Humanities and Social Sciences

Ruch Literacki


Ruch Literacki | 2024 | No 1 (382)

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A collection of riddles connected with burgher wedding ceremonies in late 17th-century Toruń has recently been discovered and published by the author of this article. Here he focuses on one riddle featuring a sexual innuendo with an innocent resolution. Its peculiar nature is discussed in the context of what is known about the wedding customs and ceremonies of that period.
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Authors and Affiliations

Roman Krzywy

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski
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The term interlude, which refers to a short drama designed to put in a different light or deconstruct the main play it is placed next to, can be used, when defined more broadly, to explore the network of intertextual references in three poems conceived as follow-ups to a classical model. They are ‘Vides ut alta stet…’ by Jan Lechoń, ‘Pies horacjański’ [Horace’s dog] by Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz, and ‘Quintus H.F. ginie w bitwie pod Filippi’ [Quintus H.F. dies in the Battle of Philippi] by Jacek Dehnel (from his debut collection Żywoty równoległe [Parallel Lives]). Although these poems are hard to compare given their diverse poetic and aesthetic allegiances, it was still possible to sift through and assess the relative significance of all their intertextual references and allusions. As might be expected, the three authors speak their mind freely about Horace and his achievement, even if their opinions – based, for the most part, on well-worn commonplaces – appear contentious and contradictory.
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Wojciech Ryczek

  1. Wydział Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków.
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Polish literature, it must be admitted, has never shown much interest in the Armenians and their problems. One of the few exceptions is the fiction of Stanisława Fleszarowa-Muskat, author of popular novels representative of the postwar middle-ofthe- road realism. The Armenian theme is nowhere as prominent as in the autobiographical short story Czarny Warkocz [The Black Plait] (1983): the protagonist is her Armenian mother, Wanda nee Isakiewicz. Earlier, in the trilogy Tak trzymać! [Keep it going!], published in the 1970s, she modelled one of the fictional characters on her mother. However, she did not try to get in touch with the Armenian community in Poland until rather late in life.
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Grzegorz Pełczyński

  1. Instytut Etnologii i AntropologiiKulturowej, Wydział Nauk Historycznych i Pedagogicznych UniwersytetuWrocławskiego
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The diary written between 1939 and 1942 by Renia Spiegel, who lived with her grandparents in Przemyśl, is one of the unique Holocaust documents. Its author recorded her wartime daily life in the town on the San River in highly emotional, engaged, earnestly reliable notes. This text examines Spiegel's diaristic strategy, treating the notes as an idiosyncratic dialogue (or sometimes polylogue), in which confession, prayer and lyrical fragments are combined. The diary subject of the teenage girl is not just a product of textual creation; in fact, it becomes a figure gaining special protection from the world through narrative mediation. Living in a city occupied by the Russians and the Germans, Spiegel often pushes aside the painful historical experience by writing – focusing on everyday life, her relationships with family and friends, love, and plans for the future. This diary of an adolescent girl was like a veil, separating her from the Holocaust.
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Anna Pekaniec

  1. Wydział Polonistyki UJ, Kraków
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This article examines the literary visualizations of the Chernobyl wildness within the theoretical framework which combines the concept of affective heterotopia, formulated by Aleksandra Wójtowicz, the approach of environmental humanities and a notion of community encompassing the social lives of non-human beings (along the lines of Anna Tshing’s ‘more-than-human-sociality’). A survey of some Chernobyl-related texts, including Svetlana Alexievich’s Chernobyl Prayer, is intended to demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed methodology in analyzing the whole range of affective heterotopias. As each of them is grounded in its peculiar historical and social contexts, their subsequent readings need to take full account of their location in time and space.
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Paulina Feliksik

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński
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In recent years there has been a growing interest in the representation of plants in literature. This article explores the modalities of the transfer of meaning of physical plants to its literary counterparts. Drawing on neurobotany and cultural studies, the paper analyzes a number of real and metaphorical herbaria to demonstrate that the meaning of plants in literature is a product of both biosemiotic and discursive processes. The analyses are rounded off with a survey of two complementary models of the plant--oriented ecocriticism, Patrícia Vieira’s phytographia and John C. Ryan’s phytocriticism, arguing that the text-inscribed plant meaning is always co-produced by the author and the reader, while the multiplicity of forms it can take is potentially infinite.
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Łukasz Kraj

  1. Szkoła Doktorska Nauk Humanistycznych, Uniwersytet Jagielloński
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This is a critical analysis of the war discourse in a two books, a volume of philoso-phical essays and a a work of fiction. They are Frames of War: When Is Life Grievable? (2009) by Judith Butler and People of August (2016), a novel by the contemporary Russian writer Sergei Lebedev. Both authors see war not as an discrete event on a timeline, but as a network of events that accumulate in time. This is especially evident in Lebediev's palimpsest of Russia's 20th-century history. The article examines closely the spatial ele-ments of the novel as well as its take on the relationship between human history (Russian totalitarianism) and nature.

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Aleksandra Ubertowska

  1. Uniwersytet Gdański

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