Complex sentences with contracted definitions are one of the little-studied types of complex sentences. The lack of thorough research on this topic is due to historical events and the difficult political situation, which led to understudy and fragmentary knowledge of the grammar of Crimean Tatar language in general and other branches of Crimean Tatar philology and led to the decline not only language but also literature.
All branches of science that study Crimean Tatar history, culture, and traditions are also affected, and the very existence of qirimli people is under threat.
Complex sentences have been studied separately, but it is worth mentioning the work of well-known Turkologists and linguists, such as B. Choban Zade, U. Kurkchi, N.A. Baskakov, I.Kh. Akhmatov, E. Sevortyan, A. Islamov, E. Akmollaev, L. S. Selendili (L.S. Okaz), who became a significant contribution to the development of Crimean Tatar linguistics. In the process of studying the syntax of a complex sentence of the modern Crimean Tatar language, we turned to the following sources: "Tatar tilinin gramatikasy" II qisim (Syntax) "by Asan Islamov (Simferopol: Gosizdat Krimskoy ASSR, 1940) and "Qirimtatar tilinin ameliati". Syntax "by E. Akmollayev (Tashkent:" UKITUVCHI ", 1989). In these works, a complex sentence is studied and its classification is given.
In this article we have revealed the features of semantics and structure of complex sentences with subordinate clauses, analyzed the ways and means of their connection, described the problems of punctuation. As a result, we have identified 3 types of complex sentences with contracted definitions depending on the structural features and means of communication. Of course, our study is not final and needs more thorough research in the future.
Przejdź do artykułu
Акъмолаев, Э.С. 1989. Къырымтатар тильнинъ амелияты. Ташкент: Укъитувчи.
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