Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci. Tech. Sci. 68(4), 785–792 (2020).
  13.  S. Davis, “The Great Semi Debate: SiC or GaN?”, 2019. [Online]. Available: https://www.powerelectronics.com/technologies/power- management/article/21864289/the-great-semi-debate-sic-or-gan. [Accessed: 20-Nov-2020].
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  16.  Z. Liu, “Characterization and Application of Wide-Band- Gap Devices for High Frequency Power Conversion”, Ph.D. Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2017.
  17.  F.C. Lee and R. Burgos, “Characterization and Failure Mode Analysis of Cascode GaN HEMT Characterization and Failure Mode Analysis of Cascode GaN HEMT”, Ms.C. Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2014.
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  20.  T. Ibuchi and T. Funaki, “A study on parasitic inductance reduction design in GaN-based power converter for high-frequency switching operation”, 2017 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility – EMC EUROPE, Angers, 2017, pp. 1‒5, doi: 10.1109/ EMCEurope.2017.8094824.
  21.  B. Sun, Z. Zhang, and M.A.E. Andersen, “Research of low inductance loop design in GaN HEMT application”, IECON 2018 – 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Washington, USA, 2018, pp. 1466‒1470, doi: 10.1109/IECON.2018.8591732.
  22.  Transphorm Inc., “TPH3205WSB 650 V GaN FET in TO-247 (source tab)”, 2017, [Online]. Available: https://www.transphormchina. com/en/document/650v-cascode-gan-fet-tph3205w/
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Q.Y. Tan
E.M.S. Narayanan

  1. Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, The University of Sheffield, S1 3JD, UK


Blood glucose level monitoring and control is of utmost importance to millions of people who have been diagnosed with diabetes or similar illnesses. One of the conventional tests for measuring how the human body breaks down glucose is IVGTT, the Intravenous Glucose Tolerance Test. The difficulty of computing the models of glucose-insulin interaction presents an issue when attempting to implement them in embedded hardware. The Metabolic P (MP), contrary to other models, does not require solving differential equations to compute, thus it could be an effective modelling approach for real-time applications. The present paper proves that MP system methodology-based IVGTT implementation in the Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) technology is reasonably precise and sufficiently flexible to be used effectively in multi-user scenarios. Presentation of the state-of-the-art focuses on glucose-insulin interaction models, glucose monitoring systems and MP system implementation techniques. Methods for MP system computations and techniques for their implementation on FPGA, together with the original unified MP system implementation technique, have been presented in this paper. The results of an elaborate investigation into the IVGTT MP systems, as well as their single and unified MP implementation techniques have also been considered. It is shown that the techniques developed are applicable to all known IVGTT MP systems, and can achieve RMSE not higher than 15% using a word length of at least 32 bits. The novel MP system combined quality metrics and its pictorial representation allow the analysis of various implementation characteristics. Compared to the unified pipelined IVGTT MP system implementation technique, the developed unified combinational technique ensures a 2‒3 times higher speed.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

D. Kulakovskis
T. Sledevič
A. Gedminas
D. Navakauskas


The article presents the results of experimental research aimed at recognizing the impact of the design of energy dissipation devices on the formation of bed local scouring below the sluice gate. The experiments were carried out on a model of a sluice gate built in a rectangular flume with a width of 0.58 m, with the outflow of the stream from under the slider to a horizontal bed 0.80 m long. Behind the dam gate valve three different constructions of energy dissipation devices were used: flat, horizontal slab, slab equipped with baffle blocks arranged in two rows and rip-rap. The experiments assumed forming a scour hole in 480 minutes downstream the sluice, where the bed was filled with sorted sand. The depths of the scour were measured in the longitudinal profile after 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240, 300, 360, 420 and 480 minutes. The deepest scour holes of the bed, both in terms of depth and length, occurred on the structure model with energy dissipation devices made as a flat, horizontal plate. At the same time, in this case, the hole was developing the most rapidly, and its shape and size posed the greatest threat to the stability of the structure. The use of baffle blocks arranged in two rows or a rip-rap behind the structure slide noticeably reduced the size of the scour and delayed the erosion of the bottom in time, as compared to the course of this process on a model with a flat, horizontal slab.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Janusz Urbański
Marta Justyna Kiraga
Sławomir Bajkowski


The composite weir-gate structure is considered an important hydraulic structure. This is because of its widely used in civil engineering hydraulic works especially in an irrigation system to measure, control, divert and keep the required water level. This study focuses on the influence of barrier existence on the hydraulic parameters that described the hydraulic characteristics of composite weir-gate hydraulic structure. In this study, several experimental runs were conducted to determine the effect of barrier's location, spacing and number on the water level and depth at the downstream region of flume, discharge coefficient of composite hydraulic structure, and flow rate throughout the flume. Our experiments indicated that the turbulence intensity, inlet effect, and position, gap, and number of barriers have affected the hydraulic behavior of weir-gate structure. This appears clearly by obtaining different results of discharge coefficient and flow rate that cross the weir-gate structure comparing with same cases without barriers. Also this study gives some insights on the significance roles of fluid separation, eddies generation near the barrier, fluid resistance and overlap between overflow and underflow velocities and their effects on hydraulic factors that dominate the problem. These hydraulic factors must be considered in the design and construction of barrier/barriers in open channel to prevent any fluctuation or drop in discharge, water elevation and the required water depth at downstream region.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Rafi M. Qasim
Ihsan A. Abdulhussein
Khalid Al-Asadi


This article analyses a hierarchical structure of academia within two academic social media networking sites, i.e. Academia.edu and ResearchGate. In this study, I investigate profiles (in these two services) of all academic staff members of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (N = 2661). I use the concept of prestige to analyse whether the hierarchical structure of academia is being reproduced in analysed services. Since prestige is an unobservable construct, I use two indicators to measure it: the number of followers and the number of views. My findings show that the hierarchical structure differs between Academia.edu and Research- Gate. While the structure of ResearchGate is explicitly hierarchical in reference to degrees of the researchers (a higher degree is related to a higher value of the prestige indicators), the structure of Academia.edu resembles a reversed pyramid (a higher degree is related to a lower value of the prestige indicators). The article concludes with a discussion concerning possible causes of differences between services in terms of reproducing the hierarchical structure. Moreover, I provide potential implications of the results as well as the justification of the necessity of using the concept of prestige to determine hierarchical structure of academia.

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Kinga Ciereszko


Mineral-resource mining is a pillar of many state economies and, in many cases, it determines the welfare of the society. The mining of mineral resources provides the market with the raw materials that are traded and drives the economic and social development of countries, although it can also be a source of tensions and crises (e.g. the “curse of wealth”, “Dutch disease”). The trade of raw materials is conducted by exchanges, bilateral deals and other forms of transactions, and is regulated by trade regulations and contract agreements, and in most cases, constitutes a source of income for exporters. In this paper, the use of game-theory modelling for creating the selling price of mineral products on the basis of Polish export quotas for refined copper raw materials is proposed. Using a characteristic function created on the basis of reported export values, possible cooperation arrangements are defined and solutions are calculated for an n-person game of hypothetical coalitions of the major (in terms of volume) recipients of refined Polish copper, i.e. Germany, Italy and France. Alternative markets and possible supplies of cheaper raw material are excluded from the analyses, while the price spread between the rates paid by the buyers is taken into consideration. Among the many possibilities, the game core, the Shapley imputation and the Gately point are arbitrarily adopted as permissible solutions to the defined system. The obtained results are used for a speculative analysis relating to the possibility of renegotiating prices between the producer and recipients of the raw material. Marginal contributions resulting from Shapley’s solution are taken into account as is the power of individual trading-participant coalitions. The paper demonstrates that the recognition and adoption of solutions based on the n-personnel game model as impartial would require the redefinition of contracts and the rates paid for the raw material.
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Mariusz Krzak

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland


The paper presents a study on the retention ditch system characterised by varying hydraulic and geometric parameters, especially longitudinal slopes as well as dimensions and cross-sectional profiles. During the pre- modernisation inventory of the site, only one concrete structure was found on the R-E ditch, with fixed, circular outlet openings. The existing weir height provided a dead retention capacity of 2% geometric capacity of all ditches in the system, and a usable capacity of 23%. It allowed to use only 25% of the full geometric capacity, without water level control.
As part of the modernisation, the existing concrete structure was removed, and replaced by seven new damming structures, including three structures on the R-E and R-E1 ditches and one on the R-E4 ditch. These were four plastic structure weirs with movable closures that allowed to regulate the water level, two permanent crest weirs and a disc regulator built into the culvert pipe. These changes reduced the dead storage volume to 1%, and increased the usable storage to 41% of the geometric storage of all ditches in the system. This ensured 42% utilisation of the geometric capacity. The increased water damming in indicated places, it was possible to use the geometric capacity of the ditches up to 65%.

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Sławomir Bajkowski
Janusz Urbański
Ryszard Oleszczuk
Andrzej Brandyk
Piotr Siwicki

  1. Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Institute of Civil Engineering, Nowoursynowska St, 166, 02-787 Warsaw, Poland


The field programmable gate array (FPGA) is used to build an artificial neural network in hardware. Architecture for a digital system is devised to execute a feed-forward multilayer neural network. ANN and CNN are very commonly used architectures. Verilog is utilized to describe the designed architecture. For the computation of certain tasks, a neural network’s distributed architecture structure makes it potentially efficient. The same features make neural nets suitable for application in VLSI technology. For the hardware of a neural network, a single neuron must be effectively implemented (NN). Reprogrammable computer systems based on FPGAs are useful for hardware implementations of neural networks.
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B A Sujatha Kumari
Sudarshan Patil Kulkarni
C G Sinchana

  1. Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, JSS Science and Technology University, Mysore, India
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Mahesh V. Sonth
G. Srikanth
Pankaj Agrawal
B. Premalatha

  1. Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, CMR Technical Campus, Hyderabad-501401, Telangana, India
  2. Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, CMR College of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad-501401,Telangana, India


To prepare a high-quality asymmetrical bending pipe of aluminum alloy by casting, the parting surfaces of the asymmetrical parts were determined based on the characteristics of the parts. Also, the forming process was designed and calculated. After that, the different types of gating systems were designed and the casting process was calculated by ProCAST, and then the influence of different casting gating systems on asymmetrical bending pipes was analyzed. The simulation results show that in the solidification process, although the filling speed of the single runner was slow, but the filling was stable. The gating system with a single runner-round flange filling system would lead to being more uniform for filling flow field and be sequential solidification of temperature field distribution, and stronger of the feeding ability. During the solidification process, the solid phase ratio of the single runner-round flange casting system is larger, and the shrinkage volume is smaller, which made the quality of castings better. Finally, a metal mold and core were made to cast a perfect asymmetric bending pipe of aluminum alloy product in a die casting machine. So the single runner-round flange filling system is suitable for asymmetrical bending pipe casting.
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Ning Wang
Rong Li
ZiQi Zhang
Qi. Zeng

  1. School of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Guizhou Normal University
  2. Guiyang Huaheng Mechanical Manufacture CO., LTD, China


The paper presents a novel implementation of a time-to-digital converter (TDC) in field-programmable gate array (FPGA) devices. The design employs FPGA digital signal processing (DSP) blocks and gives more than two-fold improvement in mean resolution in comparison with the common conversion method (carry chain-based time coding line). Two TDCs are presented and tested depending on DSP configuration. The converters were implemented in a Kintex-7 FPGA device manufactured by Xilinx in 28 nm CMOS process. The tests performed show possibilities to obtain mean resolution of 4.2 ps but measurement precision is limited to at most 15 ps mainly due to high conversion nonlinearities. The presented solution saves FPGA programmable logic blocks and has an advantage of a wider operation range when compared with a carry chain-based time coding line.

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Paweł Kwiatkowski


The present paper describes a new architecture of a high-voltage solid-state pulse generator. This generator combines the two types of energy storage systems: inductive and capacitive, and consequently operates two types of switches: opening and closing. For the opening switch, an isolated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) was chosen due to its interesting characteristics in terms of controllability and robustness. For the closing switch, two solutions were tested: spark-gap (SG) for a powerful low-cost solution and avalanche mode bipolar junction transistor (BJT) for a fully semiconductor structure. The new architecture has several advantages: simple structure and driving system, high and stable controllable repetition rate that can reach 1 kHz, short rising time of a few nanoseconds, high gain and efficiency, and low cost. The paper starts with the mathematical analysis of the generator operation followed by numerical simulation of the device. Finally add a comma the results were confirmed by the experimental test with a prototype generator. Additionally, a comparative study was carried out for the classical SG versus the avalanche mode BJT working as a closing switch.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Y. Achour
J. Starzyński
A. Łasica

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